David P. Wagner
Death in the Dolomites
Katie Waitman
The Divided
The Merro Tree
Mark H. Walker
Everyone Dies in the End
Saskia Walker
The Strangeling
Unveiling the Sorceress
Brian Wallace
Labyrinth of Chaos
Jill Paton Walsh
A Parcel of Patterns
Minette Walters
The Devil's Feather
Jo Walton
Among Others
Annie Wang
The People's Republic of Desire
Michael D. Warden
The Pearlsong Refounding #1: Gideon's Dawn
Ruth Ware
The It Girl
James Warhola
Uncle Andy's Cats
Alan Warner
Morvern Callar
These Demented Lands
Dean Warren
Growing Young
The Last Underclass
Wendy Wasserstein
Elements of Style
Gary Alan Wassner
GemQuest #1: The Twins
Daniel Waters
Generation Dead
Elsa Watson
Maid Marian
Peter Watts
Tracy Weber
A Downward Dog Mystery: A Fatal Twist
A Downward Dog Mystery: Karma's a Killer
Steven E. Wedel
Curt Weeden & Richard Marek
Book of Nathan
David Heska Wanbli Weiden
Winter Counts
Robert Weinberg
The Occult Detective
Andrew Weiner
Getting Near the End
Diane Weiner
Murder is Chartered
Julie Ann Weinstein
Flashes from the Otherworld
Andy Weir
The Martian
Alexandrea Weis
Lauren Weisberger
The Devil Wears Prada
Revenge Wears Prada: The Devil Returns
When Life Gives You Lululemons
Phaedra Weldon
Zoe Martinique Investigations #1: Wraith
David Wellington
Monster Island
Monster Nation
Martha Wells
City of Bones
The Element of Fire
Stargate Atlantis: Reliquary
Wheel of the Infinite
Rebecca Wells
Little Altars Everywhere
Jane Werner
Walt Disney's Bunny Book
Kathryn Wesley
The 10th Kingdom
Debbie Lee Wesselmann
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Strange Tales
Michelle West
The Sun Sword
William Westbrook
Nicholas Fallon #1: The Bermuda Privateer
Nicholas Fallon #2: The Black Ring
Nicholas Fallon #3: Barbarians on an Ancient Sea
Scott Westerfeld
Evolution's Darling
Fine Prey
Donald E. Westlake
The Comedy is Finished
Charles Wheeler
Jannaway's Mutiny
Christopher Whitcomb
C.D. White
The Broken Sword
Standards Left Ragged
James White
The Genocidal Healer
Kate White
A Body to Die For (audiobook)
If Looks Could Kill (audiobook)
'Til Death Do Us Part (audiobook)
T.H. White
The Once & Future King
William H. White
The Greater the Honor
In Pursuit of Glory
The War of 1812 #1: A Press of Canvas
The War of 1812 #2: A Fine Tops'l Breeze
The War of 1812 #3: The Evening Gun
Colson Whitehead
The Intuitionist
Aliya Whitely
The Beauty
David Whitewolf
Aunt Puff & Missing Minerva
Stephanie Grace Whitson
A Garden in Paris
Allison Whittenberg
Life is Fine
Harry Whittington
Body & Passion
A Haven for the Damned
Like Mink, Like Murder
To Find Cora
J. Robert Whittle
Lizzie: Lethal Innocence
Lizzie's Secret Angels
Tina Whittle
Deeper Than the Grave
Jack Whyte
The Saxon Shore
Leonard Wibberly
The Mouse That Roared
Susan Wiggs
The Lost & Found Bookshop
Kate Wilhelm
The Deepest Water
Tamara Wilhite
Humanity's Edge
Kim Wilkins
The Autumn Castle
Francis T. Perry Williams
Pollen & the Ring of Harmony
Gordon Williams
The Siege of Trencher's Farm
Jeanne Williams
The Island Harp
Jeffrey S. Williams
Anne Bonney: My Pirate Story
Pirate Spirit: The Adventures of Anne Bonney
Lynda Williams & Alison Sinclair
Throne Price
Robina Williams
Jerome & the Seraph
Sean Williams & Shane Dix
Heirs of the Earth
Orphans of Earth
Tad Williams
Otherland: Sea of Silver Light
The War of the Flowers
Walter Jon Williams
Worlds That Weren't, with Harry Turtledove, et al
Wayne Williams
Mystery of the Golden Table
Chet Williamson
The Crow: Clash By Night
Figures in Rain
McKain's Dilemma
Pennsylvania Dutch Night Before Christmas, illustrated by James Rice
The Searchers #1: City of Iron
The Searchers #2: Empire of Dust
Second Chance
The Story of Noichi the Blind
Laurie & Chet Williamson
Murder Old & New
A Step Across
Jack Williamson & James Gunn
Star Bridge
Connie Willis
All Clear
Doomsday Book
Fire Watch
Inside Job
Lincoln's Dreams
Miracle & Other Christmas Stories
To Say Nothing of the Dog
Winds of Marble Arch & Other Stories
Larriane Wills
The Knowing
Budge Wilson
A Fiddle for Angus, illustrated by Susan Tooke
Connie Corcoran Wilson
The Color of Evil
D.L. Wilson
Unholy Grail
Gary A. Wilson
The Triangle
G. Willow Wilson
Alif the Unseen
Jenine Wilson
The Shadow Within
M.H. Wilson
The Galactic Seven
Robert Anton Wilson
The Walls Came Tumbling Down
Robert Charles Wilson
The Chronoliths
Sloan Wilson
The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit
Terri Windling
The Changeling
The Wood Wife
Terri Windling & Ellen Datlow, editors
Black Heart, Ivory Bones
Black Swan, White Raven
Black Thorn, White Rose
The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest
Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears
Salon Fantastique
Silver Birch, Blood Moon
Sirens & Other Daemon Lovers
Snow White, Blood Red
A Wolf at the Door: & Other Retold Fairy Tales
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 11th edition
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 12th edition
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 13th edition
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, 14th edition
Terri Windling & Wendy Froud
A Midsummer Night's Faery Tale
The Winter Child
Terri Windling & Delia Sherman, editors
The Essential Bordertown
Terri Windling & Ellen Steiber
The Raven Queen (Voyage of the Basset #2)
R.D. Wingfield
A Killing Frost
Mary Ann Winkowski & Maureen Foley
The Book of Illumination
J.B.B. Winner
The Strand Prophecy
Lolly Winston
Good Grief (audiobook)
Ariel S. Winter
The Twenty-Year Death
Laurel Winter
Growing Wings
William Wise
Christopher Mouse: The Tale of a Small Traveler
Paul Witcover
Waking Beauty
P.G. Wodehouse
The Adventures of Sally
A Damsel in Distress
The Girl on the Boat
Love Among the Chickens
A Man of Means
My Man Jeeves
Piccadilly Jim
Right Ho, Jeeves
The Swoop!, or How Clarence Saved England
Three Men & a Maid
Uneasy Money
William Tell Told Again
Susan Wojciechowski
The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey, illustrated by P.J. Lynch
Gene Wolfe
The Devil in a Forest
Home Fires
The Knight
Pirate Freedom
Elizabeth R. Wollheim & Sheila E. Gilbert, editors
30th Anniversary DAW: Fantasy
30th Anniversary DAW: Science Fiction
N. Lee Wood
Master of None
Chris Wooding
Storm Thief
Richard Woodman
Endangered Species
Nathaniel Drinkwater #1: An Eye of the Fleet
Nathaniel Drinkwater #2: A King's Cutter
Nathaniel Drinkwater #3: A Brig of War
Elvira Woodruff
Small Beauties
Persia Woolley
Child of the Northern Spring
Queen of the Summer Stars
Guinevere: The Legend in Autumn
Reavis Z. Wortham
Vengeance is Mine
Herman Wouk
A Hole in Texas (audiobook)
Patricia Wrede
Dealing With Dragons
Snow White & Rose Red
Sorcery & Cecelia, or The Enchanted Chocolate Pot: Being the Correspondence of Two Young Ladies of Quality Regarding Various Magical Scandals in London & the Country, with Caroline Stevermer
John Wrieden
The Souls of the Fire Dragon
John C. Wright
Fugitives of Chaos
Titans of Chaos
Rowena Wright
A Loop in Time
Steven Wright
Harold: A Novel
Susan Wright
Slave Trade
Terry Wright
The 13th Power
Gerald Allen Wunsch
Janny Wurts
To Ride Hell's Chasm
Evie Wyld
After the Fire, a Still Small Voice
Allen Wyler
Dead End Deal
Deadly Odds
Dead Wrong
Joseph Yakel
The Legend of Juggin Joe
Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
Borne in Blood
A Dangerous Climate
Dark of the Sun
Hotel Transylvania
A Mortal Glamour
Night Blooming
Roman Dusk
States of Grace
Paul Yee
Dead Man's Gold & Other Stories
Richard Yee
Deliveries: A Collection
Jane Yolen
The Ballad of the Pirate Queens, illustrated by David Shannon
Boots & the Seven Leaguers: A Rock-and-Troll Novel
Briar Rose
Dove Isabeau, illustrated by Dennis Nolan
The Fairies' Ring, illustrated by Stephen Mackey
Merlin & the Dragons, illustrated by Li Ming
Mightier Than the Sword: World Folktales for Strong Boys
Once Upon a Bedtime Story (audiobook)
The One-Armed Queen
The Pit Dragon #1: Dragon's Blood
The Pit Dragon #2: Heart's Blood
The Pit Dragon #3: A Sending of Dragons
Queen's Own Fool: A Novel of Mary, Queen of Scots, with Robert J. Harris
Raising Yoder's Barn, illustrated by Bernie Fuchs
The Sea Man, illustrated by Christopher Denise
The Stranded Whale
Sword of the Rightful King
Take Joy: A Book for Writers
Tam Lin, illustrated by Charles Mikolaycak
Tartan Magic #1: The Wizard's Map
The Wild Hunt
Wings, illustrated by Dennis Nolan
Wizard's Hall
Jane Yolen & Heidi Elisabet Yolen Stemple
Mary Celeste: An Unsolved Mystery from History, illustrated by Roger Roth
The Wolf Girls: An Unsolved Mystery from History, illustrated by Roger Roth
J. Steven York
Battletech/MechWarrior: Fortress of Lies
Rebecca York, Susan Kearney & Jeanie London
Midnight Magic
Marly Youmans
P. Orin Zack
The Shoals of Time
Carlos Ruiz Zafon
The Angel's Game (El juego del angel)
The Shadow of the Wind (La Sombra del Viento)
John Zaiss
A Dedication
John Zakour & Lawrence Ganem
The Doomsday Brunette
Lytchcov Zammana
The Otherhood
Nancy Zaroulis
The Poe Papers: A Tale of Passion
George Zebrowski
Black Pockets & Other Dark Thoughts
Roger Zelazny
Bring Me the Head of Prince Charming, with Robert Sheckley
Donnerjack, with Jane Linskold
The Great Book of Amber
Sarah Zettel
Fool's War
The Quiet Invasion
Gabrielle Zevin
The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry
Edra Ziesk
A Cold Spring
Diana S. Zimmerman
The Calabiyau Chronicles #1: Kandide & the Secret of the Mists
Marvin L. Zimmerman
The Ovum Factor
David Zindell
The Lightstone
Robert Zubrin
First Landing
The Holy Land
Gordon Zuckerman
The Sentinels: Fortunes of War
