Nathalie Ward,
Do Whales Ever...
(Down East Books, 1997)

I love to find educational books for my kids that are about interesting, even esoteric topics. Do Whales Ever... by Nathalie Ward is just such a book.

The slim volume is a fast read, and it is packed with interesting information about whales and dolphins. Some of it is based on the author's experiences working on whale-watching boats, where she fielded some of the unusual questions children ask. Do whales have belly buttons? Do they hiccup or sneeze? How do they sleep?

In the process of answering some silly questions, Ward provides a boatload of information about these fascinating sea creatures. She uses simple language but doesn't talk down to her audience. She treats the questions -- even the silliest of them -- seriously.

Illustrations by Tessa Morgan make it an even more enjoyable reading experience for kids. I am happy to share this with my children, who have an insatiable curiosity about the natural world.

book review by
Tom Knapp

9 December 2023

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