Peter Bloom Band,
Random Thoughts (From a Paralyzed Mind)
(independent, 2007)

Random Thoughts (From a Paralyzed Mind) is a nice collection of original work from Peter Bloom. The 10 tracks included on the album are well written and beautifully executed.

There is very distinct Beatles feel to some of the introductions, especially on the tracks "Walls" and "Why Do You Ask." Bloom's voice is ideally suited to the songs, which will surely grow on the listener over repeated play.

In fact, the more you listen the stronger each and every song becomes. This is particularly true on the pounding "Afraid."

This is followed by a much more laidback and wonderfully backed "Haven't Hit the Floor Yet," which showcases Bloom's voice to great effect. I particularly enjoyed a track called "Weight of the World," with its lovely word pictures of a young person taking on responsibilities and how it segues into the requirements of adult life.

One imagines the Peter Bloom Band as powerful live performers giving a very varied menu of music to delight most tastes.

music review by
Nicky Rossiter

12 August 2011

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