Get reviewed

If you are a musician, writer or artist, represent a major or independent company promoting the cultural arts, or for any other reason believe you have something we should be reviewing, please contact us. Send an enquiry by email to Tom Knapp or send review materials (2 copies of each CD, please) to Tom's attention at Rambles.NET, 3678 Regency Lane, York, PA 17402. (Please note, the old Ridgeview Avenue and Mulberry Street addresses are no longer valid and will not get your parcel to us!)

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Do you like to write? Do you have opinions and enjoy sharing them? Do you have a passing familiarity with the English language? Then consider becoming a Rambles.NET reviewer! Write to the editor for details.


Remember, a review is an opinion, and every review here is solely the opinion of its author.

We encourage musicians, writers and artists to share their work with us. However, please bear in mind that we do NOT guarantee favorable reviews. We always prefer to give positive feedback, but we also ask our writers to be honest. Please do not ask us to change or delete a review simply because you don't agree with it.

We do our best to review the materials we receive, so long as they fit within the bounds of our review areas. However, we don't guarantee that we'll review everything; there's just not enough time in the day.

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