The folk section covers a broad spectrum of mostly American folk (traditional and contemporary), folk-rock, singer-songwriter and indie recordings. Primarily, you can expect to find music which strikes at the heart of the folk tradition, where we spotlight innovative songwriters and performers who've laid the groundwork for the great folk tradition and who help to maintain that tradition today.
You'll find acoustic music here, as well as bands playing traditional music with electric guitars and bands playing new music on traditional instruments. Old-style folk meets rock 'n' roll, rockabilly and other stuff with its roots in folk traditions. Explore this section to find a tasty selection of musical possibilities.
While some people argue that "folk music" is by definition limited solely to traditional pieces, we have been reminded by others that songwriting itself is a proud tradition. If new music isn't being written and performed to expand the dog-eared playbook, those old songs are in danger of becoming hackneyed and worn-out cliches.
For folk music from the Canadian Maritimes, look here.
Lindsay Mac
Small Revolution (2005)
Pol MacAdaim
If We Don't Help Them Now (2002)
Highwired (2000)
Connie MacAskill
Closer to Home (2001)
Ewan MacColl & A.L. Lloyd
Blow Boys Blow: Songs of the Sea (2006)
Mickey MacConnell
Joined Up Writing (2000)
Peter Pan & Me (2005)
Buddy MacDonald
Getting Dark Again, with John Ferguson (1996)
We Remember You Well (2000)
performance review (2001)
Live: A Night at the Pub (2002)
David Ross MacDonald
Far From Here (2004)
Knuckled Brass & Bone (2006)
Rod MacDonald
Into the Blue (1999)
Sheila MacDonald
Half Light (2011)
Tangle of Trees (2014)
Mary MacGowan
Morning Glory (2010)
Bill Mackechnie
Famous (1999)
MacKenzie & Adkins
MacKenzie & Adkins (2019)
Bob MacKenzie
Assume Nothing (1999)
Catherine MacLellan
Water in the Ground (2009)
Kate MacLeod
Breakfast (2005)
Blooming (2009)
Deep in the Sound of Terra (2017)
Kate MacLeod & Kat Eggleston
Lost & Found (2011)
Mac MacLeod
The Incredible Musical Odyssey of the Original Hurdy Gurdy Man (2003)
Scott Macmillan
The Minnie Sessions, Vol. 1-3 (1996-98)
Rita MacNeil
Mining the Soul, with the Men of the Deeps (2000)
Common Dream (2002)
Blue Roses (2004)
Cyril MacPhee
Back on Track (2001)
Mad Agnes
Magic Hour (2003)
Sandy Madaris
Way Back Home (2002)
Mad Buffalo
Wilderness (2008)
Red & Blue (2012)
Rylee Madison
The Life of Rylee (2002)
Madison Violet
No Fool for Trying (2009)
Elemental Grace (2000)
Reverie (2001)
Maggi, Pierce & E.J.
For (2000)
Magic Car
Yellow Main Sequence (2001)
Family Matters (2005)
Emily Maguire
Keep Walking (2007)
The Mailman's Children
Maritime Sun (2001)
Stranger Thing (2002)
Dave Mallett
Ambition (1999)
Nathaniel Maloney
Old Empty Farmhouse (2004)
The Malvinas
I'm Not Like This (2002)
Love, Hope & Transportation (2004)
Mama's Broke
Narrow Line (2022)
Dance of the Comedians (2007)
Tom Mank
Almost Time (2000)
Conversations in Waves, with Sera Jane Smolen (2001)
Souls of Birds, with Sera Jane Smolen (2004)
Aimee Mann
Bachelor No. 2 (or The Last Remains of the Dodo) (2000)
Bill Mann
Your Heart Knows (1998)
Harry Manx & Kevin Breit
Jubilee (2003)
In Good We Trust (2007)
Strictly Whatever (2011)
Mara & David
Sixteen Secrets (2007)
D.L. Marble
Not the One (2012)
Gasoline (2002)
Jayne Margo-Reby
Shades of Reason (1999)
Katie Marie
Been Here Before (2002)
The Mortal Moon (1994)
Samuel Markus
No Mission (2006)
Marley's Ghost
Spooked (2006)
Sara Marlowe
A World to Win: Songs from the Struggle for Global Justice (2002)
Times Like These (2004)
Erynn Marshall & Friends
Tune Tramp (2013)
Erynn Marshall & Carl Jones
Sweet Memories ... Never Leave (2015)
Amy Martin
To You (2000)
This Fall (2002)
Nappy Martin & Friends
Steady Through the Storm (2001)
Jed Marum
Streets of Fall River (2000)
Soul of a Wanderer (2002)
Fighting Tigers of Ireland (2004)
Miles from Home (2005)
Cross Over the River (2006)
Lone Star Stout (2007)
Ain't No Goin' Back (2008)
Sands of Aberdeen (2008)
Rejoice (2011)
Tina Marzola
She's Ready (1998)
Dana Mase
Through the Concrete & The Rocks (1998)
Brent Mason
River Songs (1999)
In This Time (2017)
Souad Massi
Mesk Elil (Honeysuckle) (2005)
Bryan Masters
Thundar, the Boy Giant (2002)
The Mastersons
Transient Lullaby (2017)
Kathy Mattea
Roses (2002)
Iain Matthews
Pure & Crooked (1990)
Excerpts from Swine Lake (1999)
Kalle Mattson
Live in Between (2012)
Roger Matura
Time Traveller (2005)
Tom May
Blue Roads, Red Wine (2008)
Maya & the Ruins
Take This Song With You (2012)
The Maybelles
Leavin' Town (2007)
John Mayer
Battle Studies (2009)
Steve Mayone
Bedroom Rockstar (2004)
Unfortunate Son (2005)
Simon Mayor
Winter with Mandolins (1992)
Music From a Small Island (2006)
Mandolinquents (2008)
Simon Mayor & Hilary James
Duos (2001)
Laughing with the Moon (2004)
Lullabies with Mandolin (2004)
Children's Favourites (2005)
Chuck McCabe
Bad Gravity Day (2002)
Chicken Dinners (2004)
Sweet Reunion (2005)
Creature of Habit (2008)
Eleanor McCain
Intimate (2001)
Eagle McCall
Song of the Seas (2012)
Nancy McCallion & the Mollys
Trouble (2003)
Mary McCandless
Mary Christmas (2000)
Lipstick Legend (2004)
Dave McCann & the Ten-Toed Frogs
Woodland Tea (2000)
Amy McCarley
Jet Engines (2014)
Mary McCaslin
The Bramble & the Rose, with Jim Ringer (2000)
A Life & Time (2004)
Lydia McCauley
Sabbath Day's Journey (1998)
Entrances (1999)
The Beauty of the Earth (2002)
The Moon of Wintertime (2002)
ForeignLander (2004)
Laurie McClain
The Child Behind My Eyes (2002)
The Trumpet Vine: A Tribute to Kate Wolf (2003)
The McCloskey Brothers Band
The McCloskey Brothers Band (2002)
Margaret McClure
Tears for Jack (2005)
Deborah McColl
Naked in the Garden (2000)
John McCormick
Between Our Hearts (1998)
Lisa McCormick
Mystery Girl (2003)
Raymond McCullough
The Great China Bike Ride (2004)
Into Jerusalem (2005)
Ed McCurdy
A Ballad Singer's Choice (1956/2006)
John McCutcheon
The Wind That Shakes the Barley (1977/2000)
Storied Ground (1999)
Supper's on the Table ... Everybody Come In (2001)
Kent McDaniel
About Time (2000)
Suzanne McDermott
Out Under the Sky (1999)
Ephemera (2000)
Kate McDonnell
Don't Get Me Started (2001)
Where the Mangoes Are (2005)
Megon McDonough
American Girl (1990)
Blue Star Highway (1993)
Day By Day (1995)
My One & Only Love (1996)
John McEuen
Made in Brooklyn (2016)
Eleanor McEvoy
Yola (2001)
Special Edition (2003)
Out There (2006)
Love Must be Tough (2008)
Singled Out (2009)
Johnny McEvoy
Going to California (2003)
Trilogy (2007)
Into the Cauldron (2017)
Ian McFeron
Love Me Blue (2009)
Kate & Anna McGarrigle
Matapedia (1996)
Yikes McGee
Protest Songs for the New Millennium (2003)
Patrick McGinley & Family Style
Patrick, Family & Friends (2001)
Matt McGinn
The Best of Matt McGinn, Vol. 2 (2003)
Ryan McGiver
Troubled in Mind (2012)
Reverend TJ McGlinchey
Tell Me to Stay (2012)
Lili McGovern
A Bare Calliope (2003)
Tia McGraff
Day in My Shoes (2007)
Roger McGuinn
Treasures from the Folk Den (2001)
Limited Edition (2004)
Danny McGuinness
Room 809 (2004)
Mark McKay
Live from the Memory Hotel (2003)
Shimmer (2005)
Nellie McKay
Get Away From Me (2004)
Andy McKee
The Gates of Gnomeria (2007)
Lori McKenna
Paper Wings & Halo (1997)
The Kitchen Tapes (2003)
Paul McKenna Band
Between Two Worlds (2009)
Elements (2013)
Angela McKenzie
Nine (2005)
Erin McKeown
Distillation (2000)
Patrick McKeown
Passing By (2004)
Susan McKeown
Bones, with the Chanting House (1996)
Lowlands (2001)
Jon McKiel
The Nature of Things (2008)
Dan McKinnon
Chasing Sunsets (1995)
Between Wind & Water (1997)
Songs from the Hearth (2000)
Fields of Dreams & Glory (2005)
Andrew McKnight
Turning Pages (2001)
Beyond Borders (2005)
Something Worth Standing For (2008)
Sarah McLachlan
Wintersong (2006)
Jeremiah McLane
Hummingbird, Ruthie Dornfeld (2002)
Smile When You're Ready (2003)
Freetown (2005)
Murray McLauchlan
Hourglass (2021)
Peter McLaughlin
Canyoneers, with Chris Brashear (2003)
The Colton House Sessions: Songs for the Southwest, with Chris Brashear & Todd Phillips (2017)
Desert Heart Mountain Soul, with Chris Brashear (2021)
Don McLean
Christmastime! The Complete Collection (2004)
Rearview Mirror: An American Musical Journey (2005)
Heather McLeod
Graffiti Love Songs (1999)
Gary McMahan
Goin' My Way? (2009)
El McMeen
The Lea Rig (2001)
Breakout (2002)
Dancing the Strings: Celtic to Contemporary (2004)
The Soul of Christmas Guitar (2004)
Amazing Grace (2006)
Strike Up the Band! Classic Band Marches for Fingerstyle Guitar (2020)
Shannon McNally
Jukebox Sparrows (2002)
Southside Sessions, with Charlie Sexton (2006)
McNamara & Neeley
About Time (2009)
Mark McNeil
Reporter's Notebook (1998)
Liz McNicholl
Grand Central Station (2002)
Bob McParland
Unresolved (2002)
Gillie McPherson
Our Street (2006)
Sarah McQuaid
The Plum Tree & the Rose (2012)
If We Dig Any Deeper It Could Get Dangerous (2018)
Jesse McReynolds & Friends
Songs of the Grateful Dead (2010)
The Bull Mountain Moonshiners' Way (2019)
Ralph McTell
The Boy With a Note (1999)
Pamela Means
Pearls (2000)
Greg Meckes
Moments of Clarity, Part I (2003)
Kenny Meeks
Tell My Angel (2000)
On the Side (2004)
Smoke of Home (2007)
Ever Since You Never Heard of Me (2012)
John Mellencamp
Trouble No More (2003)
Ian Melrose
Wolves (1994)
Between the Sighs (1998)
Men of the Deeps
Diamonds in the Rough (1992)
Coal Fire in Winter (1996)
Mining the Soul, with Rita MacNeil (2000)
Todd Menton
Where Will You Land (2003)
Natalie Merchant
Motherland (2001)
Michele Mercure
Giving Up the Ghost (2004)
Michael Merenda
Election Day (2004)
Wendy Jones Merkley
Calling Card (1996)
Scott Merritt
The Detour Home (2002)
Lori Michaels
The Lilac Testament (2005)
Bob Michel
The Oysterman's Ball (2004)
The Farther Shore (2006)
Danny Michel
Fibsville (1999)
Ramsay Midwood
Popular Delusions & the Madness of Cows (2006)
The Mighty Rooster
Red Room (2002)
I. Mihana
Rust on the Moon (2001)
Carmel Mikol
In My Bones (2010)
Lynn Miles
Night in a Strange Town (1998)
Love Sweet Love (2006)
tumbleWeedyWorld (2023)
Giulia Millanta
Dust & Desire (2014)
The Funambulist (2014)
Bill Miller
Ghost Dance (2000)
Brian Miller
Minnesota Lumberjack Songs: Irish & Scottish Music from the North Woods (2011)
Miller Brothers Band
Tales from Foundry Town (2005)
Buddy & Julie Miller
Written in Chalk (2009)
Cathy Miller
Living for the Stars (1998)
Denise Miller & Son
Crazy Horse (2000)
Ethan Miller & Kate Boverman
If All the Land Would Rise (2005)
Scott Miller
Ladies Auxiliary (2017)
Valorie Miller
Folk Star (2006)
Paul Mills
The Other Side of the Glass (2006)
Trevor Mills
Karaoke Cowboy (2003)
Jesse Milnes & Emily Miller
Deep End Sessions, Volume II (2015)
John Minton
Going Back to Vicksburg (2004)
Misner & Smith
Seven Hour Storm (2014)
Misty River
Rising (2000)
Live at the Backgate Stage (2001)
Willow (2004)
Anais Mitchell
Hadestown (2010)
Joni Mitchell
Travelogue (2002)
Ryan Mitchell-Smith
Are You Sitting Comfortably? (2015)
Bill Mize
Joyful Noise (2002)
Vusa Mkhaya
Vocalism (2012)
Ardal (2006)
Christine Moll
Pretty Show (2000)
The Mollys, with Nancy McCallion
Trouble (2003)
Brian Molnar & the Naked Hearts
Of the Fall (2011)
Bruce Molsky
Poor Man's Troubles (2000)
Contented Must Be (2004)
Soon Be Time (2006)
If It Ain't Here When I Get Back (2013)
Can't Stay Here This a-Way (2016)
Brendan Monaghan
Unbroken (2018)
Joe Monaghan
All the Roadside Stops (1997)
Michael Monroe
A Band in My Own Mind (2000)
The Monroe Brothers
What Would You Give in Exchange for Your Soul? (2000)
John Montgomery
One Step Away (2002)
Little Brother Montgomery
No Special Rider (1999)
Fred Moolten
The Way We Are (2000)
Meredith Moon
Constellations (2023)
Hunter Moore
Conversations (2001)
Katie Moore
Only Thing Worse (2007)
Kelly Moore
Celebrate! (2002)
Get Away (2003)
Frank Morey
Cold in Hand (2002)
Made in USA (2006)
Elaine Morgan
Shine On (2002)
Pamela Morgan
The Colour of Amber, with Anita Best (1991)
On a Wing & a Prayer (1996)
Amber Christmas (1998)
Seven Years (2002)
Tracie Morgan
Beyond the Illusion (1998)
Tudur Morgan
Naw Stryd Madryn (2004)
Cary Morin
Cradle to the Grave (2017)
Don Morrell
After All These Years (1999)
Jackie Morris
Where the Legends Grow Like Weeds (2005)
RB Morris
Going Back to the Sky (2020)
Angeline Morrison
The Sorrow Songs: Folk Songs of Black British Experience (2022)
Cahalen Morrison & Eli West
Our Lady of the Tall Trees (2012)
I'll Swing My Hammer with Both My Hands (2014)
Van Morrison
Down the Road (2002)
Under Review 1964-1974 (2008)
Bill Morrissey
Something I Saw or Thought I Saw (2001)
The Essential Collection (2004)
Phyllis Morrissey
Woman of the Island (1995)
Kathryn Mostow
Dreamers Everywhere (2005)
Nana Mouskouri
Ode to Joy (2002)
Live from the Powerhouse (2004)
Mr. Love & Justice
Homeground (2004)
Pete Mroz
Detachment (2008)
The Mugwumps
The Mugwumps (2007)
Christina Muir
Feet First (1996)
Geoff Muldaur
Blues Boy (2001)
Penny's Farm (2016), with Jim Kweskin
Zoe Mulford
Roadside Saints (2006)
Pete Muller
Just One Lifetime (2002)
More Than This (2004)
Peter Mulvey
The Trouble With Poets (2000)
Ten Thousand Mornings (2002)
Kitchen Radio (2004)
Donnie Munro
Heart of America: Across the Great Divide (2006)
John Munro
Plying My Trade (2007)
Larry Murante
Water's Edge (2000)
Michael Martin Murphey
Tall Grass & Cool Water (2011)
Andrew Murray
Hell or High Water (2005)
David Myles
Together & Alone (2005)
Gary Myrick
Waltz of the Scarecrow King (2001)
