Diana Gabaldon
Outlander #2: Dragonfly in Amber
Emma Gabor
Neil Gaiman
American Gods
Anansi Boys
Black Orchid, with Dave McKean
Blueberry Girl, illustrated by Charles Vess
The Books of Magic
Chu's Day, illustrated by Adam Rex
Chu's First Day of School, illustrated by Adam Rex
Creatures of the Night, with Michael Zulli
The Facts in the Case of the Departure of Miss Finch, with Michael Zulli
Good Omens, with Terry Pratchett
The Graveyard Book
Harlequin Valentine, with John Bolton
Live at the Aladdin
M is for Magic
Murder Mysteries, with P. Craig Russell
Norse Mythology
The Ocean at the End of the Lane
The Sandman
The Sandman: The Dream Hunters, with Yoshitaka Amano
The Sandman: Endless Nights
A Short Film About John Bolton
Two Plays for Voices: Snow Glass Apples, Murder Mysteries
The Wolves in the Walls, with Dave McKean
Neil Gaiman & Ed Kramer, editors
The Sandman: Book of Dreams
Debra Galant
Yasmine Galenorn
Sisters of the Moon #1: Witchling
Sisters of the Moon #2: Changeling
Tess Gallagher
At the Owl Woman Saloon
Michael Gallant, Raymond M. Coulombe & Timothy O. Goyette
Quantum Musings
George J. Galloway
The Powder Monkey
Alton Gansky
The Incumbent
Louis Garafalo
The Sassamon Circle
Eric Garcia
Anonymous Rex
Casual Rex
Hot & Sweaty Rex
Nancy Garden
The Year They Burned the Books
Meg Gardiner
Phantom Instinct
Earl Stanley Gardner, writing as A.A. Fair
The Knife Slipped
Alan Garner
The Owl Service
James Finn Garner
Politically Correct Holiday Stories for an Enlightened Yuletide Season
Elizabeth Garrett
The Sweet Trade
Ginger Garrett
Chronicles of the Scribe #2: In the Arms of Immortals
Tom Gauthier
Mead's Trek
Chad Gayle
Let It Be
David Gemmell
Rigante #1: Sword in the Storm
Chris Genoa
Lisa Genova
Still Alice
Mary Gentle
Rats & Gargoyles
1610: A Sundial in a Grave
Worlds That Weren't, with Harry Turtledove, et al
Elizabeth George
I, Richard
Jessica Day George
Princess of the Midnight Ball
Tuesdays at the Castle
Adele Geras
Egerton Hall, Book 1: The Tower Room
Tess Gerritsen
Body Double
David Gerrold
Alternate Gerrolds
Julie Gerstenblatt
Daughters of Nantucket
Jeffrey Getzin
The Bryanae #1: Prince of Bryanae
Brent Ghelfi
The Burning Lake
Amitav Ghosh
The Glass Palace
Kurt R.A. Giambastiani
From the Heart of the Storm
Shadow of the Storm
Jayel Gibson
The Wrekening
William Gibson
All Tomorrow's Parties
The Difference Engine, with Bruce Sterling
Pattern Recognition
Patricia Reilly Giff
Maggie's Door
Water Street
Rachel Gillig
The Shepherd King #1: One Dark Window
ElizaBeth Gilligan
Silken Magic #1: Magic's Silken Snare
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Lucy Gilmore
The Library of Borrowed Hearts
Bettye Hammer Givens
The Diaries of Emily Saidouili
Isabel Glass
Daughter of Exile
Leslie Glass
Tracking Time
Thomas Glavinic
Night Work
Kathryn Glendinning
After Gus
Molly Gloss
The Dazzle of Day
Alan Glynn
The Dark Fields
P.J. Goddard
Parke Godwin
Beloved Exile
Robin & the King
Waiting for the Galactic Bus
K.L. Going
The Garden of Eve
Glen David Gold
Carter Beats the Devil
Christopher Golden
Baltimore, or The Steadfast Tin Soldier & the Vampire, with Mike Mignola
The Gathering Dark
Ghosts of Albion: Accursed, with Amber Benson
Ghosts of Albion: Initiation, with Amber Benson
Ghosts of Albion: Witchery, with Amber Benson
The Seven Whistlers, with Amber Benson
Spike & Dru: Pretty Maids All in a Row
Shari Goldhagen
Family & Other Accidents
William Goldman
The Princess Bride
The Silent Gondoliers
Lisa Goldstein
Dark Cities Underground
Daughter of Exile, writing as Isabel Glass
Walking the Labyrinth
Jewelle Gomez
The Gilda Stories
Laurence Gonzales
Beth Goobie
Before Wings
David Goodis
Shoot the Piano Player
Terry Goodkind
Naked Empire
T. Ray Gordon
Inhumanity Quest
Strawberry Automatic
Tears of the Tin God
Sherry Gottlieb
Worse Than Death
Steven Gould
Blind Waves
Walter Gourlay, Chris Kemp & Frances Rossi, editors
Monterey Shorts
Barbara Gowdy
Mister Sandman
The White Bone
Jadan B. Grace
Anna Chase & the Butterfly Girls
Ian Graham
Winston Graham
Bella Poldark: A Novel of Cornwall, 1818-1820
Seth Grahame-Smith
Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter
Pride & Prejudice & Zombies, with Jane Austen
Amanda Grange
Mr. Darcy's Diary
John Grange
Super-Detective Flip Book: Legion of Robots/Murder's Migrants
Alan Grant
The Stone King
Mira Grant
When Will You Rise: Stories to End the World
Richard Grant
In the Land of Winter
Kaspian Lost
Tex & Molly in the Afterlife
Cheryl Gray
Barefootin': A Caribbean Tale of the Paranormal
Margaret Gray
The Ugly Princess & the Wise Fool
Richard Gray
The Piaculum
Lisa M. & Michael S.A. Graziano
Cretaceous Dawn
Nathan Graziano
Simon R. Green
Deathstalker Coda
Deathstalker Legacy
Deathstalker Return
Nightside #1: Something from the Nightside
Nightside #2: Agents of Light & Darkness
Nightside #3: Nightingale's Lament
Nightside #4: Hex & the City
Nightside #5: Paths Not Taken
Nightside #6: Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth
Nightside #7: Hell to Pay
Nightside #8: The Unnatural Inquirer
Tim Green
Exact Revenge (audiobook)
The Fifth Angel (audiobook)
The First 48 (audiobook)
The Fourth Perimeter (audiobook)
Kingdom Come (audiobook)
Martin H. Greenberg, editor
Apprentice Fantastic, with Russell Davis
Future Wars, with Larry Segriff
Haunted Holidays, with Russell Davis
Horrible Beginnings, with Steven H. Silver
Knight Fantastic, with John Helfers
Magical Beginnings, with Steven H. Silver
Once Upon a Galaxy, with John Helfers & Wil McCarthy
Pharaoh Fantastic, with Brittiany A. Koren
The Repentant, with Brian M. Thomsen
Sol's Children, with Jean Rabe
Space Stations, with John Helfers
Wondrous Beginnings, with Steven H. Silver
Brian Greene
Icarus at the Edge of Time
Daryl Gregory
Thomas S. Gressman
Operation Sierra-75 (Vor, No. 6)
H. Terrell Griffin
Bitter Legacy
Blood Island
Elly Griffiths
Ruth Galloway Mysteries #14: The Locked Room
Martha Grimes
The Dirty Duck
Jim Grimsley
Kirith Kirin
Ken Grimwood
Maggie Grinnell
Isabella & Penelope
John Grisham
Camino Ghosts
Camino Island
Camino Winds
A Painted House
A Time to Kill
Hendrik Groen
The Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen, 83 1/4 Years Old
On the Bright Side: The New Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen, 85 Years Old
Davis Grubb
Night of the Hunter
Louis N. Gruber
Jay: A Spiritual Fantasy
Sara Gruen
Ape House
Talia Gryphon
Gillian Key, ParaDoc #1: Key to Conflict
Kevin Guilfoile
Cast of Shadows
Laurent Guillaume
White Leopard
James Gunn & Jack Williamson
Star Bridge
Val Gunn
In the Shadow of Swords
Thorarinn Gunnarsson
Song of the Dwarves
Revenge of the Valkyrie
Paula Guran, editor
The Best New Paranormal Romance
Justin Gustainis
Black Magic Woman
