Streets of Fire,
directed by Walter Hill
(Universal Pictures, 1984)

When Streets of Fire came out, Walter Hill was a recognized action film director worthy of respect. However, Jim Steinman was not so cool. He was the guy behind Meat Loaf, who carried the stigma of rock buffoon. How could we have coolness with both?

Yet, the moment in this movie that Diane Lane sings (or is dubbed) Steinman's "Nowhere Fast," it was clear this was a true rock 'n' roll movie. And it is. It truly rocks.

I have a few beefs. Mostly that the motorcycle club seems kind of lame. And the final duel has the very frightening weapons of ... sledgehammers? Really? Two guys swinging sledgehammers at each other? Get out of the way, dude!

Yet, the energy in this movie is awesome. It is an eighties classic -- definitely a Walter Hill movie. And that's a brand name you can trust.

review by
Dave Sturm

17 April 2008

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