"To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle requires creative imagination and marks real advances in science." (Albert Einstein)
Click on a letter if you're looking for a specific author by name. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Douglas Adams
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
Life, the Universe, & Everything
So Long, & Thanks for All the Fish
Mostly Harmless
The Salmon of Doubt: Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time
Steven-Elliot Altman
Kevin J. Anderson
Dune: House Atreides, with Brian Herbert
Sisterhood of Dune, with Brian Herbert
Enemies & Allies
Fantastic Voyage: Microcosm
The Last Days of Krypton
The Saga of Seven Suns #1: Hidden Empire
The Saga of Seven Suns #2: A Forest of Stars
Star Wars: Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina, editor
Patricia Anthony
God's Fires
Robert P. Arthur
Crazy Horse in Heaven
Catherine Asaro
The Veiled Web
Isaac Asimov
Robot Dreams
Robot Visions
Robert Asprin & Peter J. Heck
No Phule Like an Old Phule
Margaret Atwood
The Blind Assassin
The Handmaid's Tale
MaddAddam Trilogy #1: Oryx & Crake
MaddAddam Trilogy #2: The Year of the Flood
Gregory J. Austin, with Rick Sellers
Fallen City
Steve Aylett
Richard Bachman
The Running Man
Kage Baker
Black Projects, White Knights
The Children of the Company
The Graveyard Game
In the Garden of Iden
Mendoza in Hollywood
Sky Coyote
The Women of Nell Gwynne's
Kage Baker & Kathleen Bartholomew
Nell Gwynne's On Land & at Sea
Bruce Balfour
The Digital Dead
The Forge of Mars
Pip Ballantine & Tee Morris
Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences: Phoenix Rising
Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences: The Janus Affair
John Barnes
The Duke of Uranium
Greg Bear
Darwin's Radio
K.A. Bedford
Hydrogen Steel
Orbital Burn
Gregory Benford
The Martian Race
Microcosms, editor
The Sunborn
M.D. Benoit
Metered Space
Alfred Bester
The Stars My Destination
Randall N. Bills
Battletech/MechWarrior: Hunters of the Deep
Jayme Lynn Blaschke
Voices of Vision: Creators of Fantasy & Science Fiction Speak
Robert W. Bly
The Science in Science Fiction
Boris Bouquerel
Say Hello to Jupiter
Ben Bova
The Precipice (The Asteroid Wars, Volume I)
Richard Bowes
From the Files of the Time Rangers
Ray Bradbury
The Illustrated Man
Marion Zimmer Bradley
The Ages of Chaos
(omnibus: Stormqueen & Hawkmistress)
The Fall of Neskaya, with Deborah J. Ross
The Forbidden Circle
(omnibus: The Spell Sword & The Forbidden Tower)
Heritage & Exile
(omnibus: The Heritage of Hastur & Sharra's Exile)
To Save a World
(omnibus: The World Wreckers, The Planet Savers)
Traitor's Sun
A World Divided
(omnibus: The Bloody Sun, Star of Danger, The Winds of Darkover)
Gillian Bradshaw
The Wrong Reflection
David Brin
Kiln People
The Uplift Saga #1: Sundiver
The Uplift Saga #2: Startide Rising
The Uplift Saga #3: The Uplift War
Terry Brooks
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
Eric Brown
Threshold Shift
Matt Browne
The Future Happens Twice
Tobias S. Buckell
Crystal Rain
M.M. Buckner
Robert Buettner
Lois McMaster Bujold
the Barrayar series
Emma Bull
Bone Dance
Chris Bunch
The Double-Cross Program
The Scoundrel Worlds
Star Risk, Ltd.
Richard Calder
Jack Campbell
The Lost Fleet #1: Dauntless
The Lost Fleet #2: Fearless
Orson Scott Card
Ender in Exile
Ender's Game
Ender's Shadow
First Meetings in Ender's Universe
Posing as People, with Scott Brick, Aaron Johnston & Emily Janice Card
Space Boy
Ken Carodine
All the Tea
Caleb Carr
Killing Time
Marissa Carter
The Turning
Jay Caselberg
Metal Sky
Ivan Cat
The Burning Heart of Night
C.J. Cherryh
At the Edge of Space
(omnibus: Brothers of Earth, Hunter of Worlds)
The Collected Short Fiction
Jim Cline
A Small Percentage
A Small Percentage (audiobook)
Loren L. Coleman
Battletech/MechWarrior: Blood of the Isle
Battletech/MechWarrior: By Temptations & By War
Battletech/MechWarrior: A Call to Arms
Battletech/MechWarrior: Endgame
Battletech/MechWarrior: Storms of Fate
Paul Collins
The Skyborn
Tom Cool
Secret Realms
Michael Crichton
Peter Crowther
Mars Probes (editor)
Songs of Leaving
Julie E. Czerneda
In the Company of Others
Space Inc., editor
A Thousand Words for Stranger
Ties of Power
To Trade the Stars
Web Shifters #1: Beholder's Eye
Web Shifters #2: Changing Vision
Web Shifters #3: Hidden in Sight
Jack Dann, et al
The Fiction Factory
Jack Dann & Gardner Dozios, editors
Beyond Flesh
Future Crimes
Future Sports
Peter Darrach
Second Skin
Ellen Datlow, editor
Off Limits: Tales of Alien Sex
Arwen Elys Dayton
Charles de Lint
Quicksilver & Shadow
Martin Delrio
Battletech/MechWarrior: A Silence in the Heavens
Lee Denning
Monkey Trap
Mike DiCerto
Milky Way Marmalade
Philip K. Dick
Nick & the Glimmung
R. Malcolm Dickson
William C. Dietz
For More Than Glory
For Those Who Fell
Paul Di Filippo
The Emperor of Gondwanaland & Other Stories
Shuteye for the Timebroker
Vu X. Do
The Beginning, The Seventh Storm, The End
Cory Doctorow
Overclocked: Stories of the Future Present
Charles Dodd
Code 18
Chris Dolley
Candas Jane Dorsey
A Paradigm of Earth
Sara Douglass
The Wayfarer Redemption
Gardner Dozois
Shadow Twin, with George R.R. Martin & Daniel Abraham
Gardner Dozois, editor
Beyond Flesh, with Jack Dann
Future Crimes, with Jack Dann
Future Sports, with Jack Dann
The Year's Best Science Fiction: 19th Annual Collection
The Year's Best Science Fiction: 21st Annual Collection
David Drake & Bill Fawcett, editors
The Fleet
The Fleet No. 2: Counter Attack
Karen Duvall
Project Resurrection
Anne K. Edwards
The Last to Fall
George Alec Effinger
Live! From Planet Earth
Greg Egan
Dark Integers & Other Stories
Kate Elliott
Loring Emery
The Machine: A Science Fiction Novel
Pig Jump: A Historical Novel
Carol Emshwiller
The Mount
Sylvia Louise Engdahl
Journey Between Worlds
Stewards of the Flame
Mick Farren
David Feintuch
Children of Hope
Jasper Fforde
The Eyre Affair
Lost in a Good Book
Michael Flynn
The Wreck of The River of Stars
Alan Dean Foster
The Mocking Program
Splinter of the Mind's Eye
Star Trek
Karen Joy Fowler, et al, editors
The James Tiptree Award Anthology 2
Pat Frank
Alas, Babylon
Gregory Frost
Attack of the Jazz Giants & Other Stories
Eric Garcia
Anonymous Rex
Casual Rex
David Gerrold
Alternate Gerrolds
William Gibson
All Tomorrow's Parties
The Difference Engine, with Bruce Sterling
Pattern Recognition
Thomas Glavinic
Night Work
Molly Gloss
The Dazzle of Day
P.J. Goddard
Parke Godwin
Waiting for the Galactic Bus
Laurence Gonzales
Terry Goodkind
Naked Empire
T. Ray Gordon
Inhumanity Quest
Strawberry Automatic
Tears of the Tin God
Steven Gould
Blind Waves
Mira Grant
When Will You Rise: Stories to End the World
Cheryl Gray
Lisa M. & Michael S.A. Graziano
Cretaceous Dawn
Simon R. Green
Deathstalker Coda
Deathstalker Legacy
Deathstalker Return
Martin H. Greenberg, editor
Future Wars, with Larry Segriff
Sol's Children, with Jean Rabe
Space Stations, with John Helfers
Wondrous Beginnings, with Steven H. Silver
Brian Greene
Icarus at the Edge of Time
Thomas S. Gressman
Operation Sierra-75 (Vor, No. 6)
Kevin Guilfoile
Cast of Shadows
Joe Haldeman
The Forever War
Old Twentieth
Joan Upton Hall
Arturo el Rey
W.F. Halsey
To Kill an Eidolon
Peter F. Hamilton
Fallen Dragon
Judas Unchained
The Naked God, Part 2: Faith
Byron Hansen & Dennis Meier
The Science Club Kids & the Fabulous Phrenosan Wormhole Device
Steven Harper
Marcus Alexander Hart
The Oblivion Society
Gloria Hartman
Race for Doroon
Keith Hartman
Murder Beneath the Buried Sky
William K. Hartmann
Mars Underground
David Hartwell & Kathryn Cramer, editors
Year's Best SF 7
Year's Best SF 9
Heather Hayashi
To Save the World
Robert A. Heinlein
Beyond This Horizon
Citizen of the Galaxy
The Door into Summer
Double Star
Glory Road
The Green Hills of Earth
Have Space Suit-Will Travel
The Man Who Sold the Moon
Methuselah's Children
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
The Past Through Tomorrow
The Puppet Masters
Red Planet
Revolt in 2100
Starship Troopers
Stranger in a Strange Land
Waldo & Magic Inc.
John G. Hemry
Burden of Proof
A Just Determination
Howard V. Hendrix
Empty Cities of the Full Moon
Standing Wave
Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson
Dune: House Atreides
Sisterhood of Dune
Lee Hogan
Nalo Hopkinson
Brown Girl in the Ring
Midnight Robber
Will Hubbell
Cretaceous Sea
Sea of Time
Thomas Hubschman
Space Ark
Matthew Hughes
Black Brillion
The Commons
Don Hussey
Chesapeake Station: It Began with Serenity
Janis Ian & Mike Resnick, editors
Eric Idle
The Road to Mars
Charles Ingrid
The Marked Man Omnibus
Alex Irvine
Unintended Consequences
Kazuo Ishiguro
Never Let Me Go
Terry James
The Rapture Dialogues: Dark Dimension
Diana Wynne Jones
Theodore Judson
Fitzpatrick's War
Ernst Jünger
The Glass Bees
Michael Kanaly
Virus Clans
Susan Kearney
The Challenge
The Dare
The Ultimatum
James Patrick Kelly
Strange But Not a Stranger
Philip Kerr
The Second Angel
Larry Ketchersid
Dusk Before the Dawn
Ron King
The Quantum July
Stephen King
The Dark Tower #1: The Gunslinger
The Dark Tower #2: The Drawing of the Three
The Dark Tower #3: The Waste Lands
E.E. Knight
Vampire Earth #1: The Way of the Wolf
Vampire Earth #2: Choice of the Cat
Nancy Kress
Nebula Awards Showcase: The Year's Best SF & Fantasy 2003 (editor)
Daniel Krummenacher
Geoffrey A. Landis
Impact Parameter & Other Quantum Realities
Sue Lange
Tritcheon Hash
Joe R. Lansdale
Zeppelins West
Ellen Larson
The Measure of the Universe
Tim Lebbon
The Last Storm
Sharon Lee & Steve Miller
Balance of Trade
Carpe Diem
Conflict of Honors
I Dare
Low Port, editors
Scout's Progress
Stanislaw Lem
Mortal Engines
Jonathan Lethem
The Fortress of Solitude
Paul Levinson
The Consciousness Plague
Jacqueline Lichtenberg
Those of My Blood
Morgan Llywelyn
Karin Lowachee
Lois Lowry
Gathering Blue
Jonathan Lyons
Rory Macaraeg
The Fifth Dimension
Scott Mackay
Julian Mahikan
Mack Maloney
Starhawk: Battle at Zero Point
Starhawk: The Fourth Empire
Louise Marley
The Child Goddess
The Maquisarde
George R.R. Martin
Wild Card #18: Inside Straight
Shadow Twin, with Gardner Dozois & Daniel Abraham
Lee Martindale, editor
Such a Pretty Face
Elan Mastai
All Our Wrong Todays
Susan R. Matthews
The Devil & Deep Space
An Exchange of Hostages
Maxine McArthur
Less Than Human
Paul McAuley
The Secret of Life
Anne McCaffrey
Freedom's Ransom
Cormac McCarthy
The Road
Wil McCarthy
Wil McCarthy, Martin H. Greenberg & John Helfers, editors
Once Upon a Galaxy
Kelly McCullough
Ravirn #1: WebMage
Ravirn #2: Cybermancy
Ravirn #4: MythOS
Jack McDevitt
The Engines of God
Infinity Beach
Maureen F. McHugh
Mothers & Other Monsters
Vonda McIntyre, editor
Nebula Awards Showcase 2004: The Year's Best SF & Fantasy
S.D. McKee
Darkness Among the Stars, Book 1: Defeated
Sean McMullen
The Miocene Arrow
Souls in the Great Machine
Phil Meade
PsiScouts 1: At Risk
John Meaney
R.M. Meluch
Tour of the Merrimack, #1: The Myriad
Henry Melton
Emperor Dad
Golden Girl
Roswell or Bust!
C.J. Merle
Of Honor & Treason
G.S. Michelsen
The Veil of Light
China Mieville
Perdido Street Station
The Scar
D. Mikels
The Reckoning
Syne Mitchell
The Changeling Plague
Elizabeth Moon
Engaging the Enemy
Perry Moor
Michael Moorcock
The Lives & Times of Jerry Cornelius: Stories of the Comic Apocalypse
James A. Moore
Lyda Morehouse
Apocalypse Array
Fallen Host
Messiah Node
Chris Moriarty
Spin State
Spin Control
Mike Moscoe
Battletech/MechWarrior: Patriot's Stand
Pat Murphy
Adventures in Time & Space With Max Merriwell
There & Back Again: by Max Merriwell
Bill Myers
Soul Tracker
Linda Nagata
Jamil Nasir
Distance Haze
Tower of Dreams
Kerry Nietz
Amish Vampires in Space
Audrey Niffenegger
The Time Traveler's Wife
Larry Niven
Garth Nix
A Confusion of Princes
William F. Nolan
Wild Galaxy: Selected Science Fiction Stories
Jeff Noon
Lisanne Norman
Between Darkness & Light
Jody Lynn Nye
Don't Forget Your Spacesuit, Dear (editor)
The Lady & the Tiger
Medicine Show
Eric S. Nylund
Signal to Noise
Mark Andrew Olsen
The Assignment
John B. Olson
John B. Olson & Randall Ingermanson
The Fifth Man
Jerry Oltion
Abandon In Place
Rebecca Ore
Outlaw School
Blaine Lee Pardoe
Battletech/MechWarrior: Operation Audacity
Paul Park
Soldiers of Paradise (Starbridge Chronicles #1)
Sugar Rain (Starbridge Chronicles #2)
The Cult of Loving Kindness (Starbridge Chronicles #3)
Michael Paul
Charles Pellegrino
Steve Perry
The Machiavelli Interface
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
Steven Polansky
The Bradbury Report
Richard Powers
Galatea 2.2
Plowing the Dark
Tim Powers
The Anubis Gates
Terry Pratchett
Only You Can Save Mankind
Laura Preble
The Queen Geek Social Club
Susan Price
The Sterkarm Handshake
Russell Proctor
Days of Iron
Jean Rabe & Martin H. Greenberg, editors
Sol's Children
Kevin D. Randle
The Exploration Chronicles #1: Signals
The Exploration Chronicles #2: Starship
Robert Reed
The Cuckoo's Boys
Philip Reeve
Predator's Gold
Mickey Zucker Reichert
I, Robot: To Protect
Mike Resnick
Santiago: A Myth of the Far Future
Mike Resnick, editor
Men Writing Science Fiction as Women
New Voices in Science Fiction
Stars, with Janis Ian
Women Writing Science Fiction as Men
Paulo J. Reyes
Alastair Reynolds
Absolution Gap
Chasm City
Redemption Ark
Revelation Space
R.G. Roane
The Delphinus Chronicles
John Maddox Roberts
Hannibal's Children
The Seven Hills
Keith Roberts
Kim Stanley Robinson
Forty Signs of Rain
Nebula Awards Showcase 2002: The Year's Best SF & Fantasy
Red Mars
The Years of Rice & Salt
Spider Robinson
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon
The Crazy Years: Reflections from a Science Fiction Original
The Free Lunch
Justina Robson
Quantum Gravity #1: Keeping It Real
Stefan Rochfort
God Shock
Dan Ronco
Unholy Domain
Craig Rondinone
Ten Tales to Make Your Head Explode
Selina Rosen
Strange Robby
Mary Rosenblum
Rebecca K. Rowe
Forbidden Cargo
Matt Ruff
Bad Monkeys
Kristine Kathryn Rusch
The Disappeared
Mary Doria Russell
The Sparrow
Richard Paul Russo
Ship of Fools
Geoff Ryman
Nick Sagan
Don Sakers
A Voice in Every Wind: Two Tales of the Scattered Worlds
Dance for the Ivory Madonna
The Leaves of October
Al Sarrantonio, editor
Andrea Savitch
Envy of the Gods #1: If the Reward were Right
Robert J. Sawyer
John Scalzi
The Android's Dream
Ghost Brigades
The Last Colony
Old Man's War
The Sagan Diary
Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
Channeling Cleopatra
Cleopatra 7.2
David J. Schow
Rock Breaks Scissors Cut
John A. Senneff
The Apastron Reports: Quest for Life
Terence Shannon
What Happened to the Indians
Charles Sheffield
Rick Shelley
Spec Ops Squad: Deep Strike
Spec Ops Squad: Sucker Punch
Mike Shepherd
Kris Longknife: Mutineer
Will Shetterly
Sharon Shinn
Jenna Starborn
Samaria Trilogy, Book 1: Archangel
Steven H. Silver & Martin H. Greenberg, editors
Wondrous Beginnings
Robert Silverberg
The Book of Skulls
The Collected Stories, Vol. 2: To the Dark Star, 1962-69
Downward to the Earth
Diana Reed Slattery
The Maze Game
Joan Slonczewski
The Children Star
Still Forms on Foxfield
Jose Carlos Somoza
Zig Zag
Wen Spencer
Bitter Waters
Dog Warrior
Tainted Trail
William Browning Spencer
The Ocean & All Its Devices
Michael A. Stackpole
Battletech/MechWarrior: Ghost War
Allen Steele
Neal Stephenson
The Diamond Age or, A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer
The Diamond Age or, A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer (audiobook)
Snow Crash (audiobook)
Bruce Sterling
The Difference Engine, with William Gibson
Holy Fire
Visionary in Residence
Warren Stockholm
Scorpion Magazine, No. 1: The Sting of the Scorpion
Jonathan Strahan, editor
Best Short Novels 2004
Charles Stross
Iron Sunrise
Singularity Sky
Tricia Sullivan
Someone To Watch Over Me
Michael Swanwick
Bones of the Earth
Cecilia Tan, editor
Sex in the System
Jeffrey Thomas
Amy Thomson
Tamara Thorne
Thunder Road
Robert Thurston
Battletech/MechWarrior: The Legend of the Jade Phoenix
(omnibus: Way of the Clans, Bloodname, Falcon Guard)
Mark W. Tiedemann
Metal of Night
Steve Toutonghi
Delia Marshall Turner
Nameless Magery
George Turner
Down There in Darkness
Kathy Tyers
Shivering World
Vivian Vande Velde
Heir Apparent
Gordon van Gelder, editor
Fourth Planet from the Sun: Tales of Mars from the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction
Eric Van Lustbader
Mistress of the Pearl
Robert E. Vardeman
Battletech/MechWarrior: The Ruins of Power
John Varley
The John Varley Reader: 30 Years of Short Fiction
Red Thunder
S.L. Viehl
Bio Rescue
Blade Dancer
Eternity Row
Joan D. Vinge
Cowboys & Aliens
Vernor Vinge
A Deepness in the Sky
A Fire Upon the Deep
Tatja Grimm's World
Elisabeth Vonarburg
Dreams of the Sea
Katie Waitman
The Divided
The Merro Tree
Mark H. Walker
Everyone Dies in the End
Dean Warren
Growing Young
The Last Underclass
Peter Watts
Andrew Weiner
Getting Near the End
Andy Weir
The Martian
Martha Wells
Stargate Atlantis: Reliquary
Scott Westerfeld
Evolution's Darling
Fine Prey
James White
The Genocidal Healer
Colson Whitehead
The Intuitionist
Aliya Whitely
The Beauty
Tamara Wilhite
Humanity's Edge
Francis T. Perry Williams
Pollen & the Ring of Harmony
Lynda Williams & Alison Sinclair
Throne Price
Sean Williams & Shane Dix
Heirs of the Earth
Orphans of Earth
Chet Williamson
The Searchers #1: City of Iron
The Searchers #2: Empire of Dust
Jack Williamson
Wonder's Child: My Life in Science Fiction
Jack Williamson & James Gunn
Star Bridge
Connie Willis
All Clear
Doomsday Book
Fire Watch
Inside Job
To Say Nothing of the Dog
Gary A. Wilson
The Triangle
M.H. Wilson
The Galactic Seven
Robert Charles Wilson
The Chronoliths
J.B.B. Winner
The Strand Prophecy
Gene Wolfe
Home Fires
Elizabeth R. Wollheim & Sheila E. Gilbert, editors
30th Anniversary DAW: Science Fiction
N. Lee Wood
Master of None
Chris Wooding
Storm Thief
Rowena Wright
A Loop in Time
Susan Wright
Slave Trade
Terry Wright
The 13th Power
Jane Yolen
The Pit Dragon #1: Dragon's Blood
The Pit Dragon #2: Heart's Blood
The Pit Dragon #3: A Sending of Dragons
J. Steven York
Battletech/MechWarrior: Fortress of Lies
P. Orin Zack
The Shoals of Time
John Zakour & Lawrence Ganem
The Doomsday Brunette
Lytchcov Zammana
The Otherhood
George Zebrowski
Black Pockets & Other Dark Thoughts
Roger Zelazny & Jane Linskold
Sarah Zettel
Fool's War
The Quiet Invasion
Marvin L. Zimmerman
The Ovum Factor
Robert Zubrin
First Landing
The Holy Land
