Batman #7: The Wedding
by Tom King, Mikel Janin, Tony S. Daniel & Clay Mann (DC Comics, 2018)

Well, I knew that was going to happen.

The book begins with some very impactful tales. First, Booster Gold gives Bruce Wayne a highly inappropriate and poorly thought-out wedding gift: he goes back in time to save the lives of Bruce's parents, so Bruce could see that his fate to become Batman had had a positive impact in the world. However, the Bruce in that timeline is unwilling to sacrifice his parents for the version of his future that Booster describes, and things get ... messy.

Then the Joker comes calling, having heard that Batman and Catwoman were getting married. (How, one wonders. Presumably Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle have announced their intentions, but did their costumed counterparts also make an announcement? That seems ... ill-advised.) Anyway, Joker wants an invitation. He wants to be Batman's best man. And he wants to kill the bride-to-be, even though he really likes her.

What ensues is violent, disturbing and, occasionally, surprisingly, kind of touching.

And then the wedding itself draws near. Unlike other "weddings of the century" in the comics world, this one is fairly low key; Bruce and Selina each invites just one guest, and it's planned for a quiet rooftop at dawn.

The leadup to the event is illustrated with plentiful full-page illustrations from Batman and Catwoman's earlier interactions, battles and courtship, provided by a stable of DC's creative talent. So, of course, the wedding will go off without a hitch, right?


Well, up to the very end, I really enjoyed this collection. This is some grade-A storytelling, with excellent artwork providing support to the story. But then it comes to the end, and....

review by
Tom Knapp

13 July 2024

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