Albums are listed alphabetically by artist, then chronologically by title. Click on a title to read the review.

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Bluegrass, Country,
Old-Time & Appalachian

Country and bluegrass are distinctive, immensely popular forms of "American folk music," but the lines defining them are becoming harder to map. Old-timey instrumentalists often provide a bluegrassy flair, while alt-country musicians are crossing boundaries into mainstream pop and rock. Appalachian music in particular retains similarities to its Celtic roots.



Terry Radigan
Radigan (2000)

Radio Kings
Radio Kings (2001)

Kristi Rae
Things We Had to Let Go (2006)

Ragged Union
Time Captain (2017)

Railroad Earth
Bird in a House (2002)

The Railsplitters
The Railsplitters (2013)

Missy Raines
Royal Traveller (2018)

The Ramblin' Fiddler (Jason Barie)
Pieces (2019)
Radioactive (2023)

Dave Ramont
Scrawny (2000)

Rancho Deluxe
Rancho Deluxe (2006)

The Rankin Family
The Rankin Family (1989)
Fare Thee Well Love (1990)
North Country (1993)
Collection (1996)

Jimmy Rankin
Song Dog (2001)
Handmade (2003)

Raylene Rankin
Lambs in Spring (2003)

The Rankins
Uprooted (1999)

Eddy Raven with Carolina Road
All Grassed Up (2017)

Marty Raybon
Southern Roots & Branches (Yesterday & Today) (2012)

Marty Raybon & Full Circle
The Back Forty (2013)

Bob Rea
Southbound (2018)

James Reams & the Barnstormers
Barnstormin' (2001)
The Barons of Bluegrass, with Walter Hensley (2002)
Troubled Times (2006)
One Foot in the Honky Tonk (2011)

James Reams, Walter Hensley & the Barons of Bluegrass
Wild Card (2006)

Reckless Kelly
Wicked Twisted Road (2005)
Was Here (2006)

Paul Reddick
Ride the One (2016)

Sex & Violins (1995)

Luke Guy Reed
No Hat (2003)

The Refugees
Unbound (2009)

Lou Reid & Carolina
20th Anniversary Concert (2013)

John Reischman & the Jaybirds
John Reischman & the Jaybirds (2001)
Field Guide (2004)
On That Other Green Shore (2017)

John Reischman
Walk Along John (2013)

Remington Ryde
A Storyteller's Memory (2017)

Jamie Reno
All American Music (2003)

Ronnie Reno & the Reno Tradition
Lessons Learned (2015)

Return to the Dream
Return to the Dream (2008)

The Revelers
Play the Swamp Pop Classics: Volume 2 (2016)

Rice, Rice, Hillman & Pedersen
Rice, Rice, Hillman & Pedersen (1999)
Running Wild (2001)

Tony Rice
58957: The Bluegrass Guitar Collection (2003)
You Were There for Me, with Peter Rowan (2004)

Rich in Tradition
Black Mountain Special (2010)
Lonesomeville (2014)

Deanie Richardson
Love Hard, Work Hard, Play Hard (2018)

Kim Richey
Glimmer (1999)

Richmond Fontaine
Post to Wire (2003)
The Fitzgerald (2005)

Riders in the Sky
Christmas the Cowboy Way (1999)
Public Cowboy #1: A Centennial Salute to the Music of Gene Autry (2007)

Don Rigsby
Empty Old Mailbox (2000)

The Rimrock Ramblers
Way Out West (1997)

Jason Ring
Patchwork (2007)

Jim Ringer & Mary McCaslin
The Bramble & the Rose (2000)

The Road Hammers
The Road Hammers (2005)

Roadside Theater
Wings to Fly (2002)

Jaelee Roberts
Something You Didn't Count On (2022)

Tammy Jones Robinette & The Drive
Tammy Jones Robinette & The Drive (2015)

Kim Robins
Raining in Baltimore (2017)

Cydney A. Robinson
Spokesman for the Shoeless (2006)

Gaylynn Robinson
Anthology: Songs by a West Texas Songstress (2004)

Nell Robinson
On the Brooklyn Road (2011)

Charlie Robison
Good Times (2004)

Rock Hearts
Starry Southern Nights (2020)

Carrie Rodriguez
Seven Angels on a Bicycle (2006)
Live from the Ruhr Triennale, with Chip Taylor (2007)

The Roe Family Singers
The Earth & All That is In It (2008)
Heaven Send Us Better Times (2013)
Roll Up the Rug! (2020)

Quillan Roe
These First Few Months (2001)

Pharis & Jason Romero
Back Up & Push (2010)
A Passing Glimpse (2011)
Long Gone Out West Blues (2013)
A Wanderer I'll Stay (2015)
Bet on Love (2020)
Tell 'Em You Were Gold (2022)

Linda Ronstadt & Ann Savoy
Adieu False Heart (2006)

Ivan Rosenberg
Oldies & Old Time (2013)

Phil Rosenthal
Folksongs & Bluegrass for Children (2000)

Joe Ross & Friends
The Crazy Zoo: An Animal Songfest (2000)
The Spirit of St. Louis (2007)
Bluegrass Alphabet (2008)

Adam Michael Rothberg
All the Whispering (2001)

Peter Rowan
Yonder, with Jerry Douglas (1996)
You Were There for Me, with Tony Rice (2004)
The Old School (2013)
Calling You from My Mountain (2022)

Tell Me Mister (2002)

The Roys
Lonesome Whistle (2011)
Gypsy Runaway Train (2013)

Ruby Dee & the Snakehandlers
North of Bakersfield (2006)
Miles from Home (2008)

Sparky & Rhonda Rucker
The Mountains Above & the Valleys Below (2007)

Tom Russell
Borderland (2001)
Modern Art (2003)

Justin Rutledge & the Junction Forty
No Never Alone (2003)


Salamander Crossing
Bottleneck Dreams (1998)

The Salt Miners
Dressed for Excess (2006)

John Curtis Sampson
You Got Me (1999)

The Savage Hearts
Playing It Forward (2016)

Tanya Savory
Where We Live (2002)

Martha Scanlan
The West Was Burning (2007)

George Scherer
The Election Year Waltz (2004)

Becky Schlegel
For All the World to See (2008)
Dandelion (2010)

Pete Schlegel
Strong Stuff (2003)

Mike Scott & Friends
Home Sweet Home (2013)
The Old Country Church (2014)

Sarah Jane Scouten
When the Bloom Falls from the Rose (2017)

Jeff Scroggins & Colorado
Ramblin Feels Good (2016)

Bobby Seals
Time Machine (2003)

Curly Seckler
Bluegrass, Don't You Know (2006)

Peggy Seeger
Heading for Home (2003)
Live (2012)

Leon Seiter
In the Shadows of a Honky Tonk (2003)

Seldom Scene
Scene It All (2000)
Scenechronized (2007)
Long Time... (2014)

Erin Sax Seymour
Good Girl (2007)

Jason Shain
Here I Am (2002)
Sooner or Later (2004)

Sharon Shannon
The Diamond Mountain Sessions (2001)

Rick Shea
Sweet Bernardine (2013)

Lauren Sheehan
Some Old Lonesome Day (2003)
Two Wings (2005)

Blake Shelton
Blake Shelton (2001)

The Shiftless Rounders
Places (2006)

Shotgun Party
Mean Old Way (2009)

The Show Ponies
We're Not Lost (2013)

George Shuffler & James Alan Shelton
The Legacy Continues (2000)

Cody Shuler
Cody Shuler (2015)

Michael Shull
Swingin' the Gospel (1999)
Come Into His Presence (2001)
Appalachian Sunday: Old Time Gospel Instrumentals (2002)

Ali Shumate
Every Bit of Me (2019)

Siamese Cousins
2 Chairs, No Waiting (2012)

Front & Center (2018)

The Silverado Bluegrass Band
All Doors Will Open (2002)

The Silvermen
Incendiary Luminary (2003)

Woody Simmons
Live at WVMR (2005)
Double Geared Lightning (2006)

Sturgill Simpson
Cuttin' Grass, Vol. 1 (2021)

Sinner Friends
Bad News Gospel (2020)

Sister Sadie
Sister Sadie (2016)
II (2018)

The Charlie Sizemore Band
Good News (2007)

Skaggs Family
A Skaggs Family Christmas, Vol. 1 (2005)
A Skaggs Family Christmas, Vol. 2 (2011)

Ricky Skaggs
Ancient Tones (1999)
Country Hits Bluegrass Style (2011)

Ricky Skaggs & Kentucky Thunder
Music to My Ears (2012)

The Skylighters
The Skylighters (2006)

Shannon Slaughter
Never Standing Still (2017)

Shannon & Heather Slaughter
Never Just a Song (2015)

Scott Slay
The Rail (2019)

Langhorne Slim
When the Sun's Gone Down (2005)

Tannis Slimmon
Oak Lake (2001)

Waterbound (2005)

Slocan Ramblers
Coffee Creek (2015)
Queen City Jubilee (2018)
Up the Hill & Through the Fog (2022)

Bobby Earl Smith
Turn Row Blues (2005)
Calling Me Calling You (2017)

Debi Smith
More Than Once (1998)

Hobart Smith
Blue Ridge Legacy (2001)

Jan Smith
29 Dances (2006)

Valerie Smith
Renaissance (2021)

Jim Smoak & the L.A. Honeydrippers
Carolina Boy (2004)

Todd Snider
Live: Near Truths & Hotel Rooms (2003)
East Nashville Skyline (2004)

Snyder Family Band
Comin' on Strong (2010)

Sara Softich
Pipe Dream (2006)

Charlie Sohmer
The Kiss Before the Calm (2000)

Frank Solivan
Family, Friends & Heroes (2016)

Not Life Threatening (2002)

Lenny Solomon
Armando's Pie (2004)

Lenny Solomon Band
Maybe Today (2007)

Sons of Maxwell
The Neighbourhood (1998)
Among the Living (2001)
Instant Christmas (2001)

Sons of the San Joaquin
One More Ride (2017)

Southern Culture on the Skids
Doublewide & Live (2006)

Southern Hospitality
Easy Living (2013)

Minton Sparks
Middlin' Sisters (2001)
This Dress (2002)
Sin Sick (2005)

The Sparrowses
Lost Love: Songs of Murder & Trouble (2007)

Amy Speace
Fable (2002)
Songs for Bright Street (2006)

Ron Spears & Within Tradition
Grandpa Loved the Carolina Mountains (2001)
Carolina Rain (2004)

Special Consensus
Scratch Gravel Road (2012)
Rivers & Roads (2018)
Great Blue North (2023)

Martha Spencer
Martha Spencer (2018)
Wonderland (2022)

Skyla Spencer
You Said You'd Call Me (2005)

Spring Creek
Way Up on a Mountain (2009)

Steve Spurgin
Tumbleweed Town (2002)

Michael Stacey
After the Storm (2001)

Tim Stafford
Endless Line (2004)

Ralph Stanley & the Clinch Mountain Boys
Lost in the Lonesome Pines, with Jim Lauderdale (2002)

Ralph Stanley II & the Clinch Mountain Boys
Ralph Stanley II & the Clinch Mountain Boys (2017)

Raiford Starke
Speak Me (1999)

Starlett & Big John
Living in the South (2023)

Starline Rhythm Boys
Red's Place (2007)
Live at Charlie-O's World Famous (2008)

Garrison Starr
The Sound of You & Me (2006)

Jody Stecher with Mile Twelve
 Mile 77 (2024)

The SteelDrivers
The SteelDrivers (2008)
Reckless (2010)
Hammer Down (2013)

Steep Canyon Rangers
One Dime at a Time (2005)
Lovin' Pretty Women (2007)
Rare Bird Alert, with Steve Martin (2011)
Nobody Knows You (2012)
Tell the Ones I Love (2013)

Adam Steffey
Here to Stay (2016)

Steinke & Hausler
Yellowstone Winds (1999)

Larry Stephenson
Clinch Mountain Mystery (2003)
Thankful (2007)
20th Anniversary (2009)
What Really Matters (2012)
Pull Your Savior In (2014)

Larry Stephenson Band
Weep Little Willow (2016)
30 (2019)

Steppin' In It
Last Winter in the Copper Country (2002)

The Stetson Family
O Winding River (2013)

Mike Stevens
The World is Only Air (2001)
Old Time Mojo, with Raymond McLain (2004)

The Stevens Sisters
Little By Little (2002)

Mike Stinson
Last Fool at the Bar (2005)

Stir Fried
Last of the Blue Diamond Miners (2000)

Stone River Boys
Love on the Dial (2010)

Warren Storm
Taking the World, by Storm (2019)

Tresa Street
Ain't Nothin' Changed (2001)

Nora Jane Struthers
Nora Jane Struthers (2010)

Chris Stuart
Angels of Mineral Springs (2002)

Chris Stuart & Backcountry
Crooked Man (2008)

Andra Suchy
Little Heart (2012)

Trent Summar & the New Row Mob
Horseshoes & Hand Grenades (2006)

The Sunny Mountain Serenaders
Into Thin Hair (2015)

Bryan Sutton
Bluegrass Guitar (2003)
Not Too Far from the Tree (2006)

Sweetwater Reunion
Almost Bluegrass (2001)

Sweetwater String Band
River of Rhymes (2014)
At Night (2017)

Stan Swiniarski
Mexico (2004)

Kanoka (2013)

Keith Sykes
Let It Roll (2006)


The Tallboys
Yeah Buddy (2005)

James Talley
Tryin' Like the Devil (1976)
Journey (2004)

Maurice Tani
Blue Line, with 77 el Deora (2013)
Two Stroke, with Mike Anderson (2013)

Barry & Holly Tashian
At Home (2002)

Chip Taylor & Carrie Rodriguez
Live from the Ruhr Triennale (2007)

Television Hill
Twilight (2004)

Owen Temple
Mountain Home (2011)

Meg Tennant
Driving with You (2001)

The Tennessee Mafia Jug Band
Lester's Loafin Lounge (2015)

Chalee Tennison
Parading in the Rain (2003)

Chris Thile
How to Grow a Woman from the Ground (2005)

IIIrd Tyme Out
John & Mary (1999)
Back to the Mac (2001)
Prime Tyme, with Russell Moore (2011)

Randy Thompson
Further On (2008)
Collected (2012)

Richard Thorne
Undercover Overachiever (2000)
Freight Trains & Strange Dreams, with the Teasels (2002)

Three Day Threshold
Against the Grain (2007)

Tiller's Folly
Buchan Bluegrass (2005)

The Lucky Tomblin Band
In a Honky-Tonk Mood (2006)
Red Hot from Blue Rock (2007)
Honky Tonk Merry Go Round (2010)

Tom, Brad & Alice
Holly Ding (2000)
We'll Die in the Pig Pen Fighting (2001)

Niall Toner Band
Mood Swing (2005)

Tonio K. & 16 Tons of Monkeys
Live (2001)

Jack Tottle
The Bluegrass Sound (1999)

Town Mountain
Leave the Bottle (2012)

The Traveling Ones
Meet Me There (2017)

Mac Traynham
I'm Going That Way (2004)

Mac & Jenny Traynham
The Sweetest Way Home (2007)
When the Roses Bloom in Dixieland (2007)
Never Grow Old (2008)

Mac Traynham & Shay Garriock
Turkey in the Mountain (2009)

Tres Chicas
Bloom, Red & the Ordinary Girl (2006)

Trinity River Band
Better Than Blue (2014)
Heartstrings (2015)

Helena Triplett
Green Are the Woods: Traditional Ballads & Songs From West Virginia (1999)

Joe Triplett
Joe Triplett (2017)

Tony Trischka, Bill Keith & Bela Fleck
Fiddle Tunes for Banjo (1999)

Tony Trischka Band
Bend (1999)
New Deal (2003)

Tanya Tucker
My Turn (2009)

Pretty Little Mister (2019)

Turning Ground
Old Country Store (2018)
Crazy House (2020)

Two Time Polka
The Very Best of Two Time Polka (2004)

Two Tons of Steel
Vegas (2005)
Two Ton Tuesday Live! From Gruene Hall (2006)
Not That Lucky (2009)

Two Twenty Two
Grass Routes (2008)

Ian Tyson
Live at Longview (2002)
Songs from the Gravel Road (2005)
Yellowhead to Yellowstone & Other Love Stories (2008)
Carnero Vaquero (2015)


Donna Ulisse
When I Look Back (2007)
Walk This Mountain Down (2009)
Holy Waters (2010)
An Easy Climb (2011)
Showin' My Roots (2013)
Hard Cry Moon (2015)
Breakin' Easy (2017)
Time for Love (2019)

Uncle Cuckleburr's Champion Possum Carvers
The Ozark Sheiks (2004)


Valdy & Gary Fjellgaard
Contenders (2000)
Contenders Two: Still in the Running (2007)

various artists
Alan Lomax: Popular Songbook (2003)
The Angels are Singing: A Women's Bluegrass Gospel Collection (2002)
The Art of Old-Time Mountain Music (2002)
Bluegrass Express (2004)
BluegrassHits (2005)
Bluegrass Mandolin Extravaganza (1999)
Bluegrass Mountain Style (2002)
Bluegrass #1s: A Collection of Chart-Topping Songs (2004)
Bluegrass Power Picks: 25 Mountain Classics (2012)
Bluegrass Power Picks: 25 Traditional Classics (2012)
Born into Bluegrass: The Songs of Cullen Galyean (2009)
Christmas the Mountain Way (2012)
Classic Banjo from Smithsonian Folkways (2013)
Close Kin (2011)
Close Kin: Our Roots Run Deep (2014)
Country Goes Raffi (2001)
Dressed in Black: A Tribute to Johnny Cash (2002)
An East Coast Christmas (1999)
Elko! A Cowboy's Gathering (2005)
Epilogue: A Tribute to John Duffey (2018)
Flatpicking Favorites: Hot & Spicy (2004)
God Didn't Choose Sides, Vol. 1 (2013)
Gold Rush at Copper Creek (2002)
The Grass is Always Bluer (2004)
Happy Land: Musical Tributes to Laura Ingalls Wilder (2005)
Heartworn Highways DVD (2003)
Heartworn Highways (2006)
HighTone Records Anthology: Rockin' from the Roots (2007)
Home for Christmas: Voices from the Heartland (2007)
I Just Steal Away & Pray (2001)
I Love: Tom T. Hall's Songs of Fox Hollow (2011)
Industrial Strength Bluegrass: Southwestern Ohio's Musical Legacy (2021)
Instrumental Music of the Southern Appalachians (2006)
Just Because I'm a Woman: Songs of Dolly Parton (2003)
Legends of Old-Time Music (2015)
Life Goes On (2012)
Living in the Name of Love (2001)
Lonesome, On'ry & Mean: A Tribute to Waylon Jennings (2003)
Luckenbach! Compadres! (Songs of Luckenbach, Texas) (2007)
Making Music Matter (2006)
Music City Roots: Live from the Loveless Cafe (2012)
Night Train to Nashville: Music City Rhythm & Blues 1945-1970, Vol. 2 (2005)
No Depression: What It Sounds Like, Vol. 1 (2004)
North American Traditions: The Art of Traditional Fiddle (2000)
North to Ontario 2007 (2007)
North to Ontario 2009 (2009)
No Song, No Supper (2003)
O Christmas Tree: A Bluegrass Collection for the Holidays (2002)
The Other Side of the Mountain: Bluegrass, Newgrass & Beyond (2002)
Pa's Fiddle (2012)
Pickin' on Dylan (1999)
The Pilgrim: A Celebration of Kris Kristofferson (2006)
A Pinecastle Christmas Gatherin' (2003)
Raw Fiddle (2004)
The Rough Guide to Bluegrass (2001)
The Rough Guide to the Music of the Appalachians (2002)
Still Moving Mountains: The Journey Home (2009)
Tears of a Thousand Years (2001)
Texas Unplugged, Vol. 2 (2006)
35 Years of Stony Plain (2011)
Touch My Heart: A Tribute to Johnny Paycheck (2004)
Transatlantic Sessions (2000)
True Bluegrass (2002)
The Unbroken Circle: The Musical Heritage of the Carter Family (2004)
When the Sun Goes Down, Vol. 10: East Virginia Blues (2004)
When the Sun Goes Down, Vol. 11: Sacred Roots of the Blues (2004)

April Verch
Fiddelicious (1998)
Verchuosity (2001)
From Where I Stand (2003)
Steal the Blue (2008)
Bright Like Gold (2013)
The April Verch Anthology (2017)
Once a Day (2019)

Vigilantes of Love
Summershine (2001)

Rhonda Vincent
The Storm Still Rages (2001)
All American Bluegrass Girl (2006)

The Virginia Ramblers
The Virginia Ramblers (2006)

Redd Volkaert
Reddhead (2008)

Volo Bogtrotters
Old Time String Band with Vocal Accompaniment (1997)

Volume Five
Voices (2015)

VW Boys
Retroactive (2011)


Porter Wagoner
Sings His Hits (2007)
Wagonmaster (2007)

Wailin' Elroys
Route 33 (2005)

Loudon Wainwright III
Here Come the Choppers (2005)

Ken Waldman
A Week in Eek (2000)
Burnt Down House (2001)
Music Party (2003)

Little Toby Walker
Cool Hand (2002)

Melody Walker & Jacob Groopman
We Made It Home (2013)

Chris Wall
El Western Motel (2012)

Matt Wallace
For a Season (2014)

Charlie Waller & the Country Gentlemen
Songs of the American Spirit (2004)

Dan Walsh
Diesel & Smokes (2006)

Shane Warner
Absolutely (2005)

Abigail Washburn
Song of the Traveling Daughter (2005)

Sean Watkins
Let It Fall (2001)
Blinders On (2006)

Dale Watson
Whiskey or God (2006)
From the Cradle to the Grave (2007)
The Truckin' Sessions, Vol. 2 (2009)
Call Me Insane (2015)

Dale Watson & the Texas Two
The Sun Sessions (2011)

Dale Watson & His Lonestars
El Rancho Azul (2013)
Live at the Big T Roadhouse: Chicken S#!+ Bingo Sunday (2016)

Doc Watson
Foundation: The Doc Watson Guitar Instrumental Collection, 1964-1998 (2000)
Legacy, with David Holt (2002)

Doc & Merle Watson
Sittin' Here Pickin' the Blues (2004)

Doc Watson & Gaither Carlton
Doc Watson & Gaither Carlton (2020)

Jacqui Watson
Cocaine & Brandy Days (2005)

The Waybacks
Burger After Church (2002)
Way Live (2003)

The Wayfaring Strangers
Shifting Sands of Time (2001)
This Train (2003)

Gillian Welch
Time (The Revelator) (2006)

Boy Wells
Blue Skies Calling (2011)

Well-Tempered String Band
Well-Tempered String Band (2002)
Book Two (2004)

Bill Wence
Songs from the Rocky Fork Tavern (2007)

Missy Werner
Turn This Heart Around (2014)

Corinne West
Second Sight (2007)

Eric Westbury
Walking Tracks (2000)
Burnt Tongues & Blue Truths (2003)

Western Centuries
Weight of the World (2016)
Songs from the Deluge (2018)

The Western Flyers
Wild Blue Yonder (2016)

Wheeler (2009)

Effron White
Day in the Sun (2000)

Jeff White
Right Beside You (2016)

The Roland White Band
Jelly on My Tofu (2002)

White House
White House (2003)

The Whiteley Brothers
Taking Our Time (2001)

Dan Whiteley
Highway Home (2003)

Ken Whiteley
Gospel Music Makes Me Feel Alright! (2004)

Whitetop Mountain Band
Loafer's Dream (2008)

Keith Whitley
Sad Songs & Waltzes (2000)

Jason Whitton
Thriftstore Cowboy (2006)

Jerry Wicentowski
Thanks, Mac! (2017)

Greg Wickham
If I Left This World (2016)

Pat Wictor
Heaven is So High & I'm So Far Down (2006)

Jason Wilber
Echoes (2016)

Webb Wilder
Born to be Wilder, with the Beatnecks (2008)
More Like Me (2009)

The Wilders
Throw Down (2006)

Where Roads Divide (2003)
Rented Room on Broadway (2016)
Quiet Country Town (2022)

Walt Wilkins & The Mystiqueros
Diamonds in the Sun (2007)

The Wilkinsons
Here & Now (2000)

Jack Williams
Across the Winterline (1997)

Jim Williams
One Star (2000)

Johnny Williams
Last Day of Galax (2009)
Going My Way (2014)

Josh Williams
Lonesome Highway (2004)
Down Home (2011)

Lucinda Williams
Lu's Jukebox, Vol. 4: Funny How Time Slips Away: A Night of '60s Country Classics (2021)

Robin & Linda Williams
Visions of Love (2002)

Kelly Willis
What I Deserve (1999)

Wilson Banjo Co.
Spirits in the Hills (2017)
Six Degrees of Separation (2021)
 Memory Lane (2024)

Jim Wilson
This Old House

Tom Wilson
When the Wagon was New, with Border Bluegrass (1997)
On the Radio (2001)

Jesse Winchester
Love Filling Station (2009)

Patti Witten
Prairie Doll (2000)

Wolfe Bros.
2001 -- An Old-Time Odyssey (2001)
Old Roads & New Journeys (2004)

Wood & Wire
Wood & Wire (2013)
The Coast (2015)
North of Despair (2018)

David Wood
Country (2011)

Jim & Lynna Woolsey
The Road That Brings You Home (2014)
Heart & Soul, Blood & Bone (2016)

Darryl Worley
Hard Rain Don't Last (2000)
I Miss My Friend (2002)
Have You Forgotten? (2003)

John Wright
That's the Way Love Is: A Collection of Love Songs (2003)

Luther Wright & the Wrongs
Guitar Pickin' Martyrs (2003)

Wylie & the Wild West
Hooves of the Horses (2004)

Stuart Wyrick
East Tennessee Sunrise (2016)


The Yankee Rebels
Flight of the Phoenix (2012)

Come On In (2010)
Almost Home (2012)

Yonder Mountain String Band
Town By Town, with Tim O'Brien (2001)
Mountain Tracks: Vol. 2 (2002)

Jubal Lee Young
 Wild Birds Warble (2024)


Charlie Zahm
Nothin' Like the South (2013)

The Zozo Sisters
Adieu False Heart (2006)