Tom Knapp is the founder, editor, publisher, designer, dishwasher, investor, dog groomer and chief writer for Rambles.NET. A freelance writer and editor, he was a newspaper reporter in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, for more than 35 years. He also amuses himself playing Irish, Scottish and Cape Breton folk tunes on his fiddle, bodhran, CD player and car stereo. Determined to share his music in as many ways as he can possibly imagine, he formed Fire in the Glen, a regionally prominent Irish traditional/Celtic eclectic trio with five CDs and a varied performance schedule under its collective belt. Having worked with several partners in the past -- John Varner, Chet Williamson, Jason Mundok, Aaron Gagne, Michael Filippo, Durelle Leaman, Dave Pedrick, Melissa Brun and Mick & Megan Mullen -- Tom now is happily performing with Amanda Wells and Rod Nevin.

Tom is married to the amazing Michelle and is the father of two grown children, Vinnie and Molly, and the young twins Wolf and Annabelle. He also shares his home with dogs Charley and Finnegan. (Morgan, Tom's beloved canine companion for more than 15 years, his dogs Casey, Ronan and Gracie, and his cats Puck and Marlowe are now waiting for him on the other side.)

A wild Celt by nature (and proudly eccentric), Tom collects swords and other sharp, pre-gunpowder implements of destruction, which he stockpiles against the day the Romans, Saxons or Normans (re)invade. Although he is well-versed in several brands of computer, he is a proudly devoted Mac head.

Tom can be reached via email at

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Daniel Abraham
Balfour & Meriwether: The Incident of the Harrowmoor Dogs

Mario Acevedo
The Nymphos of Rocky Flats

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Cape May Ghost Stories, Book Two

Douglas Adams
The Salmon of Doubt: Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time

John Adcox
Raven Wakes the World: A Winter Tale

Charles Addams
The Charles Addams Mother Goose

Philip K. Allan
Alexander Clay #1: The Captain's Nephew
Alexander Clay #2: A Sloop of War
Alexander Clay #3: On the Lee Shore
Alexander Clay #4: A Man of No Country
Alexander Clay #5: The Distant Ocean
Alexander Clay #6: The Turn of the Tide
Alexander Clay #7: In Northern Seas
Alexander Clay #11: Clay & the River of Silver
Wolves WW2 #1: Sea of Wolves
Wolves WW2 #2: The Wolves in Winter

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Arthur, King

Kevin J. Anderson, editor
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Kelley Armstrong
Women of the Otherworld #1: Bitten

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Fighting Anthonys #2: HMS SeaWolf
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Shark Life: True Stories about Sharks & the Sea

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Langdon St. Ives: The Affair of the Chalk Cliffs
Langdon St. Ives: The Ebb Tide

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Blood Groove

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Blood Roses
House of Dolls
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Fighting Sail #6: The Torrid Zone
Fighting Sail #7: The Scent of Corruption
Fighting Sail #8: HMS Prometheus
Fighting Sail #9: The Blackstrap Station
Fighting Sail #10: Honour Bound
Fighting Sail #11: Sealed Orders
Fighting Sail #12: Sea Trials
Fighting Sail #13: Lone Escort
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Fighting Sail #15: On the Barbary Coast

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Edward Chupack

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On the Bloodstained Field
On the Bloodstained Field II

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The Complete Works of O'Carolan

Max Allan Collins
Calendar Girl: Sweet & Sexy Pin-ups of the Postwar Era

Pat Lowery Collins

Nycole Collins
Columbia: Vice Wars on Front Street

Eileen Colwell, editor
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Tom Connery
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Markham of the Marines #2: Honour Redeemed
Markham of the Marines #3: Honour Be Damned

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Ghost Stories of Venice

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Mel Bay's Complete Irish Fiddle Player

Susan Cooper
The Boggart

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Under the Black Flag

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Kevin Crossley-Holland
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Sheldon Currie
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The Spiderwick Chronicles #2: The Seeing Stone
The Spiderwick Chronicles #3: Lucinda's Secret
The Spiderwick Chronicles #4: The Ironwood Tree
The Spiderwick Chronicles #5: The Wrath of Mulgarath

Robyn & Tony DiTocco
The Hero Perseus

James Dodds
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Eric Jay Dolin
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Left for Dead: Shipwreck, Treachery, & Survival at the Edge of the World
Rebels at Sea: Privateering in the American Revolution

David Donachie
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John Pearce #2: A Shot Rolling Ship
John Pearce #3: An Awkward Commission
John Pearce #4: A Flag of Truce
John Pearce #5: The Admirals' Game
John Pearce #6: An Ill Wind
John Pearce #7: Blown Off Course
John Pearce #8: Enemies at Every Turn
John Pearce #9: A Sea of Troubles
John Pearce #10: A Divided Command
John Pearce #11: The Devil to Pay
John Pearce #12: The Perils of Command
John Pearce #13: A Treacherous Coast
John Pearce #14: On a Particular Service
John Pearce #15: A Close Run Thing
John Pearce #16: HMS Hazard
Nelson & Emma #1: On a Making Tide
Nelson & Emma #2: Tested by Fate
Nelson & Emma #3: Breaking the Line
The Privateersman Mysteries #1: The Devil's Own Luck
The Privateersman Mysteries #2: The Dying Trade
The Privateersman Mysteries #3: A Hanging Matter
The Privateersman Mysteries #4: An Element of Chance
The Privateersman Mysteries #5: The Scent of Betrayal
The Privateersman Mysteries #6: A Game of Bones

Mark P. Donnelly & Daniel Diehl
Pirates of New Jersey

Tim Dorsey
Orange Crush
Triggerfish Twist

Roddy Doyle
Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha
Yeats is Dead!, et al

Gardner Dozois
Shadow Twin, with George R.R. Martin & Daniel Abraham

Joan Druett
In the Wake of Madness
Rough Medicine: Surgeons at Sea in the Age of Sail
She Captains: Heroines & Hellions of the Sea

Kate Dunlay & David Greenberg
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Chris Durbin
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Carlisle & Holbrooke #2: The Leeward Islands Squadron
Carlisle & Holbrooke #3: The Jamaica Station
Carlisle & Holbrooke #4: Holbrooke's Tide
Carlisle & Holbrooke #5: The Cursed Fortress
Carlisle & Holbrooke #6: Perilous Shore
Carlisle & Holbrooke #7: Rocks & Shoals
Carlisle & Holbrooke #8: Niagara Squadron
Carlisle & Holbrooke #9: Ligurian Mission
Carlisle & Holbrooke #10: Nor'west by North
Carlisle & Holbrooke #11: Carlisle's Choice
Carlisle & Holbrooke #12: Treacherous Moon
Carlisle & Holbrooke #13: Cousins at Arms
Carlisle & Holbrooke #14: An Upright Man
Carlisle & Holbrooke #15: Old Bahama Straits
Carlisle & Holbrooke #16: Debatable Lands

Cassandra Eason
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Roger Ebert
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Randy Lee Eickhoff
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The Feast
The Raid
The Sorrows

Les Eldridge
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T.S. Eliot
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Richard Ellis
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Wesley Eure
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James D. Fair
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Eleanor Fairburn
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Anthony R. Fanning
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Tim Federle
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Will & Ian Ferguson
How to Be a Canadian

Jasper Fforde
The Big Over Easy
The Fourth Bear

Dorothy Burtz Fiedel
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W.H. Fitchett, editor
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Jim Fitzpatrick
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The Silver Arm

Mike Flanagan
It's About Time: How Long History Took

Charles Foran
Carolan's Farewell

Michael Thomas Ford
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Melody Foreman
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C.S. Forester
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#2: Lieutenant Hornblower
#3: Hornblower & the Hotspur
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#5: Hornblower & the Atropos
#6: Beat to Quarters
#7: Ship of the Line
#8: Flying Colours
#9: Commodore Hornblower
#10: Lord Hornblower
#11: Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies

Jodie Forrest
The Rhymer & the Ravens

Alan Dean Foster
Splinter of the Mind's Eye

Stephen Fox
Wolf of the Deep

Barry Foy
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Melissa Francis
Bite Me!

Valerie Estelle Frankel
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Brian James Freeman
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David Frew
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Brian Froud & Terry Jones
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Cari Fuchs, editor
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James Futch & James Newman
Night of the Loving Dead

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Chu's First Day of School, illustrated by Adam Rex
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George J. Galloway
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Mira Grant
When Will You Rise: Stories to End the World

Steven Grasse & Adam Erace, with Lee Noble
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Harry Gratwick
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T.M. Gray
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Images of War: US Cold War Tanks & Armoured Fighting Vehicles

Roger Lancelyn Green
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John Grehan & Alexander Nicoll
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Images of War: Dunkirk Evacuation - Operation Dynamo: Nine Days That Saved an Army

Thorarinn Gunnarsson
Revenge of the Valkyrie
Song of the Dwarves

Margaret Peterson Haddix
Just Ella

Tate Hallaway
Tall, Dark & Dead

Winifred Halsey, editor
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Laurell K. Hamilton
A Kiss of Shadows

Richard Hamilton
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Virginia Hamilton
In the Beginning: Creation Stories from Around the World

William C. Hammond III
The Cutler Family Chronicles #1: A Matter of Honor
The Cutler Family Chronicles #2: For Love of Country
The Cutler Family Chronicles #3: The Power & the Glory
The Cutler Family Chronicles #4: A Call to Arms
The Cutler Family Chronicles #5: How Dark the Night
The Cutler Family Chronicles #6: No Sacrifice Too Great
The Cutler Family Chronicles #7: To Distant Shores
The Cutler Family Chronicles #8: A Return to Duty

Mary Ann Harbar
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Charlaine Harris
Club Dead
Dead to the World
Dead Until Dark
Grave Sight

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Rachel Morgan #2: The Good, the Bad & the Undead
Rachel Morgan #3: Every Which Way But Dead

Karen Harvey
Oldest Ghosts: St. Augustine Haunts

Charles Boardman Hawes
The Dark Frigate

Jason Hawes & Grant Wilson, with Michael Jan Friedman
Ghost Hunting: True Stories of Unexplained Phenomena from the Atlantic Paranormal Society

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Hitler's Housewives: German Women on the Home Front

Rhiannon Held

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Skinny Dip
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Ghost Ship: The Mysterious True Story of the Mary Celeste & Her Missing Crew

David Wesley Hill
At Drake's Command

Mark Hillier
Royal Flying Corps Kitbag

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The English Civil War: Fact & Fiction

Blake Hoena
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The Tao of Pooh

Nina Kiriki Hoffman
The Silent Strength of Stones
The Thread That Binds the Bones

Gill Hoffs
The Lost Story of the William & Mary: The Cowardice of Captain Stinson
The Sinking of RMS Tayleur: The Lost Story of the Victorian Titanic

John Holenko
Contra Dance Encyclopedia

Cecelia Holland
The Kings in Winter

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Life of a Smuggler: Fact & Fiction

Tom Holt
Expecting Someone Taller
Flying Dutch
The Management Style of the Supreme Beings
Nothing But Blue Skies
Paint Your Dragon
When It's a Jar

Alexandra Horowitz
Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, & Know

Del Howison
When Werewolves Attack: A Field Guide to Dispatching Ravenous Flesh-Ripping Beasts

Thomas Hoyne
Wooden Ships & Iron Men

Tanya Huff
The Keeper's Chronicles #1: Summon the Keeper
The Keeper's Chronicles #3: Long Hot Summoning

Stan Hugill
Shanties from the Seven Seas

Seth Hunter
Nathan Peake #1: The Time of Terror
Nathan Peake #2: The Tide of War
Nathan Peake #3: The Price of Glory
Nathan Peake #4: The Winds of Folly
Nathan Peake #5: The Flag of Freedom
Nathan Peake #6: The Spoils of Conquest
Nathan Peake #7: The Sea of Silence
Nathan Peake #8: Trafalgar: The Fog of War
Nathan Peake #9: The Force of Fate

Olivia A. Isil
When a Loose Cannon Flogs a Dead Horse There's the Devil to Pay: Seafaring Words in Everyday Speech

Ashley Jackson
Ashley Jackson's Watercolour Sketches

Cary James
King & Raven

Stacey Jay
Dead on the Delta

J.J. Jenkins
The Napoleonic Wars, illustrated by William Heath

Steve Jenkins
The Beetle Book

Lisa Jensen
The Witch from the Sea

Tom A. Jerman
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Bill Jessome
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More Maritime Mysteries: Everyone Has a Story

Mark Jessop
The Royal Navy 1793-1800: Birth of a Superpower

Lauren Johnson
The Arrow of Sherwood

Iphigenia Jones
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What Would Wednesday Do?

Richard Kadrey
Sandman Slim

Josh Katz
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Malachy Kearns

Mark Keating
The Pirate Devlin

Brian Keene
City of the Dead
The Conqueror Worms
Dark Hollow
Dead Sea
Ghost Walk
Kill Whitey
The Rising

Conan Kennedy
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Julie Kenner
Carpe Demon

Alexander Kent
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Richard Bolitho #1b: Midshipman Bolitho & the Avenger
Richard Bolitho #1c: Band of Brothers
Richard Bolitho #2: Stand into Danger
Richard Bolitho #3: In Gallant Company
Richard Bolitho #4: Sloop of War
Richard Bolitho #5: To Glory We Steer
Richard Bolitho #6: Command a King's Ship
Richard Bolitho #7: Passage to Mutiny
Richard Bolitho #8: With All Despatch
Richard Bolitho #9: Form Line of Battle!
Richard Bolitho #10: Enemy in Sight!
Richard Bolitho #11: The Flag Captain
Richard Bolitho #12: Signal -- Close Action!
Richard Bolitho #13: The Inshore Squadron
Richard Bolitho #14: A Tradition of Victory
Richard Bolitho #15: Success to the Brave
Richard Bolitho #16: Colours Aloft!
Richard Bolitho #17: Honour This Day
Richard Bolitho #18: The Only Victor
Richard Bolitho #19: Beyond the Reef
Richard Bolitho #20: The Darkening Sea
Richard Bolitho #21: For My Country's Freedom
Richard Bolitho #22: Cross of St. George
Richard Bolitho #23: Sword of Honour
Adam Bolitho #24: Second to None
Adam Bolitho #25: Relentless Pursuit
Adam Bolitho #26: Man of War
Adam Bolitho #27: Heart of Oak
Adam Bolitho #28: In the King's Name

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Hell on Earth #2: The Road to Hell
Hell on Earth #3: Hotter Than Hell

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The Naval Adventures of Alan Lewrie #2: The French Admiral
The Naval Adventures of Alan Lewrie #3: The King's Commission
The Naval Adventures of Alan Lewrie #4: The King's Privateer
The Naval Adventures of Alan Lewrie #5: The Gun Ketch
The Naval Adventures of Alan Lewrie #6: H.M.S. Cockerel
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The Naval Adventures of Alan Lewrie #8: Jester's Fortune
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Honor #2: Point of Honor
Honor #3: Honorable Mention
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Honor #7: The Honored Dead

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Jacky Faber #2: Curse of the Blue Tattoo
Jacky Faber #3: Under the Jolly Roger
Jacky Faber #4: In the Belly of the Bloodhound
Jacky Faber #5: Mississippi Jack
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Jacky Faber #7: Rapture of the Deep
Jacky Faber #8: The Wake of the Lorelei Lee
Jacky Faber #9: The Mark of the Golden Dragon
Jacky Faber #10: Viva Jacquelina!
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Silver: Return to Treasure Island

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Sea Officer William Bentley #2: The Wicked Trade
Sea Officer William Bentley #3: The Spithead Nymph

James L. Nelson
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Brethren of the Coast #1: The Guardship
Brethren of the Coast #2: The Blackbirder
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The Confederate Navy #2: Thieves of Mercy
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Revolution at Sea #2: The Maddest Idea
Revolution at Sea #3: The Continental Risque
Revolution at Sea #4: Lords of the Ocean
Revolution at Sea #5: All the Brave Fellows
Revolution at Sea #6: The Falmouth Frigate

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More Ghosts of Gettysburg: Spirits, Apparitions & Haunted Places of the Battlefield

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Bruce Nunn
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Aubrey/Maturin #2: Post Captain
Aubrey/Maturin #3: H.M.S. Surprise
Aubrey/Maturin #4: The Mauritius Command
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Aubrey/Maturin #6: The Fortune of War
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Fintan O'Toole
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Richard Delancey #2: Devil to Pay
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Decision at Trafalgar
The Devil Himself: The Mutiny of 1800
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Nicholas Ramage #2: Ramage & the Drumbeat
Nicholas Ramage #3: Ramage & the Freebooters
Nicholas Ramage #4: Governor Ramage R.N.
Nicholas Ramage #5: Ramage's Prize
Nicholas Ramage #6: Ramage & the Guillotine
Nicholas Ramage #7: Ramage's Diamond
Nicholas Ramage #8: Ramage's Mutiny
Nicholas Ramage #9: Ramage & the Rebels
Nicholas Ramage #10: The Ramage Touch
Nicholas Ramage #11: Ramage's Signal
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Nicholas Ramage #16: Ramage at Trafalgar
Nicholas Ramage #17: Ramage & the Saracens
Nicholas Ramage #18: Ramage & the Dido

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Royal Marines Saga #2: The First to Land
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World War II: Dive in the Sun
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World War II: A Ship Must Die

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Charles Hayden #2: A Battle Won
Charles Hayden #3: Take, Burn or Destroy
Charles Hayden #4: Until the Sea Shall Give Up Her Dead

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Kydd #3: Seaflower
Kydd #4: Mutiny
Kydd #5: Quarterdeck
Kydd #6: Tenacious
Kydd #7: Command
Kydd #8: The Admiral's Daughter
Kydd #9: The Privateer's Revenge
Kydd #10: Invasion
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Kydd #12: Conquest
Kydd #13: Betrayal
Kydd #14: Caribbee
Kydd #15: Pasha
Kydd #16: Tyger
Kydd #17: Inferno
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Phillip Hazard #2: The Brave Captains
Phillip Hazard #3: Hazard's Command
Phillip Hazard #4: Hazard of Huntress
Phillip Hazard #5: Hazard in Circassia

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Images of War: The Battle for Warsaw 1939-1945
Images of War: Tank Wrecks of the Western Front 1940-1945

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Standards Left Ragged

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The War of 1812 #2: A Fine Tops'l Breeze
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William Tell Told Again

Gene Wolfe
Pirate Freedom

Andrew F. Wood
Road Trip America

Richard Woodman
Endangered Species
Nathaniel Drinkwater #1: An Eye of the Fleet
Nathaniel Drinkwater #2: A King's Cutter
Nathaniel Drinkwater #3: A Brig of War

Elvira Woodruff
Small Beauties

Persia Woolley
Child of the Northern Spring
Queen of the Summer Stars
Guinevere: The Legend in Autumn

John Hardy Wright
Sorcery in Salem

Glenn Yeffeth, editor
Five Seasons of Angel
Seven Seasons of Buffy
The Man from Krypton

Eugene & Mary Kuryla Yelchin
Ghost Files: The Haunting Truth

Jane Yolen
The Ballad of the Pirate Queens, with David Shannon
Dove Isabeau, illustrated by Dennis Nolan
The Fairies' Ring, with Stephen Mackey
The Fish Prince & Other Stories: Mermen Folk Tales, with Shulamith Oppenheim
Merlin & the Dragons, with Li Ming
Mightier Than the Sword: World Folktales for Strong Boys
The Stranded Whale
Take Joy: A Book for Writers
Tam Lin, with Charles Mikolaycak
Wings, with Dennis Nolan

Jane Yolen & Heidi Elisabet Yolen Stemple
The Wolf Girls: An Unsolved Mystery from History

John Yow
Wyland: 25 Years at Sea

Richard Zacks
The Pirate Hunter: The True Story of Captain Kidd

Federico Zeri
Munch: The Scream

Jack Zipes, editor
The Oxford Companion to Fairy Tales