


Biography, Memoir & Autobiography



Douglas Adams
The Salmon of Doubt: Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time

Jake Adelstein
Tokyo Vice: An American Reporter on the Police Beat in Japan

Sophie Adriansen
Nina Simone in Comics

Jonathan Aitken
John Newton: From Disgrace to Amazing Grace

Alan Alda
Never Have Your Dog Stuffed & Other Things I've Learned
Things I Overheard While Talking to Myself

Thura Al-Windawi
Thura's Diary: My Life in Wartime Iraq

Stephen E. Ambrose
Band of Brothers: E Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne from Normandy to Hitler's Eagle's Nest

Shanti Ananda
Conversations with My Dark Side

Bob Andelman
Will Eisner: A Spirited Life

Leith Anderson
Jesus: An Intimate Portrait of the Man, His Land & His People

Julie Andrews, with Emma Walton Hamilton
Home Work: A Memoir of My Hollywood Years

Hanne Arts
Just Perfect

Sean Astin, with Joe Layden
There & Back Again: An Actor's Tale


Larry D. Ball
Tom Horn: In Life & Legend

Blanche Caldwell Barrow
My Life with Bonnie & Clyde

Allison Hoover Bartlett
The Man Who Loved Books Too Much: The True Story of a Thief, a Detective & a World of Literary Obsession

Brendan Behan
Borstal Boy

Gabrielle Bell
The Voyeurs

Carl Bernstein
Chasing History: A Kid in the Newsroom

Dale Berra, with Mark Ribowsky
My Dad, Yogi: A Memoir of Family & Baseball

Teleri Bevan
Years on Air

Carmen Bin Ladin
Inside the Kingdom: My Life in Saudi Arabia

Carol Birch
Lou Gehrig: The Story of a Great Man

Arthur Birkby
Dig Up My Gold, But I Won't Say Where It's Buried

Nigel Blundell
Fallen Idols: A Century of Screen Sex Scandals

Peter Bogdanovich
The Killing of the Unicorn: Dorothy Stratten, 1960-1980

John M. Borack
John Lennon: Life is What Happens

Yvonne Bornstein, with Mark Ribowsky
Eleven Days of Hell

Angela Bourke
The Burning of Bridget Cleary

Rachel Bowie & Roberta Fiorito
Royal Trivia: Your Guide to the Modern British Royal Family

Grace Bowman

Lorraine Bracco
On the Couch

Kristen Breitweiser
Wake-Up Call: The Political Education of a 9/11 Widow

Vyvyen Brendon
Children at Sea: Lives Shaped by the Waves

Chester Brown
Louis Riel: A Comic-Strip Biography

Donald Brown
Bob Dylan: American Troubadour

Jerry Burgan & Alan Rifkin
Wounds to Bind: a Memoir of the Folk-Rock Revolution

David Burke
Singing Out: A Folk Narrative of Maddy Prior, June Tabor & Linda Thompson

James Burrows, with Eddy Friedfeld
Directed by James Burrows: Five Decades of Stories from the Legendary Director of Taxi, Cheers, Frasier, Friends, Will & Grace, and More

Richard E. Byrd
Alone: The Classic Polar Adventure

Lorna Byrne
Angels in My Hair


Cheryl Canfield
Profound Healing: The Power of Acceptance on the Path to Wellness

Pat Carey
Growing up Irish Catholic & Surviving My Mom's 11 Sisters

Hillary Carlip
Queen of the Oddballs: & Other True Stories from a Life Unaccording to Plan

Humphrey Carpenter
The Inklings
Tolkien: A Biography

Linda Carroll
Her Mother's Daughter:
  A Memoir of the Mother I Never Knew & of My Daughter, Courtney Love

David Carson
Crossing into Medicine Country: A Journey in Native American Healing

John Carter
Sex & Rockets: The Occult World of Jack Parsons

W. Hodding Carter
A Viking Voyage: In Which an Unlikely Crew of Adventurers Attempts an Epic Journey to the New World

Lisa Carver
Dancing Queen: The Lusty Adventures of Lisa Crystal Carver

Pete S. Catches Sr.
Oceti Wakan (Sacred Fireplace): Life & Teachings of a Lakota Medicine Man

Casey Cep
Furious Hours: Murder, Fraud & the Last Trial of Harper Lee

Karen Elizabeth Chaney
New England Remembers: Lizzie Borden

Jerome Charyn
Sizzling Chops & Devilish Spins: Ping Pong & the Art of Staying Alive

Liz Cheney
Oath & Honor: A Memoir & a Warning

John Cherry
Paul McCartney's Solo Music Career, 1970-2010: Life, Love & a Sense of Child-like Wonder

Joni B. Cole, Rebecca Joffrey & B.K. Rakhra, editors
This Day in the Life: Diaries from Women Across America

Joni B. Cole & B.K. Rakhra, editors
Water Cooler Diaries: Women Across America Share Their Day at Work

Michael J. Collins
Hot Lights, Cold Steel: Life, Death & Sleepless Nights in a Surgeon's First Years

Michael Connelly
Crime Beat

Kerry Max Cook
Chasing Justice: My Story of Freeing Myself After Two Decades on Death Row for a Crime I Didn't Commit

Anderson Cooper & Katherine Howe
Vanderbilt: The Rise & Fall of an American Dynasty

Bernard Cooper
The Bill from My Father: A Memoir

Sue Ellen Cooper
The Red Hat Society: Fun & Friendship After 50

Rita Cosby
Blonde Ambition: The Untold Story Behind Anna Nicole Smith's Death

Andrew Cotter
Olive, Mabel & Me: Life & Adventures with Two Very Good Dogs

John Crawford
The Last True Story I'll Ever Tell: An Accidental Soldier's Account of the War in Iraq

Walter Cronkite
Cronkite Remembers

Mary Crow Dog, with Richard Erdoes
Lakota Woman


Lionel Dahmer
A Father's Story

Phoebe Damrosch
Service Included: Four-Star Secrets of an Eavesdropping Waiter

Donald Davis
Ride the Butterflies: Back to School with Donald Davis

John W. Davis
The Trial of Tom Horn

Greg Dawson
Hiding in the Spotlight: A Musical Prodigy's Story of Survival, 1941-1946

Bobby Delgado
Gangs, Prison, Parole & the Politics Behind Them

Tony Delvecchio & Rich Herschlag
Sinatra, Gotti & Me

Hugh A. Dempsey
Charcoal's World: The True Story of a Canadian Indian's Last Stand
Red Crow: Warrior Chief

Roger L. Depue
Between Good & Evil: A Master Profiler's Hunt for Society's Most Violent Predators

Consuelo de Saint-Exupery, translated by Esther Allen
The Tale of the Rose: The Love Story Behind the Little Prince

Yann-Brice Dherbier
Audrey Hepburn: A Life in Pictures

Janice Dickinson
Check, Please! Dating, Mating & Extricating

Bob Dole
One Soldier's Story

Michael D. Doubler
Dixie Dewdrop: The Uncle Dave Macon Story

Matthew D. Dovel
My Last Breath

Fran Drescher
Cancer Schmancer

Martin Dugard
Into Africa: The Epic Adventures of Stanley & Livingstone

Johnny Duhan
To the Light

Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
Outlaw Woman: a Memoir of the War Years, 1960-1975

Philip Dwyer
Napoleon: The Path to Power 1769-1799

Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Vol. 1


Brooks Eason
Fortunate Son: The Story of Baby Boy Francis

Dave Eggers
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius

Dennis P. Eichhorn & J.R. Williams
The Legend of Wild Man Fischer

Michael D. Eisner

Dan Eldon
The Journey is the Destination: The Journals of Dan Eldon

Stephen Elliott
My Girlfriend Comes to the City & Beats Me Up

Delia Ephron
Sister, Mother, Husband, Dog, etc.

Jennifer Cody Epstein
The Painter from Shanghai

Olof A. Eriksen
Memoirs of an Immigrant

Rhys Evans
Gwynfor Evans: A Portrait of a Patriot

Greg Everett
Screaming at a Wall

Tom Ewing
Bill Monroe: The Life & Music of the Blue Grass Man


Jane Ross Fallon
Seven Songs in Seven Days: Journey of an Arkansas Traveler (2011)

Jay C. Fikes
Reuben Snake, Your Humble Serpent: Indian Visionary & Activist

Nicolas Finet
Love Me Please: The Story of Janis Joplin, illustrated by Christopher

Carrie Fisher
The Princess Diarist

Emma Ford
Fledgling Days: Memoir of a Falconer

Lori Foroozandeh
Lori's Song: The True Story of an American Woman Held Captive in Iran

Peter Frampton, with Alan Light
Do You Feel Like I Do? A Memoir

Al Franken
Al Franken: Giant of the Senate

Benjamin Franklin
Fart Proudly: Writings of Benjamin Franklin You Never Read in School

Stephen Fried
Thing of Beauty


Teri Garr, with Henriette Mantel
Speedbumps: Flooring It Through Hollywood

Doris Shannon Garst
The Picture Story & Biography of Red Cloud

Liam Gaul
Glory O! Glory O!: The Life of P.J. McCall
Masters of Irish Music

Bill Geist
Lake of the Ozarks: My Surreal Summers in a Vanishing America

Elizabeth Gilbert
Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India, & Indonesia

Melissa Gilbert
Back to the Prairie: A Home Remade, A Life Rediscovered

Susan Jane Gilman
Hypocrite in a Pouffy White Dress

John Glatt
The Chieftains: The Authorized Biography

Bea Gold
Tell Me a Story: Stories from a Childhood in Old New York

Thomas Goldsmith
Earl Scruggs & Foggy Mountain Breakdown

Jane Goodall
Reason For Hope: A Spiritual Journey

Jonathan Gould
Can't Buy Me Love: The Beatles, Britain & America

Arthur D. Graeff
Conrad Weiser, Pennsylvania Peacemaker

Robert Greenfield
Timothy Leary: A Biography

Linda Greenlaw
All Fishermen are Liars
The Hungry Ocean
The Lobster Chronicles: Life on a Very Small Island

Douglas Gresham
Jack's Life: The Life Story of C.S. Lewis

Daniel Grotta
J.R.R. Tolkien: Architect of Middle Earth


Louis Haber
Black Pioneers of Science & Invention

Pauline Hager
Memoirs of an American Housewife in Japan

Ladislau G. Hajos
Search for Love: A Biography of the Famous Hungarian Artist Gyorgy Ruzicskay

Adena Halpern
Target Underwear & a Vera Wang Gown: Notes from a Single Girl's Closet

Pete Hamill
Downtown: My Manhattan

William Hamilton, et al
Blind Harry's Wallace

Mick Hanly
Wish Me Well

John & May Chu Harding
Escape from Paradise: From Third World to First

Craig Harris
The Band: Pioneers of Americana Music

Pauline Hayton
A Corporal's War: World War II Adventures of a Royal Engineer

Mark Hembree
On the Bus with Bill Monroe: My Five-Year Ride with the Father of Blue Grass

David V. Herlihy
The Lost Cyclist: The Epic Tale of an American Adventurer & His Mysterious Disappearance

John L. Herman Jr.
The Innkeeper Tales: Modern-Day Canterbury Tales to Entertain, Enlighten & Empower

Clinton Heylin
No More Sad Refrains: The Life & Times of Sandy Denny

Homer Hickam
Sky of Stone

Laura Hillenbrand

Brian Hinton & Geoff Wall
Ashley Hutchings: The Authorised Biography
Ashley Hutchings: The Guv'nor & the Rise of Folk Rock 1945-1973

T.J. Hirsh
Willie Nelson: A Graphic History

Alexandra Holzer
Growing Up Haunted

A.M. Homes
The Mistress's Daughter: A Memoir

Mike Horn
Conquering the Impossible: My 12,000-Mile Journey Around the Arctic Circle

Bill "Blade" Howell, with Helene Lee
Pinnacle: The Lost Paradise of Rasta

Mary G. Hurd
Kris Kristofferson: Country Highwayman

Paul Andrew Hutton, editor
The Custer Reader


Ken Ilgunas
Walden on Wheels: On the Open Road from Debt to Freedom


Maxim Jakubowski & Nathan Braund, editors
The Mammoth Book of Jack the Ripper

Jamie James
The Snake Charmer

Carl Japikse, editor
Fart Proudly: Writings of Benjamin Franklin You Never Read in School

Kevin Jennings
Mama's Boy, Preacher's Son

Terri Jentz
Strange Piece of Paradise

Ron Jeremy
The Hardest (Working) Man in Showbiz

Mary Johnson
An Unquenchable Thirst

Basil Johnston
Crazy Dave

Ingeborg M. Johnston
The Unbelievable Adventures of a WWII German War Bride: Collections of Acts of Kindness in War & Peace


Marwan Kahil & Ariel Vittori
Leonardo da Vinci: The Renaissance of the World

George Kahumoku Jr. with Paul Konwiser
A Hawaiian Life

Jon Katz
The Dogs of Bedlam Farm: An Adventure with 16 Sheep, 3 Dogs, 2 Donkeys & Me

Will Kaufman
Woody Guthrie's Modern World Blues

Malachy Kearns

Patricia Kennealy
Strange Days: My Life With & Without Jim Morrison

Clark Kidder
Marilyn Monroe: Cover to Cover

Anthony Kiedis
Scar Tissue

Josh Kilmer-Purcell
I Am Not Myself These Days: A Memoir

Carole King
A Natural Woman: A Memoir

Dexter Scott King, with Ralph Wiley
Growing Up King: An Intimate Memoir

Maxwell King
The Good Neighbor: The Life & Work of Fred Rogers

Barbara Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp, Camille Kingsolver & Lily Hopp Kingsolver
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life (10th Anniversary Edition)

Woody Kipp
Viet Cong at Wounded Knee: The Trail of a Blackfeet Activist

Victor Klemperer
I Will Bear Witness: 1933-1941, A Diary of the Nazi Years

Caroline Knapp
The Merry Recluse: A Life in Essays

Jon Krakauer
Into the Wild

Gabe G. Kubichek
Gold & Where You Find It


Lisa Michelle Lambert, with David W. Brown
Love, Murder, & Corruption in Lancaster County: My Story

Jacqueline Langille
Giants Angus McAskill & Anna Swan

Erik Larson
Isaac's Storm: A Man, a Time, & the Deadliest Hurricane in History

Erin Lawless
Forgotten Royal Women: The King & I

Robert Laxalt
Sweet Promised Land

Howard M. Layton
Love & Sand: An RAF Flyer's Memoir of Love, Lies & Military Mayhem in the WWII Deserts of North Africa

John Leake
Entering Hades: The Double Life of a Serial Killer

Carol Leifer
How to Succeed in Business without Really Crying

Betsy Lerner
The Bridge Ladies: A Memoir

Peter Lewry
I've Been Everywhere: A Johnny Cash Chronicle

Gene Logsdon
A Sanctuary of Trees: Beechnuts, Birdsongs, Baseball Bats & Benedictions

Tony Lourenco & Nicolas Finet
Prince in Comics

Margaret Lowman
Life in the Treetops: Adventures of a Woman in Field Biology


Michael Patrick MacDonald
All Souls: A Family Story from Southie

James MacKay
William Wallace: Brave Heart

Matt MacNabb
Hollywood's Dark History: Silver Screen Scandals

Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Living to Tell the Tale

Steve Martin, illustrated by Harry Bliss
Number One is Walking: My Life in the Movies & Other Diversions

Flavio Massaruto

Frances Mayes
Under Magnolia: A Southern Memoir

Joseph McCabe
Hanging Out with the Dream King: Conversations with Neil Gaiman & His Collaborators

William McCarter
My Life in the Irish Brigade: The Civil War Memoirs of Private William McCarter, 116th Pennsylvania Infantry, edited by Kevin E. O'Brien

Frank McCourt
Angela's Ashes

Malachy McCourt
A Monk Swimming
Singing My Him Song

David G. McCullough
The Wright Brothers

Martin McGartland
Fifty Dead Men Walking

Mary McGrigor
Defiant & Dismasted at Trafalgar: The Life & Times of Admiral Sir William Hargood

Catherine E. McKinley
Indigo: In Search of the Color That Seduced the World

Allan Metz, editor
Blondie, from Punk to the Present

Rosemary Mild
Love! Laugh! Panic! Life with My Mother

Candice Millard
The River of Doubt

Christy Moore
One Voice: My Life in Song

Greg Mortenson & David Oliver Relin
Three Cups of Tea

Karin Muller
Japanland: A Year in Search of Wa

Dallas Murphy
Rounding the Horn


Fred Nadis
The Man from Mars: Ray Palmer's Amazing Pulp Journey

Susan Nagel
Marie-Therese, Child of Terror: The Fate of Marie Antoinette's Daughter

Chuck Negron
Three Dog Nightmare: The Chuck Negron Story

James L. Nelson
Benedict Arnold's Navy

Henry Niese
The Man Who Knew the Medicine: The Teachings of Bill Eagle Feather

Jennifer Niven
Ada Blackjack: A True Story of Survival in the Arctic

Carl Nomura
Sleeping on Potatoes: A Lumpy Adventure From Manzanar to the Corporate Tower

Robert W. Norris
Looking for the Summer
The Many Roads to Japan: A Search for Identity

David Nuffer
The Best Friend I Ever Had


Barack Obama
A Promised Land

Barack Obama & Bruce Springsteen
Renegades: Born in the USA

Michelle Obama

Mary Barmeyer O'Brien
Heart of the Trail: Stories of Covered Wagon Women

Nick Offerman
Where the Deer & Antelope Play: Pastoral Observations of One Ignorant American Who Loves to Walk Outside

Jack Olsen
I: The Creation of a Serial Killer

Jim Ottaviani
Primates: The Fearless Science of Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey & Birute Galdikas


Roger Paine
Clear Lower Deck: A Collection of My Naval Yarns

Lin Pardey
Bull Canyon

Laura Pedersen
Buffalo Gal
Buffalo Unbound: A Celebration

Loren E. Pedersen
The Soul Grows in Darkness

Bryan Perrett
The Real Hornblower: The Life & Times of Admiral Sir James Gordon GCB

Lucy Merello Peterson
The Women Who Inspired London Art

Julie Powell
Julie & Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen

Diana & Michael Preston
A Pirate of Exquisite Mind

Annie Proulx
Bird Cloud: A Memoir


Marilea C. Rabasa
Stepping Stones: A Memoir of Addiction, Loss & Transformation

Carole Radziwill
What Remains, A Memoir of Fate, Friendship, & Love

Joanna Rakoff
My Salinger Year

Nicholas Rankin
Telegram from Guernica

Roy Ratcliff
Dark Journey, Deep Grace: Jeffrey Dahmer's Story of Faith

Melanie Rehak
Girl Sleuth: Nancy Drew & the Women Who Created Her

Edmund Richardson
The King's Shadow

Ingrid Ricks
Hippie Boy: A Girl's Story

Hank Rineke
Arlo Guthrie: The Warner Reprise Years

Geoffrey Robertson
Rather His Own Man: In Court with Tyrants, Tarts & Troublemakers

Lawrence Rodgers & Jerrold Hirsch, editors
America's Folklorist: B.A. Botkin & American Culture

Garnet Rogers
Night Drive: Travels with My Brother

Michelle Rosenberg
Warriors & Wenches: Sex & Power in Women's History

Timme Rosenkrantz
Harlem Jazz Adventures

Amy Krouse Rosenthal
Textbook Amy Krouse Rosenthal

Allen "Skip" Roth
Chainsaw's Justice

Salva Rubio & EFA
Degas & Cassatt: A Solitary Dance

Darius Rucker, with Alan Eisenstock
 Life's Too Short: A Memoir


Cynthia Sabotka
Life is Like a Line: A Memoir of Moods, Medication & Mania

Larry Sager
No Guns, No Knives, No Personal Checks: The Tales of a San Francisco Cab Driver

Mike Sager
Revenge of the Donut Boys: True Stories of Lust, Fame, Survival & Multiple Personality

Jennifer Saginor
Playground: A Childhood Lost Inside the Playboy Mansion

Elyn R. Saks
The Center Cannot Hold: My Journey Through Madness

Elizabeth D. Samet
Soldier's Heart

Joe S. Sando & Herman Agoyo, editors
Po'Pay: Leader of the First American Revolution

May Sarton
At Seventy

John Ralston Saul
Joseph Howe & the Battle for Freedom of Speech

Julia Scheeres
Jesus Land: A Memoir

Lori Schiller & Amanda Bennett
The Quiet Room: A Journey Out of the Torment of Madness

A.D. Schofield & J. Say
Billy Pigg: The Border Minstrel

Alice Sebold
Lucky: A Memoir

David Sedaris
Dress Your Family in Corduroy & Denim
Me Talk Pretty One Day

Pete Seeger
The Storm King

Rick Seidel
Sunsets & Shooting Stars: A Cape Cod Memoir

Mark Seinfelt
Final Drafts: Suicides of World Famous Authors

Grace Gallatin Seton-Thompson
A Woman Tenderfoot

William Shatner
Up Till Now

William Shatner, with Joshua Brandon
Boldly Go: Reflections on a Life of Awe & Wonder

Margaret Fay Shaw
From the Alleghenies to the Hebrides: An Autobiography

Sidney Sheldon
The Other Side of Me

Laura Shapiro
Julia Child

George Otto Simms
Brendan the Navigator

Carly Simon
Touched by the Sun: My Friendship with Jackie

Nikki Sixx
The Heroin Diaries: A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star

Slash & Anthony Bozza

Philip Smith
Walking Through Walls

Wilbur Smith
On Leopard Rock

James Spada
Monroe: Her Life in Pictures

Nicholas & Micah Sparks
Three Weeks with My Brother

Irene Spencer
Shattered Dreams: My Life as a Polygamist's Wife

Donald Spoto
Marilyn Monroe: The Biography

Bruce Springsteen & Barack Obama
Renegades: Born in the USA

Daniel Stashower
The Beautiful Cigar Girl

Elizabeth S. Steger
Dreams of an Immigrant

Andrew Steinmetz
Eva's Threepenny Theatre

Meic Stevens
Solva Blues

David Stinebeck & Scannell Gill
A Civil General

Roni Stoneman, with Ellen Wright
Pressing On

Kay Marshall Strom
Once Blind: The Life of John Newton

Philip Sugden
The Complete History of Jack the Ripper

Lawrence Sutin
Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. Dick

Tom Swift
Chief Bender's Burden: The Silent Struggle of a Baseball Star

Wladyslaw Szpilman
The Pianist


Karen Holliday Tanner & John D. Tanner Jr.
Last of the Old Time Outlaws: The George West Musgrave Story

J. Randy Taraborrelli

Yoshihiro Tatsumi
A Drifting Life

Malinda Teel, editor
Fortitude: True Stories of True Grit

Alexandra Tesluk
The Ashes of Innocence

Alexander Theroux
The Strange Case of Edward Gorey

James Alexander Thom
Panther in the Sky

Graham A. Thomas
Pirate Hunter: The Life of Captain Woodes Rogers

R.S. Thomas

Dave Thompson
The Wit & Wisdom of Ozzie Osborne

Kent Thompson
The Man Who Said No: Reading Jacob Bailey, Loyalist

Frank Thorne
The Crystal Ballroom

Rolling Thunder
Rolling Thunder Speaks: A Message for Turtle Island

Never Drank the Kool-Aid

Alex Trebek
The Answer Is ... Reflections on My Life

Helen Tse
Sweet Mandarin: The Courageous True Story of 3 Generations of Chinese Women & their Journey from East to West


Steven P. Unger
In the Footsteps of Dracula: A Personal Journey & Travel Guide


Dick Van Dyke
My Lucky Life In & Out of Show Business

Anne Verlhac
Marilyn Monroe: A Life in Pictures

Pierre-Henri Verlhac
Grace Kelly: A Life in Pictures

Mark Voger
Hero Gets Girl: The Life & Art of Kurt Schaffenberger

Sarah Vowell
The Partly Cloudy Patriot


Marlene Wagman-Geller
Eureka! The Surprising Stories Behind the Ideas That Shaped the World

Jeannette Walls
The Glass Castle

Jim Walsh
Bar Yarns & Manic-Depressive Mixtapes: Jim Walsh on Music from Minneapolis to the Outer Limits

Vicki Ward
Life's Spices from Seasoned Sistahs

Andy Warhol
The Philosophy of Andy Warhol

Elizabeth Warren
A Fighting Chance

Jimmy Webb
The Cake & The Rain: A Memoir

Veronica Webb
Veronica Webb Sight: Adventures in the Big City

W.L. White
They Were Expendable

Ruth Holmes Whitehead
Tracking Doctor Lonecloud: Showman to Legend Keeper

Gretchen Whitmer, with Lisa Dickey
 True Gretch: What I've Learned about Life, Leadership, & Everything in Between

Esther Williams
The Million Dollar Mermaid

Kayla Williams
Love My Rifle More Than You: Young & Female in the U.S. Army

Jack Williamson
Wonder's Child: My Life in Science Fiction

Ann & Nancy Wilson, with Charles R. Cross
Kicking & Dreaming: A Story of Heart, Soul & Rock 'n' Roll

David A. Wilson
Ireland, a Bicycle & a Tin Whistle

Jonah Winter
Barack, illustrated by AG Ford

Gary Wright
Dream Weaver: A Memoir; Music, Meditation & My Friendship with George Harrison

Tom Wright
The Original Jesus: The Life & Vision of a Revolutionary


John Yow
Wyland: 25 Years at Sea


Richard Zacks
The Pirate Hunter: The True Story of Captain Kidd

Scott Zesch
The Captured

Kim Zimmer, with Laura Morton
I'm Just Sayin'! Three Deaths, Seven Husbands, and a Clone! My Life as a Daytime Diva

Michael P. Zirpolo
Mr. Trumpet: The Trials, Tribulations & Triumph of Bunny Berigan

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