Fred Saberhagen
Ariadne's Web
Jon Saboe
The Days of Peleg
Lynn Veach Sadler
Foot Ways
Not Dreamt of in Your Philosophy
Nick Sagan
Riley Sager
The Only One Left
SF Said
Varjak Paw, illustrated by Dave McKean
Don Sakers
The Curse of the Zwilling
Dance for the Ivory Madonna
The Leaves of October
A Voice in Every Wind: Two Tales of the Scattered Worlds
R.A. Salvatore
Spearwielder's Tale
Mark Salzman
The Laughing Sutra
Carl Sandburg
Sandburg Out Loud
C.J. Sansom
Dark Fire
Pamela Sargent, editor
Conqueror Fantastic
Al Sarrantonio
Hallows Eve
Hornets & Others
Redshift (editor)
John Saul
House of Reckoning
Midnight Voices
George Saunders
The Very Persistent Gappers of Frip
Andrea Savitch
Envy of the Gods #1: If the Reward were Right
Clyde Lynwood Sawyer Jr. & Frances Witlin
An Uncertain Currency
Robert J. Sawyer
Suza Scalora
The Fairies
John Scalzi
The Android's Dream
Ghost Brigades
The Last Colony
Old Man's War
The Sagan Diary
Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
Channeling Cleopatra
Cleopatra 7.2
Regis Schilken
The Island Off Stony Point
The Oculi Incident
Cathleen Schine
She is Me (audiobook)
James Schmerer
Twisted Shadows
Heidi Jon Schmidt
The Harbormaster's Daughter
Peter Carpenter Schneider
Shining City
Jon Scieszka
The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs
Ezra Scott
Angel Up My Sleeve
Jennifer Scott
The Sister Season
Michael Scott
The Last of the Fianna
Vampyres of Hollywood, with Adrienne Barbeau
David J. Schow
Gun Work
Havoc Swims Jaded
Rock Breaks Scissors Cut
Zombie Jam
Alice Sebold
The Lovely Bones
David Sedaris, editor
Children Playing Before a Statue of Hercules
Marcus Sedgwick
My Swordhand is Singing
Adam Selzer
I Kissed a Zombie, and I Liked It
Brian Selznick
The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Maurice Sendak
Outside Over There
John A. Senneff
The Apastron Reports: Quest for Life
Marcia Sewall
The Green Mist
Elif Shafak
The Architect's Apprentice
William Shakespeare & Courtney Carbone
OMG Shakespeare: Macbeth #killingit
William Shakespeare & Brett Wright
OMG Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night #nofilter
Terry Shames
Guilt Strikes at Granger's Store
Darren Shan
Zom-B #2: Zom-B Underground
Charles P. Shanks
A Mythical Man
Lorelei Shannon
Rags & Old Iron
Patrick Shannon
Letters from Wheatfield
Terence Shannon
What Happened to the Indians
Rich Shapero
Wild Animus
Rochelle Jewel Shapiro
Miriam the Medium
Charles Sheffield
Rick Shelley
Spec Ops Squad: Deep Strike
Spec Ops Squad: Sucker Punch
Lucius Shepard
Colonel Rutherford's Colt
A Handbook of American Prayer
Liar's House
Mike Shepherd
Kris Longknife: Mutineer
Delia Sherman
The Essential Bordertown, with Terri Windling (editors)
The Fall of the Kings, with Ellen Kushner
Interfictions: An Anthology of Interstitial Writing, with Theodora Goss (editors)
Josepha Sherman
The Horse of Flame
Ben Sherwood
The Death & Life of Charlie St. Cloud
Will Shetterly
The Gospel of the Knife
Shadow Unit: Season One
Sharon Shinn
Jenna Starborn
Samaria Trilogy, Book 1: Archangel
Anita Shreve
The Pilot's Wife
Sea Glass
Sea Glass (audiobook)
Lionel Shriver
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Kory M. Shrum
Dying for a Living
Neal Shusterman
James Siegel
Deceit (audiobook)
Derailed (audiobook)
Detour (audiobook)
Jan Siegel
Prospero's Children
The Dragon Charmer
Alan Silberberg
Meet the Latkes
Daniel Silva
The Rembrandt Affair
Steven H. Silver & Martin H. Greenberg, editors
Horrible Beginnings
Magical Beginnings
Wondrous Beginnings
Victoria Silver
Death of a Harvard Freshman
Robert Silverberg
Blood on the Mink
The Book of Skulls
The Collected Stories, Vol. 2: To the Dark Star, 1962-69
Downward to the Earth
Dan Simmons
A Winter Haunting
Clea Simon
A Pru Marlowe Pet Noir: Kittens Can Kill
A Pru Marlowe Pet Noir: Panthers Play for Keeps
Jacqueline Church Simonds
Captain Mary, Buccaneer
Louise Simonson
The Gauntlet
Kassandra Sims
Falling Upwards
Susan Sizemore
Laws of the Blood: Deceptions
Laws of the Blood: Heroes
Susan Slater
Rollover: A Dan Mahoney Mystery
Diana Reed Slattery
The Maze Game
Traci L. Slatton
Joan Slonczewski
The Children Star
Still Forms on Foxfield
Jeffrey Small
The Breath of God
Lisa Smedman
The Apparition Trail
A.D. Howden Smith
Porto Bello Gold
April Smith
A Star for Mrs. Blake
Barry H. Smith
Twilight Dynasty: Courting Evil
Dean Wesley Smith
All Eve's Hallows
Gary E. Smith
A Collection of Short Stories & Poems
Joan Smith
Julie Smith
Murder on Magazine
Scott Smith
The Ruins
Sherwood Smith
A Posse of Princesses
Wren to the Rescue
W. Gordon Smith, editor
Fallen Angels, paintings by Jack Vettriano
Jeri Smith-Ready
Wicked Game
B.P. Smythe
Sow & You Shall Reap
Lauraine Snelling
A Dream to Follow
Lemony Snicket
#1: The Bad Beginning
#2: The Reptile Room
#3: The Wide Window
#7: The Vile Village
The Beatrice Letters
Maria V. Snyder
Poison Study
Midori Snyder
The Flight of Michael McBride
Hannah's Garden
The Innamorati
Donald J. Sobol
Encyclopedia Brown: Boy Detective
Jenna Solitaire
Daughter of Destiny #3: Keeper of the Flames
Daughter of Destiny #4: Keeper of the Earth
Jose Carlos Somoza
Zig Zag
Justin Somper
Vampirates #1: Demons of the Ocean
Robert D. San Souci
Brave Margaret, illustrated by Sally Wern Comport
Kerrelyn Sparks
Love at Stake #1: How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire
Nicholas Sparks
At First Sight (audiobook)
Nights in Rodanthe (audiobook)
The Notebook (audiobook)
The Wedding (audiobook)
Elizabeth George Speare
The Witch of Blackbird Pond
Wen Spencer
Bitter Waters
Dog Warrior
Tainted Trail
William Browning Spencer
The Ocean & All Its Devices
Vila SpiderHawk
Hidden Passages: Tales to Honor the Crones
Mickey Spillane
From the Files of Mike Hammer
Mickey Spillane & Max Allan Collins
Complex 90
The Consummata
King of the Weeds
Lady, Go Die
Laura Spinella
Perfect Timing
Norman Spinrad
The Druid King
Nancy Springer
Enola Holmes: The Case of the Missing Marquess
Fair Peril
The Hex Witch of Seldom
I am Mordred
Rowan Hood: Outlaw Girl of Sherwood Forest
The Silver Sun
The White Hart
Patricia Sprinkle
When Will the Dead Lady Sing?
Susan Squires
Dana Stabenow, editor
Powers of Detection: Stories of Mystery & Fantasy
Eddie Stack
The West, with Martin Hayes & Dennis Cahill
Michael A. Stackpole
Battletech/MechWarrior: Ghost War
Suzanne Fisher Staples
Shiva's Fire
Boris Starling
Jason Starr
Fake I.D.
Daniel Stashower
The Harry Houdini Mysteries: The Dime Museum Murders
The Harry Houdini Mysteries: The Floating Lady Murder
John Steakley
Allen Steele
Ellen Steiber
The Raven Queen (Voyage of the Basset #2), with Terri Windling
A Rumor of Gems
Jeanne C. Stein
The Anna Strong Chronicles #1: The Becoming
The Anna Strong Chronicles #3: The Watcher
Andrew Steinmetz
Eva's Threepenny Theatre
Charlie Stella
Eddie's World
Johnny Porno
Rough Riders
Lily G. Stephen
The Tenth Muse
John Stephens
Books of Beginning: The Emerald Atlas
Reed Stephens, a.k.a. Stephen R. Donaldson
The Man Who Risked His Partner
The Man Who Tried to Get Away
Neal Stephenson
The Baroque Cycle #2: The Confusion
The Diamond Age or, A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer
The Diamond Age or, A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer (audiobook)
Snow Crash (audiobook)
Bruce Sterling
The Difference Engine, with William Gibson
Holy Fire
Visionary in Residence
The Zenith Angle
Sutton Stern
The Commissioner's Rifles
Sail & Steam #1: Robby Run
Shane Stevens
By Reason of Insanity
Taylor Stevens
The Mask
James Stevens-Arce
Robert Louis Stevenson
Treasure Island
Bart Stewart
Tales of Real & Dream Worlds
Mary Stewart
The Crystal Cave
The Wicked Day
Sean Stewart
The Night Watch
Resurrection Man
John Stiles
The Insolent Boy
David Stinebeck & Scannell Gill
A Civil General
Christopher Stires
Rebel Nation
S.M. Stirling
The Peshawar Lancers
Worlds That Weren't, with Harry Turtledove, et al
Kathryn Stockett
The Help
Warren Stockholm
Scorpion Magazine, No. 1: The Sting of the Scorpion
Julian Stockwin
Thomas Kydd #1: Kydd
Thomas Kydd #2: Artemis
Thomas Kydd #3: Seaflower
Thomas Kydd #4: Mutiny
Thomas Kydd #5: Quarterdeck
Thomas Kydd #6: Tenacious
Thomas Kydd #7: Command
Thomas Kydd #8: The Admiral's Daughter
Thomas Kydd #9: The Privateer's Revenge
Thomas Kydd #10: Invasion
Thomas Kydd #11: Victory
Thomas Kydd #12: Conquest
Thomas Kydd #13: Betrayal
Thomas Kydd #14: Caribbee
Thomas Kydd #15: Pasha
Thomas Kydd #16: Tyger
Thomas Kydd #17: Inferno
James Stoddard
The False House
The High House
Robert Stone
Bay of Souls
Jonathan Strahan, editor
Best Short Novels 2004
Peter Straub
Black House, with Stephen King
Pork Pie Hat
The Talisman, with Stephen King
Tom Straw
Heat Wave (writing as Richard Castle)
Whitley Strieber
From the Borderlands: Stories of Terror & Madness
Kay Marshall Strom
Once Blind: The Life of John Newton
Martin L. Strong
SEAL Strike! Book One: Death Before Dawn
Charles Stross
Iron Sunrise
Singularity Sky
Jonathan Stroud
Bartimaeus Trilogy #3: Ptolemy's Gate
V.A. Stuart
Phillip Hazard #1: The Valiant Sailors
Phillip Hazard #2: The Brave Captains
Phillip Hazard #3: Hazard's Command
Phillip Hazard #4: Hazard of Huntress
Phillip Hazard #5: Hazard in Circassia
David Sturm
Welcome to Breezewood
Marie Stuttard & Denese Moore
The Sacred Cat
Barbara Sullivan
Ripping Abigail
Unraveling Ada
Dee Sullivan
Deadly Behavior
Laura L. Sullivan
Ladies in Waiting
Tricia Sullivan
Dreaming in Smoke
Someone To Watch Over Me
Tamara Summers
Never Bite a Boy on the First Date
Ellen Sussman
On a Night Like This (audiobook)
S. Andrew Swann
Broken Crescent
Stan Swanson
The Misadventures of Hobart Hucklebuck
Michael Swanwick
Bones of the Earth
Duane Swierczynski
The Blonde
Severance Package
The Wheelman
Mitzi Szereto
Darker Edge of Desire
Erotic Fairy Tales: A Romp Through the Classics
Pride & Prejudice: Hidden Lusts
Red Velvet & Absinthe
