"What gets me is how everybody's looking to make sense of things. Sometimes you don't want sense. Sometimes, the last thing in the world you need is sense. Work a thing through till it makes sense and you lose all the possibilities." (Charles de Lint, The Ivory & the Horn)
Click on a letter if you're looking for a specific author by name. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Douglas Adams
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
Jake Adelstein
Tokyo Vice: An American Reporter on the Police Beat in Japan
Catherine Aird
The Religious Body
Jean-Pierre Alaux & Noel Balen
The Winemaker Detective
Susan Wittig Albert
Mistletoe Man
Sherman Alexie
Indian Killer
Marty Ambrose
A Shadowed Fate
Benjamin Appel
Life & Death of a Tough Guy
Sweet Money Girl
Matilde Asensi
The Last Cato
Raymond L. Atkins
Sorrow Wood
Kate Atkinson
Shrines of Gaiety
Jackson Brodie #3: When Will There Be Good News?
Jackson Brodie #6: Death at the Sign of the Rook
Margaret Atwood
Alias Grace
The Man Who Was Poe
The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle
Steven Axelrod
Nantucket Five-Spot: A Henry Kennis Mystery
Steve Aylett
Richard Bachman
Camille Bacon-Smith
Eyes of the Empress
The Face of Time
David Baldacci
The Camel Club
Split Second
Sandra Balzo
Running on Empty
Chris Bauer
Jane's Baby
Will Beall
L.A. Rex
Elizabeth Bear
New Amsterdam
David Beasley
Sarah's Journey
K.A. Bedford
Orbital Burn
Alan Beechey
This Private Plot
Nigel Bennett & P.N. Elrod
Keeper of the King
M.D. Benoit
Metered Space
Raymond Benson
Dark Side of the Morgue
Steve Berman
Vintage: A Ghost Story
Baron Birtcher
Knife River
Jenna Black
Watchers in the Night
Alice Blanchard
The Breathtaker (audiobook)
Robert Bloch
The Lost Bloch: Vol. 3, edited by David J. Schow
Lawrence Block
Burglar on the Prowl
Out on the Cutting Edge
Sinner Man
Small Town
BJ Bourg
Hollow Crib (A Magnolia Parish Mystery)
Rhys Bowen
Her Royal Spyness
Leigh Brackett
Stranger at Home
Eileen Brady
A Kate Turner, D.V.M. Mystery: Muzzled
A Kate Turner, D.V.M. Mystery: Unleashed
Simon Brett
Blotto, Twinks & the Dead Dowager Duchess
Blotto, Twinks, & the Ex-King's Daughter
Gil Brewer
Angry Arnold
A Devil for O'Shaugnessy
The Erotics
Gun the Dame Down
The Three Way Split
David S. Brody
Templars in America #1: Cabal of the Westford Knight
Templars in America #4: The Oath of Nimrod
Matt Bronleewe
House of Wolves
Sigmund Brouwer
The Disappearing Jewel of Madagascar
The Volcano of Doom
Dan Brown
The Lost Symbol
Lani Massey Brown
A Margin of Error
Laurence B. Brown
The Eighth Scroll
Ken Bruen
In the Galway Silence
Don Bruns
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
Michael Buckley
The Sisters Grimm: The Fairy-Tale Detectives, Book 1
Rick Buda
D.W. Buffa
The Legacy
Alafair Burke
Long Gone
James Lee Burke
Crusader's Cross
New Iberia Blues
W.R. Burnett
Iron Man
It's Always Four O'Clock
Jim Butcher
The Dresden Files #1: Storm Front
The Dresden Files #2: Fool Moon
The Dresden Files #3: Grave Peril
The Dresden Files #4: Summer Knight
The Dresden Files #5: Death Masks
The Dresden Files #6: Blood Rites
The Dresden Files #7: Dead Beat
The Dresden Files #8: Proven Guilty
The Dresden Files #9: White Night
The Dresden Files #10: Small Favor
Marguerite Butler
Death by Scandal
Bobby Byrd & Johnny Byrd, editors
Lone Star Noir
Chelsea Cain
Gretchen Lowell #1: Heartsick
James M. Cain
The Cocktail Waitress
Rachel Caine
Devil's Bargain
Devil's Due
Haggai Carmon
The Chameleon Conspiracy
Gail Carriger
The Parasol Protectorate #1: Soulless
The Parasol Protectorate #2: Changeless
The Parasol Protectorate #3: Blameless
The Parasol Protectorate #4: Heartless
R.M. Cartmel
The Richebourg Affair
Jay Caselberg
Metal Sky
Donis Casey
Hell with the Lid Blown Off
Richard Castle
Heat Wave
George Chesbro
Second Horseman Out of Eden
Lee Child
The Enemy
Nothing to Lose
P.F. Chisholm
An Air of Treason
Janie Chodosh
A Faith Flores Science Mystery: Death Spiral
Philip Cioffari
The Bronx Kill
Judy Clemens
Leave Tomorrow Behind
Hillary Rodham Clinton & Louise Penny
State of Terror
Harlan Coben
The Boy from the Woods
Don't Let Go
Just One Look
No Second Chance
The Stranger
Myke Cole
Shadow Ops: Control Point
Brandilyn Collins
Hidden Faces #2: Stain of Guilt
Max Allan Collins
Quarry in the Black
Seduction of the Innocent
Max Allan Collins & Mickey Spillane
Complex 90
The Consummata
King of the Weeds
Lady, Go Die
Eden Collinsworth
It Might Have Been What He Said
Michael Connelly
Chasing the Dime (audiobook)
City of Bones (audiobook)
The Closers (audiobook)
Crime Beat (audiobook)
The Lincoln Lawyer (audiobook)
The Narrows (audiobook)
Nine Dragons
The Scarecrow
John Connolly
A Book of Bones
Bruce R. Cook
Philippine Fever
Eileen Cook
With Malice
Glen Cook
Angry Lead Skies
Paul Cornell
London Falling
Bernard Cornwell
Killer's Wake
Miles Corwin
Kind of Blue
Robert Crais
The Last Detective
The Monkey's Raincoat
Michael Crichton
Binary, writing as John Lange
Drug of Choice, writing as John Lange
Easy Go, writing as John Lange
Grave Descend, writing as John Lange
Odds On, writing as John Lange
Scratch One, writing as John Lange
The Venom Business, writing as John Lange
Zero Cool, writing as John Lange
Patrick C. Crowell
Hostile Environment
James Crumley
The Last Good Kiss
The Wrong Case
Rich Curtin
Manny Rivera Mysteries #10: Cast a Cold Eye
Julie E. Czerneda
A Thousand Words for Stranger
Shirley Damsgaard
Ophelia & Abby #2: Charmed to Death
JD Daniels
Quick Walk to Murder: A Jessie Murphy Murder
Jada M. Davis
One for Hell
Krista Davis
Pen & Ink Mysteries #1: Color Me Murder
Lindsey Davis
Two for the Lions
Jeffrey Deaver
The Twelfth Card
Mark De Castrique
The Sandburg Connection
Nina de Gramont
The Christie Affair
Vicki Delany
Among the Departed
Charles de Lint
Juniper Wiles
Juniper Wiles & the Ghost Girls
The Road to Lisdoonvarna
Nelson DeMille
Night Fall (audiobook)
Up Country (audiobook)
Joolz Denby
Billie Morgan
John Dicke
Proof Evident
Ria Dimitra
The Visconti Devils
John F. Dobbyn
Frame Up
Chris Dolley
The Unpleasantness at Baskerville Hall: A Reeves & Worcester Steampunk Mystery
David Donachie
The Privateersman Mysteries #1: The Devil's Own Luck
The Privateersman Mysteries #2: The Dying Trade
The Privateersman Mysteries #3: A Hanging Matter
The Privateersman Mysteries #4: An Element of Chance
The Privateersman Mysteries #5: The Scent of Betrayal
The Privateersman Mysteries #6: A Game of Bones
D.J. Donaldson
New Orleans Requiem
Stephen R. Donaldson
The Man Who Risked His Partner, writing as Reed Stephens
The Man Who Tried to Get Away, writing as Reed Stephens
Tim Dorsey
Orange Crush
Triggerfish Twist
Carole Nelson Douglas
Cat in a Hot Pink Pursuit
Cat in a Red Hot Rage
Jack L. Douglas
Vanishing Act
Ken Douglas
Dead Ringer
Tim Downs
Plague Maker
Roddy Doyle, et al
Yeats is Dead!
Lee Driver
The Unseen
Dave Duncan
The Alchemist's Apprentice
Warren C. Easley
Dead Float: A Cal Claxton Mystery
Never Look Down: A Cal Claxton Mystery
Rosemary Edghill
Bell, Book, & Murder
P.N. Elrod
Cold Streets
Keeper of the King, with Nigel Bennett
Loren D. Estleman
The Left-Handed Dollar
Janet Evanovich
Motor Mouth
Mary Anna Evans
A.A. Fair, aka Earl Stanley Gardner
The Knife Slipped
Jon Fasman
The Geographer's Library
Robert Fate
Baby Shark's High Plains Redemption
Christa Faust
Choke Hold
Margaret Fenton
A Claire Conover Mystery: Little Girl Gone
Sally Fernandez
Jasper Fforde
Jack Spratt Investigates: The Big Over Easy
Jack Spratt Investigates: The Fourth Bear
Thursday Next: The Eyre Affair
Thursday Next: Lost in a Good Book
Thursday Next: The Well of Lost Plots
Thursday Next: Something Rotten
Joseph Finder
The Fixer
A.S. Fleischman
Danger in Paradise
Malay Woman
Ian Fleming
Casino Royale
Dr. No
Amanda Flower
An Emily Dickinson Mystery #1: Because I Could Not Stop for Death
An Emily Dickinson Mystery #2: I Heard a Fly Buzz When I Died
Derek Adie Flower
Inquest on Imhotep
Gillian Flynn
Dark Places
G.M. Ford
A Blind Eye
Red Tide
Jack Ford
The Osiris Alliance
Joel Fox
The Mark on Eve
Anne Frasier
Play Dead
Shelly Fredman
Brandy Alexander #1: No Such Thing as a Secret
Brandy Alexander #2: No Such Thing as a Good Blind Date
Brandy Alexander #3: No Such Thing as a Free Lunch
J.F. Freedman
Bird's-Eye View (audiobook)
Tana French
Broken Harbor
The Hunter
The Searcher
David Fulmer
Valentin St. Cyr Mysteries #1: Chasing the Devil's Tail
Alton Gansky
The Incumbent
Eric Garcia
Anonymous Rex
Casual Rex
Hot & Sweaty Rex
Meg Gardiner
Phantom Instinct
Earl Stanley Gardner, writing as A.A. Fair
The Knife Slipped
Elizabeth George
I, Richard
Tess Gerritsen
Body Double
Brent Ghelfi
The Burning Lake
Lucy Gilmore
The Library of Borrowed Hearts
Leslie Glass
Tracking Time
Glen David Gold
Carter Beats the Devil
David Goodis
Shoot the Piano Player
Sherry Gottlieb
Worse Than Death
John Grange
Super-Detective Flip Book: Legion of Robots/Murder's Migrants
Cheryl Gray
Barefootin': A Caribbean Tale of the Paranormal
Simon R. Green
Nightside #1: Something from the Nightside
Nightside #2: Agents of Light & Darkness
Nightside #3: Nightingale's Lament
Nightside #4: Hex & the City
Nightside #5: Paths Not Taken
Nightside #6: Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth
Nightside #7: Hell to Pay
Tim Green
Exact Revenge (audiobook)
The Fifth Angel (audiobook)
The First 48 (audiobook)
The Fourth Perimeter (audiobook)
Kingdom Come (audiobook)
H. Terrell Griffin
Bitter Legacy
Blood Island
Elly Griffiths
Ruth Galloway Mysteries #14: The Locked Room
Martha Grimes
The Dirty Duck
John Grisham
Camino Ghosts
Camino Island
Camino Winds
A Time to Kill
Davis Grubb
Night of the Hunter
Laurent Guillaume
White Leopard
Brian Haig
The Kingmaker (audiobook)
Mortal Allies (audiobook)
Private Sector (audiobook)
Donald Hamilton
Death of a Citizen
The Wrecking Crew
Laurell K. Hamilton
Guilty Pleasures
Steve Hamilton
Ice Run
Night Work
Elmore Hammes
The Holmes & Watson Mysterious Events & Objects Consortium: The Case of the Witch's Talisman
Elizabeth Hand
Generation Loss
Kristin Hannah
True Colors
Hart Hanson
The Driver
Jane Harper
The Lost Man
Steven Harper
Charlaine Harris
Harper Connelly Mysteries #1: Grave Sight
Harper Connelly Mysteries #2: Grave Surprise
Harper Connelly Mysteries #3: An Ice Cold Grave
Lily Bard #5: Shakespeare's Counselor
Southern Vampire #1: Dead Until Dark
Southern Vampire #2: Living Dead in Dallas
Southern Vampire #3: Club Dead
Southern Vampire #4: Dead to the World
Southern Vampire #5: Dead as a Doornail
Southern Vampire #6: Definitely Dead
Southern Vampire #7: All Together Dead
Sweet & Deadly
Thomas Harris
Hannibal Rising
Keith Hartman
Gumshoe Gorilla
The Gumshoe, the Witch, & the Virtual Corpse
Murder Beneath the Buried Sky
Michael Harvey
The Fifth Floor
Richard Hawke
Speak of the Devil
J.M. Hayes
The Spirit & the Skull
Kristen Heitzmann
Gay Hendricks & Tinker Lindsay
The Third Rule of Ten
Sheila Hendrix
Bad Company
Carl Hiaasen
Basket Case
Skinny Dip
Strip Tease
Patricia Highsmith
The Talented Mr. Ripley
T.L. Higley
Marduk's Tablet
Reginald Hill
The Woodcutter
Tony Hillerman
T.L. Hines
The Dead Whisper On
Orrie Hitt
The Cheaters
Dial "M" for Man
Michael Hoeye
Time Stops for No Mouse
Elisabeth Sanxay Holding
Dark Power
The Old Battle-Ax
Tanya Huff
Blood Debt
Blood Lines
Blood Pact
Blood Price
Blood Trail
David Hunt
The Magician's Tale
Charlie Huston
Already Dead
Caught Stealing
Elisabeth Hyde
The Abortionist's Daughter
Ed Ifkovic
An Edna Ferber Mystery: Cafe Europa
An Edna Ferber Mystery: Cold Morning
Walter Ihlefield
Banshee Rising
Controlled Conclusion
Randy Ingermanson
Double Vision
Bill Ison
KillRod: The Cross of Lorraine Murders
Beth Jacobs
Lizards in Sturgis
P.D. James
Death Comes to Pemberley
Judith Janeway
The Magician's Daughter
Anna Jansson
Strange Bird
Patrick K. Jassoy
It Isn't Easy Being Johnny Style
James David Jordan
Double Cross
Mari Jungstedt
Killer's Art
Tammy Kaehler
Avoidable Contact
Dead Man's Switch
Kurt Kamm
Tunnel Visions
Leslie Karst
Death al Fresco: A Sally Solari Mystery
Wayne J. Keeley
Mahogany Row
Faye Kellerman
The Garden of Eden & Other Criminal Delights (audiobook)
Stone Kiss (audiobook)
Straight into Darkness (audiobook)
Jonathan & Faye Kellerman
Double Homicide (audiobook)
Valerie Keogh
The Dublin Murder Mysteries #1: No Simple Death
The Dublin Murder Mysteries #2: No Obvious Cause
The Dublin Murder Mysteries #3: No Past Forgiven
The Dublin Murder Mysteries #4: No Memory Lost
The Dublin Murder Mysteries #5: No Crime Forgotten
The Dublin Murder Mysteries #6: No Easy Answer
Larry Ketchersid
Software by the Kilo
James Kidman
Black Fire
Susan Kiernan-Lewis
Toujours Dead
Lee Killough
Blood Games
Stephen King
The Colorado Kid
Leslie Dana Kirby
The Perfect Game
Peter Kirsanow
Target Omega
Rich Kisielewski
Da Bushes
Joseph Koenig
False Negative
E.L. Konigsburg
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
R.J. Koreto
The Turnbull Murders: A Historic Homes Mystery
Ted Korsmo
Steven Krane
Stranger Inside
William Kent Krueger
Heaven's Keep: A Cork O'Connor Mystery
Ken Kuhlken
The Good Know Nothing: A California Century Mystery
Allen Kurzweil
The Grand Complication
Camilla Lackberg
The Ice Princess
Mercedes Lackey
Burning Water
The Fire Rose
Sacred Ground
Mercedes Lambert
Victoria Landis
Kelli Sue Landon
Nightmare at Camp Forrestwood
Robert Lane
Cooler Than Blood
John Lange (Michael Crichton)
Drug of Choice
Easy Go
Grave Descend
Odds On
Scratch One
The Venom Business
Zero Cool
Jane Langton
Homer Kelly Mysteries #16: The Escher Twist
Andrew Lanh
Caught Dead
Joe R. Lansdale
Dead Aim
Leather Maiden
Ward Larsen
Fly By Wire
James Richard Larson
The Right Thing
Stieg Larsson
Millennium 2: The Girl Who Played with Fire
Millennium 3: The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest
Batton Lash
Wolff & Byrd, Counselors of the Macabre: Case Files, Vol. II
William Lashner
A Killer's Kiss
Linda A. Lavid
Ann Lawrence
Do You Believe?
Steve Leadley
Pirate Treasure of Cape May
Tim Lebbon
John LeCarre
Absolute Friends (audiobook)
Con Lehane
A 42nd Street Library Mystery: Murder Off the Page
Rob Leininger
Gumshoe Rock
Elmore Leonard
Rebecca Lerwill
Relocating Mia
Jonathan Lethem
Motherless Brooklyn
Billie Letts
Shoot the Moon (audiobook)
Barbara Levenson
Justice in June
Paul Levine
Solomon vs. Lord #1: Solomon vs. Lord
Solomon vs. Lord #2: Deep Blue Alibi
Solomon vs. Lord #3: Kill All the Lawyers
Solomon vs. Lord #4: Trial & Error
Paul Levinson
The Consciousness Plague
Beverly & David Lewis
J.R. Lindermuth
Something in Common
Jeff Lindsay
Darkly Dreaming Dexter
Laura Lippman
By a Spider's Thread
I'd Know You Anywhere
The Sugar House
What the Dead Know
Holly Lisle
Last Girl Dancing
David Ryan Long
Quinlin's Estate
Sheila Lowe
Written Off
Janet Lunn
Twin Spell
Eric Van Lustbader
The Testament
Ed Lynskey
Lake Charles
Bruce Macbain
The Bull Slayer
George MacDonald
Ross Macdonald
Sleeping Beauty
James Macomber
A Grave Breach
Catherine Macphail
Dark Waters
J. Wallis Martin
The Bird Yard
William Martin
Harvard Yard
Alexis Masters
The Giuliana Legacy
Jeanne Matthews
Where the Bones are Buried
Maxine McArthur
Less Than Human
James McBride
The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store
Laura McClendon
Too Many Secrets
Susan McCormick
The Fog Ladies
Frank McCourt, et al
Yeats is Dead!
Sharyn McCrumb
She Walks These Hills
The Songcatcher
Val McDermid
Beneath the Bleeding
Don McGraw
Sins of a Nation
Kevin Burton McGuire
Fire Gazer: Arson at the Wolfe House
James A. McLaughlin
Brad Meltzer
The Millionaires (audiobook)
The Zero Game (audiobook)
Donna Merwick
Death of a Notary
Deon Meyer
Benny Griessel #7: The Dark Flood
Nicholas Meyer
The Return of the Pharaoh
Paul Martin Midden
Rosemary & Larry Mild
Death Goes Postal: A Dan & Rivka Sherman Mystery
Death Takes a Mistress: A Dan & Rivka Sherman Mystery
Wade Miller
Devil on Two Sticks
The Killer
Margaret Mizushima
Timber Creek K-9 Mystery #5: Tracking Game
Timber Creek K-9 Mystery #6: Hanging Falls
Timber Creek K-9 Mystery #7: Striking Range
Timber Creek K-9 Mystery #8: Standing Dead
Timber Creek K-9 Mystery #9: Gathering Mist
Brent Monahan
The Jekyl Island Club: A Novel
Mark Moorstein
Red Reflections
J.P. Morgan
The Copper Indian
David Morrell
Long Lost (audiobook)
The Protector
Walter Mosley
Fear Itself (audiobook)
Little Scarlet (audiobook)
Vasudev Murthy
Sherlock Holmes, The Missing Years: Japan
Sherlock Holmes, The Missing Years: Timbuktu
Beverle Graves Myers
Whispers of Vivaldi: A Tito Amato Mystery
Joseph J. Neuschatz
J.A. Nevling
Burned: A Tragic Mystery
Michael Norman
Skeleton Picnic
Darden North
The Five Manners of Death
Darryl Nyznyk
The Condor Song
Carol O'Connell
Mallory #1: Mallory's Oracle
Mallory #10: The Chalk Girl
Joseph O'Connor
Star of the Sea
TJ O'Connor
Gumshoe Ghost #1: Dying to Know
Gumshoe Ghost #2: Dying for the Past
Mark Andrew Olsen
The Assignment
Delia Owens
Where the Crawdads Sing
Abigail Padgett
Bernadette Pajer
The Edison Effect
Michael Palmer
The First Patient
Dennis Palumbo
Fever Dream
Michael Parker
The Third Secret
Robin Parrish
Owen Parry
Honor's Kingdom
Sandra Parshall
Poisoned Ground
James Patterson
The Beach House, with Peter de Jonge (audiobook)
Beach Road, with Peter de Jonge (audiobook)
The Big Bad Wolf (audiobook)
The 5th Horseman (audiobook)
Four Blind Mice (audiobook)
4th of July (audiobook)
The Jester, with Andrew Gross (audiobook)
Kiss the Girls (audiobook)
Mary Mary (audiobook)
Season of the Machete (audiobook)
3rd Degree, with Andrew Gross (audiobook)
The Thomas Berryman Number
Violets Are Blue (audiobook)
When the Wind Blows (audiobook)
Eliot Pattison
Bone Rattler
Matthew Pearl
The Dante Club
David Pearson
A Deadly Dividend
Ridley Pearson
Parallel Lies
George Pelecanos
Drama City (audiobook)
Hard Revolution
Hard Revolution (audiobook)
The Night Gardener (audiobook)
Sharon Kay Penman
Dragon's Lair, A Medieval Mystery
Louise Penny
Chief Inspector Gamache #1: Still Life
Chief Inspector Gamache #2: A Fatal Grace
Chief Inspector Gamache #3: The Cruelest Month
Chief Inspector Gamache #4: A Rule Against Murder
Chief Inspector Gamache #5: The Brutal Telling
Chief Inspector Gamache #6: Bury Your Dead
Chief Inspector Gamache #7: A Trick of the Light
Chief Inspector Gamache #8: The Beautiful Mystery
Chief Inspector Gamache #9: How the Light Gets In
Chief Inspector Gamache #10: The Long Way Home
Chief Inspector Gamache #11: The Nature of the Beast
Chief Inspector Gamache #12: A Great Reckoning
Chief Inspector Gamache #13: Glass Houses
Chief Inspector Gamache #14: Kingdom of the Blind
Chief Inspector Gamache #15: A Better Man
Chief Inspector Gamache #16: All the Devils are Here
Chief Inspector Gamache #17: The Madness of Crowds
The Hangman
State of Terror, with Hillary Rodham Clinton
Lewis Perdue
Daughter of God
Rosamunde Pilcher
Winter Solstice
J.L. Powers
The Confessional
Tim Powers
A Soul in a Bottle
Terry Pratchett
Feet of Clay
Gregor Pratt
Dragon's Eye
Cherie Priest
Grave Reservations
Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child
Brimstone (audiobook)
The Cabinet of Curiosities (audiobook)
Dance of Death (audiobook)
Still Life with Crows (audiobook)
Bill Pronzini
The Jade Figurine
Bill Pronzini & Marcia Muller
The Spook Lights Affair
Philip Pullman
His Dark Materials: The Collectors
Daniel Quinn
The Holy
Peter Rabe
Anatomy of a Killer
The Return of Marvin Palaver
A Shroud for Jesso
The Silent Wall
Frederick Ramsay
The Wolf & the Lamb
Brant Randall
Blood Harvest
Brant Randall & Bruce Cook
Tommy Gun Tango
W. Craig Reed
Douglas Reeman
High Water
The Hostile Shore
Peter Rennebohm
French Creek
J.D. Robb, a.k.a. Nora Roberts
Creation in Death
Strangers in Death
Lorene Robbins
The Dead Detective
Nora Roberts, writing as J.D. Robb
Creation in Death
Strangers in Death
Craig Robertson
Madeleine E. Robins
Point of Honour
Peter Robinson
Before the Poison
Jimmy Root Jr.
The Lightning Chronicles I: Distant Thunder
M.J. Rose
The Reincarnationist
The Venus Fix
Selina Rosen
Strange Robby
Brian Rouff
Dice Angel
J.K. Rowling
The Casual Vacancy
Priscilla Royal
Satan's Lullaby
Greg Rucka
Patriot Acts
Matt Ruff
Bad Monkeys
Kristine Kathryn Rusch
The Disappeared
Patricia H. Rushford
Grave Matters
Riley Sager
The Only One Left
C.J. Sansom
Dark Fire
Clyde Lynwood Sawyer Jr. & Frances Witlin
An Uncertain Currency
Regis Schilken
The Island Off Stony Point
The Oculi Incident
James Schmerer
Twisted Shadows
David J. Schow
Gun Work
Brian Selznick
The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Terry Shames
Guilt Strikes at Granger's Store
Will Shetterly
James Siegel
Deceit (audiobook)
Derailed (audiobook)
Detour (audiobook)
Daniel Silva
The Rembrandt Affair
Victoria Silver
Death of a Harvard Freshman
Robert Silverberg
Blood on the Mink
Clea Simon
A Pru Marlowe Pet Noir: Kittens Can Kill
A Pru Marlowe Pet Noir: Panthers Play for Keeps
Susan Slater
Rollover: A Dan Mahoney Mystery
Jeffrey Small
The Breath of God
Julie Smith
Murder on Magazine
Donald J. Sobol
Encyclopedia Brown: Boy Detective
Wen Spencer
Bitter Waters
Dog Warrior
Mickey Spillane
From the Files of Mike Hammer
Mickey Spillane & Max Allan Collins
Complex 90
The Consummata
King of the Weeds
Lady, Go Die
Nancy Springer
Enola Holmes: The Case of the Missing Marquess
Patricia Sprinkle
When Will the Dead Lady Sing?
Dana Stabenow, editor
Powers of Detection: Stories of Mystery & Fantasy
Boris Starling
Jason Starr
Fake I.D.
Daniel Stashower
The Harry Houdini Mysteries: The Dime Museum Murders
The Harry Houdini Mysteries: The Floating Lady Murder
Charlie Stella
Eddie's World
Johnny Porno
Rough Riders
Reed Stephens (Stephen R. Donaldson)
The Man Who Risked His Partner
The Man Who Tried to Get Away
Bruce Sterling
The Zenith Angle
Shane Stevens
By Reason of Insanity
Taylor Stevens
The Mask
Warren Stockholm
Scorpion Magazine, No. 1: The Sting of the Scorpion
Robert Stone
Bay of Souls
Tom Straw
Heat Wave (writing as Richard Castle)
Barbara Sullivan
Ripping Abigail
Unraveling Ada
Duane Swierczynski
The Blonde
Severance Package
The Wheelman
Jon Talton
A David Mapstone Mystery: High Country Nocturne
Donna Tartt
The Secret History
R. Scott Taylor
Stingy Jack
Jane Tesh
Just You Wait
Thomas Thorpe
Darmon Mysteries #3: The Patriote Proposition
Darmon Mysteries #4: Night Wind to Bahia
Denise Tiller
Calculated Risk
Calculated Risk (audiobook)
Charles Todd
Racing the Devil: An Inspector Ian Rutledge Mystery
Peter Tremayne
Our Lady of Darkness
Kathy Tyers
Shivering World
Lisa Unger
Beautiful Lies
Sliver of Truth
Andrew Vachss
Dead & Gone
Down Here
The Getaway Man
Only Child
Two Trains Running
Edo Van Belkom
Barbara Vine
The Minotaur
David P. Wagner
Death in the Dolomites
Minette Walters
The Devil's Feather
Ruth Ware
The It Girl
Tracy Weber
A Downward Dog Mystery: A Fatal Twist
A Downward Dog Mystery: Karma's a Killer
David Heska Wanbli Weiden
Winter Counts
Robert Weinberg
The Occult Detective
Diane Weiner
Murder is Chartered
Alexandrea Weis
Debbie Lee Wesselmann
Donald E. Westlake
The Comedy is Finished
Christopher Whitcomb
Kate White
A Body to Die For (audiobook)
If Looks Could Kill (audiobook)
'Til Death Do Us Part (audiobook)
Harry Whittington
Body & Passion
A Haven for the Damned
Like Mink, Like Murder
To Find Cora
Tina Whittle
Deeper Than the Grave
Kate Wilhelm
The Deepest Water
Gordon Williams
The Siege of Trencher's Farm
Wayne Williams
Mystery of the Golden Table
Chet Williamson
McKain's Dilemma
Laurie & Chet Williamson
Murder Old & New
D.L. Wilson
Unholy Grail
Jenine Wilson
The Shadow Within
R.D. Wingfield
A Killing Frost
Ariel S. Winter
The Twenty-Year Death
Reavis Z. Wortham
Vengeance is Mine
Allen Wyler
Dead End Deal
Deadly Odds
Dead Wrong
Carlos Ruiz Zafon
The Shadow of the Wind (La Sombra del Viento)
John Zakour & Lawrence Ganem
The Doomsday Brunette