Lee Lukaszewicz, a life-long resident of New England, grew up in a haunted Massachusetts house built in 1788, fondly known to locals as "the red house on Park Avenue." Most (but not all) of the guests preferred to remain unseen. However, they did make their presence known by hiding, moving and breaking things, often playing with light switches and doors when the mood struck them. Being an only child, Lee of course was blamed for their mischief and therefore found them annoying.
Lee later moved to another haunted house with a lively little spirit orb who liked to tap on the bathroom tile, throw things at people and lock the residents out of the house (obviously, it didn't understand who was paying the mortgage). A friend with magic powers finally evicted it in 2007.
Lee began writing reviews as a hobby in 2006. She and her husband, The Salesman Who Never Shuts Up, are currently allowed to share a home with two cats who kindly tolerate their presence. Lee's other favorite interests include the mystical magical tarot and pretty much everything else that life drops at her doorstep.
Reviews by Lee include:
Hanne Arts
Just Perfect
Tiffany Baker
The Gilly Salt Sisters
Blue Balliett
Nantucket Ghosts
Michael Thomas Barry
Great Britain's Royal Tombs: A Guide to the Lives & Burial Places of British Monarchs
Jeff Belanger
Weird Massachusetts: Your Travel Guide to Massachusetts' Local Legends & Best Kept Secrets
Grace Bowman
Nicole Bray & Robert DuShane
Paranormal Lansing
Joan Bunning
Learning the Tarot: A Tarot Book for Beginners
Learning Tarot Reversals
Robert Cahill
Haunted Happenings (With New Photos of Old Ghosts)
James Caskey
Haunted Savannah: The Official Guidebook to Savannah Haunted History Tour
Joseph A. Citro
Weird New England
Albert L. Cobb & Todd Cobb
Danny's Bed
Michelle Davidson
Florida's Haunted Hospitality
Yann-Brice Dherbier
Audrey Hepburn: A Life in Pictures
Paul F. Eno
Footsteps in the Attic: More First-Hand Accounts of the Paranormal in New England
Thomas Lee Freese
Shaker Spirits, Shaker Ghosts
Thomas Lee Freese & Bryan Bush
Haunted Battlefields of the South
Brian Froud & Alan Lee
Faeries (25th Anniversary Edition)
Diana Gabaldon
Outlander #2: Dragonfly in Amber
Bruce Gellerman & Eric Sherman
Massachusetts Curiosities, 2nd: Quirky Characters, Roadside Oddities & Other Offbeat Stuff
Lisa Genova
Still Alice
Garry Gilfoy
The BIG Picture: Insights from the Spiritual World
Dan Gordon & Gary Joseph
Cape Encounters: Contemporary Cape Cod Ghost Stories
John Gray
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus: The Classic Guide to Understanding the Opposite Sex
Brian Griffith
A Galaxy of Immortal Women, The Yin Side of Chinese Civilization
Deborah Hautzig
Second Star to the Right
Frances Hill
A Delusion of Satan: The Full Story of the Salem Witch Trials
Mark Jasper
Haunted Cape Cod & the Islands
Haunted Inns of New England
Benjamin S. Jeffries
Lost in the Darkness: Life Inside the World's Most Haunted Prisons, Hospitals, & Asylums
Susan B. Johnson
Spirit Willing: A Savannah Haunting
Clark Kidder
Marilyn Monroe: Cover to Cover
Haven Kimmel
Kat Klockow
Haunted Hoosier Halls: Indiana University
Millie Knox
Crafting with Nana: A Young Girl's Journey into Witchcraft
Daniel Matthew Korn
Why Diet & Exercise Fail: How Current Research Contradicts Conventional Wisdom about Weight Loss
Major Thad Krasnesky
Fright to the Point: Ghosts of West Point
Jennifer Lauer & Dave Schumacher
You've Got Ghosts! Haunted Tales from the Inbox
Karen Laven
Cincinnati Ghosts
Steven Levenkron
The Best Little Girl in the World
Karen Lottes & Dorothy Pugh
In Search of Maryland's Ghosts, Montgomery County
Anthony Louis
Tarot Plain & Simple
Janice Lynne Lundy
Your Truest Self: Embracing the Woman You Are Meant to Be
D.B. Lyn
The Dead Won't Hurt You ... or Will They?
Peter Meredith
The Punished
Christine Palamidessi Moore
The Fiddle Case
Michele Morgan
Simple Wicca
Michael Newton
Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives
David J. Pitkin
Ghosts of the Northeast
Carole Radziwill
What Remains, A Memoir of Fate, Friendship, & Love
Janina Renee
Tarot: Your Everyday Guide
E. Ashley Rooney
Ireland's Ghosts, Legends & Lore
Cynthia Sabotka
Life is Like a Line: A Memoir of Moods, Medication & Mania
Lori Schiller & Amanda Bennett
The Quiet Room: A Journey Out of the Torment of Madness
S.E. Schlosser
Spooky Maryland
Spooky Montana
Spooky North Carolina
Spooky Oregon
Robert Schwartz
Your Soul's Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born
Alice Sebold
The Lovely Bones
Laura Shapiro
Julia Child
Michelle Skye
Goddess Alive: Inviting Celtic & Norse Goddesses into Your Life
Rick Smith & Bruce Lourie
Slow Death by Rubber Duck: The Secret Danger of Everyday Things
Susan Smitten
Ghost Stories of New England
James Spada
Monroe: Her Life in Pictures
Donald Spoto
Marilyn Monroe: The Biography
Pagan Metaphysics 101: The Beginning of Enlightenment
Kathryn Vercillo
Ghosts of Alcatraz
Anne Verlhac
Marilyn Monroe: A Life in Pictures
Pierre-Henri Verlhac
Grace Kelly: A Life in Pictures
E.R. Vernor
Haunted Asylums
Jeannette Walls
The Glass Castle
Liza Gardner Walsh
The Haunted Fort
Connie Corcoran Wilson
The Color of Evil
David Zinczenko & Matt Goulding
Eat This, Not That! The No-Diet Weight Loss Solution