Katie Macalister
Aisling Grey, Guardian #1: You Slay Me
Aisling Grey, Guardian #2: Fire Me Up
Men in Kilts
Rory Macaraeg
The Fifth Dimension
R.A. MacAvoy
Tea with the Black Dragon
Bruce Macbain
The Bull Slayer
Garasamo Maccagnone
St. John of the Midfield
Carolyn MacCullough
Once a Witch
Frank MacDonald
A Forest for Calum
George MacDonald
Margaret Read MacDonald
Fat Cat: a Danish Folktale
Fat Cat & Friends, with Richard Scholtz
Ross Macdonald
Sleeping Beauty
David Macfarlane
Summer Gone
John Macfarlane
D.J. MacHale
Pendragon #5: Black Water
Amanda Maciel
Karen Macinerney
Tales of an Urban Werewolf #1: Howling at the Moon
Scott Mackay
Kathryn Mackel
The Departed
Alistair MacLeod
The Lost Salt Gift of Blood
Ian R. MacLeod
The Light Ages
James Macomber
A Grave Breach
Robert N. Macomber
Honor #1: At the Edge of Honor
Honor #2: Point of Honor
Honor #3: Honorable Mention
Honor #4: A Dishonorable Few
Honor #5: An Affair of Honor
Honor #6: A Different Kind of Honor
Honor #7: The Honored Dead
Catherine Macphail
Dark Waters
Liam MacUistin
The Hunt for Diarmaid & Grainne
Steven E. Maffeo
The Perfect Wreck
Gregory Maguire
Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister
Wicked Years #1: Wicked: The Life & Times of the Wicked Witch of the West
Wicked Years #2: Son of a Witch
Naguib Mahfouz
The Dreams
Julian Mahikan
Kevin Major
No Man's Land
Cutter Mallet
Chasing India
Mack Maloney
Starhawk: Battle at Zero Point
Starhawk: The Fourth Empire
David Malouf
Steven Manchester
At Best, Twelve Months
John Marco
The Devil's Armor
Tom Maremaa
Metal Heads
Juliet Marillier
Sevenwaters #1: Daughter of the Forest
Sevenwaters #2: Son of the Shadows
Sevenwaters #3: Child of the Prophecy
Louise Marley
The Child Goddess
The Glass Harmonica
The Maquisarde
Simone Maroney
Moon Child
Gabriel García Márquez
Living to Tell the Tale
Love in the Time of Cholera
Melissa Marr
Wicked Lovely
Frederick Marryat
Mr. Midshipman Easy
Yann Martel
Life of Pi
George R.R. Martin
Wild Card #18: Inside Straight
Shadow Twin, with Gardner Dozois & Daniel Abraham
Song of Ice & Fire #1: A Game of Thrones
Song of Ice & Fire #2: A Clash of Kings
Song of Ice & Fire #3: A Storm of Swords
Song of Ice & Fire #4: A Feast for Crows
J. Wallis Martin
The Bird Yard
Rafe Martin
Valerie Martin
The Ghost of the Mary Celeste
William Martin
Harvard Yard
Lee Martindale, editor
Such a Pretty Face
A. Lee Martinez
Gil's All Fright Diner
Marzollo & Wick
I Spy: A Book of Picture Riddles
Mike Mason
The Blue Umbrella
Misty Massey
Mad Kestrel
Sophie Masson
The Firebird
The Green Prince
Elan Mastai
All Our Wrong Todays
Alexis Masters
The Giuliana Legacy
Diane Matchek
The Sacrifice
David Matheson
Red Thunder
Jeanne Matthews
Where the Bones are Buried
L.S. Matthews
The Outcasts
Susan R. Matthews
The Devil & Deep Space
An Exchange of Hostages
Robin Maxwell
The Secret Diary of Anne Boleyn
Julian May
The Boreal Moon Tale #2: Ironcrown Moon
Maxine McArthur
Less Than Human
Paul McAuley
The Secret of Life
James McBride
The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store
Anne McCaffrey
Black Horses for the King
Dragonriders of Pern #1: Dragonflight
Dragonriders of Pern #2: Dragonquest
Dragonriders of Pern #3: The White Dragon
Dragon's Fire, with Todd McCaffrey
Freedom's Ransom
A Gift of Dragons
The Masterharper of Pern
Christian McCallister
Coming Full Circle: Munising to Munising
Robert McCammon
I Travel By Night
Cormac McCarthy
Child of God
The Road
Erin McCarthy
Vegas Vampires #1: High Stakes
Vegas Vampires #2: Bit the Jackpot
Vegas Vampires #3: Bled Dry
Vegas Vampires #4: Sucker Bet
Kevin McCarthy, with David Silva
Into the Darkness
Wil McCarthy
Once Upon a Galaxy, with Martin H. Greenberg & John Helfers (editors)
Geraldine McCaughrean
The Stones are Hatching
Laura McClendon
Too Many Secrets
Mardi McConnochie
Susan McCormick
The Fog Ladies
Frank McCourt, et al
Yeats is Dead!
Michael McCrann
Midnight Tableau
Sharyn McCrumb
She Walks These Hills
The Songcatcher
Kelly McCullough
Ravirn #1: WebMage
Ravirn #2: Cybermancy
Ravirn #4: MythOS
Val McDermid
Beneath the Bleeding
Jack McDevitt
The Engines of God
Infinity Beach
Carole McDonnell
Wind Follower
J.D. McDonnell
The Celtic Shelf
Ian McDowell
Merlin's Gift
Mordred's Curse
Ian McEwan
The Daydreamer
Steve McGill
The Cave
Joanne L. McGonagle
The Tiniest Tiger
Patrick McGrath
Blood & Water & Other Tales
Don McGraw
Sins of a Nation
Jeremy McGuire
O'Shaughnessey: A Boy & His Leprechaun
Kevin Burton McGuire
Fire Gazer: Arson at the Wolfe House
Maureen F. McHugh
Mothers & Other Monsters
Fiona McIntosh
Percheron #2: Emissary
Katherine McIntyre
An Airship Named Desire
Vonda McIntyre, editor
Nebula Awards Showcase 2004: The Year's Best SF & Fantasy
S.D. McKee
Darkness Among the Stars #1: Defeated
Ellen Kindt McKenzie
The Golden Band of Eddris
Nancy McKenzie
The Child Queen
The High Queen
Dennis McKiernan
Once Upon a Winter's Night
Patricia A. McKillip
Alphabet of Thorn
The Bards of Bone Plain
The Book of Atrix Wolfe
Harpist in the Wind
The Heir of Sea & Fire
In the Forests of Serre
Od Magic
Ombria in Shadow
The Riddle-Master of Hed
Solstice Wood
Something Rich & Strange, illustrated by Brian Froud
The Tower at Stony Wood
Winter Rose
Robin McKinley
The Outlaws of Sherwood
Rose Daughter
Spindle's End
Water: Tales of Elemental Spirits, with Peter Dickinson
Kaya McLaren
Church of the Dog
James A. McLaughlin
Sean McMullen
The Miocene Arrow
Souls in the Great Machine
Janet McNaughton
An Earthly Knight
Richelle Mead
Georgina Kincaid #1: Succubus Blues
Georgina Kincaid #2: Succubus On Top
Georgina Kincaid #3: Succubus Dreams
Georgina Kincaid #4: Succubus Heat
Vampire Academy
Phil Meade
PsiScouts 1: At Risk
John Meaney
Carlton Mellick III
The Menstruating Mall
Punk Land
Sea of the Patchwork Cats
Sex & Death in Television Town
O.R. Melling
The Druid's Tune
The Hunter's Moon
The Light-Bearer's Daughter
The Summer King
Richard Melo
Jokerman 8
Colin Meloy
The Wildwood Chronicles, Book I: Wildwood
Henry Melton
Emperor Dad
Golden Girl
Roswell or Bust!
Brad Meltzer
The Millionaires (audiobook)
The Zero Game (audiobook)
R.M. Meluch
Tour of the Merrimack, #1: The Myriad
Sienna Mercer
My Sister the Vampire #1: Switched
My Sister the Vampire #4: Vampalicious!
Peter Meredith
The Punished
C.J. Merle
Of Honor & Treason
Elizabeth Merrick, editor
This is Not Chick Lit: Original Stories by America's Best Women Writers
Deon Meyer
Benny Griessel #7: The Dark Flood
Kai Meyer
Dark Reflections #1: The Water Mirror
Dark Reflections #2: The Stone Light
The Wave Walkers #2: Pirate Emperor
L.A. Meyer
Jacky Faber #1: Bloody Jack
Jacky Faber #2: Curse of the Blue Tattoo
Jacky Faber #3: Under the Jolly Roger
Jacky Faber #4: In the Belly of the Bloodhound
Jacky Faber #5: Mississippi Jack
Jacky Faber #6: My Bonny Light Horseman
Jacky Faber #7: Rapture of the Deep
Jacky Faber #8: The Wake of the Lorelei Lee
Jacky Faber #9: The Mark of the Golden Dragon
Jacky Faber #10: Viva Jacquelina!
Jacky Faber #11: Boston Jacky
Jacky Faber #12: Wild Rover No More
Nicholas Meyer
The Return of the Pharaoh
Stephenie Meyer
Twilight #1: Twilight
Twilight #2: New Moon
Twilight #4: Breaking Dawn
Twm Miall
Cyw Haul
David Michael
The Summoning Fire
Melisa Michaels
Sister to the Rain
G.S. Michelsen
The Veil of Light
Sarah Micklem
Paul Martin Midden
China Mieville
Perdido Street Station
The Scar
D. Mikels
The Reckoning
Rosemary & Larry Mild
Death Goes Postal: A Dan & Rivka Sherman Mystery
Death Takes a Mistress: A Dan & Rivka Sherman Mystery
On the Rails: The Adventures of Boxcar Bertie
J.L. Miles
Divorcing Dwayne
Kate Milford
The Boneshaker
Martin Millar
The Good Fairies of New York
Deanna Miller
Sky Bounce
Jonna L. Miller
Haunting for Time
Keith Miller
The Book of Flying
The Book on Fire
Mary Beth Miller
On the Head of a Pin
Ron Miller
Bradamant: The Iron Tempest
Bradamant: The Iron Tempest (audiobook)
Wade Miller
Devil on Two Sticks
The Killer
Steven Millhauser
Enchanted Night
Dana Kamal Mills
Beirut in Shades of Grey
Magnus Mills
The Restraint of Beasts
Stuart W. Mirsky
The King of Vinland's Saga
Mark Misercola
Death to the Centurion
Bob Mitchell
Match Made in Heaven
Stephen Mitchell
The Frog Prince: A Fairy Tale for Consenting Adults
Syne Mitchell
The Changeling Plague
Naomi Mitchison
Travel Light
Margaret Mizushima
Timber Creek K-9 Mystery #5: Tracking Game
Timber Creek K-9 Mystery #6: Hanging Falls
Timber Creek K-9 Mystery #7: Striking Range
Timber Creek K-9 Mystery #8: Standing Dead
Timber Creek K-9 Mystery #9: Gathering Mist
Michael Molloy
Peter Raven Under Fire
Brent Monahan
The Jekyl Island Club: A Novel
Sarah Monette
The Virtu
Alexandra Monir
Elizabeth E. & Thomas F. Monteleone, editors
From the Borderlands: Stories of Terror & Madness
Craig Moodie
A Sailor's Valentine
Salt Luck
Elizabeth Moon
Engaging the Enemy
Perry Moor
Michael Moorcock
The Dreamthief's Daughter: A Tale of the Albino
The Lives & Times of Jerry Cornelius: Stories of the Comic Apocalypse
Alan Moore
Voice of the Fire
Christine Palamidessi Moore
The Fiddle Case
Christopher Moore
Bloodsucking Fiends: A Love Story
Coyote Blue
A Dirty Job
Island of the Sequined Love Nun
Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove
Practical Demonkeeping
The Stupidest Angel
You Suck
James A. Moore
Under the Over Tree
Liz Moore
The Words of Every Song
MJ Moores
Shadow Phoenix: Vol. I, Episode 1-4
Mark Moorstein
Red Reflections
Thomas Moran
Water, Carry Me: A Love Story
Lance & James Morcan
The Ninth Orphan
Lyda Morehouse
Apocalypse Array
Fallen Host
Messiah Node
J.P. Morgan
The Copper Indian
Chris Moriarty
Spin State
Spin Control
David Morrell
Long Lost (audiobook)
The Protector
John Morressy
The Juggler
Beth Morrey
Clover Hendry's Day Off
Tom Morrisey
In High Places
James Morrow
Bible Stories For Adults
Only Begotten Daughter
Terry Mort
Riley Fitzhugh #4: Hunters in the Stream
Riley Fitzhugh #5: A Spy in Casablanca
Riley Fitzhugh #6: Convoy to Morocco
Lisa Morton
Mike Moscoe
Battletech/MechWarrior: Patriot's Stand
Billie Sue Mosiman
Craven Moon
Malachi's Moon
Red Moon Rising
Walter Mosley
Fear Itself (audiobook)
Little Scarlet (audiobook)
The Man in My Basement
The Man in My Basement (audiobook)
Kate Mosse
Natasha Mostert
Andrew Motion
Silver: Return to Treasure Island
A.S. Mott
Gothic Ghost Stories: Tales of Intrigue & Fantasy from Beyond the Grave
Haunting Fireside Stories
Abdelrahman Munif
Cities of Salt
Haruki Murakami
After Dark
Catherine Gilbert Murdock
Wisdom's Kiss
Maria Murnane
Perfect on Paper: The (Mis) Adventures of Waverly Bryson
C.E. Murphy
Baba Yaga's Daughter & Other Tales of the Old Races
Walker Papers #1: Urban Shaman
The Walker Papers #3: Coyote Dreams
Walker Papers #6: Spirit Dances
Pat Murphy
Adventures in Time & Space With Max Merriwell
There & Back Again: by Max Merriwell
Wild Angel
Yxta Maya Murray
Red Lion #2: The King's Gold
Vasudev Murthy
Sherlock Holmes, The Missing Years: Japan
Sherlock Holmes, The Missing Years: Timbuktu
Justine Musk
Beverle Graves Myers
Whispers of Vivaldi: A Tito Amato Mystery
Bill Myers
Soul Tracker
Mitch Myers
The Boy Who Cried Freebird: Rock & Roll Fables & Sonic Storytelling
