Ramblings are grouped by topic and are listed alphabetically by some key word in the title; call it the editor's whim. Click on a title to read the story.

Buying a small piece of history
I bought a pulley at the Fulton Opera House.
A classic rock
The real thing, when you see it, can fall far short of expectations.
On the good ship Cutty Sark
These are timbers that were growing during the Battle of Agincourt.
Remembrance Day
To forget would be tragic.
When an electronic device falters, the human behind it cannot figure out what to do.
Banding together
There are those who might deem it frivolous to care about music when all is falling down around you.
Columbine Paintball
This is the price we pay for allowing children to play on the Internet.
Comics, from page to screen
It's really difficult to make a serious film about crime-fighters who wear tights.
The cult of Anna Nicole
Every butcher, baker, police officer and homemaker deserves as much.
Drumming for peace
From a distance it sounded like thunder.
Educational cliche: spelling
If standards continue to be lowered, what's the point in grading at all?
Grim thoughts on the New Year
People will still be mean to each other, resolutions will fly out the window long before February.
Ephiphany upon the road less traveled
Amazingly, it all works out, better than I expected.
Fatal procrastination
I could go on and on about the good qualities that made me love her. Sadly, they too are moot.
Heart's desire
Sitting down seemed like a good idea, so I retreated to the couch.
Ink ... or bytes?
At least I know now that I haven't lost the handwritten touch.
Love hurts?
Out there somewhere, a kid is learning that violence in a relationship is par for the course.
My job sucks?
Being a newspaper reporter is the worst job in the world.
New York 9-11
I still feel numb -- some might call it shock -- about the whole business.
Ode to a seatbelt
Some things need to be put in their proper perspective.
Reading, writing & foreign trade
We'll be the country (other nations) come to when they need cheap, ignorant labor.
Sign language
I mentally prepared to brake as my eyes darted nervously.
A 21st-century day of infamy
I was supposed to be enjoying a day off, soaking up an afternoon's sun.
Two for the road
There's probably two bikes for every person.
Yes, Molly, there is a Santa Claus
At age 9, it's hard to accept certain things that an 8-year-old believes without question.
Abundance, a May saunter
I needed to be here but my soul needed some time river-watching.
A cat's life: Puck
You hope they were better off in your company than they would have been somewhere else.
A dog's life: Casey
There was a big thunderstorm on the morning of Casey's last day.
A dog's life: Gracie
It was over too soon, but of course we are grateful for every minute.
A dog's life: Morgan
Morgan died serenely, with peace and dignity, her head in my lap and her eyes fixed on mine.
A dog's life: Ronan
I reminded him that he was a good boy, and I told him I'd be home soon.
Fiddles with wolves
I once befriended a wolf. His name was Badger.
Fragile planet
It's lonely. It's small. It's isolated, and there is no resupply. And we are mistreating it.
The Humane League: the truth about cats & dogs
It was only a few hours, but it cost a dog its life.
Log with a view
The book slipped from my hand, and I sat and watched and listened for an hour or more.
Mother Nature & me
What a perfect opportunity to replant a wide swathe of wildflowers and edibles.
Nature from a cage
Some people just can't carry their empty bottles, cans, wrappers and, yes, even condoms that far.
Pack out your trash
He walked away, swishing his stick and leaving his wet pile of plastic behind him on the bank.
There be whales here!
We saw whales that seemed curious about us, and whales that seemed content to eat with an audience.
Vincent, a loyal dog
As years went by, he liked best to stretch out on the cool wooden floors.
World in peril
If you want to survive, you'd better be cute, majestic, or inspiring.
Being in a band
It's been a good, long while since that first gig on March 17, 1999.
Earl grey, hot
The aroma of bergamot rises from the liquid, creating a relaxing reaction to the drink.
Folk Music & Fiddlers Society: a circle of folks
The spontaneous nature of the jams creates some unusual, often beautifully intricate harmonies.
Jammin' with Charles & MaryAnn
The lead singer is better known to the world for his writing.
On Walden Pond
Once I was there, it seemed natural to play a few tunes.
Snow & circumstance
Neighbors are meeting each other, often for the very first time.
Stormy weather
Hurricanes, well, I can do without those. The same goes for floods and tornadoes.
To my friends who missed the Leonids
Where were you? You were asleep again, weren't you? I wished you were here.
Traveling in circles
I was getting rather well acquainted with insanity, I was sure of it.
Building the Lilith Fair
Set up the stages. Hang lights and run wiring. Make sure there's enough electricity powering the amps.
Greenpeace: world in peril
If you want to survive, you'd better be cute, majestic, or inspiring.
The Humane League: the truth about cats & dogs
It was only a few hours, but it cost a dog its life.
M&M/Mars: mmm-chocolate!
My wife wants to dive into the vat every time she visits the plant.
Renaissance actors
Actors writhe and gyrate, stretch and whirl through a variety of spontaneous characters.
Art as prayer
God can be found in the details of art.
The arts & social responsibility
The artist has no such responsibility over children he may never meet.
Being in a band
It's been a good, long while since that first gig on March 17, 1999.
Everyday inspiration
Journal writing isn't enough for me; I want to share my work with others.
Issues, inspirations & stories to tell
I was simply enamoured with the play of words, the way they resonated against each other.
A passing stage?
Perhaps it's time to turn off the TV for an evening and take in a play.
A reader's journey
I was not allowed to read to my classmates or demonstrate that I could read at all.
The rise & fall & rise of William Shakespeare
I liked Shakespeare before Kenneth Branagh singlehandedly made it fashionable again.
A tale of two fiddles
In two decades, I poured a lot of music into that thin wooden shell.
Visions of Kerouac, or one writer's beginnings
I found myself straining against family and friends and school.
When movies are short
"Fred Ott's Sneeze" is five seconds long.
Goddess symbology: re-emerging from the shadows
There she was, Lilith in all her glory, touting an anthem for the modern female.
To be or not to be ... a shaman
Community recognition is a crucial point here.
Yes, Molly, there is a Santa Claus
At age 9, it's hard to accept certain things that an 8-year-old believes without question.
Douglas Adams: so long, & thanks for all the laughs
I'd far rather be happy than right any day.
Lloyd Alexander: a tribute to the High King of children's fantasy
This is sort of the fan letter I never wrote to him. I expect no reply, of course.
Michael Bolton: making a pitch for charity
The recording industry is rather unforgiving when it comes to other interests.
Marion Zimmer Bradley: in memoriam
The power of the story came through in my very strange dreams.
Lois McMaster Bujold: the Barrayar series
These books center around deeply drawn characters and a culture so thick you could slice it with a knife.
Paula Danziger: sdrawkcab gnitirw
Because of the injury, she could only write backwards for some time after the accident.
Joseph Doherty: visiting time at the H-Blocks
I've come away from the prison with a hint of optimism about next year.
Richard Dreyfuss: a civil discourse
Being American is hard, and they must teach it.
Harry Flournoy: how the court ruled on race
He just wanted to play basketball -- and win.
Hannah Garman: Christmas cards for a cause
Hannah was 4 years old, and she was dying.
Vicki Getz: world in peril
If you want to survive, you'd better be cute, majestic, or inspiring.
Gram: a life lived well
Most folks who knew her, knew her as Anne.
Gram: waving goodbye
I would never lose that image of Grandma at her back door, smiling and waving, with love in her eyes.
Boris Grebenshchikov: a musical revolution
I'm a musician. Pardon the sweatiness, we just got out of the studio.
If she didn't know, she'd be right there in your face until she'd sorted things out to her satisfaction.
Joel Allen Kabik: the tell-tale heart, an actor's tale
I was doing my shows, he later recalled, but I was literally dying out there.
Michael Kaire: Snapshots
He gave no motive other than he wanted to see what it felt like to kill somebody.
William Knapp: A eulogy
I am proud, so very proud to be his son.
Roseann Finucane Lawrence: at the pulse of the president
Taking a man's blood pressure ... takes on a whole new meaning when he's the leader of the free world.
Paul McCartney: let's all get up & dance....
A multitude singing the closing "na-na-na" chorus of "Hey Jude" is an experience you won't soon forget.
Nicole Morouse: Barack Obama's words are in her hands
Part of our job is to become the person who's speaking.
John Morris Rankin: fare thee well
All I had was a bit of your music and I miss it already.
Anna Nicole Smith: the cult of Anna Nicole
Every butcher, baker, police officer and homemaker deserves as much.
Amanda Sprecher: saving Broadway
If you get interested in a young age, it carries through into adulthood.
Starry eyes
It is always a bit startling and just a bit exhilarating to bump into someone who is Somebody.
Stasja & Molly
Right now, I am thinking mostly about my daughter.
Waltzing with Bear
You're so concerned with the everyday dangers that you don't look too far ahead.
Whatever happened to Paul Belgrade?
I suspect he had a hand in writing his own obituary.
William Taylor White: the boy in the iron casket
It was a pretty cold case, and the tracks were going to be pretty hard to follow.
Andrew Wyeth: a painter's farewell
Andrew Wyeth's death made us realize what a treasure we had.
Weird Al Yankovic: egg on my face.
It wasn't selfless heroism that drove me to step between the prince of pop parody and the ovoid projectile.
Roger Zelazny: the Amber series
With such an insightful and witty guide as Zelazny, it is a pleasure to tour this realm.
Brandywine: a battlefield overlooked
Typically when you lose your capital, the war is over.
Concord, Massachusetts: on Walden Pond
Once I was there, it seemed natural to play a few tunes.
Doolin, Ireland: Doolin for music
People swore they'd buy me pints if only the bar was still serving.
Dublin, Ireland: living music history at Ceol
A trip through Ceol is several hours well spent for any Irish music enthusiast.
Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania: mmm-chocolate at M&M/Mars
My wife wants to dive into the vat every time she visits the plant.
Elk Neck, Maryland: the northern edge of the Chesapeake
The forest here is young -- the area was mostly farmland in the early 1900s.
Ephrata, Pennsylvania: shopping the Green Dragon
Restock your video collection and outfit your dog for life on pigs' ears and cow femurs.
Judique, Cape Breton: the Celtic Music Interpretive Centre
Bonnie Jean even brought her rosin-covered fiddle out to demonstrate some of the local techniques.
Lancaster, Pennsylvania: the Anderson Pretzel Bakery
Ten huge ovens running constantly can output 300,000 pounds of pretzels a day.
London, England: on the good ship Cutty Sark
These are timbers that were growing during the Battle of Agincourt.
Montana: hither and yon, a ramble
I'd have considered hiking alone at night after bathing in honey and huckleberries.
Mount Gretna, Pennsylvania: a view from a cage at Governor Dick
A visit today might be a little disappointing.
Mystic, Connecticut: A Mystic experience
Many of the docks are active and there are always boats on the water.
Nottingham, Pennsylvania: another world at the serpentine barrens
Trees are stunted and scrubby. Soil is shallow and rocky.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: an inner-city wilderness at Tinicum
Tinicum is a unique juxtaposition of natural and urban environments.
Salem, Massachusetts: which witches?
One chapter in its past will always stand out in the public consciousness. The trials.
Stockton Springs, Maine: an "ahhh" kind of place
I knew at least one lonesome loon was floating low in the water.