"The fey wonders of the world exist while there are those with the sight to see them." (Charles de Lint, Into the Green)
Click on a letter if you're looking for a specific author by name. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Ben Aaronovitch
Rivers of London No. 4: Broken Homes
Mario Acevedo
The Nymphos of Rocky Flats
C.T. Adams & Cathy Clamp
Captive Moon
Touch of Evil
Douglas Adams
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
The Salmon of Doubt: Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time
John Adcox
Raven Wakes the World: A Winter Tale
David Almond
Christine Amsden
Touch of Fate
Ilona Andrews
Magic Bites
Magic Burns
Alex Archer
Rogue Angel #1: Destiny
Rogue Angel #2: Solomon's Jar
Rogue Angel #3: The Spider Stone
Rogue Angel #4: The Chosen
Kelley Armstrong
Women of the Otherworld #1: Bitten
Women of the Otherworld #2: Stolen
Women of the Otherworld #3: Dime Store Magic
Women of the Otherworld #4: Industrial Magic
Women of the Otherworld #5: Haunted
Women of the Otherworld #6: Broken
Women of the Otherworld #7: No Humans Involved
Women of the Otherworld #8: Personal Demon
Women of the Otherworld #9: Living with the Dead
Women of the Otherworld #12: Spell Bound
Steve Augarde
The Various
Richard Bach
Camille Bacon-Smith
Eyes of the Empress
The Face of Time
Alison Baird
The Hidden World
Nancy Baker
Blood & Chrysanthemums
The Night Inside (also published as Kiss of the Vampire)
L.A. Banks
My Big Fat Supernatural Wedding
Vampire Huntress #1: Minion
Vampire Huntress #2: The Awakening
Vampire Huntress #3: The Hunted
Nick Bantock
The Venetian's Wife
Adrienne Barbeau & Michael Scott
Vampyres of Hollywood
Peter S. Beagle
A Dance for Emilia
Elizabeth Bear
Promethean Age #1: Blood & Iron
Promethean Age #2: Whiskey & Water
Promethean Age #3: Ink & Steel
Promethean Age #4: Hell & Earth
Shadow Unit: Season One
Greg Bear
Dinosaur Summer
Lyn Benedict
Sins & Shadows
Nigel Bennett & P.N. Elrod
Keeper of the King
Alicia Benson
The First Vampire: A Novel of Samson & Delilah
Amber Benson & Christopher Golden
Ghosts of Albion: Accursed
Ghosts of Albion: Initiation
Ghosts of Albion: Witchery
The Seven Whistlers
Elaine Bergstrom
The Door Through Washington Square
David Bischoff, Rich Brown & Linda Richardson
A Personal Demon
Michael Bishop
Unicorn Mountain
Holly Black
Holly Black & Tony DiTerlizzi
The Spiderwick Chronicles #1: The Field Guide
The Spiderwick Chronicles #2: The Seeing Stone
The Spiderwick Chronicles #3: Lucinda's Secret
The Spiderwick Chronicles #4: The Ironwood Tree
The Spiderwick Chronicles #5: The Wrath of Mulgarath
Jenna Black
Dark Descendant
Guardians of the Night #1: Watchers in the Night
Guardians of the Night #2: Secrets in the Shadows
Guardians of the Night #3: Shadows on the Soul
Morgan Kingsley, Exorcist #1: The Devil Inside
James P. Blaylock
The Rainy Season
Thirteen Phantasms
James P. Blaylock, with Adriana Campoy, Brittany Cox & Alex Haniford
Francesca Lia Block
Blood Roses
House of Dolls
I Was a Teenage Fairy
Pretty Dead
The Rose & the Beast: Fairy Tales Retold
The Waters & the Wild
Edward Bloor
Story Time
Richard Bowes
From the Files of the Time Rangers
Minions of the Moon
Herbie Brennan
Faerie Wars
D. Barkley Briggs
Legends of Karac Tor: The Book of Names
Patricia Briggs
Alpha & Omega
Mercy Thompson #1: Moon Called
Mercy Thompson #2: Blood Bound
Mercy Thompson #3: Iron Kissed
Patricia Briggs, Eileen Wilks, Karen Chance, Sunny
On the Prowl
Kevin Brockmeier
The Brief History of the Dead
Terry Brooks
The Word & the Void #1: Running with the Demon
The Word & the Void #2: A Knight of the Word
The Word & the Void #3: Angel Fire East
S.G. Browne
Breathers: A Zombie's Lament
Steven Brust
Rick Buda
Margaret Buffie
The Watcher
Mikhail Bulgakov
The Master & Margarita
Emma Bull
Shadow Unit: Season One
War for the Oaks
Kealan Patrick Burke
The Number 121 to Pennsylvania & Others
Jim Butcher
The Dresden Files #1: Storm Front
The Dresden Files #2: Fool Moon
The Dresden Files #3: Grave Peril
The Dresden Files #4: Summer Knight
The Dresden Files #5: Death Masks
The Dresden Files #6: Blood Rites
The Dresden Files #7: Dead Beat
The Dresden Files #8: Proven Guilty
The Dresden Files #9: White Night
The Dresden Files #10: Small Favor
The Dresden Files #11: Turn Coat
The Dresden Files #12: Changes
The Dresden Files #13: Ghost Story
The Dresden Files: Backup
The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle, illustrated by Ardian Syaf
My Big Fat Supernatural Wedding
Side Jobs
Rachel Caine
Devil's Bargain
Devil's Due
The Morganville Vampires #1: Glass Houses
The Morganville Vampires #2: Dead Girl's Dance
The Morganville Vampires #3: Midnight Alley
The Morganville Vampires #9: Ghost Town
My Big Fat Supernatural Wedding
Outcast Season #1: Undone
The Undead
Weather Warden #1: Ill Wind
Weather Warden #2: Heat Stroke
Weather Warden #3: Chill Factor
Weather Warden #4: Windfall
Weather Warden #5: Firestorm
Weather Warden #6: Thin Air
Mayra Calvani
Embraced by the Shadows
Roy Campbell
Song of the Jackalope
Orson Scott Card
Magic Street
Isobelle Carmody
Little Fur: The Legend Begins
Jonathan Carroll
Bones of the Moon
The Ghost in Love
The Land of Laughs
The Marriage of Sticks
The Wooden Sea
Michael Chabon
The Yiddish Policemen's Union
Karen Chance
Claimed by Shadow
Touch the Dark
Karen Chance, Patricia Briggs, Eileen Wilks, Sunny
On the Prowl
Cassandra Clare
The Mortal Instruments #1: City of Bones
The Mortal Instruments #2: City of Ashes
The Mortal Instruments #3: City of Glass
Will Clarke
The Worthy: A Ghost's Story
Molly Cochran & Warren Murphy
The Forever King
Susan Cooper
The Boggart
The Dark is Rising #3: Greenwitch
King Of Shadows
Paul Cornell
London Falling
Charlene Costanzo
The Thirteenth Gift
Ron Costello
The Junto: Racing to the Bell
F. Brett Cox & Andy Duncan, editors
Crossroads: Tales of the Southern Literary Fantastic
Cindy Cruciger
Revenge Gifts
Marianne Curley
The Named
Keith Cymry
Hope in a Nutshell
Anna Dale
Whispering to Witches
Kara Dalkey
Crystal Sage
Steel Rose
Victoria Dalpe
Resurrectionist #1: Selene Shade: Resurrectionist for Hire
Shirley Damsgaard
Ophelia & Abby #2: Charmed to Death
Ophelia & Abby #3: The Trouble with Witches
Ophelia & Abby #4: Witch Hunt
Sheila A. Dane
Fairy Hunters, Ink.
Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, editors
The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest
Salon Fantastique
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 11th edition
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 12th edition
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 13th edition
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 14th edition
Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link & Gavin J. Grant, editors
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 18th annual edition
Peter David
Howling Mad
Knight Life
One Knight Only
MaryJanice Davidson
Derik's Bane
Sleeping with the Fishes
Swimming Without a Net
Undead & Unwed
Undead & Unemployed
Undead & Unappreciated
Pamela Dean
Juniper, Gentian & Rosemary
Tam Lin
Tom Deitz
Windmaster's Bane
Melissa de la Cruz
Blue Bloods #4: The Van Allen Legacy
Mark Del Franco
Connor Grey #1: Unshapely Things
Charles de Lint
Angel of Darkness, writing as Samuel M. Key
The Blue Girl
The Cats of Tanglewood Forest, illustrated by Charles Vess
A Circle of Cats, illustrated by Charles Vess
Crow Girls
The Dreaming Place
Dreams Underfoot
Forests of the Heart
The Hour Before Dawn
The Ivory & the Horn
Jack in the Green
Jack of Kinrowan
(omnibus: Jack the Giant-Killer, Drink Down the Moon)
Juniper Wiles
Juniper Wiles & the Ghost Girls
The Little Country
Little (Grrl) Lost
Medicine Road, illustrated by Charles Vess
Memory & Dream
Moonlight & Vines
The Mystery of Grace
The Newford Stories
(omnibus: Dreams Underfoot, The Ivory & the Horn, Moonlight & Vines)
Newford Stories: Crow Girls
Old Man Crow
The Onion Girl
The Painted Boy
Promises to Keep
Quicksilver & Shadow
Seven Wild Sisters
Someplace to be Flying
Spirits in the Wires
Tapping the Dream Tree
Triskell Tales: 22 Years of Chapbooks
Triskell Tales 2
Waifs & Strays
What the Mouse Found & Other Stories
The Wild Wood, illustrated by Brian Froud
Nicole Del Sesto
All Encompassing Trip
Tony DiTerlizzi & Holly Black
The Spiderwick Chronicles #1: The Field Guide
The Spiderwick Chronicles #2: The Seeing Stone
The Spiderwick Chronicles #3: Lucinda's Secret
The Spiderwick Chronicles #4: The Ironwood Tree
The Spiderwick Chronicles #5: The Wrath of Mulgarath
Robyn & Tony DiTocco
Atlas' Revenge
The Hero Perseus
Carole Nelson Douglas
Delilah Street, Paranormal Investigator #1: Dancing with Werewolves
Emily Drake
The Magickers
The Magickers #2: The Curse of Arkady
The Magickers #3: The Dragon Guard
The Magickers #4: The Gate of Bones
Jocelynn Drake
Dark Days #3: Dawnbreaker
Glen Duncan
I, Lucifer: Finally, the Other Side of the Story
Frederic Durbin
P.N. Elrod & Nigel Bennett
Keeper of the King
Michael Ende
Louise Erdrich
The Antelope Wife
Laura Esquivel
The Law of Love
Like Water for Chocolate
Doug Farrell
Glamour Job: A Fairy-Tale for Grown-ups
Mick Farren
The Time of Feasting
Jasper Fforde
Jack Spratt Investigates: The Big Over Easy
Jack Spratt Investigates: The Fourth Bear
Thursday Next: The Eyre Affair
Thursday Next: Lost in a Good Book
Thursday Next: The Well of Lost Plots
Thursday Next: Something Rotten
Catherine Fisher
Marina Fitch
The Border
Sheree Fitch
The Gravesavers
John M. Ford
The Last Hot Time
Michael Thomas Ford
Jane Bites Back
Alan Dean Foster
To the Vanishing Point
Melissa Francis
Bite Me!
Bob Freeman
Cairnwood Manor, Book I: Shadows Over Somerset
Emma Gabor
Neil Gaiman
American Gods
Anansi Boys
Good Omens, with Terry Pratchett
The Graveyard Book
The Ocean at the End of the Lane
Yasmine Galenorn
Sisters of the Moon #1: Witchling
Sisters of the Moon #2: Changeling
Alan Garner
The Owl Service
James Finn Garner
Politically Correct Holiday Stories for an Enlightened Yuletide Season
Chris Genoa
Adele Geras
Egerton Hall, Book 1: The Tower Room
K.L. Going
The Garden of Eve
Christopher Golden
Ghosts of Albion: Accursed, with Amber Benson
Ghosts of Albion: Initiation, with Amber Benson
Ghosts of Albion: Witchery, with Amber Benson
The Seven Whistlers, with Amber Benson
Lisa Goldstein
Dark Cities Underground
Walking the Labyrinth
Jewelle Gomez
The Gilda Stories
Laurence Gonzales
Richard Grant
In the Land of Winter
Kaspian Lost
Tex & Molly in the Afterlife
Cheryl Gray
Barefootin': A Caribbean Tale of the Paranormal
Simon R. Green
Nightside #1: Something from the Nightside
Nightside #2: Agents of Light & Darkness
Nightside #3: Nightingale's Lament
Nightside #4: Hex & the City
Nightside #5: Paths Not Taken
Nightside #6: Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth
Nightside #7: Hell to Pay
Nightside #8: The Unnatural Inquirer
Daryl Gregory
Ken Grimwood
Louis N. Gruber
Jay: A Spiritual Fantasy
Talia Gryphon
Gillian Key, ParaDoc #1: Key to Conflict
Paula Guran, editor
The Best New Paranormal Romance
Justin Gustainis
Black Magic Woman
Ann Halam
Tate Hallaway
Garnet Lacey #1: Tall, Dark & Dead
Garnet Lacey #2: Dead Sexy
Garnet Lacey #3: Romancing the Dead
Garnet Lacey #4: Dead If I Do
Winifred Halsey, editor
Heaven & Hell
Laurell K. Hamilton
Guilty Pleasures
Incubus Dreams
A Kiss of Shadows
Obsidian Butterfly
Elmore Hammes
The Holmes & Watson Mysterious Events & Objects Consortium: The Case of the Witch's Talisman
Dani Harper
Dark Wolf No. 1: First Bite
Charlaine Harris
Harper Connelly Mysteries #1: Grave Sight
Harper Connelly Mysteries #2: Grave Surprise
Harper Connelly Mysteries #3: An Ice Cold Grave
My Big Fat Supernatural Wedding
Southern Vampire #1: Dead Until Dark
Southern Vampire #2: Living Dead in Dallas
Southern Vampire #3: Club Dead
Southern Vampire #4: Dead to the World
Southern Vampire #5: Dead as a Doornail
Southern Vampire #6: Definitely Dead
Southern Vampire #7: All Together Dead
Southern Vampire #8: From Dead to Worse
Charlaine Harris & Toni L.P. Kelner, editors
Many Bloody Returns
Kim Harrison
Rachel Morgan #1: Dead Witch Walking
Rachel Morgan #2: The Good, the Bad & the Undead
Rachel Morgan #3: Every Which Way But Dead
Rachel Morgan #4: A Fistful of Charms
Rachel Morgan #5: For a Few Demons More
Rachel Hawthorne
Dark Guardians #1: Moonlight
Julie Hearn
Sign of the Raven
Rhiannon Held
Sheila Hendrix
Bad Company
Bruce Hennigan
Jonathan Steel Chronicles #2: The 12th Demon: Vampyre Majick
James A. Hetley
Stonefort #1: Dragon's Eye
Stonefort #2: Dragon's Teeth
The Summer Country
The Winter Oak
Jason Hightman
The Saint of Dragons
Debora Elizabeth Hill & Sandra Brandenburg
Lost Myths Saga, Vol. I: The Land of the Wand
T.L. Hines
Waking Lazarus
Alice Hoffman
The Probable Future
Water Tales
(omnibus: Aquamarine, Indigo)
Mary Hoffman
Stravaganza: City of Masks
Stravaganza: City of Stars
Nina Kiriki Hoffman
A Fistful of Sky
A Red Heart of Memories
The Silent Strength of Stones
The Thread That Binds the Bones
Robert Holdstock
The Hollowing
Mythago Wood
Tom Holt
Djinn Rummy
Expecting Someone Taller
Faust Among Equals
Flying Dutch
Little People
The Management Style of the Supreme Beings
My Hero
Nothing But Blue Skies
Only Human
Open Sesame
Paint Your Dragon
The Portable Door
Snow White & the Seven Samurai
When It's a Jar
Who's Afraid of Beowulf?
Wish You Were Here
Nancy Holzner
J.E. Hopkins
Lover's Betrayal
Nalo Hopkinson & Geoff Ryman, editors
Tesseracts Nine
Colleen Houck
Tiger's Curse
Tiger's Quest
David L. Howells
Vanessa: Family Tree
Vanessa: All Heaven Breaks Loose
Vanessa: Mended Harps
Vanessa: Fallen Colors
Tanya Huff
Blood Ties #1: Blood Price
Blood Ties #2: Blood Trail
Blood Ties #3: Blood Lines
Blood Ties #4: Blood Pact
Blood Ties #5: Blood Debt
Gate of Darkness, Circle of Light
The Keeper's Chronicles #1: Summon the Keeper
The Keeper's Chronicles #2: The Second Summoning
The Keeper's Chronicles #3: Long Hot Summoning
Smoke #1: Smoke & Shadows
Smoke #2: Smoke & Mirrors
Smoke #3: Smoke & Ashes
Eva Ibbotson
The Secret of Platform 13
Stacey Jay
Dead on the Delta
Susan B. Johnson
Spirit Willing: A Savannah Haunting
Diana Wynne Jones
Deep Secret
Witch Week
Graham Joyce
Dark Sister
The Tooth Fairy
Richard Kadrey
Sandman Slim
Lauren Kate
Susan Kearney
Midnight Magic, with Rebecca York & Jeanie London
Julie Kenner
Carpe Demon
Sherrilyn Kenyon
Dark Hunter #7: Seize the Night
Jackie Kessler
Hell on Earth #1: Hell's Belles
Hell on Earth #2: The Road to Hell
Hell on Earth #3: Hotter Than Hell
Stephen King
Blockade Billy
Karen Koehler
Robert Kroese
Mercury Falls
Mercedes Lackey
Burning Water
Knight of Ghosts & Shadows, with Ellen Guon
Jinx High
Sacred Ground
James Richard Larson
The Right Thing
Michael Lawrence
Withern Rise #1: A Crack in the Line
Jonathan Lethem
The Fortress of Solitude
Paul Levinson
It's Real Life: An Alternate History of the Beatles
The Plot to Save Socrates
Maria Lima
Blood Lines #1: Matters of the Blood
Jane Lindskold
Kelly Link & Gavin J. Grant, editors
The Best of Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet
Holly Lisle
Last Girl Dancing
Night Echoes
Denise Little, editor
The Magic Shop
The Sorcerer's Academy
Marjorie M. Liu
Hunter Kiss #3: A Wild Light
Roxanne Longstreet
The Undead
Janet Lorimer
Master of Shadows
Valerie Rolfe Lupini
The Whistle
Katie MacAlister
Aisling Grey, Guardian #1: You Slay Me
Aisling Grey, Guardian #2: Fire Me Up
R.A. MacAvoy
Tea with the Black Dragon
Carolyn MacCullough
Once a Witch
Karen Macinerney
Tales of an Urban Werewolf #1: Howling at the Moon
A. Lee Martinez
Gil's All Fright Diner
L.S. Matthews
The Outcasts
Erin McCarthy
Vegas Vampires #1: High Stakes
Vegas Vampires #2: Bit the Jackpot
Vegas Vampires #3: Bled Dry
Vegas Vampires #4: Sucker Bet
Jeremy McGuire
O'Shaughnessey: A Boy & His Leprechaun
Patricia A. McKillip
Solstice Wood
Something Rich & Strange, illustrated by Brian Froud
Robin McKinley
Richelle Mead
Georgina Kincaid #1: Succubus Blues
Georgina Kincaid #2: Succubus On Top
Georgina Kincaid #3: Succubus Dreams
Georgina Kincaid #4: Succubus Heat
Vampire Academy
Carlton Mellick III
The Menstruating Mall
Punk Land
Sea of the Patchwork Cats
Sex & Death in Television Town
O.R. Melling
The Druid's Tune
The Hunter's Moon
The Light-Bearer's Daughter
The Summer King
Colin Meloy
The Wildwood Chronicles, Book I: Wildwood
Sienna Mercer
My Sister the Vampire #1: Switched
My Sister the Vampire #4: Vampalicious!
Stephenie Meyer
Twilight #2: New Moon
Twilight #4: Breaking Dawn
David Michael
The Summoning Fire
Kate Milford
The Boneshaker
Martin Millar
The Good Fairies of New York
Jonna L. Miller
Haunting for Time
Bob Mitchell
Match Made in Heaven
Alexandra Monir
Christopher Moore
Bloodsucking Fiends: A Love Story
Coyote Blue
A Dirty Job
The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove
Practical Demonkeeping
The Stupidest Angel
You Suck
James Morrow
Only Begotten Daughter
Lisa Morton
Natasha Mostert
C.E. Murphy
Baba Yaga's Daughter & Other Tales of the Old Races
Walker Papers #1: Urban Shaman
The Walker Papers #3: Coyote Dreams
Walker Papers #6: Spirit Dances
Yxta Maya Murray
Red Lion #2: The King's Gold
Justine Musk
Ryan O'Brien
The Land of Whoo
TJ O'Connor
Dying to Know
Tim O'Laughlin
Phoenix Fire
Pat O'Shea
The Hounds of the Morrigan
Stephen R. Pastore
Never on These Shores
James Patterson
Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment (audiobook)
Nicole Peeler
Tempest Rising
Nicholas Pekearo
The Wolfman
Stefan Petrucha
The Rule of Won
Vicki Pettersson
Sign of the Zodiac #1: Scent of Shadows
Sign of the Zodiac #2: Taste of Night
Sign of the Zodiac #3: Touch of Twilight
Christopher Pike
Barbara Ann Porte
Beauty & the Serpent: Thirteen Tales of Unnatural Animals
Tim Powers
Down & Out in Purgatory
The Drawing of the Dark
Earthquake Weather
Expiration Date
Last Call
Salvage & Demolition
Terry Pratchett
Good Omens, with Neil Gaiman
Johnny & the Bomb
Johnny & the Dead
Only You Can Save Mankind
Cherie Priest
The Agony House
The Borden Dispatches #1: Maplecroft
Eden Moore #1: Four & Twenty Blackbirds
Eden Moore #2: Wings to the Kingdom
Eden Moore #3: Not Flesh Nor Feathers
Grave Reservations
The Toll
Jack Priest
Night Witch
Daniel Quinn
The Holy
Melanie Rawn
Kimberly Raye
The Devil's in the Details
W. Craig Reed
Kristopher Reisz
Tripping to Somewhere
Laura Resnick
Disappearing Nightly
Kat Richardson
Greywalker #1: Greywalker
Greywalker #2: Poltergeist
Greywalker #6: Downpour
Tom Robbins
Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas
Skinny Legs & All
Lane Robins
Sins & Shadows (as Lyn Benedict)
Spider Robinson
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon
Lawrence Lee Rowe Jr.
Tempus Fugit
J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows
Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them
Quidditch Through the Ages
Salman Rushdie
The Ground Beneath Her Feet
The Moor's Last Sigh
Alan Peter Ryan
The Back of Beyond
Geoff Ryman
Geoff Ryman & Nalo Hopkinson, editors
Tesseracts Nine
Don Sakers
The Curse of the Zwilling
Suza Scalora
The Fairies
Ezra Scott
Angel Up My Sleeve
Adam Selzer
I Kissed a Zombie, and I Liked It
Lorelei Shannon
Rags & Old Iron
Rich Shapero
Wild Animus
Lucius Shepard
A Handbook of American Prayer
Ben Sherwood
The Death & Life of Charlie St. Cloud
Will Shetterly
The Gospel of the Knife
Shadow Unit: Season One
Kory M. Shrum
Dying for a Living
Neal Shusterman
Kassandra Sims
Falling Upwards
Susan Sizemore
Laws of the Blood: Deceptions
Laws of the Blood: Heroes
Barry H. Smith
Twilight Dynasty: Courting Evil
Dean Wesley Smith
All Eve's Hallows
Jeri Smith-Ready
Wicked Game
Midori Snyder
Hannah's Garden
Jenna Solitaire
Daughter of Destiny #3: Keeper of the Flames
Daughter of Destiny #4: Keeper of the Earth
Kerrelyn Sparks
Love at Stake #1: How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire
Wen Spencer
Nancy Springer
Fair Peril
The Hex Witch of Seldom
Jeanne C. Stein
The Anna Strong Chronicles #1: The Becoming
The Anna Strong Chronicles #3: The Watcher
John Stephens
Books of Beginning: The Emerald Atlas
Sean Stewart
The Night Watch
Resurrection Man
David Sturm
Welcome to Breezewood
Tamara Summers
Never Bite a Boy on the First Date
Mitzi Szereto, editor
Red Velvet & Absinthe
Karen E. Taylor
Blood Secrets
Laini Taylor
Lips Touch: Three Times
Diana Secker Tesdell, editor
Bedtime Stories
Jean Thesman
The Other Ones
Kate Thompson
Midnight's Choice
Wild Blood
Rob Thurman
Cal Leandros #1: Nightlife
Cal Leandros #2: Moonshine
Chris Van Allsburg
The Chronicles of Harris Burdick: 14 Amazing Authors Tell the Tales
Carrie Vaughn
Kitty Norville #2: Kitty Goes to Washington
Kitty Norville #3: Kitty Takes a Holiday
Kitty Norville #4: Kitty & the Silver Bullet
Lynn Viehl
If Angels Burn
Rachel Vincent
Shifters #1: Stray
Jo Walton
Among Others
Daniel Waters
Generation Dead
Steven E. Wedel
Robert Weinberg
The Occult Detective
Julie Ann Weinstein
Flashes from the Otherworld
Phaedra Weldon
Zoe Martinique Investigations #1: Wraith
Kathryn Wesley
The 10th Kingdom
Kim Wilkins
The Autumn Castle
Chet Williamson
The Crow: Clash By Night
Figures in Rain
The Searchers #1: City of Iron
The Searchers #2: Empire of Dust
Second Chance
Connie Willis
Inside Job
Winds of Marble Arch & Other Stories
G. Willow Wilson
Alif the Unseen
Jenine Wilson
The Shadow Within
Terri Windling
The Changeling
Terri Windling
The Wood Wife
Terri Windling & Ellen Datlow, editors
The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest
Salon Fantastique
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 11th edition
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 12th edition
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 13th edition
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 14th edition
Mary Ann Winkowski & Maureen Foley
The Book of Illumination
Rowena Wright
A Loop in Time
Jane Yolen
Briar Rose
Tartan Magic #1: The Wizard's Map
Rebecca York, Susan Kearney & Jeanie London
Midnight Magic