Valerie Fasimpaur has been employed in the mainframe information systems field, completely unintentionally, for over 15 years. Her two sons, three cats and two dogs devour the rest of her time. She is a perpetual college student and enjoys attending classes with "traditional" (read: decades younger than she) students who will soon graduate and earn five times more than she did at their age. Valerie was shamed into writing by the accomplishments of her irritatingly talented and much younger siblings, including one who also serves on the Rambles staff.
Reviews by Valerie include:
Rani Arbo & Daisy Mayhem
Cocktail Swing
Gambling Eden
Caren Armstrong
Independent Girl
T.S. Baker
Through the Shadows
Kasey Chambers
The Captain
Catie Curtis
My Shirt Looks Good On You
Leslie Frederick
In Search of the Rainbow
Judy Krueger
Keep the Wisdom
Christine Moll
Pretty Show
Carrie Newcomer
The Age of Possibility
Dona Oxford
Rowena Said
Ras Shaggai
I Awake
Helen Slater
One of These Days