Ghost Hunt: Paranormal Encounter at Burlington County Prison,
directed by Dan Marro
(Reality Entertainment, 2012)

If a group of your acquaintances got together to do some ghost hunting, it would probably look a lot like Ghost Hunt: Paranormal Encounter at Burlington County Prison. This whole documentary is the very first ghost investigation conducted by this group of self-proclaimed amateurs, so it's no real surprise that it looks like the work of amateurs.

If they had accidentally managed to capture anything resembling compelling evidence, Ghost Hunt might be worth a look -- but the best they have to offer is remotely interesting at best. There's a weird orb thing, but it looks like dust to me. They also caught something on EVP, but it seems almost too good and clear to be true. I do not think they faked the recording -- not at all -- but the amateurish nature of the whole investigation leaves open the question of external sources.

Burlington County Prison seems to lie right in the middle of town, and they point out that there's a police department right next door. To the group's credit, they do discuss these kinds of external possibilities and refrain from making any bold claims about anything they captured, but they're just not operating at a sufficient level to try and rigorously debunk their own evidence. They don't seem very knowledgeable about EMF detectors at all, taking no baseline readings and trying to figure out -- during the investigation itself -- if their phones and cameras affect the readings.

On the positive side, this isn't some big joke of a video where people are pretending to ghost hunt. The folks seem sincere in their interests and intentions; they just need a lot more experience in the field. Nothing they captured is anywhere near compelling enough to justify a DVD release. Amateur ghost hunters and those who have an interest in becoming amateur ghost hunters might be interested in seeing how another group conducted their first real investigation, but the average Joe who just enjoys watching ghost shows on television probably won't get much out of this little documentary.

Despite what some of the blurbs may say, there is nothing even remotely shocking to be found here. It's simply not compelling at all.

review by
Daniel Jolley

22 February 2025

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