Books for young adults
The young adult section is for readers who have advanced beyond the children's level but aren't yet ready for certain adult novels. The books listed here are appropriate for readers age 10 or 12 through 16 -- as well as for anyone who's still a kid at heart.
Click on a letter if you're looking for a specific author by name. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Rafael Abalos
Grimpow: The Invisible Road
Douglas Adams
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Joan Aiken
Black Hearts in Battersea
The Cuckoo Tree
The Felix Brooke Trilogy #1: Go Saddle the Sea
The Felix Brooke Trilogy #2: Bridle the Wind
The Felix Brooke Trilogy #3: The Teeth of the Gale
Nightbirds on Nantucket
The Stolen Lake
The Whispering Mountain
The Wolves of Willoughby Chase
Lloyd Alexander
The Book of Three
The Golden Dream of Carlo Chuchio
Gypsy Rizka
Vesper Holly #6: The Xanadu Adventure
Sherman Alexie
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
David Almond
Raven Summer
Laurie Halse Anderson
Hanne Arts
Just Perfect
The Man Who Was Poe
Midnight Magic
The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle
Richard Bach
Len Bailey
Alison Baird
The Hidden World
David Baldacci
Wish You Well
Lynne Reid Banks
The Adventures of King Midas
Clive Barker
T.A. Barron
Tree Girl
Marion Dane Bauer
The Red Ghost
Peter S. Beagle
The Last Unicorn
Greg Bear
Dinosaur Summer
Aiden Beaverson
The Hidden Arrow of Maether
Hilari Bell
The Farsala Trilogy #2: Rise of a Hero
The Farsala Trilogy #3: Forging the Sword
Kaitlin Bevis
Daughters of Zeus, No. 1: Persephone
Daughters of Zeus, No. 2: Daughter of Earth & Sky
Daughters of Zeus, No. 3: The Iron Queen
Franny Billingsley
The Folk Keeper
Holly Black
Holly Black & Tony DiTerlizzi
The Spiderwick Chronicles #1: The Field Guide
The Spiderwick Chronicles #2: The Seeing Stone
The Spiderwick Chronicles #3: Lucinda's Secret
The Spiderwick Chronicles #4: The Ironwood Tree
The Spiderwick Chronicles #5: The Wrath of Mulgarath
Francesca Lia Block
Blood Roses
House of Dolls
I Was a Teenage Fairy
Violet & Clare
The Waters & the Wild
Weetzie Bat
Edward Bloor
Story Time
Judy Blume, editor
Places I Never Meant To Be: Original Stories by Censored Writers
Megan Bostic
Never Eighteen
Karla Brady
The Soul of the Band
Bodil Bredsdorff
The Crow Girl
Herbie Brennan
Faerie Wars
Fairy Nuff: A Tale of Bluebell Wood
Sarah Rees Brennan
The Lynburn Legacy, No. 1: Unspoken
Heather Brewer
Legacy of Tril #1: Soulbound
Sigmund Brouwer
The Disappearing Jewel of Madagascar
The Volcano of Doom
N.M. Browne
Warriors of Alavna
Warriors of Camlann
Michael Buckley
The Sisters Grimm: The Fairy-Tale Detectives, Book 1
Margaret Buffie
The Watcher
Emma Bull
Clyde Robert Bulla
Viking Adventure
Allison Burnett
Undiscovered Gyrl
Rachel Caine
The Morganville Vampires #1: Glass Houses
The Morganville Vampires #2: Dead Girl's Dance
The Morganville Vampires #3: Midnight Alley
Dia Calhoun
Aria of the Sea
Orson Scott Card
Space Boy
Isobelle Carmody
Little Fur: The Legend Begins
Gail Carriger
Custard Protocol #1: Prudence
Peter Carver, editor
The Horrors: Terrifying Tales, Book I
Kristin Cashore
Janie Chodosh
Death Spiral
Wendy Cincotta
Adventures in Evergreen #1: Christopher's Adventures in Evergreen
Cassandra Clare
The Mortal Instruments #1: City of Bones
The Mortal Instruments #2: City of Ashes
The Mortal Instruments #3: City of Glass
Douglas Glenn Clark
The Lake That Stole Children
Wim Coleman & Pat Perrin
The Taker & the Keeper
James Lincoln Collier
The Empty Mirror
Paul Collins
The Skyborn
Tina Connolly
Kate Constable
Chanters of Tremaris #1: The Singer of All Songs
Eileen Cook
With Malice
Susan Cooper
The Boggart
Dawn of Fear
King Of Shadows
Ron Costello
The Junto: Racing to the Bell
Bruce Coville
Oddly Enough
Kevin Crossley-Holland
Arthur, Book I: The Seeing Stone
Marianne Curley
The Named
Karen Cushman
Matilda Bone
Anna Dale
Whispering to Witches
Kara Dalkey
The Ascension (Water Trilogy, Book 1)
The Nightingale
Sheila A. Dane
Fairy Hunters, Ink.
Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, editors
A Wolf at the Door: & Other Retold Fairy Tales
Peter David
Knight Life
Pamela Dean
Juniper, Gentian & Rosemary
Gideon Defoe
The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists
The Pirates! In an Adventure with the Romantics
Tom Deitz
Windmaster's Bane
Liz DeJesus
First Frost
Melissa de la Cruz
Blue Bloods #4: The Van Allen Legacy
Joseph Delaney
The Last Apprentice #1: Revenge of the Witch
Charles de Lint
The Blue Girl
The Cats of Tanglewood Forest, illustrated by Charles Vess
A Circle of Cats, illustrated by Charles Vess
The Dreaming Place
Dreams Underfoot
The Ivory & the Horn
Jack in the Green
Jack of Kinrowan
(omnibus: Jack the Giant-Killer, Drink Down the Moon)
The Little Country
Little (Grrl) Lost
Promises to Keep
Waifs & Strays
What the Mouse Found & Other Stories
Lauren DeStefano
Internment Chronicles #1: Perfect Ruin
Donald B. Dewar
Jack's Dad & the Beanstalk
Emily Diamand
Raiders' Ransom
Philip K. Dick
Nick & the Glimmung
Peter Dickinson
The Ropemaker
Tony DiTerlizzi & Holly Black
The Spiderwick Chronicles #1: The Field Guide
The Spiderwick Chronicles #2: The Seeing Stone
The Spiderwick Chronicles #3: Lucinda's Secret
The Spiderwick Chronicles #4: The Ironwood Tree
The Spiderwick Chronicles #5: The Wrath of Mulgarath
Robyn & Tony DiTocco
Atlas' Revenge
The Hero Perseus
Cameron Dokey
Julia Donaldson
The Giants & the Joneses
Emma Donoghue
Kissing the Witch
Malachy Doyle
Emily Drake
The Magickers
The Magickers #2: The Curse of Arkady
The Magickers #3: The Dragon Guard
The Magickers #4: The Gate of Bones
Mark Dunn
Ella Minnow Pea: a Progressively Lippogrammatic Epistolary Fable
Kristyn Dunnion
Mosh Pit
Lord Dunsany
The Charwoman's Shadow
Frederic S. Durbin
The Star Shard
Patricia Elliott
Sylvia Louise Engdahl
Journey Between Worlds
Wesley Eure
The Red Wings of Christmas
Anthony R. Fanning
Natalie's Good Fortune
Charles Coleman Finlay
The Prodigal Troll
Sholly Fisch
Gen13: Version 2.0, with Matt Haley
Catherine Fisher
Pauline Fisk
Midnight Blue
Sheree Fitch
The Gravesavers
Louise Fitzhugh
Harriet the Spy
Melissa Francis
Bite Me!
E.R. Frank
Monica Furlong
Neil Gaiman
Blueberry Girl, illustrated by Charles Vess
M is for Magic
The Ocean at the End of the Lane
The Wolves in the Walls, illustrated by Dave McKean
Nancy Garden
The Year They Burned the Books
Alan Garner
The Owl Service
Jessica Day George
Princess of the Midnight Ball
Tuesdays at the Castle
Adele Geras
Egerton Hall, Book 1: The Tower Room
K.L. Going
The Garden of Eve
William Goldman
The Princess Bride
Beth Goobie
Before Wings
Alan Grant
JLA: The Stone King
Brian Greene
Icarus at the Edge of Time
Margaret Peterson Haddix
Just Ella
Shannon Hale
Book of a Thousand Days
Enna Burning
The Goose Girl
Princess Academy
Byron Hansen & Dennis Meier
The Science Club Kids & the Fabulous Phrenosan Wormhole Device
Holly Hardin
Aurora of the Northern Lights
Mette Ivie Harrison
The Princess & the Hound
Rachel Hartman
Merrie Haskell
The Princess Curse
Charles Boardman Hawes
The Dark Frigate
Julie Hearn
Sign of the Raven
Robert A. Heinlein
Citizen of the Galaxy
Have Space Suit-Will Travel
Red Planet
Karen Hesse
Out of the Dust
Jason Hightman
The Saint of Dragons
Kirkpatrick Hill
Minuk: Ashes in the Pathway
Michael Hoeye
Time Stops for No Mouse
Alice Hoffman
Green Angel
Water Tales
(omnibus: Aquamarine, Indigo)
Mary Hoffman
Stravaganza: City of Masks
Stravaganza: City of Stars
Nina Kiriki Hoffman
A Fistful of Sky
The Silent Strength of Stones
The Thread That Binds the Bones
Mary Hogan
Susanna Sees Stars
Tom Holt
Who's Afraid of Beowulf?
Mary Hooper
Petals in the Ashes
Colleen Houck
Tiger's Curse
Tiger's Quest
Deborah Howe
Bunnicula: A Rabbit-Tale of Mystery
Eva Ibbotson
Journey to the River Sea, with Kevin Hawkes
The Secret of Platform 13
David Garrett Izzo
Craig Alan Johnson
Wave Watcher
Diana Wynne Jones
Dark Lord of Derkholm
Deep Secret
Howl's Moving Castle
The Tough Guide to Fantasyland
Lauren Kate
Patrice Kindl
Goose Chase
Amy Sarig King
Attack of the Black Rectangles
Mindy L. Klasky
The Glasswrights' Journeyman
The Glasswrights' Test
Jackie French Koller
The Keepers #1: A Wizard Named Nell
E.L. Konigsburg
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
Daniel Kraus
The Monster Variations
Ellen Kushner
The Horns of Elfland, editor
Thomas the Rhymer
Mercedes Lackey
Brightly Burning
The River's Gift
Elizabeth Laird
The Betrayal of Maggie Blair
Soinbhe Lally
A Hive for the Honeybee
Margo Lanagan
The Brides of Rollrock Island
Tender Morsels
Kelli Sue Landon
Nightmare at Camp Forrestwood
Michael Lawrence
Withern Rise #1: A Crack in the Line
Carol Lay
Steve Leadley
Pirate Treasure of Cape May
Tanith Lee
The Claidi Journals #1: Wolf Tower
Dark Castle, White Horse
Islands in the Sky (Voyage of the Basset #1)
Ursula K. Le Guin
A Wizard of Earthsea
Alan J. Levine
The Adventures of Short Stubbly Brownbeard
Gail Carson Levine
Ella Enchanted
Jessica Lidh
The Number 7
Holly Lisle
Moon & Sun #1: The Ruby Key
Kathryn Littlewood
D. Anne Love
The Puppeteer's Apprentice
Janet Lunn
Twin Spell
Valerie Rolfe Lupini
The Whistle
Carolyn MacCullough
Once a Witch
John Macfarlane
D.J. MacHale
Pendragon #5: Black Water
Amanda Maciel
Catherine Macphail
Dark Waters
Liam MacUistin
The Hunt for Diarmaid & Grainne
Juliet Marillier
Yann Martel
Life of Pi
Rafe Martin
Mike Mason
The Blue Umbrella
Diane Matchek
The Sacrifice
L.S. Matthews
The Outcasts
Anne McCaffrey
Black Horses for the King
Dragonriders of Pern #1: Dragonflight
Dragonriders of Pern #2: Dragonquest
Dragonriders of Pern #3: The White Dragon
Ian McEwan
The Daydreamer
Jeremy McGuire
O'Shaughnessey: A Boy & His Leprechaun
Ellen Kindt McKenzie
The Golden Band of Eddris
Patricia McKillip
The Riddle-Master of Hed trilogy
(omnibus: The Riddle-Master of Hed, The Heir of Sea & Fire, Harpist in the Wind)
Winter Rose
Robin McKinley
Rose Daughter
Richelle Mead
Vampire Academy
O.R. Melling
The Druid's Tune
The Hunter's Moon
The Light-Bearer's Daughter
The Summer King
Henry Melton
Emperor Dad
Golden Girl
Roswell or Bust!
Sienna Mercer
My Sister the Vampire #1: Switched
My Sister the Vampire #4: Vampalicious!
Kai Meyer
Dark Reflections #1: The Water Mirror
Dark Reflections #2: The Stone Light
The Wave Walkers #2: Pirate Emperor
L.A. Meyer
Jacky Faber #1: Bloody Jack
Jacky Faber #2: Curse of the Blue Tattoo
Jacky Faber #3: Under the Jolly Roger
Jacky Faber #4: In the Belly of the Bloodhound
Jacky Faber #5: Mississippi Jack
Jacky Faber #6: My Bonny Light Horseman
Jacky Faber #7: Rapture of the Deep
Jacky Faber #8: The Wake of the Lorelei Lee
Jacky Faber #9: The Mark of the Golden Dragon
Jacky Faber #10: Viva Jacquelina!
Jacky Faber #11: Boston Jacky
Jacky Faber #12: Wild Rover No More
Stephenie Meyer
Twilight #1: Twilight
Twilight #2: New Moon
Twilight #4: Breaking Dawn
Deanna Miller
Sky Bounce
Mary Beth Miller
On the Head of a Pin
Michael Molloy
Peter Raven Under Fire
Craig Moodie
MJ Moores
Shadow Phoenix: Vol. I, Episode 1-4
Justine Musk
Donna Jo Napoli
Crazy Jack
The Magic Circle
Song of the Magdalene
Spinners, with Richard Tchen
Mary Norton
Are All the Giants Dead?, illustrated by Brian Froud
Sheldon Oberman
Island of the Minotaur: Greek Myths of Ancient Crete
Ryan O'Brien
The Land of Whoo
Lauri Olsen
Pacific Bound: The Adventures of Lewis & Clark
Dennis O'Neil
Hero's Quest
Kenneth Oppel
Pat O'Shea
The Hounds of the Morrigan
Christopher Paolini
Katherine Paterson
Angels & Other Strangers: Family Christmas Stories
James Patterson
Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment (audiobook)
Stefan Petrucha
The Rule of Won
Stefan Petrucha & Thomas Pendleton
Wicked Dead #1: Lurker
Wicked Dead #2: Torn
Wicked Dead #3: Snared
Meredith Ann Pierce
Waters Luminous & Deep
Tamora Pierce
Circle of Magic #1: Sandry's Book
Circle of Magic #2: Tris's Book
Circle of Magic #3: Daja's Book
Circle of Magic #4: Briar's Book
The Circle Opens #1: Magic Steps
Song of the Lioness #1: Alanna, the First Adventure
Song of the Lioness #2: In the Hand of the Goddess
Christopher Pike
Steffan Piper
Sylvia Plath
The Bell Jar
Barbara Ann Porte
Beauty & the Serpent: Thirteen Tales of Unnatural Animals
J.L. Powers
The Confessional
Terry Pratchett
The Amazing Maurice & His Educated Rodents
The Carpet People
A Hat Full of Sky
Johnny & the Bomb
Johnny & the Dead
Only You Can Save Mankind
The Wee Free Men
Gin Price
On Edge
Cherie Priest
The Agony House
Sarah Prineas
Philip Pullman
The Amber Spyglass
The Golden Compass
The Subtle Knife
David Randall
In the Shadow of the Bear, #2: Chandlefort
Celia Rees
Witch Child
Mickey Zucker Reichert
The Return of Nightfall
Dana Reinhardt
A Brief Chapter in My Impossible Life
Kristopher Reisz
Tripping to Somewhere
J.J. Reneaux
Wake, Snake!
J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows
Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them
Quidditch Through the Ages
Salman Rushdie
Haroun & the Sea of Stories
Luka & the Fire of Life
Patricia H. Rushford
Grave Matters
Cynthia Rylant
Children of Christmas: Stories for the Season, illustrated by S.D. Schindler
SF Said
Varjak Paw, illustrated by Dave McKean
Mark Salzman
The Laughing Sutra
Carl Sandburg
Sandburg Out Loud
George Saunders
The Very Persistent Gappers of Frip
Heidi Jon Schmidt
The Harbormaster's Daughter
Jon Scieszka
The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs
Michael Scott
The Last of the Fianna
John A. Senneff
The Apastron Reports: Quest for Life
Delia Sherman & Terri Windling, editors
The Essential Bordertown
Josepha Sherman
Will Shetterly
Louise Simonson
The Gauntlet
Sherwood Smith
A Posse of Princesses
Wren to the Rescue
Lemony Snicket
#1: The Bad Beginning
#2: The Reptile Room
#3: The Wide Window
#7: The Vile Village
The Beatrice Letters
Midori Snyder
Hannah's Garden
Justin Somper
Vampirates #1: Demons of the Ocean
Elizabeth George Speare
The Witch of Blackbird Pond
Nancy Springer
Enola Holmes: The Case of the Missing Marquess
Fair Peril
The Hex Witch of Seldom
I am Mordred
Suzanne Fisher Staples
Shiva's Fire
Ellen Steiber & Terri Windling
The Raven Queen (Voyage of the Basset #2)
John Stephens
Books of Beginning: The Emerald Atlas
Robert Louis Stevenson
Treasure Island
James Stoddard
The False House
The High House
Marie Stuttard & Denese Moore
The Sacred Cat
Tamara Summers
Never Bite a Boy on the First Date
Stan Swanson
The Misadventures of Hobart Hucklebuck
Judith Tarr
His Majesty's Elephant
G.P. Taylor
The DoppleGanger Chronicles #1: The First Escape
Theodore Taylor
Michelle Tea
Rose of No Man's Land
Jean Thesman
The Other Ones
Kate Thompson
Midnight's Choice
Wild Blood
Heather Tomlinson
The Swan Maiden
Shizue Tomoda
Ann Turner
Father of Lies
Mark Twain
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Richard Uhlig
Last Dance at the Frosty Queen
Anne Ursu
Vivian Vande Velde
Curses Inc. & Other Stories
Remembering Raquel
Cynthia Voigt
John Vornholt
The Troll King
The Troll Treasure
Adrienne Maria Vrettos
Jill Paton Walsh
A Parcel of Patterns
Daniel Waters
Generation Dead
Kathryn Wesley
The 10th Kingdom
T.H. White
The Once & Future King
David Whitewolf
Aunt Puff & Missing Minerva
Allison Whittenberg
Life is Fine
J. Robert Whittle
Lizzie: Lethal Innocence
Lizzie's Secret Angels
Connie Willis
Doomsday Book
Lincoln's Dreams
Miracle & Other Christmas Stories
To Say Nothing of the Dog
Budge Wilson
A Fiddle for Angus, illustrated by Susan Tooke
Terri Windling
The Changeling
The Wood Wife
A Wolf at the Door: & Other Retold Fairy Tales, with Ellen Datlow (editors)
A Midsummer Night's Faery Tale, with Wendy Froud
The Winter Child, with Wendy Froud
The Essential Bordertown, with Delia Sherman (editors)
The Raven Queen (Voyage of the Basset #2), with Ellen Steiber
J.B.B. Winner
The Strand Prophecy
Laurel Winter
Growing Wings
Chris Wooding
Storm Thief
Patricia Wrede
Dealing With Dragons
Sorcery & Cecelia, or The Enchanted Chocolate Pot: Being the Correspondence of Two Young Ladies of Quality Regarding Various Magical Scandals in London & the Country, with Caroline Stevermer
Rowena Wright
A Loop in Time
Gerald Allen Wunsch
Jane Yolen
Dragon's Blood
Mightier Than the Sword: World Folktales for Strong Boys
The One-Armed Queen
Queen's Own Fool: A Novel of Mary, Queen of Scots, with Robert J. Harris
The Sea Man, illustrated by Christopher Denise
The Stranded Whale
Sword of the Rightful King
Tam Lin, illustrated by Charles Mikolaycak
Tartan Magic #1: The Wizard's Map
The Wild Hunt
Wizard's Hall
Marly Youmans
Diana S. Zimmerman
The Calabiyau Chronicles #1: Kandide & the Secret of the Mists