David Heska Wanbli Weiden,
Winter Counts
(Ecco/HarperCollins, 2020)

Virgil Wounded Horse has been slouching through life, seeking justice with his fists for those on South Dakota's Rosebud Reservation who have been let down by the failure of ordinary legal recourse, when suddenly he's the one in need of help.

Virgil is the guardian of his nephew, Nathan, a teen struggling to cope with the death of his mother in an auto accident. Nathan suffers an overdose after being offered a free sample of heroin by a new gang bringing drugs to the reservation. Nathan is barely recovered when he's charged by federal agents as a drug distributor and coerced into wearing a wire to help corral the dealers in exchange for a chance to clear himself from jail time.

Virgil doesn't trust the feds or like the idea of them putting his nephew in jeopardy. So, it's obvious he's going to get involved, whether authorities like it or not. His main ally is Marie Short Bear, a former girlfriend and daughter of a tribal politician.

Marie is one of the stronger characters in the novel and the engine to Virgil's redemption.

Winter Counts has been racking up awards and nominations left and right. I'd rank it as among the best of the thrillers I've read this year with complex characters, a gripping plot and insights into the harsh reality of Native American life on the reservation.

The author, David Heska Wanbli Weiden, is a member of the Sicangu Lakota. This is his first novel. I'm anxious to see what he does next.

[ visit the author's website ]

book review by
John Lindermuth

17 July 2021

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