Max Brooks,
The Zombie Survival Guide
(Three Rivers, 2003)

It's all too easy to scoff at the notion of zombies. But just try laughing when a group of moaning, undead freaks are feasting on your lower extremities, pal!

The Zombie Survival Guide will give you all of the information you need to survive, even thrive, in the event of a zombie attack, whether it's a single roaming biter or a growing army of hungry rotting corpses on the move.

Don't let the fact that author Max Brooks makes a living as a comedian and that he's the son of notorious funnyman Mel Brooks stop you from picking up this vital survival guide, which covers everything from choice of weapons and transportation to fortifying a church and building a new society if you're among the few survivors of a global outbreak.

The humor of this book is found in the utter seriousness with which Brooks approaches the subject. Sure, it's a little tongue-in-cheek at times, but for the most part The Zombie Survival Guide is presented as a completely straightforward and serious text to use in case of the direst of emergencies. Heck, there's even a summary of historic zombie encounters at the end to lend academic weight to the presentation -- and believe me, if the events recorded in Los Angeles in 1993 don't get you busy honing your skills with a machete, you're just not paying attention!

review by
Tom Knapp

23 February 2008

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