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Pop Culture:
Books on Movies, TV & Other Books



Douglas Adams
The Salmon of Doubt: Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time

Michael Adams
Slayer Slang: A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Lexicon

Sean Astin, with Joe Layden
There & Back Again: An Actor's Tale


Ted & James Baehr
Narnia Beckons: C.S. Lewis's The Lion, The Witch & the Wardrobe & Beyond

Hy Bender
The Sandman Companion

Larry Birnbaum
Before Elvis: The Prehistory of Rock 'n' Roll

Jayme Lynn Blaschke
Voices of Vision: Creators of Fantasy & Science Fiction Speak

Nigel Blundell
Fallen Idols: A Century of Screen Sex Scandals

Robert W. Bly
The Science in Science Fiction

Rachel Bowie & Roberta Fiorito
Royal Trivia: Your Guide to the Modern British Royal Family

C. Alan Bradley & William A.S. Sargeant
Ms. Holmes of Baker Street: The Truth about Sherlock

David Brin, editor
King Kong is Back!

Ian Brodie
Cameras in Narnia: How The Lion, The Witch & the Wardrobe Came to Life

James Burrows, with Eddy Friedfeld
Directed by James Burrows: Five Decades of Stories from the Legendary Director of Taxi, Cheers, Frasier, Friends, Will & Grace, and More


Orson Scott Card, editor
Getting Lost: Survival, Baggage & Starting Over in J.J. Abrams' Lost

Humphrey Carpenter
The Inklings

Shanna Caughey, editor
Revisiting Narnia: Fantasy, Myth & Religion in C.S. Lewis' Chronicles

David Colbert
The Magical Worlds of Harry Potter:
  A Treasury of Myths, Legends & Fascinating Facts

The Magical Worlds of the Lord of the Rings:
  The Amazing Myths, Legends & Facts Behind the Masterpiece

Donn Cortez, with Leah Wilson, editors
Investigating CSI: Inside the Crime Labs of Las Vegas, Miami & New York

Jennifer Crusie, editor
Flirting With Pride & Prejudice
  Fresh Perspectives on the Original Chick-Lit Masterpiece

Totally Charmed: Demons, Whitelighters & the Power of Three


Becky Libourel Diamond
The Gilded Age Cookbook: Recipes & Stories from America's Golden Era 1868-1900

Alex DiBlasi & Victoria Willis, editors
Geek Rock: An Exploration of Music & Subculture

Troy Doerner & Cosplay Deviants
Undressing the Art of Playing Dress Up

Peter Doggett
Electric Shock: From the Gramophone to the iPhone: 125 Years of Pop Music

Kevin Dwyer
Beyond Casablanca: M.A. Tazi & the Adventure of Moroccan Cinema


Roger Ebert
Your Movie Sucks

Umberto Eco
On Literature

Bruce Edwards
Further Up & Further In:
  Understanding C.S. Lewis's The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe

P.N. Elrod & Roxanne Conrad, editors
Stepping Through the Stargate:
  Science, Archaeology & the Military in Stargate SG-1

Jane Espenson, editor
Finding Serenity

Robert C. Evans, editor
Frank O'Connor's "Ghosts"


Anne Fadiman
Ex Libris: Confessions of a Common Reader

Clifton Fadiman & John S. Major
The New Lifetime Reading Plan: The Classic Guide to World Literature

Tim Federle
 Tequila Mockingbird: Cocktails with a Literary Twist

Jules Feiffer
Great Comic Book Heroes

Gene Feldman & Max Gartenberg, editors
The Beat Generation & the Angry Young Men

Carrie Fisher
The Princess Diarist

Valerie Estelle Frankel
Doctor Who: The Where, What & How, A Fannish Guide to the TARDIS-Sized Pop Culture Jam
Joss Whedon's Names: Deeper Meanings behind Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Dollhouse, Agents of SHIELD, Cabin in the Woods, Avengers, Doctor Horrible, In Your Eyes, Comics & More
Pop Culture in the Whedonverse
Sherlock: Every Canon Reference You May Have Missed in BBC's Series 1-3
Women in Doctor Who: Damsels, Feminists & Monsters

Brian Freeman & Bev Vincent, editors
The Illustrated Stephen King Trivia Book

Lonn Friend
Life on Planet Rock: From Guns N' Roses to Nirvana, a Backstage Journey through Rock's Most Debauched Decade


Martin Gardner
The Annotated Night Before Christmas

Simon Garfield
Timekeepers: How the World Became Obsessed with Time

Ron Goulart
Comic Book Culture: An Illustrated History

Douglas Gresham
Jack's Life: The Life Story of C.S. Lewis

Daniel Grotta
J.R.R. Tolkien: Architect of Middle Earth


David Hadju
The Ten Cent Plague: The Great Comic Book Scare & How It Changed America

Jake Halpern
Fame Junkies: The Hidden Truths Behind America's Favorite Addiction

John Helfers & Denise Little, editors
The Valdemar Companion

Marvin D. Hinten
The Keys to the Chronicles: Unlocking the Symbols of C.S. Lewis's Narnia

Sean Howe, editor
Give Our Regards to the Atomsmashers: Writers on Comics

Aida Hudson & Susan-Ann Cooper, editors
Windows & Words: A Look at Canadian Children's Literature in English


Iphigenia Jones
 The Turn of the Screwdriver: 50 Dark & Twisted Literary Cocktails


Stuart Kelly
The Book of Lost Books

Edmund M. Kern
The Wisdom of Harry Potter: What Our Favorite Hero Teaches Us about Moral Choices


Mercedes Lackey, editor
Mapping the World of Harry Potter

Brooks Landon
Science Fiction After 1900: From the Steam Man to the Stars

Bob Leszczak
Who Did It First? Great Pop Cover Songs & Their Original Artists
Who Did It First? Great Rhythm & Blues Cover Songs & Their Original Artists
Who Did It First? Great Rock 'n' Roll Cover Songs

Bob Levin
The Pirates & the Mouse: Disney's War Against the Counterculture

Andy Lipschultz
How the Grinch Stole Hollywood

Richard A. Lupoff
The Great American Paperback: An Illustrated Tribute to Legends of the Book


Dorian Lynskey
33 Revolutions Per Minute: A History of Protest Songs from Billie Holiday to Green Day

Matt MacNabb
Hollywood's Dark History: Silver Screen Scandals

Michael Mallory
Marvel: The Characters & Their Universe

Dave Marinaccio
All I Really Need to Know I Learned from Watching Star Trek

Joseph McCabe
Hanging Out with the Dream King:
  Conversations with Neil Gaiman & His Collaborators

Ryan Mecum
Zombie Haiku

Edward Mendelson
The Things That Matter: What 7 Classic Novels Have to Say about the Stages of Life

A.S. Mott
Scary Movies

Kevin Murphy
A Year at the Movies


Fred Nadis
The Man from Mars: Ray Palmer's Amazing Pulp Journey

David Nuffer
The Best Friend I Ever Had


Nick Offerman
Gumption: Relighting the Torch of Freedom with America's Gutsiest Troublemakers


Kathy Passero & Beth Efran
Laguna Beach -- The Real Orange County: Life Inside the Bubble


Jessica Rajs
Gorgeous & Gory: The Zombie Pinup Collection

Melanie Rehak
Girl Sleuth: Nancy Drew & the Women Who Created Her

Frank M. Robinson
Science Fiction of the 20th Century: An Illustrated History

Spider Robinson
The Crazy Years: Reflections from a Science Fiction Original

Patrick Rosenkranz
Rebel Visions: The Underground Comix Revolution 1963-1975

Rotten Tomatoes
The Ultimate Binge Guide: 296 Must-See Shows That Changed the Way We Watch TV

Salman Rushdie
The Wizard of Oz: An Appreciation


Rob Salkowitz
Comic-Con & the Business of Pop Culture

Lou Scheimer & Andy Mangels
Creating the Filmation Generation

Cavan Scott & Mark Wright
Who-ology: The Official Miscellany

William Shakespeare & Courtney Carbone
OMG Shakespeare: Macbeth #killingit

William Shakespeare & Brett Wright
OMG Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night #nofilter

William Shatner, with Joshua Brandon
Boldly Go: Reflections on a Life of Awe & Wonder

Brian Sibley
Chicken Run: Hatching the Movie

Dead Names: The Dark Story of the Necronomicon

James B. South, editor
Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Philosophy: Fear & Trembling in Sunnydale

Fredrik Stromberg
The Comics Go to Hell: A Visual History of the Devil in Comics

Lawrence Sutin
Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. Dick


Andrew Thompson
What Did We Use Before Toilet Paper?

Dave Thompson
Black & White & Blue: Adult Cinema from the Victorian Age to the VCR

Bridget Thoreson
The Unofficial Hocus Pocus Cookbook
The Unofficial Hocus Pocus Cookbook for Kids

Keith Topping
Slayer: The Last Days of Sunnydale
  An Unofficial & Unauthorised Guide to the Final Season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Never Drank the Kool-Aid

Alex Trebek
 The Answer Is ... Reflections on My Life

Chris Turner
Planet Simpson: How a Cartoon Masterpiece Defined a Generation


E.R. Vernor
Zombie Nation: From Folklore to Modern Frenzy

Fred von Bernewitz & Grant Geissman
Tales of Terror: The EC Companion


John Wade
The Golden Age of Science Fiction: A Journey into Space with 1950s Radio, TV, Films, Comics & Books

Marlene Wagman-Geller
Eureka! The Surprising Stories Behind the Ideas That Shaped the World

E.J. Wagner
The Science of Sherlock Holmes

Andy Warhol
The Philosophy of Andy Warhol

Penny Warner
The Official Nancy Drew Handbook

Simon Webb
The Real World of Victorian Steampunk: Steam Planes & Radiophones

Robert Weinberg
Horror of the 20th Century: An Illustrated History

Stephen Weiner
Faster Than a Speeding Bullet: The Rise of the Graphic Novel

Rhonda V. Wilcox & David Lavery, editors
Fighting the Forces: What's at Stake in Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Jack Williamson
Wonder's Child: My Life in Science Fiction


Glenn Yeffeth, editor
Five Seasons of Angel
The Man from Krypton
Seven Seasons of Buffy
Taking the Red Pill: Science, Philosophy & Religion in The Matrix
The War of the Worlds: Fresh Perspectives on the H.G. Wells Classic
What Would Sipowicz Do? Race, Rights & Redemption in NYPD Blue