P.C. Asbjornsen & Jorgen Moe
A Time for Trolls
Bob Barton
The Bear Says North
Ingri & Edgar Parin d'Aulaire
Norse Gods & Giants
H.R. Ellis Davidson
Gods & Myths of Northern Europe
Jodie Forrest
The Rhymer & the Ravens
Neil Gaiman
Norse Mythology
Thorarinn Gunnarsson
Song of the Dwarves
Revenge of the Valkyrie
Seamus Heaney
Beowulf: A New Translation
Charlotte Huck
The Black Bull of Norroway, illustrated by Anita Lobel
Galina Krasskova
Runes: Theory & Practice
Margaret Read MacDonald
Fat Cat: a Danish Folktale
Fat Cat & Friends, with Richard Scholtz
Naomi Mitchison
Travel Light
Henry Treece
The Green Man
Mike Vasich
Loki: Nine Naughty Tales of the Trickster
Jane Yolen
The Wild Hunt
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Classical (Greek & Roman)
Lynne Reid Banks
The Adventures of King Midas
Katerina & Aegea Barclay
The Hand of Zeus
Robert E. Bell
Women of Classical Mythology: A Biographical Dictionary
Kaitlin Bevis
Daughters of Zeus, No. 1: Persephone
Daughters of Zeus, No. 2: Daughter of Earth & Sky
Daughters of Zeus, No. 3: The Iron Queen
Marion Zimmer Bradley
The Firebrand
Stella Caldwell
Legends of the Stars: Myths of the Night Sky
Paul Chrystal
War in Greek Mythology
Robyn & Tony DiTocco
Atlas' Revenge
The Hero Perseus
Robert Garland
Greek Mythology: Gods & Heroes Brought to Life
Roger Lancelyn Green
Tales of the Greek Heroes
Blake Hoena
Everything Mythology
Patrice Kindl
Lost in the Labyrinth
Sheldon Oberman
Island of the Minotaur: Greek Myths of Ancient Crete
Mary Pope Osborne
Favorite Greek Myths, illustrated by Troy Howell
Elizabeth Spires
I Am Arachne: Fifteen Greek & Roman Myths
Nigel Spivey
Songs on Bronze: The Greek Myths Made Real
Jane Yolen
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Western & Central European
Marius Barbeau
The Golden Phoenix (a.k.a., The Magic Tree & Other Tales)
Lorna MacDonald Czarnota
Medieval Tales That Kids Can Read & Tell
Shannon Hale
The Goose Girl
Heinrich Hoffman, adapted by Bob Staake
Stephen Mitchell
The Frog Prince: A Fairy Tale for Consenting Adults
Mary Pope Osborne
Favorite Medieval Tales
Charles Perrault
Puss in Boots
Doug Wheeler
Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm
Jane Yolen
Dove Isabeau, illustrated by Dennis Nolan
Mightier Than the Sword: World Folktales for Strong Boys
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Asian & Eastern European
Bob Barton
The Bear Says North
Eileen Colwell, editor
Folk Tales from Asia for Children Everywhere, Book 1
Folk Tales from Asia for Children Everywhere, Book 2
Mike Dixon-Kennedy
The Encyclopedia of Russian & Slavic Myth & Legend
Karen Gernant
Imagining Women: Fujian Folk Tales
Brian Griffith
A Galaxy of Immortal Women, The Yin Side of Chinese Civilization
Harish Johari & Vatsala Sperling
How Ganesh Got His Elephant Head
Kij Johnson
The Fox Woman
Sophie Masson
The Firebird
Donna Jo Napoli
Devdutt Pattanaik
Indian Mythology: Tales, Symbols & Rituals from the Heart of the Subcontinent
James Riordan
Russian Gypsy Tales
The Sun Maiden & the Crescent Moon: Siberian Folk Tales
Marcus Sedgwick
My Swordhand is Singing
Josepha Sherman
The Horse of Flame
Philemon Sturges & Anna Vojtech
Marushka & the Month Brothers
Jane Yolen
Mightier Than the Sword: World Folktales for Strong Boys
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African & Middle Eastern
Baba Wague Diakite
The Hatseller & the Monkeys
Anita Diamant
The Red Tent
Will Eisner
Sundiata: A Legend of Africa
Jilali el Koudia
Moroccan Folk Tales
Innocent Emechete
Animal Stories Daddy Told Us
Neil Gaiman
Anansi Boys
Brian Gleeson
Jamal Sleem Nuweihed
Abu Jmeel's Daughter & Other Stories: Arab Folk Tales from Palestine & Lebanon
N.K. Sandars
The Epic of Gilgamesh
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North & South American
Marius Barbeau
The Golden Phoenix (a.k.a., The Magic Tree & Other Tales)
Jeff Belanger
Weird Massachusetts: Your Travel Guide to Massachusetts' Local Legends & Best Kept Secrets
Kate Bernheimer
Horse, Flower, Bird
John Bierhorst, editor
Latin American Folktales
Roy Campbell
Song of the Jackalope
Margo Carruthers
Speech from the Crone: Scarytales
Joseph A. Citro
Cursed in New England: Stories of Damned Yankees
Passing Strange: True Tales of New England Hauntings & Horror
Weird New England
Thomas D'Agostino & Arlene Nicholson
Legends, Lore & Secrets of New England
Hubert J. Davis
American Witch Stories
Charles de Lint
The Cats of Tanglewood Forest
A Circle of Cats
Pleasant DeSpain
Sweet Land of Story: Thirty-Six American Tales to Tell
Wayne Erbsen
Log Cabin Pioneers: Stories, Songs & Sayings
Neil Gaiman
The Wolves in the Walls
Bruce Gellerman & Eric Sherman
Massachusetts Curiosities, 2nd: Quirky Characters, Roadside Oddities & Other Offbeat Stuff
Nelson Lauver
The American Story-Teller
J.W. Ocker
The New England Grimpendium
Catherine Peek, editor
A Treasury of North American Folktales
Pamela Petro
Sitting Up with the Dead: A Storied Journey through the American South
J.J. Reneaux
Wake, Snake!
Josepha Sherman
Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts, with T.K.F Weisskopf
Roy Edwin Thomas
Come Go With Me: Old-Timer Stories from the Southern Mountains
Barry Vann
Rediscovering the South's Celtic Heritage
David Weatherly
Monsters of the Green Mountain State: Cryptids & Legends of Vermont
Paul Yee
Dead Man's Gold & Other Stories
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Islands of the Atlantic & Pacific
Timothy Befus
Hawaiian Folklore: Encounters with the Supernatural
Brian Gleeson
Nalo Hopkinson
Skin Folk
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Tales from the Sea
Mark Adams
Meet Me in Atlantis: My Obsessive Quest to Find the Sunken City
Robert Ellis Cahill
Haunted Ships of the North Atlantic
David Cordingly
Under the Black Flag
Bill Jessome
Maritime Mysteries & the Ghosts Who Surround Us
More Maritime Mysteries: Everyone Has a Story
Robin McKinley
Water: Tales of Elemental Spirits, with Peter Dickinson
Vernon Oickle
Ghost Stories of the Maritimes
David J. Seibold & Charles J. Adams III
Shipwrecks & Legends 'Round Cape May
Jane Yolen
The Fish Prince & Other Stories: Mermen Folk Tales, with Shulamith Oppenheim
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Collections from Around the World
Bob Barton
The Bear Says North
Carlyn Beccia
I Feel Better with a Frog in My Throat: History's Strangest Cures
William J. Bennett
Children's Book of Virtues
Katharine Briggs
An Encyclopedia of Fairies: Hobgoblins, Brownies, Bogies & Other Supernatural Creatures
Korwin Briggs
Gods & Heroes: Mythology Around the World
Thomas Bulfinch
Allan B. Chinen
Beyond the Hero: Classic Stories of Men in Search of Soul
Anna Claybourne
History's Mysteries: Legends & Lore
Frank de Caro, editor
The Folktale Cat
Rupert Furneaux
Ancient Mysteries
Martha Hamilton & Mitch Weis
Noodlehead Stories: World Tales Kids Can Read & Tell
Virginia Hamilton
In the Beginning: Creation Stories from Around the World
Blake Hoena
Everything Mythology
David Holt & Bill Mooney, editors
More Ready-to-Tell Tales From Around the World
Norma J. Livo
Troubadour's Storybag
Margaret Read MacDonald
Fat Cat & Friends, with Richard Scholtz
Shake-It-Up Tales! Stories to Sing, Dance, Drum & Act Out
Sherry Norfolk
Haunted Hearts: Tales of Love & Tragedy
Kathleen Ragan
Fearless Girls, Wise Women & Beloved Sisters:
Heroines in Folktales from Around the World
Patrick Ryan
Shakespeare's Storybook
Josepha Sherman
Merlin's Kin
Jane Yolen
The Fairies' Ring, with Stephen Mackey
Mightier Than the Sword: World Folktales for Strong Boys
Once Upon a Bedtime Story
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Old Tales Retold (Fractured or Modernized)
Charles Addams
The Charles Addams Mother Goose
Dennis Lee Anderson
Arthur, King
E.D. Baker
The Frog Princess
Pip Ballantine & Tee Morris
Magical Mechanications
Sarah Blakley-Cartwright
Red Riding Hood
Francesca Lia Block
The Rose & the Beast: Fairy Tales Retold
P.J. Brackston
Gretel & the Case of the Missing Frog Prints
Steven Brust
The Sun, the Moon, & the Stars
Michael Buckley
The Sisters Grimm: The Fairy-Tale Detectives, Book 1
Kara Dalkey
The Nightingale
Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, editors
Black Heart, Ivory Bones
Black Swan, White Raven
Black Thorn, White Rose
Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears
Silver Birch, Blood Moon
Snow White, Blood Red
A Wolf at the Door: & Other Retold Fairy Tales
Peter David
Knight Life
One Knight Only
Pamela Dean
Juniper, Gentian & Rosemary
Tam Lin
Charles de Lint
Jack the Giant-Killer
Donald B. Dewar
Jack's Dad & the Beanstalk
Robyn & Tony DiTocco
The Hero Perseus
Cameron Dokey
Julia Donaldson
The Giants & the Joneses
Jasper Fforde
Jack Spratt Investigates: The Big Over Easy
Jack Spratt Investigates: The Fourth Bear
Gregory Frost
Fitcher's Brides
Jessica Day George
Princess of the Midnight Ball
Adele Geras
Egerton Hall, Book 1: The Tower Room
Margaret Gray
The Ugly Princess & the Wise Fool
Margaret Peterson Haddix
Just Ella
Merrie Haskell
The Princess Curse
Jim C. Hines
Princess Novels #1: The Stepsister Scheme
Nancy Holder
Mary Howitt
The Spider & the Fly, illustrated by Tony DiTerlizzi
Melanie Jackson
The Selkie
Mercedes Lackey
The Fairy Godmother
The Firebird
Phoenix & Ashes
Tanith Lee
Red as Blood, or Tales from the Sisters Grimmer
White as Snow
Gail Carson Levine
Ella Enchanted
Rebecca Lickiss
Never After
Denise Little, editor
Rotten Relations
Twice Upon a Time
Wendy Loggia
Ever After: A Cinderella Story
Janet Lorimer
Master of Shadows
Gregory Maguire
Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister
Rafe Martin
Robin McKinley
Rose Daughter
Spindle's End
Stephen Mitchell
The Frog Prince: A Fairy Tale for Consenting Adults
Donna Jo Napoli
Crazy Jack
The Magic Circle
Spinners, with Richard Tchen
Terry Pratchett
The Amazing Maurice & His Educated Rodents
Jon Scieszka
The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs
Art Speigelman & Francoise Mouly, editors
Little Lit: Folklore & Fairy Tale Funnies
Mitzi Szereto
Erotic Fairy Tales: A Romp Through the Classics
Carolyn Turgeon
Mermaid: A Twist on the Classic Tale
Anne Ursu
Catherynne M. Valente
Six-Gun Snow White
Speak Easy
Vivian Vande Velde
The Rumpelstiltskin Problem
Tales from the Brothers Grimm & the Sisters Weird
Patricia C. Wrede
Snow White & Rose Red
Jane Yolen
Briar Rose
Roger Zelazny & Robert Sheckley
Bring Me the Head of Prince Charming
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Celestial (Moon, Sun & Stars)
Diane Ahlquist
Moon Spells: How to Use the Phases of the Moon to Get What You Want
Chrissie Blaze
Mercury Retrograde: Your Survival Guide to Astrology's Most Precarious Time of Year
Diana Brueton
The Moon: Myth, Magic & Fact
Stella Caldwell
Legends of the Stars: Myths of the Night Sky
Sasha Fenton & Jonathan Dee
Moon Signs: Reveal Your Inner Feelings & Discover Your Future
Elen Hawke
Praise to the Moon: Magic & Myth of the Lunar Cycle
Janet Ruth Heller
How The Moon Regained Her Shape
Nancy Red Star
Legends of the Star Ancestors:
Stories of Extraterrestrial Contact from Wisdomkeepers Around the World
Lori Reid
Moon Blessings: Drawing Inspiration & Power from the Moon
Andrea Stenn Stryer
The Celestial River: Creation Tales of the Milky Way
Shelly Wu
The Definitive Book of Chinese Astrology
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UFOs & Alien Encounters
Stanton T. Friedman
Flying Saucers & Science
John G. Fuller
The Interrupted Journey
Nancy Red Star
Legends of the Star Ancestors:
Stories of Extraterrestrial Contact from Wisdomkeepers Around the World
Karla Turner
Into the Fringe
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Mythical Creatures
J. Robert Alley
Raincoast Sasquatch: The Bigfoot/Sasquatch Records of Southeast Alaska,
Coastal British Columbia & Northwest Washington from Puget Sound to Yakutat
Elizabeth Barrial & D.H. Altair
Vampires Don't Sleep Alone: Your Guide to Meeting, Dating & Seducing a Vampire
Scott Bowen
The Vampire Survival Guide
Katharine Briggs
An Encyclopedia of Fairies: Hobgoblins, Brownies, Bogies & Other Supernatural Creatures
Max Brooks
The Zombie Survival Guide
Raymond Buckland
The Weiser Field Guide to Ghosts: Apparitions, Spirits, Spectral Lights & Other Hauntings of History & Legend
Deena West Budd
The Weiser Field Guide to Cryptozoology
Lorna Byrne
Angels in My Hair
Anna Claybourne
History's Mysteries: Legends & Lore
Sheila A. Dane
Fairy Hunters, Ink.
Peter Dickinson
The Flight of Dragons
Cassandra Eason
A Complete Guide to Faeries & Magical Beings
Richard Ellis
Monsters of the Sea
Brian Froud & Ari Berk
Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairy Letters
Brian Froud & Terry Jones
The Goblin Companion: A Field Guide to Goblins
Strange Stains & Mysterious Smells
Brian Froud & Alan Lee
Faeries (25th Anniversary Edition)
Arlene Gaal
In Search of Ogopogo: Sacred Creature of the Okanagan Waters
Christopher Hart
Drawing Dragons & Those Who Hunt Them
Katherine Howe, editor,
The Penguin Book of Witches
Del Howison
When Werewolves Attack: A Field Guide to Dispatching Ravenous Flesh-Ripping Beasts
Barry Kane
Fairy Houses ... Everywhere
Grover S. Krantz
Bigfoot Sasquatch: Evidence
Claude Lecouteux
Witches, Werewolves & Fairies: Shapeshifters & Astral Doubles in the Middle Ages
Raymond T. McNally & Radu Florescu
In Search of Dracula: The History of Dracula & Vampires
Ryan Mecum
Zombie Haiku
J. Gordon Melton
The Vampire Book: The Encyclopedia of the Undead
Christopher L. Murphy
Meet the Sasquatch, with John Green & Thomas Steenburg
Thom Powell
The Locals: A Contemporary Investigation of the Bigfoot/Sasquatch Phenomenon
Suza Scalora
The Fairies
Brad Steiger
The Werewolf Book: The Encyclopedia of Shape-Shifting Beings
Steven P. Unger
In the Footsteps of Dracula: A Personal Journey & Travel Guide
Gary R. Varner
Creatures in the Mist: Little People, Wild Men & Spirit Beings Around the World
E.R. Vernor
Zombie Nation: From Folklore to Modern Frenzy
David Weatherly
Monsters of the Green Mountain State: Cryptids & Legends of Vermont
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Ghost Stories & the Supernatural
This section has moved! You can find all your favorite haunts right here.
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Bill Adler Jr.
Tell Me a Fairy Tale
Sarvananda Bluestone
The World Dream Book
Lorna MacDonald Czarnota
Medieval Tales That Kids Can Read & Tell
Donald Davis
A Room of My Own
Pleasant DeSpain
Sweet Land of Story: Thirty-Six American Tales to Tell
Amy Friedman, Jillian Gilliland & Laura Hall
Tell Me a Story
Tell Me a Story 2: Animal Magic
Martha Hamilton & Mitch Weis
Noodlehead Stories: World Tales Kids Can Read & Tell
David Holt & Bill Mooney, editors
More Ready-to-Tell Tales From Around the World
Norma J. Livo
Troubadour's Storybag
Margaret Read MacDonald
Shake-It-Up Tales! Stories to Sing, Dance, Drum & Act Out
Robert Mouland
Fireside Tales: Stories & Music from the Irish Tradition
Bobby Norfolk
Norfolk Tales
Barbara Ann Porte
Beauty & the Serpent: Thirteen Tales of Unnatural Animals
Leo Sawicki
Anytime Stories
Anywhere Stories
Joseph Daniel Sobol
The Storytellers' Journey: An American Revival
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Analysis, Criticism & History
Kate Bernheimer, editor
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
J.F. Bierlein
Parallel Myths
Bettina Bildhauer & Robert Mills, editors
The Monstrous Middle Ages
Joseph Campbell
The Flight of the Wild Gander: Explorations in the Mythological Dimension
The Hero With a Thousand Faces
Shanna Caughey, editor
Revisiting Narnia: Fantasy, Myth & Religion in C.S. Lewis' Chronicles
David Colbert
The Magical Worlds of Harry Potter:
A Treasury of Myths, Legends & Fascinating Facts
The Magical Worlds of the Lord of the Rings:
The Amazing Myths, Legends & Facts Behind the Masterpiece
Jennifer Crusie, editor
Totally Charmed: Demons, Whitelighters & the Power of Three
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Women Who Run With the Wolves:
Myths & Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype
Liz Greene & Juliet Sharman-Burke
The Mythic Journey: The Meaning of Myth as a Guide for Life
Douglas Gresham
Jack's Life: The Life Story of C.S. Lewis
Marvin D. Hinten
The Keys to the Chronicles: Unlocking the Symbols of C.S. Lewis's Narnia
Thomas King
The Truth About Stories
Allan Zola Kronzek & Elizabeth Kronzek
The Sorcerer's Companion: A Guide to the Magical World of Harry Potter
John Matthews
The Green Man: Spirit of Nature
Mark Oxbrow
Halloween: Pagan Festival to Trick or Treat
Phyllis J. Perry
Keeping the Traditions: A Multicultural Resource
Lawrence Rodgers & Jerrold Hirsch, editors
America's Folklorist: B.A. Botkin & American Culture
Gary R. Varner
Creatures in the Mist: Little People, Wild Men & Spirit Beings Around the World
Jane Yolen
Touch Magic
Mirror, Mirror: Forty Folktales for Mothers & Daughters to Share, with Heidi E.Y. Stemple
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Anne S. Baumgartner
Ye Gods!
Robert E. Bell
Women of Classical Mythology: A Biographical Dictionary
Katharine Briggs
An Encyclopedia of Fairies: Hobgoblins, Brownies, Bogies & Other Supernatural Creatures
Korwin Briggs
Gods & Heroes: Mythology Around the World
Mike Dixon-Kennedy
The Encyclopedia of Russian & Slavic Myth & Legend
Rosemary Ellen Guiley
Encyclopedia of Ghosts & Spirits
Encyclopedia of the Strange, Mystical & Unexplained
Encyclopedia of Witches & Witchcraft
Michael Jordan
Encyclopedia of Gods: Over 2,500 Deities of the World
Carol K. Mack & Dinah Mack
A Field Guide to Demons, Fairies, Fallen Angels & Other Subversive Spirits
Edain McCoy
A Witch's Guide to Faery Folk
J. Gordon Melton
The Vampire Book: The Encyclopedia of the Undead
Daithi O'Hogain
Irish Superstitions
Iona Opie & Moira Tatem, editors
A Dictionary of Superstitions
Carole Potter
Knock on Wood
Edwin & Mona A. Radford
Encyclopedia of Superstitions
Carol Ann Rinzler
Dictionary of Medical Folklore
Sacred Symbols:
Ancient Egypt
The Celts
Jack Tresidder
Symbols & Their Meanings:
The Illustrated Guide To More Than 1,000 Symbols, Their Traditional & Contemporary Significance
Jack Zipes, editor
The Oxford Companion to Fairy Tales
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