History is exciting, fascinating stuff. Sometimes we don't know all the details, however, and a good writer can bring the stuff of history to life in a vividly colorful way which makes readers think they were there.
Click on a letter if you're looking for a specific author by name. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Rafael Abalos
Grimpow: The Invisible Road
Peter Ackroyd
The Lambs of London
Philip K. Allan
Alexander Clay #1: The Captain's Nephew
Alexander Clay #2: A Sloop of War
Alexander Clay #3: On the Lee Shore
Alexander Clay #4: A Man of No Country
Alexander Clay #5: The Distant Ocean
Alexander Clay #6: The Turn of the Tide
Alexander Clay #7: In Northern Seas
Alexander Clay #8: Larcum Mudge
Alexander Clay #11: Clay & the River of Silver
Wolves WW2 #1: Sea of Wolves
Wolves WW2 #2: The Wolves in Winter
Marty Ambrose
A Shadowed Fate
Anita Amirrezvani
The Blood of Flowers
Dennis Lee Anderson
Arthur, King
Malcolm Archibald
Whales for the Wizard
Larita Arnold
The Fastest Ship
Margaret Atwood
Alias Grace
Bernardo Atxaga
The Lone Man
Jane Austen & Seth Grahame-Smith
Pride & Prejudice & Zombies
Lynn Austin
Candle in the Darkness
The Man Who Was Poe
The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle
Michael Aye
Fighting Anthonys #1: The Reaper
Fighting Anthonys #2: HMS SeaWolf
Fighting Anthonys #3: Barracuda
Fighting Anthonys #4: SeaHorse
Kage Baker
Or Else My Lady Keeps the Key
Fred Bean
Pancho & Black Jack
David Beasley
Sarah's Journey
Marie Benedict & Victoria Christopher Murray
The Personal Librarian
Vanora Bennett
Portrait of an Unknown Woman
Linda Berdoll
Mr Darcy Takes a Wife
Jen Black
The Banners of Alba
Julia Blackburn
The Leper's Companions
David Blixt
Colossus: Stone & Steel
Star-Cross'd #1: The Master of Verona
Star-Cross'd #2: Voice of the Falconer
Star-Cross'd #3: Fortune's Fool
Robert Bloch
The Night of the Ripper
Alaric Bond
Coastal Forces #1: Hellfire Corner
Coastal Forces #2: Glory Boys
Coastal Forces #3: Narrow Seas
Fighting Sail #1: His Majesty's Ship
Fighting Sail #2: Jackass Frigate
Fighting Sail #3: True Colours
Fighting Sail #4: Cut & Run
Fighting Sail #5: The Patriot's Fate
Fighting Sail #6: The Torrid Zone
Fighting Sail #7: The Scent of Corruption
Fighting Sail #8: HMS Prometheus
Fighting Sail #9: The Blackstrap Station
Fighting Sail #10: Honour Bound
Fighting Sail #11: Sealed Orders
Fighting Sail #12: Sea Trials
Fighting Sail #13: Lone Escort
Fighting Sail #14: The Seeds of War
Fighting Sail #15: On the Barbary Coast
Rhys Bowen
Her Royal Spyness
Joseph Boyden
Three Day Road
Marion Zimmer Bradley
The Firebrand
The Mists of Avalon
Priestess of Avalon, with Diana Paxson
Gillian Bradshaw
Hawk of May
Kingdom of Summer
In Winter's Shadow
The Sand-Reckoner
The Wolf Hunt
Sybil G. Brinton
Old Friends & New Fancies: The Imaginary Sequel to the Novels of Jane Austen
David S. Brody
Cabal of the Westford Knight: Templars at the Newport Tower
Amy Belding Brown
Flight of the Sparrow
Steven Brust & Emma Bull
Freedom & Necessity
Darrel Bryant
Geronimo's Bones
Lois McMaster Bujold
The Spirit Ring
Emma Bull & Steven Brust
Freedom & Necessity
Clyde Robert Bulla
Viking Adventure
James Lee Burke
Flags on the Bayou
Wayfaring Stranger
Marguerite Butler
Death by Scandal
The Mad Hatterlys #1: Compromising Prudence
The Mad Hatterlys #2: Becoming Mr. Brooking
The Mad Hatterlys #3: Civilizing Frances
Michael Cadnum
In a Dark Wood
Martin Caidin
Broos Campbell
Matty Graves #1: No Quarter
Matty Graves #2: The War of Knives
Matty Graves #3: Peter Wicked
Jack Campbell
The Last Full Measure
Mark C. Carnes, editor
Novel History: Historians & Novelists Confront America's Past
Donis Casey
Hell with the Lid Blown Off
Jack Cavanaugh
While Mortals Sleep
David Chacko
The Severan Prophecies
Tim Champlin
Lincoln's Ransom
Vera Chapman
The Green Knight
Tracy Chevalier
The Lady & the Unicorn
P.F. Chisholm
An Air of Treason
Catherine Christian
The Pendragon
Edward Chupack
Stephen Clarkson
Patriot's Reward
Jon Clinch
The General & Julia
Ta-Nehisi Coates
The Water Dancer
Judd Cole
Cheyenne #1: Arrow Keeper
Tom Connery
Markham of the Marines #1: A Shred of Honour
Markham of the Marines #2: Honour Redeemed
Markham of the Marines #3: Honour Be Damned
Susan Cooper
Dawn of Fear
Bernard Cornwell
Killer's Wake
Stonehenge: 2000 B.C.
Thomas E. Crocker
Captain Hale's Covenant
Donna Woolfolk Cross
Pope Joan
Kevin Crossley-Holland
Arthur, Book I: The Seeing Stone
Elizabeth Cunningham
Bright Dark Madonna
Daughter of the Shining Isles
Magdalen Rising
The Passion of Mary Magdalen
Sheldon Currie
The Glace Bay Miners' Museum
C.M. Curtis
Return of the Outlaw
Leah R. Cutter
Paper Mage
Lindsey Davis
Two for the Lions
Maggie Davis
Winter Serpent
Annabel Davis-Goff
The Fox's Walk
Katherine Deauxville
The Amethyst Crown
Blood Red Roses
R.F. Delderfield
Too Few for Drums
Debra Denson
Magician's Spell
Tatiana de Rosnay
Sarah's Key
Christie Dickason
The Firemaster's Mistress
Florence Ditlow
The Bakery Girls
Michael Dobbs
Churchill's Triumph
David Donachie
John Pearce #1: By the Mast Divided
John Pearce #2: A Shot Rolling Ship
John Pearce #3: An Awkward Commission
John Pearce #4: A Flag of Truce
John Pearce #5: The Admirals' Game
John Pearce #6: An Ill Wind
John Pearce #7: Blown Off Course
John Pearce #8: Enemies at Every Turn
John Pearce #9: A Sea of Troubles
John Pearce #10: A Divided Command
John Pearce #11: The Devil to Pay
John Pearce #12: The Perils of Command
John Pearce #13: A Treacherous Coast
John Pearce #14: On a Particular Service
John Pearce #15: A Close Run Thing
John Pearce #16: HMS Hazard
Nelson & Emma #1: On a Making Tide
Nelson & Emma #2: Tested by Fate
Nelson & Emma #3: Breaking the Line
The Privateersman Mysteries #1: The Devil's Own Luck
The Privateersman Mysteries #2: The Dying Trade
The Privateersman Mysteries #3: A Hanging Matter
The Privateersman Mysteries #4: An Element of Chance
The Privateersman Mysteries #5: The Scent of Betrayal
The Privateersman Mysteries #6: A Game of Bones
Jennifer Donnelly
The Tea Rose
The Winter Rose
Emma Donoghue
Life Mask
Dave Duncan
The Alchemist's Apprentice
Chris Durbin
Carlisle & Holbrooke #1: The Colonial Post-Captain
Carlisle & Holbrooke #2: The Leeward Islands Squadron
Carlisle & Holbrooke #3: The Jamaica Station
Carlisle & Holbrooke #4: Holbrooke's Tide
Carlisle & Holbrooke #5: The Cursed Fortress
Carlisle & Holbrooke #6: Perilous Shore
Carlisle & Holbrooke #7: Rocks & Shoals
Carlisle & Holbrooke #8: Niagara Squadron
Carlisle & Holbrooke #9: Ligurian Mission
Carlisle & Holbrooke #10: Nor'west by North
Carlisle & Holbrooke #11: Carlisle's Duty
Carlisle & Holbrooke #12: Treacherous Moon
Carlisle & Holbrooke #13: Cousins at Arms
Carlisle & Holbrooke #14: An Upright Man
Carlisle & Holbrooke #15: Old Bahama Straits
Carlisle & Holbrooke #16: Debatable Lands
Randy Lee Eickhoff
The Destruction of the Inn
The Feast
The Raid
The Sorrows
Erica Eisdorfer
The Wet Nurse's Tale
Les Eldridge
The Chesapeake Command
Jack Engelhard
The Days of the Bitter End
Jennifer Cody Epstein
The Painter from Shanghai
Alfredo Jose Estrada
Welcome to Havana, Senor Hemingway
Eleanor Fairburn
The White Seahorse
Anthony R. Fanning
Natalie's Good Fortune
Sebastian Faulks
Charles Foran
Carolan's Farewell
C.S. Forester
Horatio Hornblower #1: Mr. Midshipman Hornblower
Horatio Hornblower #2: Lieutenant Hornblower
Horatio Hornblower #3: Hornblower & the Hotspur
Horatio Hornblower #4: Hornblower During the Crisis
Horatio Hornblower #5: Hornblower & the Atropos
Horatio Hornblower #6: Beat to Quarters
Horatio Hornblower #7: Ship of the Line
Horatio Hornblower #8: Flying Colours
Horatio Hornblower #9: Commodore Hornblower
Horatio Hornblower #10: Lord Hornblower
Horatio Hornblower #11: Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies
Jodie Forrest
The Rhymer & the Ravens
Emily Franklin
The Lioness of Boston
A.A. Freda
A Police Action
David Fulmer
Valentin St. Cyr Mysteries #1: Chasing the Devil's Tail
Diana Gabaldon
Outlander #2: Dragonfly in Amber
George J. Galloway
The Powder Monkey
Louis Garafalo
The Sassamon Circle
Elizabeth Garrett
The Sweet Trade
Ginger Garrett
Chronicles of the Scribe #2: In the Arms of Immortals
Mary Gentle
1610: A Sundial in a Grave
Adele Geras
Julie Gerstenblatt
Daughters of Nantucket
Amitav Ghosh
The Glass Palace
Patricia Reilly Giff
Maggie's Door
Parke Godwin
Beloved Exile
Robin & the King
William Goldman
The Silent Gondoliers
Winston Graham
Bella Poldark: A Novel of Cornwall, 1818-1820
Amanda Grange
Mr. Darcy's Diary
Joe Haldeman
Barbara Hambly
The Emancipator's Wife
William C. Hammond III
The Cutler Family Chronicles #1: A Matter of Honor
The Cutler Family Chronicles #2: For Love of Country
The Cutler Family Chronicles #3: The Power & the Glory
The Cutler Family Chronicles #4: A Call to Arms
The Cutler Family Chronicles #5: How Dark the Night
The Cutler Family Chronicles #6: No Sacrifice Too Great
The Cutler Family Chronicles #7: To Distant Shores
The Cutler Family Chronicles #8: A Return to Duty
Cora Harrison
I was Jane Austen's Best Friend
Charles Boardman Hawes
The Dark Frigate
Pauline Hayton
A Corporal's War: World War II Adventures of a Royal Engineer
Georgette Heyer
Behold, Here's Poison
Black Sheep
Devil's Cub
False Colours
Friday's Child
The Grand Sophy
An Infamous Army
Lady of Quality
Royal Escape
The Spanish Bride
David Wesley Hill
At Drake's Command
Donald Himelstein
Above Honor: Rachel's Story
Nancy Holder
Cecelia Holland
The Angel & the Sword
The Kings in Winter
A.H. Holt
Blood Redemption
Riding Fence
Silver Creek
Mary Hooper
Petals in the Ashes
Kate Horsley
Confessions of a Pagan Nun
James D. Houston
Snow Mountain Passage
A.D. Howden Smith
Porto Bello Gold
Katherine Howe
The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane
Seth Hunter
Nathan Peake #1: The Time of Terror
Nathan Peake #2: The Tide of War
Nathan Peake #3: The Price of Glory
Nathan Peake #4: The Winds of Folly
Nathan Peake #5: The Flag of Freedom
Nathan Peake #6: The Spoils of Conquest
Nathan Peake #7: The Sea of Silence
Nathan Peake #8: Trafalgar: The Fog of War
Nathan Peake #9: The Force of Fate
Ed Ifkovic
Edna Ferber #6: Cafe Europa
Marie Jakober
The Black Chalice
Cary James
King & Raven
P.D. James
Death Comes to Pemberley
Lisa Jensen
The Witch from the Sea
Paulette Jiles
News of the World
Deborah Johnson
The Secret of Magic
Kij Johnson
The Fox Woman
Lauren Johnson
The Arrow of Sherwood
Dan Jones
Essex Dogs
Essex Dogs #2: Wolves of Winter
M.J. Joseph
The Lubecker
Okeyo A. Jumal
Spiritual Shackles
Jeanne Kalogridis
The Devil's Queen
Mark Keating
The Pirate Devlin
Alexander Kent
Richard Bolitho #1a: Richard Bolitho, Midshipman
Richard Bolitho #1b: Midshipman Bolitho & the Avenger
Richard Bolitho #1c: Band of Brothers
Richard Bolitho #2: Stand into Danger
Richard Bolitho #3: In Gallant Company
Richard Bolitho #4: Sloop of War
Richard Bolitho #5: To Glory We Steer
Richard Bolitho #6: Command a King's Ship
Richard Bolitho #7: Passage to Mutiny
Richard Bolitho #8: With All Despatch
Richard Bolitho #9: Form Line of Battle!
Richard Bolitho #10: Enemy in Sight!
Richard Bolitho #11: The Flag Captain
Richard Bolitho #12: Signal -- Close Action!
Richard Bolitho #13: The Inshore Squadron
Richard Bolitho #14: A Tradition of Victory
Richard Bolitho #15: Success to the Brave
Richard Bolitho #16: Colours Aloft!
Richard Bolitho #17: Honour This Day
Richard Bolitho #18: The Only Victor
Richard Bolitho #19: Beyond the Reef
Richard Bolitho #20: The Darkening Sea
Richard Bolitho #21: For My Country's Freedom
Richard Bolitho #22: Cross of St. George
Richard Bolitho #23: Sword of Honour
Adam Bolitho #24: Second to None
Adam Bolitho #25: Relentless Pursuit
Adam Bolitho #26: Man of War
Adam Bolitho #27: Heart of Oak
Adam Bolitho #28: In the King's Name
S.K. Keogh
The Prodigal
Crystal Hana Kim
The Stone Home
Ted Korsmo
Mary Robinette Kowal
Valour & Vanity
Ellen Kushner
Thomas the Rhymer
Mercedes Lackey
The Fire Rose
Elizabeth Laird
The Betrayal of Maggie Blair
Dewey Lambdin
The Naval Adventures of Alan Lewrie #1: The King's Coat
The Naval Adventures of Alan Lewrie #2: The French Admiral
The Naval Adventures of Alan Lewrie #3: The King's Commission
The Naval Adventures of Alan Lewrie #4: The King's Privateer
The Naval Adventures of Alan Lewrie #5: The Gun Ketch
The Naval Adventures of Alan Lewrie #6: H.M.S. Cockerel
The Naval Adventures of Alan Lewrie #7: A King's Commander
The Naval Adventures of Alan Lewrie #8: Jester's Fortune
The Naval Adventures of Alan Lewrie #9: King's Captain
Louis L'Amour
Borden Chantry
The Burning Hills
Crossfire Trail
Dark Canyon
The Daybreakers
The Empty Land
The First Fast Draw
The Key-Lock Man
Kiowa Trail
Last Stand at Papago Wells
The Lonely Men
Lonely on the Mountain
The Man from Skibbereen
The Man from the Broken Hills
Mojave Crossing
Mustang Man
North to the Rails
Over on the Dry Side
Reilly's Luck
Ride the Dark Trail
Ride the River
The Sackett Brand
Silver Canyon
The Sky-Liners
The Tall Stranger
To Tame a Land
Treasure Mountain
Utah Blaine
War Party
Mary Lancaster
The Endless Exile
Joe R. Lansdale
Black Hat Jack: The True Life Adventures of Deadwood Dick, as told by His Ownself
Zeppelins West
David Laubach
Witches & Rebels
Alan Lawrence
The Continuing Adventures of HMS Surprise #1: The Massacre of Innocents
The Continuing Adventures of HMS Surprise #2: The Fireships of Gerontas
Whitney LeBlanc
Shadows of the Blues
Harper Lee
To Kill a Mockingbird
J. Ardian Lee
Outlaw Sword
Sword of King James
Tanith Lee
Peter Lerangis
Antarctica: Escape from Disaster
Tom Lewis
Pea Island Gold #1: Sunday's Child
Pea Island Gold #2: Hitler's Judas
John Richard Lindermuth
Schlussel's Woman
Twelve Days in the Territory
Watch the Hour
Morgan Llywelyn
Finn MacCool
1949: A Novel of the Irish Free State
The Wind from Hastings
McKendree R. Long
No Good Like It Is
Reyna Thera Lorele
The Archer King
D. Anne Love
The Puppeteer's Apprentice
Valya Dudycz Lupescu
The Silence of Trees
Valerie Rolfe Lupini
The Whistle
Annabel Lyon
The Golden Mean
Bruce Macbain
The Bull Slayer
George MacDonald
Robert N. Macomber
Honor #1: At the Edge of Honor
Honor #2: Point of Honor
Honor #3: Honorable Mention
Honor #4: A Dishonorable Few
Honor #5: An Affair of Honor
Honor #6: A Different Kind of Honor
Honor #7: The Honored Dead
Steven E. Maffeo
The Perfect Wreck
Kevin Major
No Man's Land
David Malouf
Frederick Marryat
Mr. Midshipman Easy
Valerie Martin
The Ghost of the Mary Celeste
William Martin
Harvard Yard
David Matheson
Red Thunder
Robin Maxwell
The Secret Diary of Anne Boleyn
Anne McCaffrey
Black Horses for the King
Mardi McConnochie
Ian McDowell
Mordred's Curse
Alice McGill
Molly Bannaky, illustrated by Chris K. Soentpiet
Nancy McKenzie
The Child Queen
The High Queen
Robin McKinley
The Outlaws of Sherwood
Janet McNaughton
An Earthly Knight
L.A. Meyer
Jacky Faber #1: Bloody Jack
Jacky Faber #2: Curse of the Blue Tattoo
Jacky Faber #3: Under the Jolly Roger
Jacky Faber #4: In the Belly of the Bloodhound
Jacky Faber #5: Mississippi Jack
Jacky Faber #6: My Bonny Light Horseman
Jacky Faber #7: Rapture of the Deep
Jacky Faber #8: The Wake of the Lorelei Lee
Jacky Faber #9: The Mark of the Golden Dragon
Jacky Faber #10: Viva Jacquelina!
Jacky Faber #11: Boston Jacky
Jacky Faber #12: Wild Rover No More
Nicholas Meyer
The Return of the Pharaoh
Rosemary & Larry Mild
On the Rails: The Adventures of Boxcar Bertie
Jonna L. Miller
Haunting for Time
Stuart W. Mirsky
The King of Vinland's Saga
Michael Molloy
Peter Raven Under Fire
Alexandra Monir
Christopher Moore
Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
Terry Mort
Riley Fitzhugh #4: Hunters in the Stream
Riley Fitzhugh #5: A Spy in Casablanca
Riley Fitzhugh #6: Convoy to Morocco
Kate Mosse
Andrew Motion
Silver: Return to Treasure Island
Abdelrahman Munif
Cities of Salt
Vasudev Murthy
Sherlock Holmes, The Missing Years: Japan
Beverle Graves Myers
Whispers of Vivaldi: A Tito Amato Mystery
Donna Jo Napoli
Song of the Magdalene
Jan Needle
Sea Officer William Bentley #1: A Fine Boy for Killing
Sea Officer William Bentley #2: The Wicked Trade
Sea Officer William Bentley #3: The Spithead Nymph
James L. Nelson
Blood, Steel & Empire #1: The Buccaneer Coast
Brethren of the Coast #1: The Guardship
Brethren of the Coast #2: The Blackbirder
Brethren of the Coast #3: The Pirate Round
The Confederate Navy #1: Glory in the Name
The Confederate Navy #2: Thieves of Mercy
The Norsemen Saga #1: Fin Gall
The Norsemen Saga #2: Dubh-Linn
The Norsemen Saga #3: The Lord of Vik-Lo
The Only Life That Mattered
Revolution at Sea #1: By Force of Arms
Revolution at Sea #2: The Maddest Idea
Revolution at Sea #3: The Continental Risque
Revolution at Sea #4: Lords of the Ocean
Revolution at Sea #5: All the Brave Fellows
Revolution at Sea #6: The Falmouth Frigate
David Nevin
Sharan Newman
The Chessboard Queen
Guinevere Evermore
Lesley J. Nickell
The White Queen of Middleham (aka The White Queen)
Troy Nilsson
Shadow Stones of Hiroshima
Patrick O'Brian
Aubrey/Maturin #1: Master & Commander
Aubrey/Maturin #2: Post Captain
Aubrey/Maturin #3: H.M.S. Surprise
Aubrey/Maturin #4: The Mauritius Command
Aubrey/Maturin #5: Desolation Island
Aubrey/Maturin #6: The Fortune of War
Aubrey/Maturin #7: The Surgeon's Mate
Aubrey/Maturin #8: The Ionian Mission
Aubrey/Maturin #9: Treason's Harbour
Aubrey/Maturin #10: The Far Side of the World
Aubrey/Maturin #11: The Reverse of the Medal
Aubrey/Maturin #12: The Letter of Marque
Aubrey/Maturin #16: The Wine-Dark Sea
The Golden Ocean
Anne O'Brien
The Virgin Widow
Joseph O'Connor
Star of the Sea
Maggie O'Farrell
The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox
Lauri Olsen
Pacific Bound: The Adventures of Lewis & Clark
Mark Andrew Olsen
The Assignment
James R. Olson
An Eagle Unchained
Caroline Coleman O'Neill
Loving Soren
Juilene Osborne-McKnight
Daughter of Ireland
I Am of Irelaunde: A Novel of Patrick & Osian
Janet Paisley
White Rose Rebel
Gary E. Parker
Highland Hopes
C. Northcote Parkinson
Richard Delancey #1: The Guernseyman
Richard Delancey #2: Devil to Pay
Richard Delancey #3: The Fireship
Richard Delancey #4: Touch & Go
Richard Delancey #5: So Near So Far
Richard Delancey #6: Dead Reckoning
Janice Ward Parrish
The Sweet Smell of a Chinaberry Tree
Owen Parry
Honor's Kingdom
Allison Pataki
Finding Margaret Fuller
Diana Patterson & Rita Turner
The Longest Journey
Eliot Pattison
Bone Rattler
Bill & Cindy Paul
Shadow of an Indian Star
Matthew Pearl
The Dante Club
Sharon Kay Penman
Dragon's Lair, A Medieval Mystery
Time & Chance
When Christ & His Saints Slept
Arturo Perez-Reverte
Captain Alatriste
The Nautical Chart
David Pilling
John Swale Chronicles #1: Folville's Law
John Swale Chronicles #2: The King Stag
John Swale Chronicles #3: Exiles
John Swale Chronicles #4: Royal Favour
John Swale Chronicles #5: The Black Lion of Forbes
John Swale Chronicles #6: A Company of Thieves
John Swale Chronicles #7: The Pretender
John Swale Chronicles #8: The Wild Hunt
John Swale Chronicles #9: John Crabbe
Dudley Pope
Nicholas Ramage #1: Ramage
Nicholas Ramage #2: Ramage & the Drumbeat
Nicholas Ramage #3: Ramage & the Freebooters
Nicholas Ramage #4: Governor Ramage R.N.
Nicholas Ramage #5: Ramage's Prize
Nicholas Ramage #6: Ramage & the Guillotine
Nicholas Ramage #7: Ramage's Diamond
Nicholas Ramage #8: Ramage's Mutiny
Nicholas Ramage #9: Ramage & the Rebels
Nicholas Ramage #10: The Ramage Touch
Nicholas Ramage #11: Ramage's Signal
Nicholas Ramage #12: Ramage & the Renegades
Nicholas Ramage #13: Ramage's Devil
Nicholas Ramage #14: Ramage's Trial
Nicholas Ramage #15: Ramage's Challenge
Nicholas Ramage #16: Ramage at Trafalgar
Nicholas Ramage #17: Ramage & the Saracens
Nicholas Ramage #18: Ramage & the Dido
Steven Pressfield
Killing Rommel
Bill Pronzini & Marcia Muller
The Spook Lights Affair
Howard Pyle
The Book of Pirates
Irene Radford
Merlin's Descendants #3: Guardian of the Vision
Merlin's Descendants #4: Guardian of the Promise
Merlin's Descendants #5: Guardian of the Freedom
Frederick Ramsay
The Wolf & the Lamb
Brant Randall
Blood Harvest
Brant Randall & Bruce Cook
Tommy Gun Tango
Margaret Redfern
James P. Redwood
Two Ships
Douglas Reeman
High Water
The Hostile Shore
The Last Raider
Path of the Storm
Royal Marines Saga #1: Badge of Glory
Royal Marines Saga #2: The First to Land
World War II: With Blood & Iron
World War II: Dive in the Sun
World War II: For Valour
World War II: A Prayer for the Ship
World War II: A Ship Must Die
Celia Rees
Witch Child
Philip Reeve
Here Lies Arthur
Mary Renault
The Charioteer
The Last of the Wine
Mike Resnick
The Other Teddy Roosevelts
Elizabeth Reynard
The Mutinous Wind
Judith Merkle Riley
In Pursuit of the Green Lion
The Master of All Desires
The Serpent Garden
A Vision of Light
Sandra Riley
Sisters of the Sea
Ann Rinaldi
A Break with Charity
Come Juneteenth
John Maddox Roberts
Hannibal's Children
The Seven Hills
Kenneth Roberts
The Battle of Cowpens
Madeleine E. Robins
Point of Honour
Erika Robuck
The House of Hawthorne
Michaela Roessner
The Stars Dispose
David Rose
The Viking Sagas: Godiva
Priscilla Royal
Satan's Lullaby
Salman Rushdie
The Moor's Last Sigh
S. Thomas Russell
Charles Hayden #1: Under Enemy Colors
Charles Hayden #2: A Battle Won
Charles Hayden #3: Take, Burn or Destroy
Charles Hayden #4: Until the Sea Shall Give Up Her Dead
W. Clark Russell
The Wreck of the Grosvenor
The Yarn of Old Harbour Town
Edward Rutherfurd
New York
The Rebels of Ireland
Jon Saboe
The Days of Peleg
C.J. Sansom
Dark Fire
Elif Shafak
The Architect's Apprentice
Anita Shreve
Sea Glass
Jacqueline Church Simonds
Captain Mary, Buccaneer
Traci L. Slatton
A.D. Howden Smith
Porto Bello Gold
April Smith
A Star for Mrs. Blake
Joan Smith
Lauraine Snelling
A Dream to Follow
Elizabeth George Speare
The Witch of Blackbird Pond
Nancy Springer
I am Mordred
Norman Spinrad
The Druid King
Nancy Springer
Rowan Hood: Outlaw Girl of Sherwood Forest
Susan Squires
Andrew Steinmetz
Eva's Threepenny Theatre
Neal Stephenson
The Baroque Cycle #2: The Confusion
Sutton Stern
The Commissioner's Rifles
Sail & Steam #1: Robby Run
Robert Louis Stevenson
Treasure Island
Mary Stewart
The Crystal Cave
The Wicked Day
David Stinebeck & Scannell Gill
A Civil General
Kathryn Stockett
The Help
Julian Stockwin
Thomas Kydd #1: Kydd
Thomas Kydd #2: Artemis
Thomas Kydd #3: Seaflower
Thomas Kydd #4: Mutiny
Thomas Kydd #5: Quarterdeck
Thomas Kydd #6: Tenacious
Thomas Kydd #7: Command
Thomas Kydd #8: The Admiral's Daughter
Thomas Kydd #9: The Privateer's Revenge
Thomas Kydd #10: Invasion
Thomas Kydd #11: Victory
Thomas Kydd #12: Conquest
Thomas Kydd #13: Betrayal
Thomas Kydd #14: Caribbee
Thomas Kydd #15: Pasha
Thomas Kydd #16: Tyger
Thomas Kydd #17: Inferno
Kay Marshall Strom
Once Blind: The Life of John Newton
V.A. Stuart
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Phillip Hazard #2: The Brave Captains
Phillip Hazard #3: Hazard's Command
Phillip Hazard #4: Hazard of Huntress
Phillip Hazard #5: Hazard in Circassia
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Rite of Conquest
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I Survived the Children's Blizzard, 1888
Debra Tash
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Masters of the Air
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All the Way Home
I'll Watch the Moon
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The Bomb
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The Galway Chronicles #2: Of Men & of Angels
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Darmon Mysteries #4: Night Wind to Bahia
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Dark Birthright
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Our Lady of Darkness
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May the Road Rise Up to Meet You
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The Dorset Boy #2: The Special Operations Flotilla
The Dorset Boy #3: Agent Provocateur
The Dorset Boy #4: In Dangerous Company
The Dorset Boy #5: The Tempest
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Father of Lies
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A Parcel of Patterns
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Maid Marian
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Nicholas Fallon #2: The Black Ring
Nicholas Fallon #3: Barbarians on an Ancient Sea
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Jannaway's Mutiny
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Standards Left Ragged
William H. White
The Greater the Honor
In Pursuit of Glory
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The War of 1812 #2: A Fine Tops'l Breeze
The War of 1812 #3: The Evening Gun
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Endangered Species
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Nathaniel Drinkwater #2: A King's Cutter
Nathaniel Drinkwater #3: A Brig of War
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Small Beauties
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Queen of the Summer Stars
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A Dangerous Climate
A Mortal Glamour
Roman Dusk
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Sword of the Rightful King
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The Sentinels: Fortunes of War