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"O horror! horror! horror! Tongue nor heart cannot conceive nor name thee!" (William Shakespeare, Macbeth)

Click on a letter if you're looking for a specific author by name.



Mario Acevedo
The Nymphos of Rocky Flats

C.T. Adams & Cathy Clamp
Touch of Evil

Kelley Armstrong
Women of the Otherworld #1: Bitten
Women of the Otherworld #2: Stolen
Women of the Otherworld #3: Dime Store Magic
Women of the Otherworld #4: Industrial Magic
Women of the Otherworld #5: Haunted
Women of the Otherworld #6: Broken
Women of the Otherworld #7: No Humans Involved
Women of the Otherworld #8: Personal Demon
Women of the Otherworld #9: Living with the Dead
Women of the Otherworld #12: Spell Bound

Michael A. Arnzen
100 Jolts: Shockingly Short Stories

Jane Austen & Seth Grahame-Smith
Pride & Prejudice & Zombies


Richard Bachman
The Long Walk
The Running Man

Camille Bacon-Smith
The Face of Time

Dale Bailey & Jack Slay Jr.
Sleeping Policemen

Nancy Baker
Blood & Chrysanthemums
The Night Inside (also published as Kiss of the Vampire)
A Terrible Beauty

L.A. Banks
Vampire Huntress #1: Minion
Vampire Huntress #2: The Awakening
Vampire Huntress #3: The Hunted

Adrienne Barbeau
Love Bites

Adrienne Barbeau & Michael Scott
Vampyres of Hollywood

Clive Barker
Mister B. Gone

C.G. Bauer
Scars on the Face of God

Marion Dane Bauer
The Red Ghost

Elizabeth Bear
New Amsterdam
Seven for a Secret

Peter Benchley
White Shark

Nigel Bennett & P.N. Elrod
Keeper of the King

Amber Benson & Christopher Golden
Ghosts of Albion: Accursed
Ghosts of Albion: Initiation
Ghosts of Albion: Witchery
The Seven Whistlers

Elaine Bergstrom

Steve Berman
Vintage: A Ghost Story

Jenna Black
Guardians of the Night #1: Watchers in the Night
Guardians of the Night #2: Secrets in the Shadows
Guardians of the Night #3: Shadows on the Soul
Morgan Kingsley, Exorcist #1: The Devil Inside

Sarah Blakley-Cartwright
Red Riding Hood

William Peter Blatty

James P. Blaylock
The Rainy Season

Alex Bledsoe
Blood Groove

Robert Bloch
The Lost Bloch: Vol. 3, edited by David J. Schow
The Night of the Ripper

Francesca Lia Block
Blood Roses
Pretty Dead

Alice Borchardt
The Silver Wolf

Patricia Briggs
Mercy Thompson #1: Moon Called
Mercy Thompson #2: Blood Bound
Mercy Thompson #3: Iron Kissed

Poppy Z. Brite
Antediluvian Tales
The Devil You Know
Lost Souls
Plastic Jesus
Triads, with Christa Faust

Max Brooks
The Zombie Survival Guide
The Zombie Survival Guide: Recorded Attacks, with Ibraim Roberson

Cara Bruce, editor

Steven Brust

Kealan Patrick Burke
The Number 121 to Pennsylvania & Others

Jim Butcher
The Dresden Files #1: Storm Front
The Dresden Files #2: Fool Moon
The Dresden Files #3: Grave Peril
The Dresden Files #4: Summer Knight
The Dresden Files #5: Death Masks
The Dresden Files #6: Blood Rites
The Dresden Files #7: Dead Beat
The Dresden Files #8: Proven Guilty
The Dresden Files #9: White Night
The Dresden Files #10: Small Favor
The Dresden Files #11: Turn Coat
The Dresden Files #12: Changes


Rachel Caine
The Morganville Vampires #1: Glass Houses
The Morganville Vampires #2: Dead Girl's Dance
The Morganville Vampires #3: Midnight Alley
The Morganville Vampires #9: Ghost Town
The Undead

Mayra Calvani
Embraced by the Shadows

Peter Carver, editor
The Horrors: Terrifying Tales, Book I

Karen Chance
Claimed by Shadow
Touch the Dark

Suzy McKee Charnas
Stagestruck Vampires & Other Phantasms
The Vampire Tapestry

Frank Chigas
The Damp Chamber & Other Bad Places

Richard Chizmar, editor
Trick or Treat: A Collection of Halloween Novellas

Richard & Billy Chizmar
Widow's Point

Richard Chizmar & Stephen King
Gwendy's Button Box

Richard Chizmar & Robert Morrish, editors
October Dreams: A Celebration of Halloween

Joseph A. Citro
The Gore

Douglas Clegg

Christopher Conlon, editor
Poe's Lighthouse

Peter Crowther
Songs of Leaving
The Spaces Between the Lines
Taps & Sighs (editor)


Les Daniels
Yellow Fog

Frank Darabont
Walpuski's Typewriter

Ellen Datlow, editor
A Whisper of Blood

Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, editors
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 11th edition
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 12th edition
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 13th edition
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 14th edition

Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link & Gavin J. Grant, editors
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 18th annual edition

Peter David
Howling Mad

MaryJanice Davidson
Derik's Bane
Undead & Unwed
Undead & Unemployed
Undead & Unappreciated

Julie Ann Dawson, editor
Legendary Horrors: A Collection of Modern & Classic Horror

Melissa de la Cruz
Blue Bloods #4: The Van Allen Legacy

Joseph Delaney
The Last Apprentice #1: Revenge of the Witch

Charles de Lint
Angel of Darkness, writing as Samuel M. Key
Wolf Moon

Nolene-Patricia Dougan

Jocelynn Drake
Dark Days #3: Dawnbreaker

Glen Duncan
The Last Werewolf

David Dunwoody

Frederic Durbin

Karen Duvall
Project Resurrection


Bret Easton Ellis
American Psycho

P.N. Elrod
Cold Streets
Keeper of the King, with Nigel Bennett


Mick Farren
The Time of Feasting

Jeffrey Ford
The Empire of Ice Cream

Anne Frasier
Play Dead

Bob Freeman
Cairnwood Manor, Book I: Shadows Over Somerset

Brian Freeman
Blue November Storms

Gregory Frost
Attack of the Jazz Giants & Other Stories

James Futch & James Newman
Night of the Loving Dead


Christopher Golden
Baltimore, or The Steadfast Tin Soldier & the Vampire, with Mike Mignola
The Gathering Dark
Ghosts of Albion: Accursed, with Amber Benson
Ghosts of Albion: Initiation, with Amber Benson
Ghosts of Albion #2: Witchery, with Amber Benson
The Seven Whistlers, with Amber Benson
Spike & Dru: Pretty Maids All in a Row

Jewelle Gomez
The Gilda Stories

Sherry Gottlieb
Worse Than Death

Seth Grahame-Smith
Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter
Pride & Prejudice & Zombies

Simon R. Green
Nightside #1: Something from the Nightside
Nightside #2: Agents of Light & Darkness
Nightside #3: Nightingale's Lament
Nightside #4: Hex & the City
Nightside #5: Paths Not Taken
Nightside #6: Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth
Nightside #7: Hell to Pay
Nightside #8: The Unnatural Inquirer

Martin H. Greenberg, editor
Haunted Holidays, with Russell Davis
Horrible Beginnings, with Steven Silver
The Repentant, with Brian M. Thomsen

Daryl Gregory


Peter Haining, editor
Great Irish Tales of Horror: A Treasury of Fear

Joe Haldeman

Tate Hallaway
Garnet Lacey #1: Tall, Dark & Dead
Garnet Lacey #2: Dead Sexy
Garnet Lacey #3: Romancing the Dead
Garnet Lacey #4: Dead If I Do

Laurell K. Hamilton
Guilty Pleasures
Incubus Dreams
Obsidian Butterfly

Charlaine Harris
Harper Connelly #1: Grave Sight
Harper Connelly #2: Grave Surprise
Southern Vampire #1: Dead Until Dark
Southern Vampire #2: Living Dead in Dallas
Southern Vampire #3: Club Dead
Southern Vampire #4: Dead to the World
Southern Vampire #5: Dead as a Doornail
Southern Vampire #6: Definitely Dead
Southern Vampire #7: All Together Dead
Southern Vampire #8: From Dead to Worse

Charlaine Harris & Toni L.P. Kelner, editors
Many Bloody Returns

Thomas Harris
The Silence of the Lambs

Kim Harrison
Rachel Morgan #1: Dead Witch Walking
Rachel Morgan #2: The Good, the Bad & the Undead
Rachel Morgan #3: Every Which Way But Dead

Rachel Hawthorne
Dark Guardians #1: Moonlight

Mark Henry
Happy Hour of the Damned

Charlie Higson
The Enemy

T.L. Hines
Waking Lazarus

S.E. Hinton
Hawkes Harbor

Glen Hirshberg
The Two Sams

David Holland
Murcheston: The Wolf's Tale

Nancy Holzner

Deborah Howe
Bunnicula: A Rabbit-Tale of Mystery

Del Howison
When Werewolves Attack: A Field Guide to Dispatching Ravenous Flesh-Ripping Beasts

H.R. Howland

Tanya Huff
Blood Ties #1: Blood Price
Blood Ties #2: Blood Trail
Blood Ties #3: Blood Lines
Blood Ties #4: Blood Pact
Blood Ties #5: Blood Debt
The Keeper's Chronicles #1: Summon the Keeper
The Keeper's Chronicles #2: The Second Summoning
The Keeper's Chronicles #3: Long Hot Summoning
Smoke #1: Smoke & Shadows
Smoke #2: Smoke & Mirrors
Smoke #3: Smoke & Ashes

Charlie Huston
Already Dead


Shirley Jackson
The Haunting of Hill House


Marvin Kaye, editor
The Vampire Sextette
Witches & Warlocks: Tales of Black Magic Old & New

John A. Keel
The Mothman Prophecies

Brian Keene
City of the Dead
The Conqueror Worms
Dark Hollow
Darkness on the Edge of Town
Dead Sea
Ghost Walk
Kill Whitey
The Rising

Richard W. Kelly

Ronald Kelly
Midnight Grinding & Other Twilight Tales

Asamatsu Ken
Queen of K'n-Yan

Julie Kenner
Carpe Demon

Jackie Kessler
Hell on Earth #1: Hell's Belles
Hell on Earth #2: The Road to Hell
Hell on Earth #3: Hotter Than Hell

Samuel M. Key
Angel of Darkness

James Kidman
Black Fire

Caitlin R. Kiernan
Low Red Moon

Lee Killough
Blood Games

Stephen King
Bag of Bones
Blockade Billy
The Dead Zone
Different Seasons
From the Borderlands: Stories of Terror & Madness
Lisey's Story
The Long Walk (writing as Richard Bachman)
Pet Sematary
Rage (writing as Richard Bachman)
Roadwork (writing as Richard Bachman)
The Running Man (writing as Richard Bachman)
'Salem's Lot
The Stand
see also The Illustrated Stephen King Trivia Book

Stephen King & Richard Chizmar
Gwendy's Button Box

Stephen King & Peter Straub
Black House
The Talisman

Zinna Kingsley
The Lord of Dream & Metal

E.E. Knight
Vampire Earth #1: The Way of the Wolf
Vampire Earth #2: Choice of the Cat

Lorna Joy Knox
Two Tales of Mystery

Karen Koehler

Elizabeth Kostova
The Historian

Steven Krane
Stranger Inside

Daniel Kraus
The Monster Variations

Susan Krinard, Tanith Lee, Evelyn Vaughn
When Darkness Falls


Mercedes Lackey
Burning Water

Charles Lambert
The Bone Flower

James Richard Larson
The Right Thing

Ann Lawrence
Do You Believe?

Richard Laymon
Resurrection Dreams

Tim Lebbon
After the War
Fears Unnamed

Tanith Lee, Susan Krinard, Evelyn Vaughn
When Darkness Falls

Norma Lehr
Dark Maiden

David Leviatan
The Mummy

Marc Joel Levitt
Tales of an October Moon

Jacqueline Lichtenberg
Those of My Blood

Roxanne Longstreet
The Undead

Brian Lumley
The Taint & Other Novellas: Best Mythos Tales, Vol. I
Haggopian & Other Stories: Best Mythos Tales, Vol. II


Karen Macinerney
Tales of an Urban Werewolf #1: Howling at the Moon

Robert McCammon
I Travel By Night

Erin McCarthy
Vegas Vampires #1: High Stakes
Vegas Vampires #2: Bit the Jackpot
Vegas Vampires #3: Bled Dry
Vegas Vampires #4: Sucker Bet

Kevin McCarthy, with David Silva
Into the Darkness

Michael McCrann
Midnight Tableau

Patrick McGrath
Blood & Water & Other Tales

Robin McKinley

Richelle Mead
Georgina Kincaid #1: Succubus Blues
Georgina Kincaid #2: Succubus On Top
Georgina Kincaid #3: Succubus Dreams
Georgina Kincaid #4: Succubus Heat
Vampire Academy

Peter Meredith
The Punished

Stephenie Meyer
Twilight #2: New Moon
Twilight #4: Breaking Dawn

Elizabeth E. & Thomas F. Monteleone, editors
From the Borderlands: Stories of Terror & Madness

Christopher Moore
Bloodsucking Fiends: A Love Story
A Dirty Job
You Suck

James A. Moore
Under the Over Tree

David Morrell

Billie Sue Mosiman
Craven Moon
Malachi's Moon
Red Moon Rising

A.S. Mott
Gothic Ghost Stories: Tales of Intrigue & Fantasy from Beyond the Grave
Haunting Fireside Stories

Justine Musk


Joseph Nassise
The Great Undead War, Book I: By the Blood of Heroes

Scott Nicholson
The Farm
The Red Church

Kerry Nietz
Amish Vampires in Space


Mel Odom
Hellgate: London: Exodus

Kenneth Oppel
This Dark Endeavor: The Apprenticeship of Victor Frankenstein

Tom Orrell
Not Alone Out Here

Helen Oyeyemi
The Icarus Girl


Jason Parent
Wrathbone & Other Stories

Nicholas Pekearo
The Wolfman

John Pelan, editor
Dark Arts
The Darker Side: Generations of Horror
A Walk on the Darkside: Visions of Horror

Frank Peretti & Ted Dekker

Stefan Petrucha & Thomas Pendleton
Wicked Dead #1: Lurker
Wicked Dead #2: Torn
Wicked Dead #3: Snared

Edgar Allan Poe
Poe's Lighthouse, edited by Christopher Conlon

Tim Powers

Terry Pratchett
Mort (Discworld #4)
Reaper Man (Discworld #11)
Soul Music (Discworld #16)
Maskerade (Discworld #18)
Hogfather (Discworld #20)
Carpe Jugulum (Discworld #23)

[Editor's note: OK, Terry Pratchett doesn't write horror, as such, but these novels do deal with the likes of Death, the Phantom of the Opera, vampires and witches. That's scary, right? Um, well, it could be, if the light was just right....]

Cherie Priest
The Agony House
The Borden Dispatches #1: Maplecroft
Dreadful Skin
The Toll

Jack Priest


Anne Rice
Blackwood Farm
Interview with the Vampire
Memnoch the Devil
The Queen of the Damned
The Vampire Lestat
Vittorio the Vampire
The Witching Hour

Susan Rich, editor
Half-Minute Horrors

Kat Richardson

Phil Rickman
The Man in the Moss

Craig Rondinone
Ten Tales to Make Your Head Explode


Al Sarrantonio
Hallows Eve
Hornets & Others

John Saul
House of Reckoning
Midnight Voices

David J. Schow
Havoc Swims Jaded
Rock Breaks Scissors Cut
Zombie Jam

Marcus Sedgwick
My Swordhand is Singing

Darren Shan
Zom-B #2: Zom-B Underground

Lorelei Shannon
Rags & Old Iron

Lucius Shepard
Colonel Rutherford's Colt

Robert Silverberg
The Book of Skulls

Dan Simmons
A Winter Haunting

Susan Sizemore
Laws of the Blood: Deceptions
Laws of the Blood: Heroes

Scott Smith
The Ruins

B.P. Smythe
Sow & You Shall Reap

Justin Somper
Vampirates #1: Demons of the Ocean

William Browning Spencer
The Ocean & All Its Devices

John Steakley

Jeanne C. Stein
The Anna Strong Chronicles #3: The Watcher

Bart Stewart
Tales of Real & Dream Worlds

Sean Stewart
The Night Watch

Peter Straub
Pork Pie Hat

Peter Straub & Stephen King
Black House
The Talisman

Whitley Strieber
From the Borderlands: Stories of Terror & Madness

Tamara Summers
Never Bite a Boy on the First Date


Karen E. Taylor
Blood Secrets
Twelve Steps from Darkness

Thomas Tessier
Father Panic's Opera Macabre

Jeffrey Thomas

Scott Thomas
Midnight in New England

Brian M. Thomsen & Martin H. Greenberg, editors
The Repentant

Rob Thurman
Cal Leandros #1: Nightlife
Cal Leandros #2: Moonshine


Edo Van Belkom

Vivian Vande Velde
All Hallows' Eve

Carrie Vaughn
Kitty Norville #2: Kitty Goes to Washington
Kitty Norville #3: Kitty Takes a Holiday
Kitty Norville #4: Kitty & the Silver Bullet


Daniel Waters
Generation Dead

Steven E. Wedel

David Wellington
Monster Island
Monster Nation

Mark West
Strange Tales

Aliya Whitely
The Beauty

Chet Williamson
The Crow: Clash By Night
Figures in Rain
Second Chance
The Story of Noichi the Blind

Laurie & Chet Williamson
Murder Old & New

Connie Corcoran Wilson
The Color of Evil

Terri Windling & Ellen Datlow, editors
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 11th edition
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 12th edition
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 13th edition
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 14th edition


Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
Borne in Blood
A Dangerous Climate
Dark of the Sun
Hotel Transylvania
A Mortal Glamour
Night Blooming
Roman Dusk
States of Grace


George Zebrowski
Black Pockets & Other Dark Thoughts