Books are listed alphabetically by author or editor. Click on a title to read the review.

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"There are worlds beyond worlds and times beyond times, all of them true, all of them real, and all of them (as children know) penetrating each other." (P.L. Travers, author/creator of Mary Poppins)

Click on a letter if you're looking for a specific author.



Daniel Abraham
Balfour & Meriwether: The Incident of the Harrowmoor Dogs

Tim Akers
The Horns of Ruin

Alma Alexander
The Secrets of Jin-Shei

Lloyd Alexander
The Book of Three
The Golden Dream of Carlo Chuchio
Gypsy Rizka
The House Gobbaleen, illustrated by Diane Goode

Cornelia Amiri
Druid Quest

Ilona Andrews
Magic Bites
Magic Burns

David Artuso
Bear Goddess

Robert Asprin
Another Fine Myth
Hit or Myth
Little Myth Marker
Myth Alliances, with Jody Lynn Nye
Myth Conceptions
Myth Directions
M.Y.T.H. Inc. in Action
M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link
Myth-ing Persons
Myth-ion Improbable
Myth-nomers & Im-pervections
Sweet Myth-tery of Life

Edward Aubry
Static Mayhem

Midnight Magic


Len Bailey

Alison Baird
The Hidden World

E.D. Baker
The Frog Princess

Kage Baker
The Anvil of the World
The Women of Nell Gwynne's

Kage Baker & Kathleen Bartholomew
Nell Gwynne's On Land & at Sea

Lynne Reid Banks
The Adventures of King Midas

Clive Barker

Lawrence Barker
Mother Feral's Love

Jeffrey E. Barlough
Dark Sleeper
Strange Cargo

Jonathan Barnes
The Domino Men

Steven Barnes
Lion's Blood
Zulu Heart

T.A. Barron
Tree Girl

Peter S. Beagle
The Last Unicorn

Elizabeth Bear
New Amsterdam
Promethean Age #2: Whiskey & Water
Promethean Age #3: Ink & Steel
Promethean Age #4: Hell & Earth
Seven for a Secret

Aiden Beaverson
The Hidden Arrow of Maether

Everette Bell
The Mourning Edge of Iron

Hilari Bell
The Farsala Trilogy #2: Rise of a Hero
The Farsala Trilogy #3: Forging the Sword

Curt Benjamin
Lords of Grass & Thunder
Seven Brothers #1: The Prince of Shadows
Seven Brothers #2: The Prince of Dreams
Seven Brothers #3: The Gates of Heaven

Amber Benson & Christopher Golden
Ghosts of Albion: Accursed
Ghosts of Albion: Initiation
Ghosts of Albion: Witchery

Carol Berg
The Bridge of D'Arnath #1: Son of Avonar
The Bridge of D'Arnath #2: Guardians of the Keep
Song of the Beast

Kaitlin Bevis
Daughters of Zeus, No. 1: Persephone
Daughters of Zeus, No. 2: Daughter of Earth & Sky
Daughters of Zeus, No. 3: The Iron Queen

Franny Billingsley
The Folk Keeper

Anne Bishop
The Black Jewels Trilogy
  (omnibus: Daughter of the Blood, Heir to the Shadows, Queen of the Darkness)
The Invisible Ring

Julia Blackburn
The Leper's Companions

Sarah Blakley-Cartwright
Red Riding Hood

James P. Blaylock
In for a Penny
Langdon St. Ives: The Adventure of the Ring of Stones
Langdon St. Ives: The Affair of the Chalk Cliffs
Langdon St. Ives: The Ebb Tide

Elizabeth Boyer
Wizard's War #1: The Troll's Grindstone
Wizard's War #2: The Curse of Slagfid
World of the Alfar #1: The Sword & the Satchel
World of the Alfar #2: The Elves & the Otterskin
World of the Alfar #3: The Thrall & the Dragon's Heart
World of the Alfar #4: The Wizard & the Warlord

P.J. Brackston
Gretel & the Case of the Missing Frog Prints

Marion Zimmer Bradley
The Ages of Chaos
  (omnibus: Stormqueen, Hawkmistress)
The Clingfire Trilogy #1: The Fall of Neskaya, with Deborah J. Ross
The Clingfire Trilogy #2: Zandru's Forge, with Deborah J. Ross
The Clingfire Trilogy #3: A Flame in Hali, with Deborah J. Ross
The Firebrand
The Forbidden Circle
  (omnibus: The Spell Sword & The Forbidden Tower)
Heritage & Exile
  (omnibus: The Heritage of Hastur, Sharra's Exile)
The Mists of Avalon
Priestess of Avalon, with Diana Paxson
The Saga of the Renunciates
  (omnibus: The Shattered Chain, Thendara House, City of Sorcery)
Sword & Sorceress XX (editor)
To Save a World
  (omnibus: The World Wreckers, The Planet Savers)
Traitor's Sun
A World Divided
  (omnibus: The Bloody Sun, Star of Danger, The Winds of Darkover)

Gillian Bradshaw
Hawk of May
Kingdom of Summer
In Winter's Shadow
The Wolf Hunt

Chaz Brenchley
The Devil in the Dust (The First Book of Outremer)
Tower of the King's Daughter (The Second Book of Outremer)
A Dark Way to Glory (The Third Book of Outremer)
Feast of the King's Shadow (The Fourth Book of Outremer)
The End of All Roads (The Sixth Book of Outremer)

Herbie Brennan
Faerie Wars
Fairy Nuff: A Tale of Bluebell Wood

Noel-Anne Brennan
The Blood of the Land

Sarah Rees Brennan
The Lynburn Legacy, No. 1: Unspoken

Heather Brewer
Legacy of Tril #1: Soulbound

D. Barkley Briggs
Legends of Karac Tor: The Book of Names

K.M. Briggs
Kate Crackernuts

Patricia Briggs
Dragon Blood
The Hob's Bargain

Kristen Britain
First Rider's Call

Terry Brooks
Genesis of Shannara #3: The Gypsy Morph
The Sword of Shannara

Simon Brown
Keys of Power #1: Inheritance
Keys of Power #2: Fire & Sword
Keys of Power #3: Sovereign

N.M. Browne
Warriors of Alavna
Warriors of Camlann

Steven Brust
The Book of Athyra
  (omnibus: Athyra, Orca)
To Reign in Hell

Michael Buckley
The Sisters Grimm: The Fairy-Tale Detectives, Book 1

Lois McMaster Bujold
The Spirit Ring

Emma Bull

Chris Bunch

D. Kim Burnham
The Bureau of Resurrection

Richard Lee Byers
Forgotten Realms: War of the Spider Queen, Book I: Dissolution


Dia Calhoun
Aria of the Sea

Peter Cannon
The Lovecraft Chronicles

Orson Scott Card
Seventh Son

Jacqueline Carey
Kushiel's Chosen
Kushiel's Dart

Gail Carriger
The Parasol Protectorate #1: Soulless
The Parasol Protectorate #2: Changeless
The Parasol Protectorate #3: Blameless
The Parasol Protectorate #4: Heartless

Angela Carter
The Bloody Chamber

Kristin Cashore

Michael Chabon, editor
McSweeney's Mammoth Treasury of Thrilling Tales

Vera Chapman
The Green Knight

Dan Chernenko
The Scepter of Mercy #1: The Bastard King
The Scepter of Mercy #2: The Chernagor Pirates

C.J. Cherryh
Arafel's Saga
The Collected Short Fiction
Fortress in the Eye of Time
Fortress of Eagles
Fortress of Owls
Fortress of Dragons

Deborah Chester
The King Betrayed
The Queen's Gambit

Ted Chiang
The Merchant & the Alchemist's Gate

James C. Christensen, with Renwick St. James & Alan Dean Foster
Voyage of the Basset

Douglas Glenn Clark
The Lake That Stole Children

Alana Clarke
The Phoenix Orb

David Clement-Davies
Fire Bringer
The Sight

David B. Coe
Rules of Ascension

Wim Coleman & Pat Perrin
The Taker & the Keeper

James Lincoln Collier
The Empty Mirror

Shalanna Collins
Dulcinea, or Wizardry A-Flute

Judith Woolcock Colombo
The Fablesinger

Tina Connolly

Kate Constable
Chanters of Tremaris #1: The Singer of All Songs

Dawn Cook
First Truth
Hidden Truth
Princess at Sea

Glen Cook
Angry Lead Skies
The Black Company
Shadows Linger
The White Rose

Bruce Coville
Oddly Enough

Andrew D. Crastley
Keepers of Runes & the Tower of Shadows

Justin Cronin
The Passage

Kevin Crossley-Holland
Arthur, Book I: The Seeing Stone

Elaine Cunningham
Forgotten Realms: Starlight & Shadows 3: Windwalker

Leah R. Cutter
The Caves of Buda
Paper Mage


Kara Dalkey
The Ascension (Water Trilogy, Book 1)

Cecilia Dart-Thornton
The Bitterbynde #3: The Battle of Evernight

Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, editors
Black Heart, Ivory Bones
Black Swan, White Raven
Black Thorn, White Rose
The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest
Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears
Salon Fantastique
Silver Birch, Blood Moon
Sirens & Other Daemon Lovers
Snow White, Blood Red
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 11th edition
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 12th edition
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 13th edition
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 14th edition

Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link & Gavin J. Grant, editors
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 18th annual edition

Peter David
Sir Apropos of Nothing

Liz DeJesus
First Frost

Joseph Delaney
The Last Apprentice #1: Revenge of the Witch

Charles de Lint
Eyes Like Leaves
A Handful of Coppers
The Harp of the Grey Rose
The Little Country
The Riddle of the Wren
Triskell Tales: 22 Years of Chapbooks
Wolf Moon

Antoine de Saint-Exepury
Le Petit Prince

Lauren DeStefano
Internment Chronicles #1: Perfect Ruin

Donald B. Dewar
Jack's Dad & the Beanstalk

Emily Diamand
Raiders' Ransom

Peter Dickinson
The Ropemaker
Water: Tales of Elemental Spirits, with Robin McKinley

Cameron Dokey

Julia Donaldson
The Giants & the Joneses

Stephen R. Donaldson
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever, Book I: Lord Foul's Bane
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever, Book II: The Illearth War
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever, Book III: The Power That Preserves
The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, Book I: The Wounded Land
The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, Book II: The One Tree
The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, Book III: White Gold Wielder
The Runes of the Earth: The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant

Emma Donoghue
Kissing the Witch

Keith Donohue
The Stolen Child

Nolene-Patricia Dougan

Sara Douglass
The Troy Game#1: Hades' Daughter

Diane Duane
Omnitopia #1: Omnitopia Dawn
Stealing the Elf-King's Roses

Dave Duncan
The Alchemist's Apprentice
Children of Chaos
The Jaguar Knights

Mark Dunn
Ella Minnow Pea: a Progressively Lippogrammatic Epistolary Fable

Lord Dunsany
The Charwoman's Shadow
The King of Elfland's Daughter

Frederic S. Durbin
The Star Shard

Doranna Durgin
Feral Darkness

David Anthony Durham
The War with the Mein #1: Acacia


David Eagleman
Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives

David Eddings
Pawn of Prophecy (The Belgariad #1)
Queen of Sorcery (The Belgariad #2)
Magician's Gambit (The Belgariad #3)
Castle of Wizardry (The Belgariad #4)
Enchanters' End Game (The Belgariad #5)
The Rivan Codex, with Leigh Eddings

Rosemary Edghill & Andre Norton
The Shadow of Albion: Carolus Rex Book I

Kate Elliott
Crossroads #1: Spirit Gate
The Gathering Storm

Patricia Elliott


Jennifer Fales
Shadows & Fire

S.L. Farrell
The Cloudmages #1: Holder of Lightning
The Cloudmages #2: Mage of Clouds

David Feintuch
The King

Charles Coleman Finlay
The Prodigal Troll

Catherine Fisher

Jude Fisher
Fool's Gold #1: Sorcery Rising
Fool's Gold #2: Wild Magic
Fool's Gold #3: The Rose of the World

Lynn Flewelling
Nightrunners #1: Luck in the Shadows
Nightrunners #2: Stalking Darkness
Nightrunners #3: Traitor's Moon

Jeffrey Ford
The Empire of Ice Cream

Jodie Forrest
The Rhymer & the Ravens

Kate Forsyth
The Witches of Eileanan #6: The Fathomless Caves

Alan Dean Foster
Dinotopia Lost
Voyage of the Basset, with Renwick St. James, illustrated by James C. Christensen

Diana Pharaoh Francis
Path of Fate

Lorna Freeman
The King's Own

Esther Friesner, editor
Chicks in Chainmail
Chicks 'n Chained Males
Did You Say Chicks?!
The Chick is in the Mail

Bret M. Funk
Boundary's Fall #1: Path of Glory
Boundary's Fall #2: Sword of Honor

Monica Furlong


Neil Gaiman
M is for Magic
Norse Mythology
The Sandman: The Dream Hunters, illustrated by Yoshitaka Amano
Two Plays for Voices: Snow Glass Apples, Murder Mysteries

Ginger Garrett
Chronicles of the Scribe #2: In the Arms of Immortals

David Gemmell
Sword in the Storm (Rigante #1)

Mary Gentle
Rats & Gargoyles
1610: A Sundial in a Grave
Worlds That Weren't, with Harry Turtledove, et al

Jessica Day George
Princess of the Midnight Ball
Tuesdays at the Castle

Jeffrey Getzin
The Bryanae #1: Prince of Bryanae

Kurt R.A. Giambastiani
From the Heart of the Storm
Shadow of the Storm

Jayel Gibson
The Wrekening

Rachel Gillig
The Shepherd King #1: One Dark Window

ElizaBeth Gilligan
Silken Magic #1: Magic's Silken Snare

Isabel Glass
Daughter of Exile

Christopher Golden
Baltimore, or The Steadfast Tin Soldier & the Vampire, with Mike Mignola
Ghosts of Albion: Accursed, with Amber Benson
Ghosts of Albion: Initiation, with Amber Benson
Ghosts of Albion: Witchery, with Amber Benson

William Goldman
The Princess Bride

Lisa Goldstein
Daughter of Exile, writing as Isabel Glass

Barbara Gowdy
The White Bone

Ian Graham

Margaret Gray
The Ugly Princess & the Wise Fool

Richard Gray
The Piaculum

Simon R. Green
Agents of Light & Darkness
Deathstalker Legacy
Nightingale's Lament

Martin H. Greenberg, editor
Apprentice Fantastic, with Russel Davis
Horrible Beginnings, with Steven H. Silver
Knight Fantastic, with John Helfers
Magical Beginnings, with Steven H. Silver
Pharaoh Fantastic, with Brittiany A. Koren

Jim Grimsley
Kirith Kirin

Val Gunn
In the Shadow of Swords

Thorarinn Gunnarsson
Song of the Dwarves
Revenge of the Valkyrie


Lia Habel
Dearly, Departed

Margaret Peterson Haddix
Just Ella

Shannon Hale
Book of a Thousand Days
Enna Burning
The Goose Girl
Princess Academy

J.C. Hall
Lady of the Lakes

Barbara Hambly
Sisters of the Raven

Karen Hancock
Legends of the Guardian King, Book 1: Light of Eidon
Legends of the Guardian King, Book 2: The Shadow Within

Mette Ivie Harrison
The Princess & the Hound

Rachel Hartman

Merrie Haskell
The Princess Curse

Heather Hayashi
To Save the World

Elizabeth Haydon
Rhapsody: Child of Blood

Julie Hearn
Sign of the Raven

Lian Hearn
Across the Nightingale Floor: Tales of the Otori, Book I
Grass for His Pillow: Tales of the Otori, Book II

Robert A. Heinlein
Glory Road
Waldo & Magic Inc.

Barb & J.C. Hendee
Thief of Lives

James A. Hetley
The Summer Country
The Winter Oak

Tracy & Laura Hickman
Mystic Warrior

Beth Hilgartner
A Necklace of Fallen Stars

Debora Elizabeth Hill & Sandra Brandenburg
Lost Myths Saga, Vol. I: The Land of the Wand

Jim C. Hines
Princess Novels #1: The Stepsister Scheme

Robin Hobb
Shaman's Crossing

Mary Hoffman
Stravaganza: City of Masks
Stravaganza: City of Stars

Nancy Holder

Cecelia Holland
The Angel & the Sword

Nalo Hopkinson & Geoff Ryman, editors
Tesseracts Nine

Sarah A. Hoyt
Ill Met by Moonlight

Tanya Huff
Fifth Quarter
Sing the Four Quarters
Stealing Magic
Wizard of the Grove
  (omnibus: Child of the Grove, The Last Wizard)

Barry Hughart
Bridge of Birds

Faith Hunter
Rogue Mage #1: Bloodring


Eva Ibbotson
The Secret of Platform 13
Which Witch?

Alex Irvine
Unintended Consequences


Liam Jackson

Marie Jakober
The Black Chalice
Even the Stones

Roby James
Beyond the Hedge

Randall Jarrell
The Animal Family

Kij Johnson
The Fox Woman

Diana Wynne Jones
Charmed Life
Dark Lord of Derkholm
Howl's Moving Castle
The Magicians of Caprona

Frewin Jones
The Faerie Path #3: The Sorcerer King

Robert Jordan
The Wheel of Time, Book 1: The Eye of the World

Norton Juster
The Phantom Tollbooth, illustrated by Jules Feiffer


Daniel Kamin
Ruby of the Realms

Phyllis Ann Karr
Frostflower & Thorn

Robert F. Kauffmann
The Mask of Ollock

Guy Gavriel Kay
The Fionavar Tapestry #1: The Summer Tree
The Fionavar Tapestry #2: The Wandering Fire
The Fionavar Tapestry #3: The Darkest Road
The Last Light of the Sun
The Lions of Al-Rassan
The Sarantine Mosaic #1: Sailing to Sarantium
The Sarantine Mosaic #2: Lord of Emperors
A Song For Arbonne

Marvin Kaye, editor
The Dragon Quintet
Witches & Warlocks: Tales of Black Magic Old & New

Paul Kearney
The Second Empire
Ships from the West

Marjorie B. Kellogg
The Dragon Quartet #4: The Book of Air

Patricia Kennealy-Morrison
The Deer's Cry

Carolyn Kephart
Ryel Saga #1: Wysard
Ryel Saga #2: Lord Brother

Peg Kerr
Emerald House Rising

Patrice Kindl
Lost in the Labyrinth

Mindy L. Klasky
The Glasswrights' Journeyman
The Glasswrights' Test

Jackie French Koller
The Keepers #1: A Wizard Named Nell

Robert Kroese
Mercury Falls

Kaoru Kurimoto
The Guin Saga Book 1: The Leopard Mask

Katherine Kurtz
Deryni Tales, editor
In the King's Service

Ellen Kushner
The Fall of the Kings, with Delia Sherman
Thomas the Rhymer


Mercedes Lackey
The Black Swan
Brightly Burning
Exile's Honor
Exile's Valor
The Fairy Godmother
The Firebird
The Fire Rose
The Gates of Sleep
Phoenix & Ashes
The River's Gift
The Serpent's Shadow
Sun in Glory & Other Tales of Valdemar, editor
Take a Thief
Trio of Sorcery
The Valdemar Companion, edited by John Helfers & Denise Little

Jay Lake

Soinbhe Lally
A Hive for the Honeybee

Margo Lanagan
The Brides of Rollrock Island
Tender Morsels

Katherine Langrish
Troll Blood

Joe R. Lansdale
Zeppelins West

Tim Lebbon
After the War
Fears Unnamed

J. Ardian Lee
Outlaw Sword
Sword of King James

Tanith Lee
The Claidi Journals #1: Wolf Tower
Dark Castle, White Horse
Gold Unicorn
Islands in the Sky (Voyage of the Basset #1)
White as Snow

Ursula K. Le Guin
The Other Wind
Tales from Earthsea
A Wizard of Earthsea

Alan J. Levine
The Adventures of Short Stubbly Brownbeard

Gail Carson Levine
The Two Princesses of Bamarre

Rebecca Lickiss
Never After

Megan Lindholm
Harpy's Flight

Holly Lisle
Moon & Sun #1: The Ruby Key
Sympathy for the Devil

Denise Little, editor
Rotten Relations
Twice Upon a Time
The Valdemar Companion, with John Helfers
Vengeance Fantastic

Kathryn Littlewood

Reyna Thera Lorele
The Archer King

Morgan Llywelyn
Finn MacCool
The Isles of the Blest

Wendy Loggia
Ever After: A Cinderella Story

Julien Longo
The Goddess Chronicles #1: Hera

Elizabeth A. Lynn
Dragon's Treasure