Image/WildStorm/Homage/America's Best Comics/Top Cow
Albion, Alan Moore, Leah Moore, John Reppion
The American Way, John Ridley, Georges Jeanty
Ant: Reality Bites, Mario Gully, Marc Hammond
Aphrodite IX #1: Time Out of Mind, Dave Finch, David Wohl
The Astounding Wolf-Man
Vol. 1, Robert Kirkman, Jason Howard
Vol. 2, Robert Kirkman, Jason Howard
Astro City
#1: Life in the Big City, Kurt Busiek, Brent E. Anderson
#2: Family Album, Kurt Busiek, Brent E. Anderson
#3: Confession, Kurt Busiek, Brent E. Anderson
#4: The Tarnished Angel, Kurt Busiek, Brent E. Anderson
#5: Local Heroes, Kurt Busiek, Brent E. Anderson
The Authority
Human on the Inside, John Ridley, Ben Oliver
Battle Pope
#1: Genesis, Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore
#2: Mayhem, Robert Kirkman, various artists
#3: Pillow Talk, Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore, Cory Walker
Bomb Queen
#1: Woman of Mass Destruction, Jimmie Robinson
#2: Dirty Bomb, Jimmie Robinson
#3: Bombshell, Jimmie Robinson
#4: Suicide Bomber, Jimmie Robinson
City of Tomorrow, Howard Chaykin
Claw/Red Sonja: The Devil's Hands, John Layman, Andy Smith
Common Grounds, Troy Hickman, various artists
Cowboys & Aliens, Fred Van Lente, Andrew Foley, Luciano Lima
Cyberforce: Rising from the Ashes, various writers & artists
Danger Girl
Back in Black, Andy Hartnell, Nick Bradshaw
Body Shots, Andy Hartnell, Nick Bradshaw
The Ultimate Collection, J. Scott Campbell, Andy Hartnell
Darkness: Ultimate Collection, various artists & writers
Collected Edition Vol. 1, Karl Altstaetter, Robert Napton
Collected Edition Vol. 2, Karl Altstaetter, Robert Napton
Ex Machina
#1: The First Hundred Days, Brian K. Vaughan, Tony Harris
#2: Tag, Brian K. Vaughan, Tony Harris
The Five Fists of Science, Matt Fraction, Steve Sanders
Flight, various artists & writers
#1: Freshmen, Hugh Sterbakov, Leonard Kirk
#2: Fundamentals of Fear, Hugh Sterbakov, Will Conrad
Gen 13
Vol. 1: Gen 13, Jim Lee, Brandon Choi, J. Scott Campbell
Vol. 2: Lost in Paradise, Brandon Choi, J. Scott Campbell, Jim Lee
Vol. 2: Grunge Saves the World, Ken Altieri
Vol. 2: A Christmas Caper, Tom McWeeney
Vol. 2: London New York Hell, Warren Ellis, Steve Dillon
Vol. 2: Qeelocke's Really Big New York Adventure, Kevin Maguire
Vol. 2: Science Friction, Tom Simmons, Matt Haley, Aaron Lopresti
Vol. 2: Spider-Man, Peter David, Stuart Immonen, Joe Rosas
Vol. 2: Superman, Adam Hughes, Lee Bermejo
Vol. 2: Superhuman Like You, Adam Warren
Vol. 2: Meanwhile..., Adam Warren, various artists
Vol. 3: September Song, Chris Claremont, Ale Garza
Vol. 4: Best of a Bad Lot, Gail Simone, Talent Caldwell
Vol. 4: 15 Minutes, Simon Oliver, Carlo Barberi
Vol. 4: World's End, Scott Beatty, Mike Huddleston, Dan Hipp
#1: Conception, Joshua & Jonathan Luna
#2: Emergence, Joshua & Jonathan Luna
#3: Survival, Joshua & Jonathan Luna
#4: Extinction, Joshua & Jonathan Luna
Heroes: Vol. 1, various writers & artists
I Love Trouble, Kel Symons, Mark Robinson
Vol. 1, William Harms, Nick Postic, Francis Tsai
Vol. 2, William Harms, Matt Timson
Invincible: Family Matters, Robert Kirkman, Cory Walker
Iron West, Doug TenNapel
Kin: Descent of Man, Gary Frank
The Last Christmas, Gerry Duggan, Brian Posehn, Rick Remender
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Vol. I, Alan Moore, Kevin O'Neill
Vol. II, Alan Moore, Kevin O'Neill
Black Dossier, Alan Moore, Kevin O'Neill
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Bo Hampton, Washington Irving
Lex Talionis: A Jungle Tale, Aneurin Wright
The Life Eaters, David Brin, Scott Hampton
Madame Mirage, Paul Dini, Kenneth Rocafort
#1: The Hero Discovered, Matt Wagner
#2: The Hero Defined, Matt Wagner
The New Adventures of Abraham Lincoln, Scott McCloud
9-11: Artists Respond, September 11th 2001, various writers & artists
The Portent, Peter Bergting
#1: Who Killed Retro Girl?, Brian Michael Bendis, Michael Avon Oeming
#2: Roleplay, Brian Michael Bendis, Michael Avon Oeming
#3: Little Deaths, , Brian Michael Bendis, Michael Avon Oeming
#4: Supergroup, Brian Michael Bendis, Michael Avon Oeming
#5: Anarchy, Brian Michael Bendis, Michael Avon Oeming
Reviews of issues 6 and up can be found under Marvel/Icon
Vol. I, Alan Moore, Mick Gray, J.H. Williams
Vol. II, Alan Moore, J.H. Williams
Vol. III, Alan Moore, J.H. Williams
Vol. IV, Alan Moore, Mick Gray, J.H. Williams
Red Menace, Danny Bilson, Paul Demeo, Adam Brody, Jerry Ordway
Sea of Red
#1: No Grave But the Sea, Rick Remender, Kieron Dwyer, Salgood Sam
#2: No Quarter, Rick Remender, Kieron Dwyer, Paul Harmon
Spawn: Blood & Shadows, Paul Jenkins, Ashley Wood
Storming Paradise, Chuck Dixon, Butch Guice, Rick Burchett, Eduardo Barreto, Fernando Blanco
Suburban Glamour, Jamie McKelvie
Superman/Thundercats, Judd Winick, Ale Garza
The Sword
#1: Fire, Jonathan & Joshua Luna
#2: Water, Jonathan & Joshua Luna
#3: Earth, Jonathan & Joshua Luna
Tomb Raider
#1: Saga of the Medusa Mask, Dan Jurgens, Andy Park
#2: Mystic Artifacts, Dan Jurgens, Andy Park
Tom Strong: Book One, Alan Moore
Top 10
Vol. 1, Alan Moore, Gene Ha, Zander Cannon
Vol. 2, Alan Moore, Gene Ha, Zander Cannon
The Twilight Experiment, Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray, Juan Santacruz
Ultra: Seven Days, Jonathan & Joshua Luna
Victorian Undead: Sherlock Holmes vs. Zombies, Ian Edginton, Davide Fabbri
The Walking Dead
Vol. 1: Days Gone By, Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore
Wanted, Mark Millar, J.G. Jones
Welcome to Tranquility
Vol. 1, Gail Simone, Neil Googe
Vol. 2, Gail Simone, Neil Googe
Whiskey Dickel, International Cowgirl, Mark Ricketts, Mike Hawthorne
JLA, Len Kaminski, Mark Pajarillo
#1: Origins, David Wohl, Christina Z., Michael Turner
#2: Revelations, David Wohl, Christina Z., Michael Turner
#10 / #1: Witch Hunt, Ron Marz, Mike Choi
#11 / #2: Awakenings, Ron Marz, Mike Choi
#12 / #3: Gods & Monsters, Ron Marz, Mike Choi
The X-Files, Brian Denham, various writers
#1: The Lady Wears Red, Don McGregor, Mike Mayhew
#2: Zorro's Renegades, Don McGregor, Mike Mayhew
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