Willie Nelson: A Graphic History
by T.J. Hirsh & various artists (NBM, 2020)

I've been reading several of NBM's ongoing series of musical biographies lately. The latest on my nightstand was Willie Nelson: A Graphic History.

I'll be honest, Willie isn't my jam, and I wasn't particularly interested in his story. But, once I started reading, I got pulled into the narrative. Writer T.J. Hirsch weaves an interesting tale about Willie Nelson's early years and his evolution as a musician.

It's really interesting stuff.

Hirsch provides a lot of detail, and it's all presented factually -- if I had to guess, I'd say Hirsch was a Willie Nelson fan, but he doesn't go out of his way with praise and adulation like the writers did with NBM's later biography on Prince. Hirsch doesn't pull any punches, being honest about Willie's failings (many of them in his personal relationships over the years) but still touting his dedication and persistence in pursuing his musical aspirations.

Unlike some books in NBM's biographical series, this one isn't cluttered with pages of dry text. It sticks to the graphic format throughout, which makes for a much more pleasurable reading experience. And, while the book is illustrated by several artists, the styles aren't so wildly divergent that it becomes distracting.

Willie Nelson: A Graphic History makes for good reading for anyone interested in music, the music industry or biographies in general.

review by
Tom Knapp

16 March 2024

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