Reviews by Daniel include:
Tori Amos
Boys for Pele
Complete Videos: 1991-1998
Hey Jupiter
Little Earthquakes
Mariah Carey
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas II You
Perry Como
Greatest Christmas Songs
Season's Greetings
Sammy Davis Jr., with Count Basie
Our Shining Hour
Bob Dylan
Down in the Groove
Good as I Been to You
John Wesley Harding
MTV Unplugged
Oh Mercy
World Gone Wrong
Sara Evans
Born to Fly
No Place That Far
Tennessee Ernie Ford
The Star Carol
Mahalia Jackson
Christmas with Mahalia
Annie Lennox
A Christmas Cornucopia
Bascom Lamar Lunsford
Ballads, Banjo Tunes & Sacred Songs of Western North Carolina
James Taylor
Greatest Hits
10,000 Maniacs
In My Tribe
various artists
The Rough Guide to Scottish Folk
The Wedding Singer
The Wedding Singer 2: More Music from the Motion Picture
Douglas Adams
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
Life, the Universe, & Everything
So Long, & Thanks for All the Fish
Mostly Harmless
Catherine Aird
The Religious Body
Frederick Allen
A Decent Orderly Lynching: The Montana Vigilantes
Kevin J. Anderson
The Saga of Seven Suns #1: Hidden Empire
The Saga of Seven Suns #2: A Forest of Stars
Kevin Archer
In Lieu of Heaven
Larita Arnold
The Fastest Ship
Bruce Balfour
The Digital Dead
Clive Barker
Allison Hoover Bartlett
The Man Who Loved Books Too Much: The True Story of a Thief, a Detective & a World of Literary Obsession
Richard Bauckham & Trevor Hart
At the Cross: Meditations on People Who Were There
Curt Benjamin
Lords of Grass & Thunder
Seven Brothers #3: The Gates of Heaven
Alicia Benson
The First Vampire: A Novel of Samson & Delilah
Randall N. Bills
Battletech/MechWarrior: Hunters of the Deep
Anne Bishop
The Black Jewels Trilogy
(omnibus: Daughter of the Blood, Heir to the Shadows, Queen of the Darkness)
Deanne Blanton & Lauren M. Cook
They Fought Like Demons: Women Soldiers in the American Civil War
Robert Bloch
The Night of the Ripper
Marion Zimmer Bradley
A World Divided
(omnibus: The Bloody Sun, Star of Danger, The Winds of Darkover)
T.H. Breen
Puritans & Adventurers
Chaz Brenchley
A Dark Way to Glory (The Third Book of Outremer)
Feast of the King's Shadow (The Fourth Book of Outremer)
The End of All Roads (The Sixth Book of Outremer)
Poppy Z. Brite & Christa Faust
Kevin Brockmeier
The Brief History of the Dead
Arnold R. Brown
Lizzie Borden: The Legend, the Truth, the Final Chapter
Simon Brown
Keys of Power #1: Inheritance
Keys of Power #2: Fire & Sword
Keys of Power #3: Sovereign
S.G. Browne
Breathers: A Zombie's Lament
Rick Buda
Robert Buettner
Richard E. Byrd
Alone: The Classic Polar Adventure
Martin Caidin
Ghosts of the Air: True Stories of Aerial Hauntings
Stephen A. Channing
Crisis of Fear: Secession in South Carolina
Daniel Cohen
Real Ghosts
Loren L. Coleman
Battletech/MechWarrior: Blood of the Isle
William J. Cooper
The South & the Politics of Slavery, 1828-1856
Charles A. Crenshaw, with Jens Hansen & J. Gary Shaw
JFK: A Conspiracy of Silence
Michael Crichton
Cindy Cruciger
Revenge Gifts
Leah R. Cutter
The Caves of Buda
Keith Cymry
Hope in a Nutshell
Donald B. Dewar
Jack's Dad & the Beanstalk
William C. Dietz
For More Than Glory
For Those Who Fell
Robert A. Divine
Eisenhower & the Cold War
Keith Donohue
The Stolen Child
Nolene-Patricia Dougan
David Dunwoody
Philip Dwyer
Napoleon: The Path to Power 1769-1799
Matthew S. Field
Father Like a Tree
Mitchell Fink
Never Forget: An Oral History of September 11, 2001
C.S. Forester
Hunting the Bismarck
Alan Dean Foster
To the Vanishing Point
Lorna Freeman
John G. Fuller
The Ghost of Flight 401
The Interrupted Journey
Rupert Furneaux
Ancient Mysteries
Eric Garcia
Anonymous Rex
Casual Rex
Christopher Golden
The Gathering Dark
Norma Lorre Goodrich
The Holy Grail
Ian Graham
Richard Gray
The Piaculum
Simon R. Green
Agents of Light & Darkness
Deathstalker Coda
Deathstalker Return
Leland Gregory
Cruel & Unusual Idiots: Chronicles of Meanness & Stupidity
Joe Haldeman
The Forever War
Old Twentieth
Karen Hancock
Legends of the Guardian King, Book 2: The Shadow Within
Neil Hanson
The Custom of the Sea
William C. Harris
North Carolina & the Coming of the Civil War
Marcus Alexander Hart
The Oblivion Society
Pauline Hayton
A Corporal's War: World War II Adventures of a Royal Engineer
Robert A. Heinlein
Beyond This Horizon
Citizen of the Galaxy
The Door into Summer
Double Star
Glory Road
The Green Hills of Earth
Have Space Suit-Will Travel
The Man Who Sold the Moon
Methuselah's Children
The Past Through Tomorrow
The Puppet Masters
Red Planet
Revolt in 2100
Starship Troopers
Stranger in a Strange Land
Waldo & Magic Inc.
John G. Hemry
Burden of Proof
A Just Determination
Barb & J.C. Hendee
Thief of Lives
T.L. Higley
Marduk's Tablet
Glen Hirshberg
The Two Sams
James Hoby
A Year With the Hoopers
Hans Holzer
Ghosts, Hauntings & Possessions: The Best of Hans Holzer, Book I, edited by Raymond Buckland
James Hosty
Assignment: Oswald
Deborah Howe
Bunnicula: A Rabbit-Tale of Mystery
Katherine Howe
The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane
David L. Howells
Vanessa: All Heaven Breaks Loose
Vanessa: Mended Harps
Vanessa: Fallen Colors
Will Hubbell
Sea of Time
Shirley Jackson
The Haunting of Hill House
Maxim Jakubowski & Nathan Braund, editors
The Mammoth Book of Jack the Ripper
Terry James
The Rapture Dialogues: Dark Dimension
Michael P. Johnson
Toward a Patriarchal Republic: The Secession of Georgia
Seth Kantor
The Ruby Cover-Up
Brian Keene
Darkness on the Edge of Town
Marjorie B. Kellogg
The Dragon Quartet #4: The Book of Air
Asamatsu Ken
Queen of K'n-Yan
Caitlin R. Kiernan
Low Red Moon
Stephen King
The Colorado Kid
Different Seasons
The Long Walk (writing as Richard Bachman)
Rage (writing as Richard Bachman)
Roadwork (writing as Richard Bachman)
The Running Man (writing as Richard Bachman)
'Salem's Lot
E.E. Knight
Vampire Earth #1: The Way of the Wolf
Vampire Earth #2: Choice of the Cat
Allan Zola Kronzek & Elizabeth Kronzek
The Sorcerer's Companion: A Guide to the Magical World of Harry Potter
Marc W. Kruman
Parties & Politics in North Carolina, 1836-1865
Dan Kurzman
No Greater Glory: The Four Immortal Chaplains & the Sinking of the Dorchester in World War II
Walter LaFeber
The New Empire: An Interpretation of American Expansion, 1860-1898
Mark Lane
Plausible Denial: Was the CIA Involved in the Assassination of JFK?
Peter Langman
Why Kids Kill: Inside the Minds of School Shooters
Richard Laymon
Resurrection Dreams
Douglas Edward Leach
Roots of Conflict: British Armed Forces & Colonial Americans, 1677-1763
Alan J. Levine
The Adventures of Short Stubbly Brownbeard
David S. Lifton
Best Evidence: Disguise & Deception in the Assassination of John F. Kennedy
Tarrin P. Lupo
Catch That Collie: A tale about becoming a responsible pet owner, illustrated by Scott Motley
Jonathan Lyons
Ian R. MacLeod
The Light Ages
Bill Mauldin
Mud & Guts
Jack McDevitt
The Engines of God
S.D. McKee
Darkness Among the Stars, Book 1: Defeated
Edmund S. Morgan
The Birth of the Republic, 1763-89
Mike Moscoe
Battletech/MechWarrior: Patriot's Stand
Billie Sue Mosiman
Craven Moon
Malachi's Moon
Red Moon Rising
Bill Myers
Soul Tracker
Mark Yoshimoto Nemcoff
The Killing of Osama Bin Laden:
How the Mission to Hunt Down a Terrorist Mastermind was Accomplished
Evit Kejbo Nosrep
Judaism, Christianity & Islam are Wrong
John B. Olson
Michael Parker
The Third Secret
Michael Paul
David Paulides
Missing 411: Eastern United States
Missing 411: Western United States & Canada
Larry Peterson
City Editor
Stefan Petrucha
The Rule of Won
Stefan Petrucha & Thomas Pendleton
Wicked Dead #2: Torn
Wicked Dead #3: Snared
Nicholas C. Prata
Dream of Fire
Terry Pratchett
The Unadulterated Cat
Irene Radford
The Stargods #2: The Dragon Circle
Kevin D. Randle
The Exploration Chronicles #2: Starship
David Rehak
Did Lizzie Borden Axe for It?
Anne Rice
Interview with the Vampire
The Queen of the Damned
The Vampire Lestat
Gerhard Ritter
Frederick the Great: A Historical Profile
Nancy Roberts
Haunted Houses: Chilling Tales from 19 American Homes
Christina Rossetti
Goblin Market, illustrated by Arthur Rackham
Christopher Rowley
Doom's Break: The Third Book of Arna
J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince
Randy Russell & Janet Barnett
Ghost Dogs
Mountain Ghost Stories & Curious Tales of Western North Carolina
Nick Sagan
N.K. Sandars
The Epic of Gilgamesh
John Saul
House of Reckoning
Midnight Voices
David J. Schow
Rock Breaks Scissors Cut
Jon Scieszka
The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs
Michael Norman & Beth Scott
Haunted Heartland
John Bruce Shoemaker
The Black Hope Horror: The True Story of a Haunting
Victoria Silver
Death of a Harvard Freshman
Zecharia Sitchin
The Earth Chronicles Expeditions: Journeys to the Mythical Past
Susan Sizemore
Laws of the Blood: Heroes
B.P. Smythe
Sow & You Shall Reap
Sherry Sontag & Christopher Drew, with Annette Lawrence Drew
Blind Man's Bluff: The Untold Story of American Submarine Espionage
Dana Stabenow, editor
Powers of Detection: Stories of Mystery & Fantasy
Boris Starling
Lily G. Stephen
The Tenth Muse
Philip Sugden
The Complete History of Jack the Ripper
S. Andrew Swann
Broken Crescent
James L. Swanson
Chasing Lincoln's Killer
Donna Tartt
The Secret History
Roy Edwin Thomas
Come Go With Me: Old-Timer Stories from the Southern Mountains
Robert Thurston
Battletech/MechWarrior: The Legend of the Jade Phoenix
(omnibus: Way of the Clans, Bloodname, Falcon Guard)
Jerry R. Travis
The Alcamean Sword Scrolls #1: Tales of the Dark Continent
Allen W. Trelease
White Terror: The Ku Klux Klan Conspiracy & Southern Reconstruction
Alan F. Troop
Dragon Moon
The Seadragon's Daughter
Karla Turner
Into the Fringe
Mark Twain
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
Good Wives: Image & Reality in the Lives of Women in Northern New England, 1650-1750
Robert E. Vardeman
Battletech/MechWarrior: The Ruins of Power
Gore Vidal
Inventing a Nation: Washington, Adams, Jefferson
Ed & Lorraine Warren
Graveyard: True Hauntings from an Old New England Cemetery
Gary Alan Wassner
GemQuest #1: The Twins
Peter Watts
William D. & Marilyn Carlson Webber
A Rustle of Angels
Robert Weinberg
The Occult Detective
David Wellington
Monster Island
Charles Wheeler
Jannaway's Mutiny
J.B.B. Winner
The Strand Prophecy
Cecil Woodham-Smith
The Reason Why: The Story of the Fatal Charge of the Light Brigade
Tom Wright
The Original Jesus: The Life & Vision of a Revolutionary
J. Steven York
Battletech/MechWarrior: Fortress of Lies
Nancy Zaroulis
The Poe Papers: A Tale of Passion
Roger Zelazny & Robert Sheckley
Bring Me the Head of Prince Charming
The Book of Genesis Illustrated
Sin City: The Hard Goodbye
Abandoned Mine
Abraxas, Guardian of the Universe
Absolute Zero
Aeon Flux
Airplane II: The Sequel
Alien Contamination
All Hallows' Eve
All Hallows' Eve 2
Alone in the Dark
American Beauty
An American Haunting
An American Vampire Story
The Amityville Horror
Amityville II: The Possession
Amityville 3-D
Anna & the King
Apt Pupil
At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul
The Atomic Brain
Atomic Twister
The Attic
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
Austin Powers in Goldmember
AVH: Alien vs. Hunter
Bah Humduck! A Looney Tunes Christmas
Beast from Haunted Cave
Big Ass Spider!
Bikini Bloodbath
Birthday Girl
The Black Dahlia
Blackwater Valley Exorcism
Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows
Body Melt
The Breakfast Club
Chicken Little
Chopping Mall
Christmas Slay
Clawed: The Legend of Sasquatch
Cosmos: War of the Planets
The Cottage
The Craft
Crazy Eights
The Crow: Wicked Prayer
Cursed (2004)
Cursed (2005)
Curse of Alcatraz
Curse of the Queerwolf
Dark Fields
Dark Mountain
Days of Darkness
A Dead Calling
Dead Men's Secrets: Hitler's Nuclear Arsenal
Dead of Winter
Deadtime Stories
Dead Waves
Dead Wood
The Dead Zone
The Deal
Death Race 2000
Deep Impact
The Descent
The Devil Inside
Disaster Zone: Volcano in New York
Don't Go in the House
Don't Go in the Woods
Don't Open Till Christmas
Dragon Wars
Dreamland (2006)
Dreamland (2007)
Dr. Giggles
The Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning
Ella Enchanted
End of the World
Enemy Mine
Europe's Roswell: UFO Crash in Aberystwyth
Evil Breed: The Legend of Samhain
The Evil Dead
Evil Laugh
Eyes in the Dark
Eyes in the Dark: The Sasquatch Experience
Eyewitness to Jesus
Fantastic Voyage
Fear House
Fear No Evil
The Ferryman
5ive Girls
Flight to Mars
Friday the 13th
Friday the 13th
Part II
Part III
Part IV: The Final Chapter
Part V: A New Beginning
Part VI: Jason Lives
Friday the 13th, Part VII: The New Blood
Friday the 13th, Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan
Friends with Money
Garden of the Dead
Ghost Game
Ghost Hunt: Paranormal Encounter at Burlington County Prison
Ghost Rider
Ghost Ship
Ghosts at Sea: Paranormal Shipwrecks & Curses
The Gingerdead Man
A Good Woman
Green River Killer
The Grudge
The Grudge 2
The Happening
Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets
The Haunting
He Was a Quiet Man
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Hitler, Dead or Alive
The Hole
The Honeymooners
Hospital Massacre
Houdini: Unlocking the Mystery
House on Haunted Hill
The Hunt for Red October
I am Omega
I Beheld His Glory
Ice Age: The Meltdown
Ice Princess
Incident On & Off a Mountain Road
Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer
The Journey: The Anthony Woods UFO Story
Khun krabii hiiroh
Kill Switch
King Kong
Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
Kiss the Girls
Lady in the Water
Lara Croft, Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life
Laser Mission
The Last Days on Mars
The Last Dinosaur
The Last Horror Movie
The Legend of Bloody Mary
Legend of the Isles
Merlin & Fairies
Robin Hood & King Arthur
Saint Patrick & Brendan
The Legend of Zorro
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
Lila Says
Little Corey Gorey
Little Erin Merryweather
The Living & the Dead
Living Hell
Loner: Horror of Hikikomori
Loss of Life
Lost Souls
Mad Cowgirl
March of the Penguins
Mary, Mary, Bloody Mary
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
Matango: Attack of the Mushroom People
Mega Shark vs. Mecha Shark
Memoirs of a Geisha
Memorial Valley Massacre
The Merchant of Venice
Messages from Heaven
Midnight's Child
Monster House
Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol
Andrea Yates: A Mother's Madness
Menendez Brothers: Blood Brothers
The Mysterious Mr. Wong
My Super Ex-Girlfriend
The Nameless (Los Sin Nombre)
National Treasure
The Nativity Story
Nature Unleashed
Nemesis Game
Never Been Kissed
The Night Listener
Night of the Demon
Night of the Living Dead
No Man's Land: The Rise of Reeker
One Missed Call
Open Season
Open Water 2: Adrift
The Others
Pan's Labyrinth
Paranormal Extremes: Text Messages from the Dead
Paranormal Retreat
The Polar Express
The Prey
The Producers
The Prowler
Psycho Cop
Puppet Master
Puppet Master II
Puppet Master III: Toulon's Revenge
Raiders of the Lost Shark
Red Eye
Rest Stop
Resurrection Mary
Richard III
Right at Your Door
The Ring
The Ring Two
Ring Around the Rosie
Rise of the Dead
Room 205
Route 666
The St. Francisville Experiment
Saint Nick
Sam's Lake
San Andreas Quake
Santa's Slay
SARS Wars: Bangkok Zombie Crisis
Sasquatch Hunters
Scream 2
Scream 3
Screaming Ninja
The Secret of the Egyptian Pyramids
Shark Quest
Shriek if You Know What I Did Last Friday the 13th
Simply Irresistible
Sin City
Sixteen Candles
Skeleton Crew
Sky High
The Slaughter
Snakes on a Train
The Snow Creature
Snow Shark: Ancient Snow Beast
Solar Attack
The Stand
Stay Alive
Strange Brew
Star Wars Holiday Special
Sugar & Spice
A Tale of Two Sisters
Team America: World Police
The Telling
The Tell-Tale Heart
Thank You for Smoking
They Came from Beyond Space
Titanic: Case Closed
Titanoboa: Monster Snake
Tokyo Zombie
28 Days Later
28 Weeks Later
UFOs: Above & Beyond
Vanilla Sky
The Warrior
The Weather Man
Werewolf Hunter: Legend of Romasanta
Willow Creek
Wind Chill
Winter Passing
Without a Paddle
The Woods
Wrong Turn
Wrong Turn 2: Dead End
Zombie Campout
Zombie Honeymoon