Rambles is well known for the diversity of its offerings, but there's no denying that the cultural arts of a Celtic nature have been of particular interest to the readers and staff. It's always been easy to find Celtic music -- it's the largest section of this magazine -- but books and movies have been harder to find among the other many fine books and movies reviewed here. So it is with great pleasure that we provide this page to offer some focus -- books and movies of specific interest to Irish aficionados. Enjoy!
Facts, Fiction & Folklore
Brendan Behan
Borstal Boy
James Bonwick
Irish Druids & Old Irish Religions
Ciaran Brady, editor
The Encyclopedia of Ireland
Bill Brennan
Irish & Scottish Airs & Ballads for Acoustic Guitar
Katharine Briggs
An Encyclopedia of Fairies: Hobgoblins, Brownies, Bogies & Other Supernatural Creatures
Angela Bourke
The Burning of Bridget Cleary
Robert Byrd
Finn MacCoul & His Fearless Wife
Philip Carr-Gomm
The Druid Way
The Elements of the Druid Tradition
Karan Casey & Friends
Seal Maiden, a Celtic Musical
Ron Chepesiuk
The Scotch-Irish: From the North of Ireland to the Making of America
Peter Cooper
Mel Bay's Complete Irish Fiddle Player
Lisle Crowley
Easy Celtic Solos for Fingerstyle Guitar
Matthew J. Culligan & Peter Cherici
The Wandering Irish in Europe: Their Influence from the Dark Ages to Modern Times
Elizabeth Cunningham
Daughter of the Shining Isles
Bob Curran
A Field Guide to Irish Fairies, illustrated by Andrew Whitsun
The Truth about the Leprechaun
Annabel Davis-Goff
The Fox's Walk
Terry Deary
Horrible Histories: Ireland
Roddy Doyle
Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha
Yeats is Dead!, et al
Stephen Dunford
In Humbert's Footsteps: Mayo 1798
S.M.W. Dunnit, editor
Irish Lore & Legends
Randy Lee Eickhoff
The Destruction of the Inn
The Feast
The Raid
The Sorrows
Peter Berresford Ellis
The Celtic Revolution
Robert C. Evans, editor
Frank O'Connor's "Ghosts"
Eleanor Fairburn
The White Seahorse
Tony Farmar
Privileged Lives
Jim Fitzpatrick
The Book of Conquests
The Silver Arm
Charles Foran
Carolan's Farewell
Barry Foy
Field Guide to the Irish Music Session
Cari Fuchs, editor
Irish Session Tune Book
Liam Gaul
Glory O! Glory O!: The Life of P.J. McCall
Masters of Irish Music
Dan Gelo
Fiddle Tunes & Irish Music for Guitar
Patricia Reilly Giff
Maggie's Door
John Glatt
The Chieftains: The Authorized Biography
Peter Gray
The Irish Famine
Stefan Grossman, Duck Baker & El McMeen
Mel Bay's Complete Celtic Fingerstyle Guitar Book
Thomas E. Hachey
Britain & Irish Separatism: From the Fenians to the Free State
Peter Haining, editor
Great Irish Tales of Horror: A Treasury of Fear
Colin Harper & Trevor Hodgett
Irish Folk, Trad & Blues: A Secret History
Margaret Hawkins
Restless Spirit
Kate Horsley
Confessions of a Pagan Nun
Hugin the Bard
A Bard's Book of Pagan Songs: Stories & Music from the Celtic World
Colin Irwin
In Search of the Craic: One Man's Pub Crawl Through Irish Music
Simon James
The World of the Celts
Conan Kennedy
Ancient Ireland: The User's Guide
Sharon Kennedy
More Irish Folk Tales for Children
Larry Kirwan
A History of Irish Music
Ken Kolodner
Walking Stones: Music from A Celtic Sojourn for Hammered Dulcimer
Una Leavy
Irish Fairy Tales & Legends
Eddie Lenihan & Carolyn Eve Green
Meeting the Other Crowd: The Fairy Stories of Hidden Ireland
Edmund Lenihan
In Search of Biddy Early
Morgan Llywelyn
Finn MacCool
The Isles of the Blest
1949: A Novel of the Irish Free State
Michael Patrick MacDonald
All Souls: A Family Story from Southie
Sorley MacLean (Somhairle MacGill-Eain)
Poems to Eimhir (Dain do Eimhir)
Liam MacUistin
The Hunt for Diarmaid & Grainne
Juliet Marillier
Sevenwaters #1: Daughter of the Forest
Sevenwaters #2: Son of the Shadows
Sevenwaters #3: Child of the Prophecy
Caitlin Matthews
The Celtic Spirit: Daily Meditations for the Turning Year
William McCarter
My Life in the Irish Brigade: The Civil War Memoirs of Private William McCarter, 116th Pennsylvania Infantry, edited by Kevin E. O'Brien
Frank McCourt
Angela's Ashes
Frank McCourt, et al
Yeats is Dead!
Malachy McCourt
A Monk Swimming
Singing My Him Song
Martin McGartland
Fifty Dead Men Walking
David McWilliams
The Pope's Children
Martin Melhuish
Celtic Tides: Traditional Music in a New Age
O.R. Melling
The Druid's Tune
The Hunter's Moon
The Light-Bearer's Daughter
The Summer King
Christy Moore
One Voice: My Life in Song
Thomas Moran
Water, Carry Me: A Love Story
Cole Moreton
Hungry for Home: Leaving the Blaskets: A Journey from the Edge of Ireland
Robert Mouland
Fireside Tales: Stories & Music from the Irish Tradition
Paul Rhys Mountfort
Ogam, the Celtic Oracle of the Trees
Don Mullan
Eyewitness Bloody Sunday: The Truth
Ed Munger
Jigs & Reels for Classic Guitar
Colin Murphy & Donal O'Dea
The Book of Deadly Irish Quotations Some Smart Fecker in the Pub is Always Blatherin' on About
The Book of Feckin' Irish Slang That's Great Craic for Cute Hoors & Bowsies
The Book of Irish Songs Yer Oul' Fella Always Sang When He was Jarred at a Hooley
The Book of Luvely Irish Recipes Yer Ma Useta Make When You were a Little Gurrier
James L. Nelson
The Norsemen Saga #1: Fin Gall
Tomas O'Canainn
Traditional Music in Ireland
Turlough O'Carolan
The Complete Works of O'Carolan
Joseph O'Connor
Star of the Sea
Ulick O'Connor
Michael Collins & the Troubles: The Struggle for Irish Freedom 1912-1922
Daithi O'Hogain
Irish Superstitions
Diarmuid O'Neill, editor
Rebuilding the Celtic Languages
Juilene Osborne-McKnight
I Am of Irelaunde: A Novel of Patrick and Osian
Pat O'Shea
The Hounds of the Morrigan
Fintan O'Toole
The Ex-Isle of Erin
Cyril A. Reilly & Renee Travis Reilly
An Irish Blessing
Emilie Richards
The Parting Glass
Whiskey Island
Fiona Ritchie, with Mychael & Jeff Danna
A Celtic Tale: The Legend of Deirdre
Trina Robbins
Wild Irish Roses
Sacred Symbols: The Celts
Eric Roth, with Eileen McNamara
The Parting Glass: A Toast to the Traditional Pubs of Ireland
Maggie Sansone
A Traveler's Dream: Celtic Explorations for Hammered Dulcimer
Robert D. San Souci
Brave Margaret, illustrated by Sally Wern Comport
June Skinner Sawyers
The Complete Guide to Celtic Music
Michael Scott
The Last of the Fianna
Olive Sharkey
Ways of Old: Traditional Life in Ireland
Hugh Shields
Tunes of the Munster Pipers: Irish Traditional Music from the James Goodman Manuscripts
George Otto Simms
Brendan the Navigator
William L. Smith
Irish Priests in the United States: A Vanishing Subculture
Irish Ballad Book
Eddie Stack
The West, with Martin Hayes & Dennis Cahill
Bodie & Brock Thoene
The Galway Chronicles #1: Only the River Runs Free
The Galway Chronicles #2: Of Men & of Angels
Loreto Todd
A Fire in His Head: Stories of Wandering Aengus
Peter Tremayne
Our Lady of Darkness
Barry Vann
Rediscovering the South's Celtic Heritage
Richard Voss
O'Carolan's Tunes for Descant/Soprano Recorder
Richard Voss & Laurence Traiger
O'Carolan's Tunes for Piano
Roving Through Ireland: Piano Solos of Traditional Irish Folk Music
Geoff Wallis & Sue Wilson
The Rough Guide to Irish Music
Washington Area Folk Harp Society, with Heather Yule
The Song of the Selkie
David A. Wilson
Ireland, a Bicycle & a Tin Whistle
Peter Lamborn Wilson
Ploughing the Clouds: The Search for Irish Soma
Terri Windling
The Changeling
Cecil Blanche Fitz Gerald Woodham Smith, Cecil Woodham-Smith & Charles Woodham
The Great Hunger: Ireland 1845-1849
Elvira Woodruff
Small Beauties
William Butler Yeats
Selected Poems & Three Plays
The Brylcreem Boys (1998)
The Butcher Boy (1997)
Cal (1985)
Circle of Friends (1995)
Dervish: The Midsummer's Night Session (1999)
The Devil's Own (1997)
An Everlasing Piece (2000)
The Field (1990)
Freedom Highway: Songs That Shaped a Century (2001)
Gangs of New York (2002)
In the Name of the Father (1993)
Into the West (1992)
The Matchmaker (1997)
The Nephew (1998)
Once (2007)
Pints, Pounds & Pilgrims (2001)
The Quiet Man (1952)
The Run of the Country (1995)
The Secret of Roan Inish (1994)
The Snapper (1993)
Waking Ned Devine (1998)
Follow this link to music from Ireland, Scotland and all parts of the Celtic world.