Batman #6: Bride or Burglar?
by Tom King, Mikel Janin & Joelle Jones (DC Comics, 2018)

As I've noted in other reviews, I fell hard off the comic-book wagon a long time ago, and for several years I have read only a few books here and there. Recently I decided to dip my toe in the water again and, while I have no plans to return to my prior levels of obsession, I am enjoying getting reacquainted with some old friends. Of course, it was inevitable I would check out the status of Batman, so I picked up a couple of collections from a recent run.

The first is Bride or Burglar?, which is No. 6 in the current collected series. Apparently the long-running flirtation between Bruce Wayne and Selina "Catwoman" Kyle has progressed, since she's now living in Wayne Manor and they're planning a wedding.

Knowing from experience how much the Powers That Be in the comic-book world hate a happy couple -- I'm looking mostly at you, Peter and Mary Jane, although the Ralph and Sue storyline still burns -- I doubt things will turn out well, but for this book at least, the couple seems to be enjoying relative bliss.

The book is actually rather sweet, although there's plenty of action, too. For instance, one chapter focuses on Batman and Wonder Woman fighting a never-ending horde in an alternate dimension; although from Selina's perspective they're gone only a few hours, Bruce and Diana are fighting, never aging and rarely resting, for nearly 40 years.

There's also the story of a young boy who idolizes Bruce Wayne so much that he wants to go through everything that made Bruce the man he is today -- and, if you'll recall, that didn't turn out too well for Bruce's parents. Oh, and in another chapter, Poison Ivy takes over the entire world ... except, of course, for Bruce and Selina.

Oh, and Selina goes looking for just the right wedding dress. ("Shopping" isn't the right word here, but don't tell her fiance.)

All in all, a nice reintroduction to Batman, and a very nice look at the happy (for now) couple.

review by
Tom Knapp

8 June 2024

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