Star Wars: Rite of Passage
by John Ostrander, Jan Duursema (Dark Horse, 2004)

The beautiful Aayla Secura played far too brief a role in the prequel saga of the Star Wars universe.

But the blue-skinned Jedi, born of a race where women are slaves, gets her due in Rite of Passage, a graphic novel that explains how she first came into Jedi training and how she earned her standing as a knight of the order.

Quinlan Vos, Aayla's former mentor, also attains master status in a mission that pits them against a father-son team of killers who have trained all their lives to hunt and kill Jedi. The heir of the Twi'lek race and the life of Jedi master Tholme also hang in the balance.

This is a Star Wars chapter that weds excellent storytelling to fantastic art, making a stand-alone package that more than satisfies. Writer John Ostrander's plot is strong and his dialogue is good, the action fast-paced, and the fluid style of penciller Jan Duursema makes the story come alive -- with the assistance of inker Ray Kryssing and eye-popping color by Brad Anderson. And, for the series fan, there are also a handful of character cameos that add a bonus to the experience.

review by
Tom Knapp

17 November 2007

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