Ultimate Spider-Man #18: Ultimate Knights
by Brian Michael Bendis & Mark Bagley (Marvel Comics, 2007)

Ultimate Knights comes in the aftermath of the Ultimate version of Spider-Man's Clone Saga, which as I mentioned in that review far exceeds the reach of its mainstream counterpart. But all is not well in Peter Parker's world: his beloved Aunt May is hospitalized after the attack that severely damaged her home. And, while Peter has found his way back to his sweetheart, Mary Jane Watson, he still hasn't told his girlfriend -- Kitty Pryde of the X-Men -- about that particular development.

Meanwhile, Kitty has left Professor Xavier's private academy and enrolled in Peter's school, where she is quickly added to Peter's class, seated in the desk behind MJ.

This could get messy.

At the same time, a loose gang of Ultimate heroes -- Daredevil, Moon Knight, Iron Fist, Dr. Strange and Shang-Chi -- have invited Spider-Man to assist them in taking down the Kingpin once and for all.

To be clear, "taking down" in this context doesn't just mean ruining the man or sending him to prison. They want him dead. And Peter, who hates the Kingpin as much as anyone, isn't down with outright murder.

Then there comes a plan where Moon Knight, who has multiple personalities already, will forge a new identity to audition to be Kingpin's bodyguard. When tasked with bringing in Spider-Man, he doesn't hesitate, even as his other personalities protest from within. Things get violent. There are betrayals and threats.

And Peter finally has "the talk" with Aunt May. You know, the one about him being Spider-Man. It's a good talk.

Ultimate Spider-Man produced some incredible books with writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Mark Bagley at the helm. Personally, I wish their run on the book could have lasted, like, always.

review by
Tom Knapp

31 August 2024

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