Albums are listed alphabetically by artist, then chronologically by title. Click on a title to read the review.

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The folk section covers a broad spectrum of mostly American folk (traditional and contemporary), folk-rock, singer-songwriter and indie recordings. Primarily, you can expect to find music which strikes at the heart of the folk tradition, where we spotlight innovative songwriters and performers who've laid the groundwork for the great folk tradition and who help to maintain that tradition today.

You'll find acoustic music here, as well as bands playing traditional music with electric guitars and bands playing new music on traditional instruments. Old-style folk meets rock 'n' roll, rockabilly and other stuff with its roots in folk traditions. Explore this section to find a tasty selection of musical possibilities.

While some people argue that "folk music" is by definition limited solely to traditional pieces, we have been reminded by others that songwriting itself is a proud tradition. If new music isn't being written and performed to expand the dog-eared playbook, those old songs are in danger of becoming hackneyed and worn-out cliches.

For folk music from the Canadian Maritimes, look here.



Gabriel's Hold
The Struble Sessions (1999)

Marcel Gagnon
Crazy Maker (2001)
The Watchman - Tom Crow (2002)
Captured (2004)

Gaia Consort
Gaia Circles (1999)
Secret Voices (2001)
Evolve (2004)

Neil Gaiman
Where's Neil When You Need Him? (2006)

Jessica Gall
Little Big Soul (2010)

Lennie Gallant
Breakwater (1988)
Believing in Better (1991)
The Open Window (1994)
Live (2000)
Le vent boheme (2002)

Galley Beggar
Galley Beggar (2012)

Dig Me a Ditch (1999)

Annie Gallup
Swerve (2001)
Half of My Crime (2006)

Peter Gallway
Redemption (1999)

Ivor Game
Happy Face (1998)

Gandalf Murphy & the Slambovian Circus of Dreams
Flapjacks from the Sky (2004)
The Great Unravel (2008)

Jerry Garcia Acoustic Band
Almost Acoustic (2010)
Ragged But Right (2010)

Abbie Gardner
Abbie Gardner (1999)
My Craziest Dream (2004)
Hope (2011)
Wishes on a Neon Sign (2018)

Tommy Gardner
Kangaroo Waffles & Other Treasure (2007)

Bill Garrett
Seems to Me (1999)
Red Shoes, with Sue Lothrop (2003)

Gathering Time
Keepsake (2016)
Old Friends (2020)

Dick Gaughan
Redwood Cathedral (1998)
Outlaws & Dreamers (2001)
Prentice Piece (2002)
Lucky for Some (2006)
Live at the Trades Club (2008)

Mary Gauthier
Drag Queens In Limousines (1999)

Willard Gayheart & Friends
At Home in the Blue Ridge (2019)

Deborah Gee
Portal (2000)

Dan Gellert
The Old-Time Tiki Parlour Presents (2014)

Rayna Gellert
Workin's Too Hard (2017)

Vicki Genfan
Up Close & Personal (2006)

Lisa Gentile
Becoming (2000)

Nathan Clark George & Mark Stoffel
A Midwinter's Eve (2006)

Colleen Geraghty
Deep Ravines (2004)

Eric Gerber
Boston by Friday (2000)

Paul Geremia
Love, Murder & Mosquitos (2004)
Love My Stuff (2011)

Ed Gerhard
House of Guitars (2001)

Alice Gerrard
Sing Me Back Home: The DC Tapes, 1965-1969, with Hazel Dickens (2018)

Dave Gibb
Blood & Flame (2005)

Philip Gibbs
The Petroleum Age (2011)
Box Canyon Blues (2014)

Bob Gibson
Funky in the Country (1974)
Homemade Music (1978)
The Perfect High (1980)
Uptown Saturday Night (1984)
The Bob Gibson Legacy Edition (2008)
The Living Legend Years (2008)

Melissa Gibson
Welcome to Stay (2003)
In Your Corner (2006)

Melinda Gidaly
Quiet Loathing Girl (1999)
This Mortal Lust (2002)

Ronnie Gilbert & Holly Near
Lifeline Extended (2002)

Vance Gilbert
Somerville Live (2000)
Side of the Road, with Ellis Paul (2003)
Unfamiliar Moon (2005)
Angels, Castles, Covers (2006)

Richard Gilewitz
Synapse Collapse (1997)
Thumbsing (2004)

Eliza Gilkyson
Land of Milk & Honey (2004)
Paradise Hotel (2005)
Your Town Tonight (2007)
Beautiful World (2008)
Red Horse (2010)
Roses at the End of Time (2011)
The Nocturne Diaries (2014)
Secularia (2018)
2020 (2020)
Songs from the River Wind (2021)

Tony Gilkyson
Goodbye Guitar (2006)

Jimmie Dale Gilmore
One Endless Night (2000)

Thea Gilmore
Rules for Jokers (2001)
Loft Music (2005)

Joe Giltrap
The Soldiers Tree (1998)
The Mountains of Mourne (2001)
Irish Charmer (2002)
Distant Memories (2003)
The Bravest, with Tom Paxton (2005)

Dominique Gizelle
Deep Down (1999)

Brian Gladstone
Psychedelic Pholk Psongs (2001)
Alive & Picking, with Tony Quarrington (2003)
A Time for New Beginnings (2005)

Howard Gladstone
Sunflowers Light the Room (2002)
Candles on the River (2005)

Brave Spirits (1993)
Re-Elect the Moon, with Terry Hinely (1997)

Steve Glotzer
Life Imitates Art (2000)

Go Jane Go
Go Jane Go (2013)

Eve Goldberg
Crossing the Water (2003)
A Kinder Season (2007)

Dennis Gomo
Nippising (1999)

Good Lovelies
Let the Rain Fall (2011)

Frank Goodman
All the Way Down (2000)

Goodnight Moonshine
Goodnight Moonshine (2014)

David Goodrich
Accidentals of the West (2002)

Jenny Goodspeed
Under the Ash Tree (2008)

James Gordon
Pipe Street Dreams (1999)
Mining for Gold: Twenty Years of Song Writing (2000)
One Timeless Moment, with Sandy Horne (2002)
Endomusia (2004)
Coyote Calling (2013)

Robert Gordon
Robert Gordon (1997)

Sax Gordon
You Knock Me Out (2000)

John Gorka
Old Futures Gone (2003)
Writing in the Margins (2006)
Red Horse (2010)
Bright Side of Down (2014)
Before Beginning (2016)

Gorky's Zygotic Mynci
Spanish Dance Troupe (1999)

Gorman Del Greco
Cafe Shadeaux (1998)

Judy Gorman
Analog Girl in a Digital World (1998)

The Gourds
Bolsa de Agua (2000)

Ellie Gowers
Dwelling by the Weir (2022)

Annie Grace
Take Me Out Drinking Tonight (2004)

Red Grammer
Soul Man in a Techno World (2001)

Tracy Grammer
The Verdant Mile (2004)

Tracy Grammer & Dave Carter
Tanglewood Tree (2000)
Drum Hat Buddha (2001)
When I Go (2002)
Little Blue Egg (2012)

The Granary Girls
Wild Roses (2004)

Tom Granata
Left Foot Lightfoot (2010)

Guy-Michael Grande
Familiar Strangers (2001)

Greg Grant
After the Crash (2001)
Bisbe Street (2002)

Great Big Sea
Great Big Sea (1993)
Up (1995)
Play (1997)
Rant & Roar (1997)
Turn (1999)
performance review (1999)
Road Rage (2000)
Sea of No Cares (2002)
Something Beautiful (2004)
The Hard & the Easy (2005)
Fortune's Favour (2008)

Great Northern
Low Lonesome (1999)
3 (2002)

Buddy Greenbloom
My Little Underground (2003)

Michele Dominguez Greene
Ojo de Tiburon (2002)
Luna Roja (2006)

The Green House Band
Mirage (2003)

Greenland Whalefishers
The Mainstreet Sword (1996)
Loboville (2001)

Crow Greenspun
Blood & Decision (2005)

Robin Greenstein
Acousticness (1999)

Ray Greiche
Everything's Fine (2000)

Charlotte Greig
Night Visiting Songs (1998)
Down in the Valley (1999)
At Llangennith (2001)
Winter Woods (2003)

Grey Eye Glances
A Little Voodoo (2002)

The Grievous Angels
Waiting for the Cage (1996)

Patty Griffin
Children Running Through (2007)

Grace Griffith
Sands of Time (2003)
Passing Through (2014)

Nanci Griffith
Once in a Very Blue Moon (1984/2002)
Poet in My Window (1986/2002)
There's a Light Beyond These Woods (1986/2002)
Lone Star State of Mind (1987/2009)
Winter Marquee (2002)

Are We There Yet? (2003)

Mike Grosshandler
Wrote Myself (2004)

The Lost Tapes Vol. 2 (2001)

Marcia Guderian Trio
Full Moon (1999)

The Guggenheim Grotto
Happy the Man (2009)

Michael Gulezian
Language of the Flame (2001)

The Gumboots
Search for a Passage (2000)

Dave Gunning
Caught Between Shadows (2000)

Arlo Guthrie & Pete Seeger
Precious Friend (1990)

Sarah Lee Guthrie & Family
Go Waggaloo (2009)

Bruce Guthro
Of Your Son (1998)
Guthro (2001)

Debra Guy
That's Miss Passive-Aggressive to You (2000)

Gypsy Soul
Beneath the Covers: A Rediscovery (2007)


Christa Haberstock
A Little More (1999)

Hackensaw Boys
Give It Back (2002)
Keep It Simple (2002)
Look Out! (2007)
Charismo (2016)
A Fireproof House of Sunshine (2019)

Mark Haines & Tom Leighton
Hand to Hand (2001)

The Haints Old Time Stringband
Shout Monah (2009)

Joe Hall
Travelling Without Deoderant: The Best of Joe Hall (1972-1988) (1999)

Rebecca Hall
Rebecca Hall Sings (2000)
Sunday Afternoon (2003)

Risa Hall
Second Chance (2013)
New York Nights (2014)

Sarah Hallman
Sarah Hallman (2007)

Scott Hallock
Stories (2001)

Tom Hambridge
Balderdash (2000)

Jen Hamel
Fine Small Storm (2001)

Hamell on Trial
Songs for Parents Who Enjoy Drugs (2006)

Wayne Hamilton
Lucky That Way (2000)

Marie-Lynn Hammond
Marie-Lynn Hammond & Vignettes (1978/1983/1999)
Impromptu (1985/1994/2000)
Black & White ... & Shades of Grey (1990/2000)
Impromptu (1985/1994/2000)

John L. Handcox
Songs, Poems & Stories of the Southern Tenant Farmers Union (2004)

Spook Handy
Breakfast at Bill's (2001)
Whatcha Gonna Do (2007)

Larry Hanks
The Last Wagon (2019)

Jim Hanlon
From the Heart (2004)
The Cormier Sessions: Vol. I (2015)
The Cormier Sessions: Vol. II (2015)

Mick Hanly
Free to Run (2004)
Wish Me Well (2005)

Hannah's Field
Warriors of Love (2007)

John Wort Hannam
Two Bit Suit (2007)
Queen's Hotel (2009)

Andrew Hardin
The Best of Andrew Hardin (2002)

Ange Hardy
Bare Foot Folk (2013)

Jack Hardy
Omens (2000)

Ben Harper
Diamonds on the Inside (2003)

Rachel Harrington
City of Refuge (2008)
Celilo Falls (2011)
Makin' Our House a Honkytonk (2012)

Emmylou Harris & the Nash Ramblers
Ramble in Music City (2021)

JP Harris' Dreadful Wind & Rain
Don't You Marry No Railroad Man (2021)

Kemp Harris
Sometimes in Bad Weather (2003)
Edenton (2006)

Marilyn Harris
Between the Lines (1993)

MaryAnn Harris
Crow Girls (2011)

Vicky Harris
Touch (2002)

Christina Harrison
Wee Folk Songs (1996)

Jeffrey Harrison
Jeffrey Harrison (2005)

Joy Eden Harrison
Unspoken (1999)

Lynn Harrison
Lynoleum (2001)
Learning Curve (2003)

Tim Harrison
Tim Harrison (1999)
Wheatfield with Crows (2003)

Frankie Hart & the FarAway Ensemble
Hitotsu (2000)

John Hartford
Hamilton Ironworks (2001)

John Hartford Stringband
Memories of John (2010)

Lis Harvey
Topography (2002)

John Hasbrouck
Ice Cream (2002)

Juliana Hatfield
Total System Failure (2000)
Beautiful Creature (2001)
Gold Stars 1992-2002: The Juliana Hatfield Collection (2002)
In Exile Deo (2004)

Jens Hausmann
Back on the Track (1999)
Precious Moments (2015)

Chuck Hawthorne
Fire Out of Stone (2019)

The Haymarket Squares
Light It Up (2016)

Kevin Hearn & Thin Buckle
Night Light (2003)

Ray Hearne
Broad Street Ballads (2001)

Anne Heaton
Black Notebook (2002)

Ingrid Heldt
Love Matters (2002)

Rabbit Songs (2002)

Colin Henderson
Highway of Diamonds: The Songs of Bob Dylan (2003)
Shifting Sands (2005)

Hamish Henderson
A' the Bairns o' Adam (2003)

Terri Hendrix
The Ring (2002)
Celebrate the Difference (2006)

Christie Hennessy
Stories for Sale (2005)

The Henry Girls
Between Us (2003)
December Moon (2013)

Jim Henry
The Wayback (1999)

Priscilla Herdman
The Road Home (2003)

Here Nor There
Conversations (1998)

Marc Herman
Neon (2003)

Priscilla Hernandez
Ancient Shadows: The Ghost & the Fairy (2006)

Greg Herriges
It Plays Me (2005)

Caroline Herring
Twilight (2001)
Lantana (2008)
Golden Apples of the Sun (2009)
Camilla (2012)

Lara Herscovitch
There (2002)
Juror Number 13 (2006)
Highway Philosophers (2020)

Barry Hertz
A Cowboy's Prayer (2006)

Early American Roots (1997)

Carolyn Hester
The Tradition Years (2006)
We Dream Forever (2010)

Jean Hewson & Christina Smith
Like Ducks! (1998)
August Gale (2006)

John Hiatt
Crossing Muddy Waters (2000)

Bill Hibbets
Bricks & Trees (2007)

Chris Hickey
Razzmatazz (2009)

Susan Hickey
Water Meets Sand (2002)

Sara Hickman
Motherlode (2006)

Dan Hicks & the Hot Licks
Beatin' the Heat (2000)

Leigh Hilger
Casting Shadows (1999)

Byron Hill
Gravity ... & other things that keep you down to Earth (1999)

Emma Hill
The Black & Wretched Blue (2013)

Emma Hill & her Gentlemen Callers
Clumsy Seduction (2009)

James Hill
A Flying Leap (2006)

Michael Hill
My Blue Christmas (2006)

The HillBenders
The HillBenders (2018)

Bob Hillman
Playing God (1999)

Naama Hillman
Living Room (2004)

Anne Hills
Under American Skies, with Tom Paxton (2001)
Faire Winds Live, with Bill Jones & Aoife Clancy (2003)
Best of Friends, with Tom Paxton & Bob Gibson (2004)
The Things I Notice Now (2012)

Donal Hinely
We Built a Fire (2002)

Terry Hinely & Glasnots
Re-Elect the Moon (1997)

Tish Hinojosa
Sign of Truth (2000)

Matt & Erica Hinton
Awake, My Soul: The Story of the Sacred Harp (2006)

Daniel Ho
Coolest Drop of Rain (2002)

Cheryl Hoenemeyer
Crowded Bed (2001)

Andi Hoffman & B-Goes
Basil for Nino (1999)
Living in the Big Wide World (2002)

Amelia Hogan
Taking Flight (2022)
 Burnished (2025)

Hog-Eyed Man
1 (2014)
2 (2015)
3 (2016)
Old World Music of the Southern Appalachians (2018)
Kicked Up a Devil of a Row (2023)

Coty Hogue
When We Get to Shore (2012)
Flight (2016)

Lily Holbrook
Everything was Beautiful & Nothing Hurt (2005)

Malcolm Holcombe
Tricks of the Trade (2021)

Deborah Holland
The Book of Survival (1999)

James Hollingsworth
Alive in 2005 (2006)
Coming Home to Stay (2007)

Hollow Log
Catch a Caber (2001)

Hollyfield & Spruill
Blue & Green (1998)

Bruce Holmes
Life's an Intelligence Test (2006)

Janet Holmes
The Road to the West (2004)

Gina Holsopple
Gina Holsopple (2001)
Rain Princess (2002)

Scott Holstein
Cold Coal Town (2013)

David Holt & Josh Goforth
Cutting Loose (2009)

David Holt & the Lightning Bolts
David Holt & the Lightning Bolts (2006)

Steve Holt
The Dream (2002)

The Holy Modal Rounders & Friends
I Make a Wish for a Potato (2001)

The Honey Dewdrops
Silver Lining (2012)

Hoodoo Papas
Past Due (2003)

Follow That Trail of Dust Back Home (2006)

Thea Hopkins
Chickasaw (2008)

Heather Horak
Lucky Charm (2003)

Troy Horne
Troy Horne (2000)

Mary Hornik
Liberty Heights (2001)

The Horse Flies
In the Dance Tent (2000)

Rita Hosking
Burn (2011)
Little Boat (2013)
For Real (2018)

Steppin' on Cords (1999)

Hot Soup
Hot Soup! (1997)
Soup Happens (2000)

Alex Houghton
Happybody (2001)

Tom House
Jesus Doesn't Live Here Anymore (2001)

Beautiful Again: Live (2004)

Catherine Howe
Princelet Street (2007)

Steve Howell
Gallery of Echoes (2023)

Steve Howell & the Mighty Men
Yes, I Believe I Will (2013)
Friend Like Me (2015)
Good As I Been to You (2018)
Been Here & Gone (2022)
Yeah Man (2025)

Steve Howell & Jason Weinheimer
A Hundred Years from Today (2017)
History Rhymes (2019)

Steve Howell, Dan Sumner & Jason Weinheimer
Long Ago (2020)

Ray Wylie Hubbard
Crusades of the Restless Knights (1999)
A. Enlightenment B. Endarkenment (2009)

Uncle Dave Huber
Uncle Dave Huber (2005)

Alan Hull
Phantoms (2007)

Hull & Larson
Moonbeams (1998)

Hull-House Revival
Letter from America (1992)

Annie Humphrey
The Heron Smiled (2000)
Edge of America (2003)

Mark Humphreys
Songs at the Moon (1999)

Hungrytown (2007)

Barbara J. Hunt
Play My Heart (2009)

Kelly Hunt
Even the Sparrow (2019)

Ben Hunter & Joe Seamons
Take Yo Time (2014)

Ben Hunter, Phil Wiggins & Joe Seamons
A Black & Tan Ball (2017)

James Hurley
Voice & Guitar (2014)

Michael Hurley
Ida Con Snock (2009)

Michael Hurwitz & the Aimless Drifters
Blue Coyote (2006)
Cowboy Fandango (2007)
Chrome on the Range (2010)

Tim Hus
Western Star (2013)

Ashley Hutchings
Street Cries (2001)

James Hyland
Western (2020)

Ron Hynes
Get Back Change (2003)
Ron Hynes (2006)


Janis Ian
Live: Working Without a Net (2003)

Ian & Sylvia
The Complete Vanguard Studio Recordings (2001)
The Lost Tapes (2019)

I Draw Slow
White Wave Chapel (2014)

The Iguanas
Plastic Silver 9 Volt Heart (2003)

The Illegitimate Sons
American Music (2012)

The Incredible String Band
The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter (1968)

The Indulgers
In Like Flynn (1999)
Tan & Black (2001)
Celtic Tiger (2002)

The Innocence Mission
Birds of My Neighborhood (1999)
We Walked in Song (2007)

Into June
The Lost Lyric (2000)

The Irish Descendants
The Best ... So Far, So Good (1999)

Iron & Wine
Our Endless Numbered Days (2004)
Woman King (2005)

Andy Offutt Irwin
Banana Seat (1995)

James Isaak
James Isaak (2005)

Richard Isen
Let It Fall (2000)

Paul Iwancio
Open Heart Stories (2004)